Constrained Predictive Control of MIMO System
Application to a Two Link Manipulator
Joanna Zietkiewicz
Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland
Keywords: Predictive Control, Constraints, MIMO Systems, LQ Control.
Abstract: In the paper application of constrained predictive control to multi input, multi output system is presented.
The method is based on feedback linearization and LQ control. Constraints of the system are implemented
by interpolation of reference trajectory. Finding solution is a compromise between the unconstrained LQ
control and a constrained feasible control and is executed by minimization of one variable. The application
of the method to a two link manipulator is used to present advantages and limitations of the algorithm.
Feedback linearization is a powerful technique that
allows to obtain linear model with exact dynamics
(Isidori, 1985), (Slotine and Li, 1991). Linear
quadratic control is well known optimal control
method and with its dynamic programming
properties can be also easily calculated (Anderson &
Moore, 1990). The combination of feedback
linearization and LQ control has been used in many
algorithms in Model Predictive Control applications
for many years and it is used also in present papers
(He De-Feng et al., 2011), (Margellos and Lygeros,
2010). Another problem apart from finding the
optimal solution on a given horizon (finite or
infinite) is the constrained control. A method which
use the advantages of feedback linearization, LQ
control and applying signals constraints was
proposed in (Poulsen et al., 2001). It rely in every
step on interpolation between the LQ optimal control
and a feasible solution – the solution that fulfils
given constraints. A feasible solution is obtain by
taking calculated from LQ method optimal gain for a
perturbed reference signal. The compromise
between the feasible and optimal solution is
calculating by minimization of one variable – the
number of degrees of freedom in prediction is
reduced to one variable.
The considered system is the two link manipulator
(fig.1). It consists of two rigid links and two one
degree-of-freedom wrists, whose motion is in the
vertical axis. The objective of control is to move the
clutch of the manipulator from one position in two
dimensional space to the other. The output variables
are the two angles y
and y
. The coordinates
of the clutch can be obtained from kinematics
equations (1)
Figure 1: The two link manipulator system.
The dynamics of the system is represented by below
equations (2)
Zietkiewicz J..
Constrained Predictive Control of MIMO System - Application to a Two Link Manipulator.
DOI: 10.5220/0004122002930298
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2012), pages 293-298
ISBN: 978-989-8565-21-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)