Given the batch decomposition of the pallet layer,
machine parameters are completely determined. The
parameters related to a batch include the number of
product items, the number of rows, the spacing from
the previous batch, the offset positions for manipu-
lation picking and release, the rotation flag, and the
offset positions for barrier raise and release. Barrier
offsets depend on the relative displacement of batches
in the pallet layer. Thus, the programmer divides the
batches in groups according to their alignment to a
common front line. Each group corresponds to prod-
uct batches simultaneously accumulated on the same
barrier. Figure 5(d) illustrates the final step of pro-
gramming tool with the batch numbering and the fi-
nal product unit sequence. The new version of the
programming tool allows parameter generation for a
larger number of machine configurations and supports
the addition of other machines.
In this paper, we have discussed the simulation and
programming of palletizing lines and have illustrated
the related issues through a tool suite developed for a
specific palletizer. A palletizing line consists of com-
ponents, whose behavior can be fully described or
only partially known. In the first case, the simulation
and the programming of the machine is better per-
formed on a common model. The simulation should
include the control logic and a kinematic model of
its parts sufficiently accurate to estimate the time, but
should also avoid unnecessary modelling of physical
interaction and dynamics of bodies. When the behav-
ior of some machine of the model is unknown, an ap-
proximate finite state diagram with empirical estima-
tion of transition times could be used. Such solution
is effective when such machine is not a bottle-neck of
the whole system.
The MVC design paradigm can effectively sup-
port software reuse and enforce consistency between
the different tools of the tool suite by separating the
management of data, graphical interface and logic
control. All the tools should be based on a common
model representing the structure of the machine, but
each tool should operate differently on the machine
data. Furthermore, a software organized in modu-
lar components allows customizable tools for the end
All these design solutions have been derived from
a tool suite for the simulation, programming and mon-
itoring of a specific palletizing machine supporting
a high number of configurations. The simulator has
been extended to simulate an end-line manipulator us-
ing an approximate model. The programming tool as-
sists non-expert human operators in visual program-
ming of the palletizing task, and supports a variety
of configuration options automatically planning fea-
sible layers. The organization of the suite according
to Microsoft Expression Blend Framework has im-
proved the decoupling between model and interface.
The monitoring tool supports diagnostic activities and
allows efficient recovery when failure occurs. Fur-
thermore, it has enforced the modular subdivision of
the tools, e.g. the decomposition of the programming
steps, making possible a better customization of the
tool for a specific machine. The proposed tool suite
has been already successfully used by several opera-
tors on different palletizing lines in working plants.
This research has been supported by Regione Emilia-
Romagna, Italy, as part of the Integrapack project.
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