Towards a Federated Solution
Andreas Behrend
, Dieter Gawlick
and Daniela Nicklas
University of Bonn, Roemerstr. 164, 53117 Bonn, Germany
Oracle Redwood City, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065, U.S.A.
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, 26111 Oldenburg, Germany
Keywords: Data Stream Management, Event Processing, Active Databases, Database Architecture, Query Processing.
Abstract: In this paper, we describe the requirements and benefits for integrating data stream processing with database
management systems. Currently, these technologies focus on very different tasks; streams systems extract
instances of patterns from streams of transient data, while database systems store, manage, provide access
to, and analyze persistent data. Many applications, e.g., patient care, program trading, or flight supervision,
however, depend on the functionality and operational characteristics of both types of systems. We discuss
how to design a federated system which provides the benefits of both approaches.
Traditional database management systems (DBMS)
are capable of persistently storing and efficiently
querying and analysing large amounts of ‘static’
data. These systems are not well-suited, however,
for managing and analysing highly dynamic data
so-called data streamswhich are generated, e.g.,
by sensor networks, financial tickers, or transaction
loggers. Therefore, over the last 15 years,
specialized systems have been developed, so-called
data stream management systems (DSMS), which
are explicitely designed for an online analysis of
rapidly changing data. This systems, however, lack
support for persistance. DSMS are so important that
they are the subject of a variety of research project
since many years and an integral part of the infra-
structure of the major software vendors.
DSMS support long-running, persistent queries
which continuously analyse ordered sequences of
items. The performance gain over traditional DBMS
is mainly achieved by avoiding the overhead for
persitance and transactionality. Additionally, DSMS
leverage the long livity of the continuous queries,
share work between queries, and evaluate stream
data incrementally, There are many applications that
require the functionality of DSMS and DBMS, such
as flight supervision and patient careactually the
need for pesistance and provenance is the overriding
requirement. In these cases, the requirements for
persistant data management are so important that the
DSMS functionality is provided by the DBMS using
triggers and/or persistant queries (Schüller et al.,
2012; Guerra et al., 2011). However, there are major
draw-backs: these systems are not scalable to large
amount of incoming data and the ability for pattern
recognition is way below the level typically found in
The alternative is obviously the use of a DSMS
complement by a DBMS. In this case the DSMS has
to identify the information that needs persistance and
the application has to store it in a DBMS. This
approach requires a deep understanding of system
design and it often not achiveable by applications
programmers due to the many incompatibilities
between these types of systems. Consequently, the
development, test, and maintenance cost are often
Consequently, there is a need for a system that
includes both, the functionality of a DSMS and the
functionality of a DBMS. We propose a federated
solution that leverages the strength of both
technologies and hides the differences as much as
possible. This approach has the potential to broaden
the application spectrum of stream processing
systems considerably. The design of such a
federated system, however, is not a simple task due
to the heterogeneity of the underlying systems with
respect to the supported data models, query
languages and operational characteristics (Babcock
Behrend A., Gawlick D. and Nicklas D..
DBMS meets DSMS - Towards a Federated Solution.
DOI: 10.5220/0004122501570162
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2012), pages 157-162
ISBN: 978-989-8565-18-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
et al., 2002). For example, DBMS do not only
support relational data models, but also XML, RDF,
multimedia, or text data and allow users to add
domain and/or application specific data models.
Although DSMS also support various data models,
there remain differences in the structure and
semantics of data which have to be bridged by a
federated solution.
The same applies for the heterogeneity of query
languages. Typically, DSMS provide variants of
SQL such as CQL (Arasuet al., 2006) or StreamSQL
(StreamBase Systems 2012), or complex event
languages like Sase (Gyllstrom et al., 2007). Such
languages suppport new stream-related concepts
such as window expressions, sketches and
approximate answers and differ in their operational
characteristics in comparison to standard SQL
statements. Although SQL also provides temporal
support, history management (e.g. Oracle’s total
recall) and event processing, there are still intricate
details which make the development of a common
federated query language difficult (cf. Section 1.2).
Beside declarative query interfaces, many DSMS
even support functional stream processing
languages, like Aurora’s boxes and arrows (Abadi et
al., 2003), or Infosphere Stream’s Stream
Programming Language SPL (Biem et al., 2010)
which are hardly compatible with SQL. Beside pure
DSMS, there are specialized systems like kdb+ (Kx
Systems 2010) or DBToaster (Kennedy et al., 2011)
that are optimized for processing real-time and
historical data in main-memory.
In order to cope with these challenges, we
propose semantic information layers which help to
systematically identify challenges and solutions for
designing a federated data management system for
active data. But before these layers are presented in
more detail, we discuss a use case in which various
requirements of the proposed federated solution are
examplarily illustrated.
