Search Result Summaries Improved by Structure and Multimedia
Brent Wenerstrom and Mehmed Kantardzic
Department of Comp. Eng. and Comp. Sci., University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Structured, Automatic, Summaries.
We previously introduced ReClose which provides summaries with both better content and better visual dis-
play for search engine results. We now seek to further improve summaries with the addition of structured
text and multimedia, more specifically tables, lists, buttons and images. Currently search engine provided
summaries rarely use structured text and images. We show in this paper that structured text and images lead
to faster comprehension by search engine users and lead to visually more appealing summaries. 70% of non-
expert users made decisions more quickly using summaries preserving document structure and 65% of all
users preferred summaries preserving structure to plain text summaries.
The inspiration for this study comes from the jumbled
mess of text that is shown to a user when summary
text is extracted from a table. For example consider
Figure 1(a) in which the summary text shows a ta-
ble of football players invited to the NFL combine.
A search engine user may correctly guess that the
text comes from a table, or one may guess it is only
comma separated values shown in the original docu-
ment. Compare now the impression given by viewing
the same text as a table as the original author of this
text meant it to be viewed as in Figure 1(b). In the
summary preserving structure there is no mistaking
the authors intent of the summary text.
We previously proposed our system ReClose
(Wenerstrom and Kantardzic, 2011b) for summary
generation. ReClose improved summary generation
through a two part summary including query-biased
and query-independent portions. This was further en-
hanced by adding color depth to keywords (Wener-
strom and Kantardzic, 2011a). Together these en-
hancements to summarization led users to be 20%
more accurate when selecting relevant documents
using ReClose summaries compared to using using
Google summaries. We propose to extend ReClose
by incorporating document structure into summaries.
In addition to tables we also explore the usage of
lists, images, buttons, text fields and hyperlinks. In
the first example (Table 1) the purpose of the sentence
“iPhone iPad Android” to be three radio buttons so
that one may search based on different devices.
From Figures 1(a) and 1(b) we see that structured
Official Invite — NFL Combine
jr: player: goes by: school: camp # pos: acho,
emmanuel: texas: lb01: ob: adams, adam: joe:
arkansas: wo01: wo: adams, michael: mike: ohio st:
ol01: ot: alecxih ...
(a) Traditional search engine result observed in Bing.
Official Invite — NFL Combine
—Player —Goes by—School Camp #—Pos—
(b) Summary preserving document structure example.
Figure 1: Search engine summary with (b) and without (a)
text and multimedia adds insight not presentin current
search result summaries. We propose the addition of
structured text and multimedia to current search re-
sults which will have the following benefits for users:
Additional semantics added to search results.
Users will have a better understanding of the sum-
marized web pages.
Users will be better satisfied with search results.
This work offers two contributions. First it pro-
vides an alternative basic unit to automatic summa-
rization in search. Rather than all forms of summa-
rization being based only on text, this work expands
that view to include HTML entities such as tables and
lists that contain text. Second, this work provides ex-
Wenerstrom B. and Kantardzic M..
Search Result Summaries Improved by Structure and Multimedia.
DOI: 10.5220/0004117901810186
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 181-186
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Comparison of summaries from a traditional search engine versuse summaries with structure.
and Text
Chomp. Download Chomp iPhone Android.
iPhone iPad Android
Chomp Download Chomp iPhone Android
iPad Android
Images and
tenerife property sw1. exclusive land for sale;
exclusive land for sale; exclusive land for sale;
exclusive land for sale; exclusive land for sale;
exclusive land for ...
Tenerife Property SW1
exclusive land for sale
exclusive land for sale
exclusive land for . ..
perimental validation that automatic summarization
systems which output summaries with structured text
and multimedia in addition to unstructured text out-
perform unstructured text alone.
Tranditional search engine summaries coming from
the likes of Google, Yahoo and Bing generally are
made up of plain text. This text often is focused on the
usage of the searched keywords within a document.
