Figure 6: The feedforward and feedback control of the
most representative joints in the system.
The core of this paper was the implementation of
fuzzy controller along with estimation of kinematic
coefficients to formulate the feedback for a robotic
arm with antagonistically coupled compliant drives.
Since the suggested control algorithm relies on
the experience and fuzzy logic, it is expected to be
applicable to a wider class of robots. The only
modification would be different training data –
experience base should be customized for the
specific robot skills. Since the experience acquiring
stage in feedforward phase is time consuming,
further research can explore solution to speed up this
process. As our control depends on base resolution,
the future work would consider developing of more
sophisticated method to increase precision of the
control algorithm (e.g. to make more complex fuzzy
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community's Seventh
Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 - Challenge
2- Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics - under
grant agreement no. 231864 - ECCEROBOT; and
partly by the Serbian Ministry of Science and
Technological Development under contracts 35003
and 44008.
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0 2 4
right shoulder X joint
0 2 4
right shoulder Y joint
0 2 4
right elbow Y joint
Control inputs [V]
0 2 4
right elbow Z joint
0 2 4
right wrist Y joint
0 2 4
right wrist X joint
Time [s]
Agonist control signal
Antagonist control signal