1.1 Scenario
To illustrate the proposed architecture, we will fol-
low a scenario from the health care domain. Howev-
er, scenarios with similar characteristics can be
found in other domains like traffic management,
smart grids, or intelligent city infrastructures. Health
care providers have to deal with an ever increasing
amount of data that have to be acted upon by apply-
ing knowledge and regulations, both of which grow-
ing rapidly in amount and complexity.
Capturing of patient data as EMRs (Electronic
Medical Records) is fast becoming common place.
EMRs represent a wide variety of data; data have to
be retained for an extended period of time and
access to and analysis of these data has to be well
supported while it is strictly controlled and has to be
Doctors are typically unable to devote enough
time to review all captured data (facts), therefore
real time support is required to extract important
information. This information has to be captured and
brought into attention of doctors with the proper
level of urgency and thus, facilitating situation-
awarenes. This transformation from facts to
information should be based on the codified
knowledge of the medical community. The
transformation has to take personal preferences into
account and has to be fully auditable.
Patient data arrive with various delays and may
go through revisions; vitals are immediately
available while test depending on chemical reactions
and cultures may take hours or even days. The real
time support has to be able to deal with these widely
varying delays. Auditing requires that it must be
easy to understand which facts were available for
which derived information.
Medical knowledge is evolving at a fast pace; if
new codified knowledge becomes available
existing facts have to be automatically reviewed in
order to identify and act upon any relevant
information that was not derived when the facts
became available.
1.2 Challenges
From this scenario, we see the following four main
challenges that should be addressed by a data man-
agement system:
Query Processing over Streaming and Persistant
Data: to support applications like the one depicted in
the scenario, the DSMS may need to reference
DBMS data. The performance of DSMS can only be
maintaned if relevant data from the DBMS are
cached. Therefore much attention has be be given in
deriving the right caching strategy from each
continuous queries and also add a global
optimization. Directives have to be given to the
DBMS in order to notify the DSMS about changes
of the cached data.
Heterogenous Data Models: DSMS are focused
on temporal support for large incoming data streams;
while temporal support for DBMS is only slowly
gaining traction. Assuming bi-temporal support in
the DBMS; it should be possible to represent any
stream of data (events) as a DBMS object.
Challenges are to verify this asumption and to
AA   nternational onference on ata echnoloies and Applications
Figure 1: Federated Architecture for DSMS and DBMS.
develop a mapping of any DSMS object to DBMS
Complexity of queries: Realizing scenarios like
the one discussed will lead to complex query plans.
The reason is the joint focus on continuous queries
in DSMS and on ad-hoc queries in DBMS. Even the
event support in DBMS whether realized through
triggers and registered queriesdoes syntactically
and semantically not match the DSMS support. This
calls for a common query language. Secondly, for
such answering queries, the raw data has to be
interpreted, aggregated, classified, and maybe
predicted; if the data management system wants to
support this (to provide higher-level semantics for
different applications), the resulting queries have to
contain the logic for all these processing steps. Thus,
the query language has to be directed towards
common semantic information layers (similar to
DBMS views).
Provenance: When critical decisions are taken
based on aggregated information, it is often crucial
that the system is always able to tell how the
aggregation was performed and what data has
contributed to it. In an active data management
szenario, it is also important to track which events
where delivered to which application and when.This
problem can be handled by assuming that any
information that is considered to be critical is
retained in the DBMS and can be accessed using the
temporal DBMS support. If applications are using
transactional support, any result can be audited by
revieweing the temporal data, which version
of the application was used, which requests were
initiated by the application, and which
authentification was used.
1.3 Contribution
In this position paper, we argue for the following:
Many applications need management for both
streaming and persistent data
Many applications need timely analysis of data
event processing as well as support for
ad-hoc queries and provenance.
A federation of a DSMS and a DBMS should
be feasible to achieve this.
Semantic processing layers help in designing
such a federated system by making differences
between DSMS and DBMS system transparent
to applications.
Figure 1 guides us through the paper: we first intro-
duce the semantic information layers “Facts”, “In-
formation” and Situations” in Section 2 and the
overall federated architecture in Section 3. We iden-
tify relevant implementation techniques and chal-
lenges in Section 4. Finally, we conclude with Sec-
tion 5 and show future directions for research and
As we can see from the applications, modern sensor-
based applications need more than just pure fact-
based data processing. Thus, in a full-fledge data
processing architecture, we need to support different
semantic layers of information. Such layers help in
coping with the complexity of federated query plans,
making the resulting architecture much more main-
tainable and flexible.