In this paper we will mainly focus on HTML
documents, though the ideas extend to all types of
web documents. An HTML document is made up of
HTML tags and text content. These HTML tags pro-
vide text formatting, text structure, hyperlinks, meta
data about the document and more. Traditional search
engine summaries when extracted from web page
content only use the plain text content of the docu-
Traditional search engines currently extract text
from image descriptions encoded in the HTML tag of
images. When testing the usefulness of multimedia
and structure we replace text extracted from images,
with the original image.
HTML tables may be used to align text or to dis-
play tabular data. The classification of HTML ta-
bles into these two categories is not herein described.
We retain table structure in our experiments for tables
found to display tabular data. When table data is ex-
tracted without structure meanings can be lost and the
true value of the content may become fuzzy as was
observed in Figure 1.
Text taken from a list without the list structure
may in fact change the meaning of the content. For
example on a web page describing CMMS software
two bullet points were observed as “work order man-
agement” and preventative maintenance”. When the
structure of the list was lost through a search engine’s
extraction of content for summary, it was no longer
clear that there were two separate entities. On first ob-
servation it was difficult to understand what “work or-
der management preventative maintenance” was. Pre-
serving lists in summaries retains the original mean-
ing of web page authors.
When text appears on buttons or hyperlinks it has
different meaning compared to plain text. For ex-
ample a button that reads “Sign Up shows that the
action is immediately available, while in plain text
where and how to sign up are not apparent. Hyper-
links show that there is more information available on
a linked document. Some web pages provide value by
linking to high quality content. When a web page is
summarized and text is not shown as a hyperlink the
value of these linking documents is lost on the search
engine user. We preserve buttons and hyperlinks in
2.1 HTML Parsing
For the purpose of experimentation we take previ-
ously selected text from a web page and injects struc-
ture and multimedia elements found in the original
HTML web page. We do this by parsing the origi-
nal HTML web page into a convenient data structure
which contains a string representation of the available
text content. The chosen summary text is matched
against the string, then our data structure injects the
HTML that was found between and surrounding the
sequence of characters found to match.
Parsing an HTML web page involves using regu-
lar expressions as found in Java to loop through each
HTML tag and process the text content followed by
the HTML tag. Each HTML tag is processed to re-
move unnecessary formatting. The text content is also
preprocessed. The string representation of the text
content removes all non-letter, non-number charac-
ters and changes all letters to a uniform lower case.
Search engines may use a different letter case than
the original web page, add or remove space charac-
ters and change punctuation. One reason punctuation
is changed by the search engines is to simulate table
or list boundaries found in the HTML.
When a substring of text content matches the cho-
sen summary text, then a new summary is produced
by going character by character and adding to a buffer
the characters referenced by that character informa-
tion object. If the character is the first character,
then preceding non-letter, non-number characters are
added first, like a starting quotation mark. Then each
middle character adds what characters and tags may
lie between each of them, such as space characters
and HTML tags that we intend to reproduce. When
the last character is reached, than ending context is
also added like the ending punctuation. This may be
repeated if multiple text spans are found, in which
case ellipses (...) are added between text spans.
This whole process produces near identical text to
the text submitted with the addition of HTML tags
that provide text structure and multimedia.
The research community has proposed numerous ap-
proaches to displaying search results. Some of these
approaches have been more radical such as docu-
ments appearing in a 2-dimensional particle space
(Kelkar et al., 2009) or using word clouds to represent
results (D¨ork et al., 2009). While other approaches
have aimed to make small changes to the summaries
such as adding images and/or lists to summaries (Joho
and Jose, 2008).
Several studies have focused on the inclusion
of images in search results. (Xue et al., 2008)
found users had higher precision and recall scores
when labeling search results using summaries that
include both summary text and images. (Li et al.,
2008) showed users to be 30% faster at informa-
tional searches when search results included images.
(Dziadosz and Chandrasekar,2002) found users using
thumbnails took longer to make relevance decisions
but were more accurate.
