Content Meets Semantics: Smarter Exploration of Image Collections
Presentation of Relevant Use Cases
Ilaria Bartolini
DEIS, Universit`a di Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Image Databases, Visual Content, Semantics, Browsing.
Current techniques for the management of image collections exploit either user-provided annotations or
automatically-extracted visual features. Although effective, the approach based on annotations cannot be
efficient since the manual process of data tagging prevents its scalability. On the other hand, the organization
and search grounded on visual features, such as color and texture, is known to be a powerful (since it can be
made fully automatic), yet imprecise, retrieval paradigm, because of the semantic gap problem. This position
paper advocates the combination of visual content and semantics as a critical binomial for effectively and
efficiently managing and browsing image databases satisfying users’ expectations in quickly locating images
of interest.
The advent of digital photography leads to an increas-
ing production of media data, such as images and
videos. Recent years have also witnessed the prolif-
eration of social media and the success of many web-
sites, such as Flickr, Facebook, Youtube, etc., which
drastically increase the volume of media resources,
available for sharing. Such websites allow users not
only to create and share media data, but also to anno-
tate them. Users of above systems are, however, also
interested in a number of other challenging applica-
tions; among them, image searching and browsing,
that avoid users to feel lost when facing large image
Current solutions for exploring image collections
are based on a variety of heterogeneous techniques,
like tagging and visual features. Keyword-based re-
trieval exploits labels (or free tags), used to annotate
images, to search for images of interest. Free tags,
however, suffer the problem of ambiguity due to the
existence of synonymy (a single concept represented
by several, different labels) and homonymy/polysemy
(a single label representing several, different con-
cepts). For this, it is well known that concept hi-
erarchies represent a simple, yet powerful, way of
organizing concepts into meaningful groups (Hearst,
2006). This approach has been used in a variety of
contexts, also outside of multimedia. For example,
Yahoo uses a topic-based hierarchy to organize web
sites according to their topic and allows users
to quickly identify web pages of interest, while
Wikipedia contents are based on a hierarchy of cat-
egories. The biggest drawback of this approach is the
fact that, while categorization of items can be per-
formed (semi-)automatically, the hierarchies should
be manually built, although studies have also focused
on the automatically derivation of hierarchies (Dakka
et al., 2005). When the number of categories is large,
organizing them into a single taxonomy is detrimen-
tal for the usability of the overall structure. To this
end, faceted hierarchies (Hearst, 2006) are used in
a variety of scenarios as a very flexible, and sim-
ple, way to represent complex domains. For example,
they are successfully exploited in systems like Cata-
lyst and Flamenco (Yee
et al., 2003).
Although effective, current tags-based approaches
cannot be efficient due to the labor-intensive manual
process of data annotation that prevents its scalabil-
ity. We note that, exploiting social community con-
tribution in terms of trustable annotations of images
(e.g., Flickr), still represents an unreliable solution
due to the very high level of noise in the provided
Moreover, it is a fact that above presented tech-
niques are not able alone to reach satisfactory per-
formance levels. Just to give some concrete exam-
ples, text-based techniques, as exemplified by the im-
age search extensions of Google, Microsoft Bing, and
Bartolini I..
Content Meets Semantics: Smarter Exploration of Image Collections - Presentation of Relevant Use Cases.
DOI: 10.5220/0004126901860191
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 186-191
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Yahoo!, and by systems like Google Picasa, Apple
iPhoto, and Yahoo’s Flickr, yield a highly variable re-
trieval accuracy. This is due to the imprecision and
the incompleteness of the manual annotation process,
in the case of Picasa, iPhoto, and Flickr, or to the poor
correlation that often exists between surrounding text
of Web pages and the visual image content, for the
case of Google, Bing, and Yahoo!
On the other hand, content-based search, which
relies on low-level similarity features, such as color
and texture, is known to be a powerful (i.e., full au-
tomatic and scalable) retrieval paradigm (Schaefer,
2010; Heesch, 2008; Bartolini et al., 2004; Santini
and Jain, 2000), yet it is imprecise because of the se-
mantic gap existing between the user subjective no-
tion of similarity and the one implemented by the sys-
tem (Smeulders et al., 2000).
Among the recent attempts to match content and
semantics, systems exist that profitably use similarity
search principles to annotate general purpose images
(Pan et al., 2004; Bartolini and Ciaccia, 2008). The
basic idea is to exploit automatically extracted low-
level features from images that have been manually
annotated and use such information as training labels
in order to suggest tags for un-labeled visually sim-
ilar images. As another example, Picasa and iPhoto
are tag-based tools that also provide a specific visual
facility for automatic face recognition allowing users
to propagate manual annotations to the image folder
representing the same person; however this is clearly
limited to a single content type.