Fact Layer: Facts are statements, observation, or
any other piece of data that is part of the basic
information schema. There are various sources for
facts: When raw data comes in from sensors, it has
to be often pre-processed to extract features and
facts. Similarly, when data is integrated from
external data sources, ETL (“extract-transform-
load”) processes are used to insert facts in the
Information Layer: Typically, applications need
not only plain facts but some derived information. In
classical fact-based data base management systems,
this derivation is expressed by the SQL query that
the application sends to the database. Various
M meets M  oards a ederated olution
operations can lead form facts to information, step,
like classification (e.g., mapping a blood pressure
value to classes like “high”, “normal”, or “low) or
aggregation. Prediction functions use application
knowledge (pre-modeled or learned by data mining
algorithms) and derive probable future states from
present facts. Such trends and predictions are
application-relevant information, too.
When information is only generated within the
application layer, it can hardly be shared between
applications. Thus, we propose to introduce a shared
information layer in the data management system
that can be directly queried by applications, similar
to views in databases.
Situation Layer: On the top layer, we define
situations as a relevant combination of facts and
information that needs to be communicated to
subscribed applications. Typically, only the change
of state is communicated, i.e., in the moment when
the situation occurs. Situations could be modeled as
complex events (i.e., patterns evaluated on basic
events) or as continuous queries (i.e., a query that is
continuously evaluated). When archived, a situation
would become part of the information layer.
The concept of semantic information layers is
somehow similar to the well-known concept of
views in data-bases and can thus help us in similar
ways: First, since application-specific higher level
information if explicitly modeled and expressed, it is
easier for the application developer to communicate
with the domain expert and to implement new
queries. And secondly, the layers act as abstraction
levels within the system design, so that the lower-
level processing can be changed without changing
higher-level processing and models.
However, there are also significant extensions to
simple views: we see the need for a much richer set
of operations to express the derivation of higher-
level information, like prediction of future states,
classification, or aggregation. Such operations also
encode application-specific knowledge, represented
in models that are either specified by the domain
expert or are learned by data mining techniques over
persistant data.
From the discussion of the scenario, we see that
there is a need for data management systems that
support both the efficient management of high vol-
umes of stored data, and the processing support of
high-performance streaming systems. To leverage
the benefits of both systems, we propose a federated
architecture. Note that in future data management
systems, both sides may be integrated into one pro-
cessing engine; however, for this, the challenges of a
dual system have to be resolved, too.
Figure 1 shows an overview on the proposed
architecture. Applications can issue continuous
queries or define information models (needed for
classification and aggregation) at the federation
Here, these queries are transformed into
executable query plans in the underlying systems,
which are a DBMS and a DSMS. At each of the data
processing layers, queries and data can be
exchanged between the two systems.
Note that this is a streaming system; thus, the
query plans are not executed just once, but
deployed/registered to the underlying systems.
Whenever new data arrives, the queries are executed
again with this new data. If the query represents a
continuous query, the new result set is
communicated to the application. If it is a complex
event pattern, the new data is treated as new basic
events, and the systems check whether new complex
event evaluates to true. Both cases are covered by
the concept of situations”; thus, the result every
application query belongs to the upper most
semantic information layer.
Since the registered queries are typically long-
running, query sharing plays a crucial part for
optimizing the performance. For every new query,
an ideal optimizer at the federation component
would recognize which already running query plans
could be re-used. However, since cross-platform
optimizations over complex query plans might be
too expensive or not possible, the semantic
information layers provide another benefit: they
already represent sharable query plans, since every
modeled concept at the information comes with a
query plan to derive it. If multiple queries use the
same information concept, the system can re-use this
query plan for both situations.
In order to realize the federation layer depicted in
the architecture from Figure 1, we can leverage
existing techniques provided by the underlying sys-
tems. The arrows between the two subsystems indi-
cate the data transfer that should be supported for
each identified semantic layer. To this end, compati-
ble operators and DB techniques have to be identi-
fied that allow for resuming the data processing task
coming from the DSMS resp. DBMS subsystem.
AA   nternational onference on ata echnoloies and Applications
4.1 Existing Techniques
The most relevant DBMS techniques that have a
close relationship to stream processing are triggers,
materialized views and registered (continuous) que-
ries (e.g., Oracle’s CQN). Triggers are active rules
that allow for specifying the automated reaction to
updates on tables or views. Due to their instance-
oriented, push-based data processing, they directly
correspond to incremental stream operators of
DSMS. Materialized views and registered queries
are techniques that allow for automatically refresh-
ing query results as new data arrive. In this regard,
they directly correspond to the concept of continu-
ous queries in DSMS.
