Strictness of Rate-latency Service Curves
Ulrich Klehmet and Kai-Steffen Hielscher
Computer Networks and Communication Systems, University Erlangen, Martensstr. 3, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
Network Calculus, Blind Multiplexing, Strict Service Curve, Non-strict Service Curve.
Network Calculus (NC) offers powerful methods for performance evaluation of queueing systems, especially
for the worst-case analysis of communication networks. It is often used to obtain QoS guarantees in packet
switched communication systems. One issue of nowadays’ research is the applicability of NC for multiplexed
flows, in particular, if the FIFO property cannot be assumed when merging the individual flows. If a node
serves the different flows using another schedule than FIFO, the terms ’strict’ or ’non-strict’ service curves
play an important role. In this paper, we are dealing with the problems of strict and non-strict service curves
in connection with aggregate scheduling. In the literature, the strictness of the service curve of the aggregated
flow is reported as a fundamental precondition to get a service curve for the single individual flows at demul-
tiplexing, if the service node process the input flows in Non-FIFO manner. The important strictness-property
is assumed to be a unique feature of the service curve alone. But we will show here that this assumption is
not true in general. Only the connection with the concrete input allows to classify a service as curve strict or
For systems with hard real time requirements, timeli-
ness plays an important role. This quality of service
(QoS) requirement can be found in all kinds of em-
bedded systems that permanently exchange data with
their environment, like automotive applications, real
time networks etc.
A mathematic-analytical performance evaluation
of such systems cannot be based on stochastic model-
ing like traditional queueing theory: the knowledge of
mean values is not enough. Worst-case performance
parameters like maximum delay of service times are
needed. In other words, one needs a mathematical
tool that guarantees performance figures in form of
bounding values which are valid in any case. Such a
tool is Network Calculus (NC), as a novel system the-
ory for deterministic queueing systems (Cruz, 1991),
(Le Boudec and Thiran, 2001).
The most important modeling elements of NC are
the arrival curve and service curve together with the
min-plus convolution. – We only present some fun-
damental definitions, more details can be found in
(Le Boudec and Thiran, 2001).
Let F be a flow of data (bits, messages, packets,
etc.) into a system S, let x(t) be the amount of data of
F arriving in time interval [0,t] and y(t) the amount
of data leaving S in time [0,t]. F is constrained by
an upper envelope and has the arrival curve α iff
x(t) − x(s) ≤ α(t − s) for all 0 ≤ s ≤ t, where α is
a non-negative, non-decreasing function.
A service curve β describes a lower bound for the out-
put y(t) and is offered by S iff β is a non-negative,
non-decreasing function with β(0) = 0 and y(t) ≥
(x⊗ g)(t) := inf
{x(s) + β(t − s)}.
⊗ is the convolution operator. The constraints given
by the arrival and service curves for a flow suffice to
calculate upper bounds on delay, backlog and output
of service nodes.
A commonly used arrival curve is the token bucket
constraint α
(t) = b + rt for t > 0 and zero other-
wise. α
provides an upper limit for traffic flows x(t)
with average rate r and instantaneous burst b.
A very important service curve is the rate-latency
function β(t) = β
(t) = R·[t−T]
:= R·max{0;t −
T}. The rate-latency function reflects a service ele-
ment which offers a minimum service of rate R af-
ter a worst-case latency of T. Worst-case perfor-
mance evaluation allows to abstract from the schedul-
ing strategies of complex systems.
In figure 1, the blue graph shows a token bucket ar-
rival curve α
and the green one reflects a rate-
latency service curve β
If the node or system serves the incoming data of
a flow in FIFO order, the following bound is com-
Klehmet U. and Hielscher K..
Strictness of Rate-latency Service Curves.
DOI: 10.5220/0004123800750078
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (DCNET-2012),
pages 75-78
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)