Student Experience
Issues of Wireless Access and Cloud Deployment in Higher Education
Vladlena Benson and Stephanie Morgan
Kingston Business School, Kingston University, London, KT2 7LB, U.K.
Keywords: Mobile Applications, Wireless Networks, eLearning, Higher Education, Student Experience, Information
Security, Cloud Computing.
Abstract: Universal move to wireless learning enabled through mobile apps has been evident over the last eighteen
months in the higher education (HE) sector. Penetration rate of smart phones amongst students have reached
a record high. Universities are investing in mobile applications enabling wireless access to current Learning
Management Systems (LMS), while carefully considering benefits of the cloud for secure and flexible
provision of LMS services. Capabilities of wireless devices present issues of access, presentation and
compatibility of e-learning materials, while cloud infrastructure as a service raises concerns of security as
data is hosted by third parties outside of the corporate firewalls. The research questions are presented for
discussion through the lens of the student experience. A case of a successful move to mobile learning
enablement and cloud deployment concludes the paper and opens a discussion on critical success factors in
wireless e-learning operations.
With the growing number of mobile devices in the
hands of the younger population, it is only a matter
of time before HE students will be expecting
wireless access to learning materials to complement
and/or replace current Internet-based Learning
Management Systems (LMS). The trend in HE
today, mobility, is driven by the advanced
capabilities and wide availability of mobile devices,
from smart phones to tablet computers.
Mobile platforms for e-learning are an attractive
solution to help engage student community, enrich
learning and help students throughout academic life.
Blackboard Mobile Learn app, available on Android
Marketplace, Blackberry App World or Apple App
store, is one of the leading mobile platforms for e-
learning. Students gain mobile access to their lecture
materials, create discussion forums and posts, blog
and comment on learning progress and resources.
In search of efficiency and flexibility, higher
education institutions are putting cloud computing,
another current trend in HE sector, into practice.
Infrastructure as a service presents an attractive cost
effective option for learning management system
(LMS) provision. The concept of cloud computing
and wireless access to e-learning application leaves
several areas to consider. Capabilities of mobile
devices present issues of access to learning and
teaching resources, presentation of learning
materials, navigation and compatibility of e-learning
materials. On the other hand cloud as infrastructure
as a service presents new challenges to HE in terms
of security and compliance as data is being hosted
by third parties outside of the corporate firewalls.
The ‘digital natives’ (Prensky, 2001) in higher
education today are used to and surrounded by
technology and increasingly expect mobile forms of
For HE professionals mobile learning is a way of
extending the campus and offering students the
opportunity to learn in whatever situation or context
they prefer. What is unclear is to what extent they
can and will learn in this increasingly informal and
opportunistic mode. Social networking services are
seen by many as the next level of learning
management systems (Benson and Tennakoon,
2012) promising convergence of social and learning
tools. At present, though, mobile learning apps are
Benson V. and Morgan S..
Student Experience - Issues of Wireless Access and Cloud Deployment in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0004124103990402
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(WINSYS-2012), pages 399-402
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
offering another media for access of LMS
repositories, doing the old things with a new tool.
The paper presents research questions in wireless
learning and teaching for discussion through the lens
of the student experience. A case of a successful
move to mobile learning enablement and cloud
deployment concludes the paper and opens a
discussion over the critical success factors in
wireless e-learning operations.
Wireless technology is now entwined with every day
lives; according to a recent survey (LSE Focus,
2007) mobile devices are perceived as a significant
contributor to maintaining quality of life. While for
university students (, 2012) a smart
phone represents a ‘key social connector and a
learning tool’. Higher Education institutions
consider provision of mobile services to students to
be an indicator of performance and better quality of
student experience. Earlier approaches to integration
of wireless devices into e-learning process (e.g. see
(Benson, 2008) for overview) focused on access
enablement to online content. Emergence of
powerful and user friendly smart phones and tablet
computers led to proliferation of mobile apps, both
from established elearning systems providers (e.g.
BlackBoard ) as well as independent companies and
in house developments by Universities.
