support the automated construction of generators for
families of web applications, and not only single web
In this paper, we have proposed an approach that
combines MDE with automation frameworks for web
development like Spring Roo. Our approach auto-
mates the creation of code generators for families of
web applications. This enables the rapid generation
of domain-specific web applications from annotated
models by generating Spring Roo scripts. We have
illustrated our approach with the generation of a web
application for editing EMF models, thus enabling,
e.g., editing models through mobile devices. Simi-
larly we have shown that EMF on Rails provides sig-
nificant savings in time and effort for web application
EMF on Rails is currently in development. There-
fore, the future work includes (1) adding a command
library that facilitates the reuse of commands; (2) de-
veloping an add-on to propagate evidence and infer
knowledge in Bayesian networks; and (3) improving
the tutor model.
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plications”, number 95185, funded by CONACyT and
the European Union through FONCICyT. This work
is also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Econ-
omy and Competitivity (TIN2011-24139) and the
R&D programme of the Madrid Region (S2009/TIC-
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