Other approaches have been proposed at provid-
ing context beyond thumbnails and images. (Wen-
erstrom and Kantardzic, 2011b) proposed a two part
text summary, named ReClose, which includes both
the traditional query-biased summary and also a web
page summary, providing additional context. This Re-
Close system was then enhanced with color-coding
(Wenerstrom and Kantardzic, 2011a). The extent
of keyword usage and warnings about topic depar-
ture were encoded with words highlighted in different
shades. The result was the color-enhanced ReClose
summaries leading to users that were 20% more ac-
curate than when using Google summaries.
White et al. (White et al., 2001) add the number of
links, name of first non-text object and the size of the
document to search results. D¨ork et al. (D¨ork et al.,
2009) proposed visual widgets for representing search
results. These widgets included maps, timelines and
word clouds.
We tested the effectivenessof structured text and mul-
timedia on a number of search engine users. The eval-
uation process was made up of two major steps. The
first step involved users reviewing 30 search results
one at a time. Each search result displayed a unique
search query, search question and search engine sum-
mary. The user had three options to use when an-
swering if they “should” click on a result: yes, no or
unsure. Responses and timing information was saved
per summary. The second step asked which system a
user preferred with the only options being the sum-
maries preserving document structure or traditional
The search queries used were taken from two main
sources. First 150 queries were obtained from the
website SearchHippo
on Feb. 14 and 22. Second
we obtained the top 20 trending queries on Google
Hot Trends
on Feb. 22, 23, 24 and 28. From these
queries, duplicates and most non-English queries
were removed. Our final count was 185 queries.
All 185 queries were submitted to a traditional
search engine through Bing’s Search API
. We ob-
served the URLs and summaries for the top 40 search
results for each of the 185 queries and downloaded the
linked web pages. We were able to download 7,214
web pages. Of these results only 440 summaries cur-
rently contained one of the target HTML formating
tags. From these 440 we removed those where the
formatting would not be noticeable, i.e. small images,
blank images, tables used for text placement or small
tables. We then randomly chose 30 summaries from
each of four groups: forms, tables, lists and images.
There were only 10 usable form summaries. Some
of the summaries used HTML from multiple groups.
The final pool of potential summaries included 94
Each user within our evaluation was shown 30
summaries randomly selected from our pool of 94.
15 of these summaries were only made up of text and
came directly from Bing. 15 of the summaries were
shown to the users with structured text and/or mul-
timedia present from the original web page. The 30
search results were randomly ordered on a single page
mixing the ordering of Bing summaries with struc-
tured summaries.
We used two pools of people expecting poten-
tially different responses from each group. Our first
group was made up of those who effectively think
in the abstract. The first pool is made up of 22 stu-
dents from the CECS department at the University of
Louisville. CECS students can be effective at view-
ing source code and placing that source code in men-
tal models of a system. This form of abstract thinking
we do not expect to be common in the general pop-
ulation. The second group, who represent the more
general population, we obtained by sending out ap-
proximately 70 invites through Facebook to acquain-
tances and friends of friends. Our invites resulted in
34 participants for our user evaluation.
The user evaluation was posted online. Users
completed the evaluation using their own computers
outside of a lab setting to better recreate more natural
search engine usage among our subjects.
We evaluated the effectiveness of structured text and
multimedia within search summaries in three dimen-
sions: user time, user accuracy and user preferences.
The values in each of these dimensions have provided
evidence for the usage of structured text and multime-
5.1 User Decision Time
The more quickly a user can find desired answers or
resources the more successful the search engine has
been and the more satisfied search engine users will
be. The more quickly the decision can be made with-
out losing accuracy, the better quality the results are.
From the user evaluation conducted, we have obtained
1650 click decision. Each click decision provides in-
formation on whether a user would click or not and
how long it took to decide.
