time and this was not the case either for GA
The convergence of both GA and the GA
gorithms are similar. Indeed, the average convergence
generation is equal to 1837 and 1845 generations for
GA and GA
, respectively. The GA
convergence generation is equal to 1358 and com-
pared to the GA
, the integration of the precedence
constraints speeds up the convergence of the solution
with reaching better results.
Exact methods are well known to be time ex-
pensive. The same applies to the hybridization of
them with metaheuristics. Indeed, execution times in-
creases significantly with such hybridization policies
due to some technicality during the exchange of infor-
mation between the two methods (Talbi, 2009; Talbi,
2002; Puchinger and Raidl, 2005; Jourdan et al.,
2009) and this is what has been observed here. How-
ever, in this paper, the solution quality is our main
concern. So, we concentrated our efforts on it.
In this paper, we introduce a hybrid crossover into a
Genetic Algorithm to solve the sequence-dependent
setup times single machine problem with the objec-
tive of minimizing the total tardiness. The proposed
hybrid crossover extracts precedence constraints from
the population. These constraints improve the CBS
search and consequently the schedules quality.
Compared to a simple GA, the use of the HCX
crossover improves all the results but for some in-
stances the difference is still noticeable. Also, the
results of this crossover outdoes those of a hybrid
crossover taken from literature. Indeed, using the di-
rect and indirect precedence constraints from the pop-
ulation improves the results and speeds up the conver-
gence of the solution
Our results encourage us to use such hybridization
for other scheduling problems in particular and other
optimization problems in general. It is in this direc-
tion that our work is directed in the future. Also, to
making a self-adaptive method, we will work on re-
fining the individual selection process for the hybdrid
HCX crossover and its two parameters : nbr
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