Current mobile apps from popular LMS
providers are less than a year old. Blackboard
Mobile Learn 2.0 offers a rich range of functionality
with advanced usability features. Direct interface to
the learning resources is a key feature of the app
which enables students and instructors access, create
and upload content to LMS. Blogs supporting media
attachments, discussion forums and learning journal
media features promise to bring interactive mobile
learning to a new level. The user interface of the
latest version of BlackBoard Mobile Learn supports
adding most frequently accessed classes to favourite
lists, this bookmarking feature helps manage and
organise learning and teaching process. The latest
version of the app offers threaded hierarchy to
improve the user interface while managing multiple
While the new features of the mobile apps are
evolving, it is important to gain a better
understanding of how ubiquitous access to study
materials can improve learning outcomes. The
impact of wireless technology on higher education is
likely to be driven by student experience.
Universities take on investment in the mobile
technology to improve student learning through
wireless devices already at the fingertips of current
students and beat the competition by demonstrating
the importance of staying ahead of the technology
2.1 Some of the Critical Success
Factors to Consider
Smartphones are effectively accepted by students
either as a link to their social community or a
favoured learning tool, mobile apps have become a
way of life for today’s students. When making a
choice of which university to apply for studying,
whether or not an HE institution supports easy
access to services or information in a way
meaningful to technology savvy younger generation
becomes a key differentiating factor.
The app needs to be easy to access, fast and
should be accessible on a range of mobiles
(interoperable) to ensure that all students with a
smart phone are able to use the system and interact.
If support is needed the app will probably not be
used although online help help is likely to be viewed
positively. The technological aspects will be taken
for granted (unless they go wrong) and so the focus
should be on a visually appealing, easy to use app
that will allow students to share and enable informal
and formal learning at the time and place that best
suits their needs. A mobile experience is profoundly
different to even a laptop, as it is available at all
times and enables them to learn whilst relating to (in
the world of) the concepts about which they are
2.2 Examples of the Pitfalls to Avoid
What students can see on the mobile learning app
depends on at least two factors:
The ability of a specific wireless device to
display the variety of learning materials that may be
included in the course content. For instance, iPhone,
iPad and iPods running mobile operating system do
not provide support for Flash. Therefore earlier e-
learning materials developed using Flash will be
inaccessible to Apple users.
Instructors have control over which course
content is available through the mobile app.
Therefore options set so that only limited content is
WINSYS 2012 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
available to students should be carefully thought
through by academic staff. Pedagogical reasons
should drive the mobile learning platform
development, rather than pure enthusiasm of a new
gadget from technology-centric instructors (Benson
and Anderson, 2010). Students should have a clear
understanding as to what materials are available
through the mobile medium and why others are
accessible only online, and how the mobile app can
help improve their learning and their student
experience on and off campus. As with all learning,
particularly when technology is involved, explaining
how and why different elements are designed in a
particular way will facilitate learning (Ausburn,
As part of the student information system and
learning management system (called StudySpace)
upgrade Blackboard Mobile Learn application,
available for iPhone, Blackberry and Android phone,
has been launched by Kingston University, UK. The
app allows students flexible mobile access to
StudySpace course content and communication
tools. The mobile platform solution was introduced
in January 2012. By the start of the spring semester,
the mobile learning app already had thousands of
downloads. The rate of rapid adoption illustrates that
the impact of the mobile platform on student
population, demand on computing services provided
by Kingston University and external stakeholders. In
the experience of other HE institutions (e.g. Stanford
University (see (, 2012)) that the
number of mobile learning app downloads tends to
exceed the number of enrolled students. The impact
of the mobile platform deployment has a wider
impact on not only on current students, but involves
alumni, parents, and the greater community.
Capabilities of the StudySpace app at Kingston
include access to course content and communication
tools. Course materials most suitable for accessing
on the go are enabled by instructors for mobile
learning. One of the most well received features of
the mobile app is instant communication capability.