From the DSMS perspective, query plans,
caching and batching are techniques which are
related to DBMS concepts. Query plans are
represented by operator trees in which operator
subtrees coming from the DBMS query engine could
be integrated. Caches of stream operators may even
comprise persistent DBMS data which can then be
jointly processed with the dynamic stream data. In
this way, static domain knowledge stored in the
DBMS can be used for a stream analysis, too.
Finally, batching allows for combining stream data
into a single update request that can be more
efficiently handled by the set-oriented data
processing strategy of a DBMS than individual ones.
All these techniques ought to be used in order to
realize a federated query processing. The main
challenge, however, is to find a meaningful and
optimized combination of such techniques. The
latter depend on the chosen query type which should
be supported by the proposed federated system.
4.2 Federated Query Types
In Figure 2, we depict typical query types that can be
realized within the federated architecture.
Pure DSMS Query Execution: Query (1) shows a
pure DSMS query execution: without any interaction
with the DBMS, the query processes raw data to
facts, combines the facts to information, and if a
relevant combination of information occurs, the
result of this processing is sent to the application.
One example for this query could be the continuous
assessment of changes in temperature and
cardiogram data for ICU patients. Such queries are
well-suited for high volume data streams whose
processing can be performed in main memory and
where no reliable persistent storage of the data is
Archiving Queries: If the facts derived from the
Figure 2: Federated Query Execution.
raw sensor data should be kept for future analysis or
because of legal reasons, the persistent storage of the
stream data using the DBMS would be desireable.
Query (2) implements this functionality and is
regsarded as archiving query: the DSMS performs a
preprocessing of the raw data, but all facts are
transferred and stored in the DBMS for further
analysis. In order to cope with the frequency of
streaming data, the DSMS could batch the induced
inserts. Althought archiving queries are depicted for
the facts layer, they are meaningful for all other
semantic layers, too. An example for an archiving
query is the relibale storage of patient data such as
blood tests and medications. On the information
layer, an archiving query storing very unusual
cardigram data could be imagined allowing for
legally justifying dangerous and heart-related drug
Continuous DBMS Query: Query (3) represents a
continuous query solely realized within the DBMS.
In this way, the advantages of both system types are
directly supported. This query type, however, is
solely applicable for particular stream frequencies
and volumes which are certainly lower than the ones
manageable by a DSMS. An example for this query
type is the continuous analysis of patient records of a
hospital for operative reasons.
Complex DSMS/DBMS Query: Query type (4)
represents complex DSMS/DBMS queries with
various data flows between the two subsystems. A
classic example is the continuous determination of
diagnoses based on medical domain knowledge and
M meets M  oards a ederated olution
current patient data. In this query type, raw stream
data is first pre-processed to facts (step 4.1) quite
similar to the query type (1). In order to decide about
the present situation, however, additional
information is needed which is provided by the
DBMS. Thus, a join between stream data from the
DSMS and DBMS data is needed (of course, by the
help of DSMS caching techniques). Otherwise, the
DBMS has to provide the relevant information (e.g.,
using a materialized view) by applying domain
knowledge on its stored facts.
Based on this combined information, situations
can be derived which are highly relevant for the
monitoring application. It might be necessary to
make the derived situations available directly within
the DBMS (selection point 4.3) in order to facilitate
a statistcial analysis of this temporal data. This kind
of queries (6) could be used, e.g., to analyse the
consequences of changed medical knowledge on
derived diagnoses or therapies retrospectively.
4.3 Implementing the Federation Layer
In the introduction we have already indicated the
principle differences between DBMS and DSMS
which makes the realization of the federation layer a
complex task. The most important goal is the devel-
opment of a unified query languages based on a
common temporal data model and an integrated
algebra. For optimizing complex DBMS/DSMS
queries, new cost models have to be developed
which allow for controlling the data flows between
the two subsystems. Additionally, new query rewrit-
ing strategies have to be investigated for an algebra-
ic-based optimization of mixed query types. These
techniques form the basis for an automated and
transparent distribution of (parts) of queries to the
underlying subsystems.
A federated query processing ought to be able to
adapt to new stream characteristics which, e.g.,
require a continuous DBMS query to become a
DSMS one due to an increased update frequency. To
this end, cost-based migration techniques have to be
developed. Finally, the storage of temporal data and
the needed history access by the DBMS call for new
compression and efficient access structures such as
Oracle’s total recall.
This paper argued for a federated approach to man-
aging persistent and active data in a uniform way.
We discussed general challenges which will be en-
countered when designing such a system, i.e.., tech-
nological requirements needed for controlling its
operational characteristics. Additionally, we showed
how the combination of DBMS and DSMS technol-
ogies may lead to new functionalities such as novel
(federated) query types. In order to systematically
develop this functionality, we propose semantic
information layers that additionally help to design
and use a federated system in a methodological way.
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