sual perception is subjective and difficult to quantify.
Relevance feedback is another important step to be
considered. Different similarity functions associated
to relevance feedback may enhance the effectiveness
of image retrieval, as the user’s preferences are more
rapidly met. The method’s ability to retrieve images
of the same group may qualify image retrieval as a po-
tential knowledge discovery tool. It implements new
levels of supporting environments and opens new per-
spectives to exploratory research in image databases.
This work was supported by FAPEMIG (PPM
00416/11), CNPq (481989/2010-2, 301907/2010-2)
and INCT-MM (FAPEMIG: CBB-APQ-00075-09 /
CNPq 573646/2008-2. The author is grateful to the
University of Pennsylvania for sharing the callosum
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