Integration of mobile text messaging service with
online announcements as well as Facebook site for
the university are tied in with individual courses and
organisation. This allows for seamless and unified
communication means for students, staff, alumni and
wider community. One of the key objectives of
introducing StudySpace mobile app is to improve
student experience by increasing 24-7 access to
learning technology that is not dependent upon
location. This reflects the social, and increasingly
work, environment to which students are
Furthermore, it enables learning to move in and
out of the classroom in a much easier manner than
laptops as students invariable have their mobile with
them, not always the case for other devices. Class
activities including assessments could use and link
to the mobile app (this also enables movement
between classroom and workplace, for example,
placements or work-based learning see Couldby,
Hennessey et al., 2011).
Whilst the mobile platform appears a lucrative
solution for engaging learners on and off campus,
the BlackBoard app still suffers drawbacks. User
ranking of the Blackboard Mobile Learn for Android
(GooglePlay, 2012) phones averages at only 2.6 out
of 5 (based on 6,196 reviews) according to Google
Play data in 2012. The app version for iPhone and
iPad (iTunes, 2012) also lags behind in user
reviewers (2.5 stars from 2420 users) based on
iTunes user feedback. So what challenges are ahead
of developers and academic staff alike to help make
a mobile learning platform fulfil its objective to
increase the quality of student experience and
improve learning and teaching?
There are several levels of challenges to address,
including application dependent, service depended,
compliance related and pedagogical underpinning of
the mobile technology.
Application dependent issues reported on the
BlackBoard Mobile user reviews revolve around the
Compatibility Problems having downloaded
the app students were unable to find their institution
or reported messages of ‘your institution does not
support’ the app.
Application Failure when accessing
PowerPoint slides app ‘crashes’. Conversion of files
to PDF formats causes application failure.
Device Support Issues individual wireless
devices will have an impact on what resources are
available and how they will be presented to the user.
One of the most notorious support issues affecting a
wide range of existing learning materials is the Flash
Student Experience - Issues of Wireless Access and Cloud Deployment in Higher Education
vs Apple support. BlackBoard Mobile Learn and
other apps base their popularity on their support for
a variety of wireless devices but pockets of
unsupported functionality and varied presentation
between devices remains.
Service provision problems reported relate to
speed of the app loading resources. Slow download
rate of the communication tools and learning
resources are the main causes of concern for mobile
app users. On the other hand, service availability of
the learning management systems maintained by
universities in-house is quite an important factor in
student satisfaction. By moving LMS service
provision to the cloud, service quality and reliability
improves. However, issues of privacy and security
of data transported between cloud service provider
and users on or off campus creates a number of
concerns. These include regulatory issues around
personal data storage and management,
communication of data across borders and other
compliance issues. On the other hand outsourcing of
LMS hosting to a cloud provider enhances security
and reliability of services as professional approach
of cloud vendors may mean better security as well as
business continuity.
Finally, pedagogical underpinning of the
mobile learning apps is far from maturity. How to
ensure that students are not lost in ’virtual learning
space’? How to deliver meaningful learning
experience through a powerful mobile platform but
yet limited in its capabilities at present?
The pedagogic implications of developing
systems that are sufficiently simple to work well on
an app but challenging and interesting to students,
and the extent to which students can and will learn
using these technologies, has yet to be explored.
There may be exciting new pedagogical approaches
that can be taken to make full use of the potential of
mobile. All aspects of the technology potential
should be assessed to consider what new learning
experiences we can offer students. What we can be
certain of is that students will increasingly expect
these services, and they will expect them to work
well. Indeed HE institutions that are able to truly
innovate and enhance learning with mobile apps,
working around the challenges above, could gain
ground quickly.
Whilst mobile platforms for e-learning are still in
early development stages, it is imperative to
consider issues needing research attention and
improvement of software and wireless device
capabilities, as well as pedagogical approaches to
learning in mobile circumstances, in order to assess
objectively technology’s current and future impact
on education.
The authors would like to thank the Academic
Development Centre and Student Information
Services at Kingston University for their help and
advice in development of this paper.
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WINSYS 2012 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems