5.7 Future Work
Our current research is focused on the first
realization of a Spaxel display, which fulfills the
requirements described in this paper. The display
itself will work in the first implementation with 50
individual Spaxel units. The core research question
is to derive requirements for aesthetic music based
visualization for a large crowd audience. This will
include the precise and responsive control in air,
synchronization among the Spaxel units and overall
aesthetic considerations. Future research will include
scaling up the number of Spaxels, as well as
developing concepts for making the shape
dynamically transformable. We are hard at work,
and expect first ground-breaking results within the
coming months.
In our current work Spaxels are controlled by a
central server unit. A future step for future work
would be to decentralize control of the Spaxels
swarm by using rule-based agents. Rule-based agent
systems for visualizations have a long history in
computer graphics. (Reynolds, 1987) presented a
model that simulated the behavior of a flock of birds
by the use of a few relatively simple, global rules.
This effective steering scheme is manifested by rules
for group cohesion, alignment and separation to
avoid collisions with other swarm entities. Building
on these results a next step would be to calculate the
Spaxel flow locally and distributed on the Spaxel
units themselves. This could lead to a lower need for
synchronization and therefore to a higher overall
responsiveness of the display.
In this paper we introduced a new paradigm for
spatial displays. Spaxels extend the concept of
Voxels from a discretely ordered matrix to a
continuous space. Furthermore we also introduced
the work on the first embodiment of this concept
based on unmanned aerial vehicles. This research
opens up a whole new field of visualizations in
physical space. Two core concepts for these
sculptural displays are the notion of the moment as
representation of a frame and the flow as the
transition in between. Both need to be redefined
based on the novel technological constraints. The
kinetic and dimensional potential of Spaxels
significantly extends the scale and mode of visual
To the team’s fearless quadrocopter test pilots and
programmers: Michael Mayr, Andreas Jalsovec and
Ben Olsen and to Ascending Technologies for their
outstanding support.
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