From the results we see a broad range of timings
for each click decision from 1.3 seconds to 2.8 hours
and a median time of 13.3 seconds. The 2.8 hour click
decision time is without a doubt an outlier and was
removed from our time analysis data. We also re-
moved from our time analysis the other 15 timings
with values higher than 78 seconds, which were rare
0 20 40 60 80
Time (s)
0 20 40 60 80
Time (s)
0 20 40 60 80
Time (s)
0 20 40 60 80
Time (s)
Figure 2: Box plots of the participants with the five lowest
median timings and the five highest median timings.
(16/1650), seem to be extreme values for the deci-
sions made and are more than 3 standard deviations
from the mean.
We see large variations in the timings of each in-
dividual. Consider Figure 2 where we show box plots
of the users with the five smallest medians and the five
largest median timings. Here we see that there are in-
dividuals where the majority of their timings fall be-
low 20 seconds. While there are others that carefully
consider their optionsand have a majority of their tim-
ings over 20 seconds. This shows that it is impor-
tant to consider the variation in time due to individual
speed. This is countered by having all users recorded
making decisions for both types of summaries.
When we separate out the two groups of expe-
rienced (computer science group) and inexperienced
(Facebook group) abstract thinkers, we see very dif-
ferent timings. In both groups we compared the tim-
ings when using structured summaries to text only
summaries. We did this by comparing averages. To
avoid the long right tail heavily impacting averages,
we first took the logarithm.
First we compare decision times in the computer
science group. This is shown in Figure 3(a). The
square in this chart represents the average decision
time when users are using plain text summaries. A
line is drawn from each square to the average deci-
sion time for structured summaries. If the line goes
up, then plain text summaries were faster for that user.
In the computer science group 9 users were faster us-
ing structured summaries, while 13 were faster using
plain text summaries. From Figure 3(a) we can see
that for most users there was not a big difference be-
tween the two. However, there is a noticeable differ-
ence for the slowest two and the fastest 7. The fastest
group or the 7 with the lowest average decision time,
every one of them was faster with plain text sum-
maries. For the powerusers who make blink decisions
using abstract thinking, they were much faster using
plain text summaries. Except for a couple extreme
cases little other observed differences were present.
5 10 15 20
10 20 30 40
Sorted User IDs
Avg. Decision Time (s)
(a) Computer science students.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
10 20 30 40
Sorted User IDs
Avg. Decision Time (s)
(b) Facebook group.
Figure 3: The average decision time of users using plain-text summaries are drawn as boxes. A line is drawn from each box
to the average decision time for summaries using structured text.
A paired t-test was performed to check for a statisti-
cal difference, and with a p-value of 0.11, none was
We see a very different effect among the Face-
book pool, see Figure 3(b). A large majority of
the Facebook pool were faster using structured sum-
maries or 23 of 33. Many of the differences were
very small, but there are more noticeable lines point-
ing down in Figure 3(b). First we compared the dif-
ference in values using a paired t-test and there was
not a significant difference at the alpha=0.05 range
with a p-value of 0.096. There is a significant differ-
ence (p-value=0.041) using a Wilcoxon signed rank
test pairing the averages of users. Visually, it ap-
pears that slower users were most positively impacted
using structured summaries among the inexperienced
abstract thinkers of the Facebook pool.
5.2 User Accuracy
When a user clicks a link that leads to an irrelevant
web page, that user has wasted time and this wasted
time may negatively reflect on a search engine’s re-
sults. When judging the impact of structured sum-
maries on decision making we needed to judge the
accuracy of the click selections. We had a judge go
through and create first the context of each query such
as for the query katherine jenkins the query question
was “Who is Katherine Jenkins (singer)?” Decisions
were made based mainly on how well the web page
answered the question posed in the search question.
In the pool of summaries, nearly 50% are relevant and
50% are not relevant, meaning that guessing all rele-
vant would result in a low accuracy.
Accuracy was little affected by the introduction
of structure and multimedia in the summary. Accu-
racies by summary type and by group are shown in
Table 2. In this table we see that the more common
search engine user, those inexperienced in abstract
thinking were more accurate using structured sum-
maries, while the abstract thinkers were less accurate.
The inexperiencedabstract thinkers were significantly
more accurate than was the experienced group using
Fisher’s exact test with a p-value of 0.038. Perhaps
the experienced abstract thinkers were overly confi-
dent in their mental models, and took time to ignore
the introduced structure, leading to lower accuracies.
Table 2: Comparison of accuracies between summary types
and evaluation groups.
Pool Structured Plain Text
Experienced 65.3% 70.0%
Inexperienced 72.8% 71.7%
5.3 User Preferences
Overall 67% (37/55) prefer the summaries preserv-
ing document structure to plain text summaries. The
per group preferences are shown in Table 3. Ta-
ble 3 shows that 17 out of 22 (77.3%) experienced
abstract thinkers preferred the structured summaries.
At the same time 20 of 33 (60.6%) of the inexperi-
enced abstract thinkers preferred the structured sum-
maries. This is a much higher, but not significant,
percentage of experienced abstract users preferring
structured summaries. Perhaps, experienced abstract
thinkers see the value in adding structure, though their
habits do not yet reflect it. Part of the inexperienced
pool does not like change and would prefer the sum-
maries to remain familiar, though they comprehend
them more quickly.
We received 38 comments, though it was optional,
providing a lot of feedback about users’ thoughts and
reactions. Tables and images received the most atten-
tion from users. Some users really liked table format-
ted data such as in the comment, “Tabulated data is
ALWAYS easier to read in table format... One rea-
son for liking or disliking tables is the speed at which
Table 3: Preferences of experienced and inexperienced eval-
uation groups. Bolded values are significantly better than
50% using a binomial test and alpha of 0.05.
Pool Structured Plain Text
Experienced 77.3% 22.7%
Inexperienced 60.6% 39.4%
tables are comprehended. One participant wrote, “Be-
cause the information is organized in a table or has il-
lustrations, you can determine more quickly how rele-
vant the info is. However, one participant felt that ta-
bles added additional mental work as was mentioned
before, “tables require me to decipher another layout.
It’s slower than just reading the information without
extra images, lists, etc.
Images received a similar reception. Some users
really liked the images, Also, the embedded images
were useful in determining the content of the web
page. Another user felt that images were a big dis-
traction, “...however I noticed that the instant I saw
an image my eye jumped immediately to the url with
the image, bypassing the one I was viewing. I needed
words to be sure it was what I was looking for.
Overall users preferred summaries when possible
to include structure and multimedia. As one user put
it, the summaries preserving document structure were
“More intuitive and easier to read and understand.
There will always be those that are familiar with the
current approach and would prefer no change take
place, but these users queried in our evaluation over-
all would benefit from the addition of structured text
and multimedia to search engine summaries.
In this study we introduced an extension to our cur-
rent search engine summary generation system, Re-
Close (Wenerstrom and Kantardzic, 2011b). This ex-
tension introduces the use of structured text and mul-
timedia in the form of HTML tables, lists, text fields,
buttons, hyperlinks and images. We compared these
additions experimentally to traditional summaries ob-
tained from Bing.
The results of our users evaluation suggest that
users will comprehend search results more quickly,
lose no accuracy and prefer the structured summaries
to plain text. From our users evaluation a signifi-
cant number (23 of 33 or 69.7%) of inexperienced
abstract thinkers were faster using structured sum-
maries. While the experienced pool was faster (13/22
or 59.1%) using traditional summaries. No signif-
icant difference existed between the accuracies of
user choices between traditional summaries and struc-
tured, multimedia summaries. Overall a significant
number (37 of 55 or 67.3%) of users preferred struc-
tured, multimedia summaries to the traditional, plain-
text summaries. We now plan to explore the use of
HTML entities as the basic unit of summary genera-
tion rather than text entities like sentences.
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