Recently, some efforts have tried to exploit infor-
mation contained in both visual content and semantics
within the same framework, e.g., (Bartolini, 2009). In
these approaches, however, the two kinds of informa-
tion are never fully integrated, rather they are merely
combined as a retrieval filter in order to support so-
called mixed queries (e.g., “images tagged as bear
that are also visually similar to the one provided as
query”). Similarly (but with retrievalnality), Google
Images supports keyword-based search, but also pro-
vides the user the opportunity to get visual similar im-
ages with respect to a particular returned image. A
tentative joint use of low-level features and surround-
ing texts has been pursued by (Gao et al., 2005): here
the purpose is create clusters containing images with
homogeneous content and semantics, so as to display
images resulting from a Web search in an opportunely
organized way. The focus of the paper is on explo-
ration effectiveness only, while efficiency aspects are
not considered due to the bounded dimension of the
result set. This clearly prevents the use of such tech-
nique on large image collections.
In this position paper we show how visual content
and semantic-based paradigms can be seamlessly in-
tegrated for effectively and efficiently managing and
browsing image databases, satisfying users’ expecta-
tions in quickly locating images of interest. The basic
idea is to use the semantics to overcome visual con-
tent limitations and vice versa. We will elaborate our
reasoning through a number of relevant use cases on
a real browsing system. In particular, we will show
how the PIBE system (Bartolini et al., 2004; Bartolini
et al., 2006) can be extended to encompass concepts
drawn from both semantics and content realms.
1.1 Basics on PIBE
PIBE (Bartolini et al., 2004; Bartolini et al., 2006)
is a browsing engine whose principles are rooted on
the concept of “adaptable” content-based similarity.
PIBE is based on an automatically derived hierar-
chical tree structure (called Browsing Tree) and pro-
vides the user with a set of browsing and personal-
ization actions that enable an effective and efficient
exploration of the image collection avoiding global
PIBE provides the user with two main functional-
ities, browsing and personalization, that are available
through an intuitive and user-friendly GUI (see Fig-
ure 1).
Space View
Context View
Figure 1: PIBEs interface.
In details, the Browsing Tree (BT) is automati-
cally derived from visual image descriptors (i.e., the
color distribution) whose only requirement is to be
points (feature vectors) in a N-dimensional space. By
recursively applying a clustering (k-means) algorithm
on such visual image descriptors, images sharing low
level characteristics are grouped together deriving the
nodes of the BT. The image comparison criterion is
based on a (dis)similarity function between the cor-
responding feature vectors. A key point to highlight
with regards to the (dis)similarity function is that each
node of the BT uses an adaptable local similarity
criterion (the weighted Euclidean distance) to com-
pare images. In this way, user preferences are con-
textualized to the relevant portion of the dataset and
the hierarchical organization of the BT avoids costly
global reorganizations. In the first step of the clus-
tering process, the k-means algorithm is applied to
the whole dataset by using default weights; then, it
is recursively applied down to the desired granularity
level to each of the derived k clusters using an up-
dated (dis)similarity function whose weight compo-
nents correspond to the inverse of the variance of the
feature vectors within the cluster along each compo-
nent. Finally, for each node a representative image
(the image that is closest to the cluster centroid) is
selected for visualization purposes.
Unfortunately, due to its fully automatic creation,
the initial structure of the BT may not always per-
fectly satisfy current user preferences. For example,
some images may be included in the wrong sub-tree
or a node may have too many/few children. To over-
come such problems, PIBE provides a set of person-
alization actions (e.g., move of an image to a differ-
ent cluster, fusion/split of clusters, etc.) to help the
user adapting the automatically built BT to her cur-
rent preferences.
With respect to browsing functionalities, the user
can explore the BT by means of a spatial visualiza-
tion approach (see the Space View in Figure 1), where
feature vectors are mapped on the 2-D screen to high-
light image similarity (the more images are similar,
the closer they are displayed to each other). Among
different browsing modalities, PIBE provides within
the Space View a traditional top-down navigation,
where the user selects an image on the display (by
clicking on it) and zooms in the corresponding BT
node (i.e., images representing the children nodes are
shown). The visualization concerns the local content
of one node; to distinguish between internal and leaf
BT nodes, representative images are framed in yellow
for internal nodes and in green for leaf nodes, respec-
tively (see Figure 1).
On the other hand, to offer a global visualization
modality of the BT, PIBEs GUI provides the user
with a sequential visualization tool, named Tree View
(see the left side of Figure 1), which offers usual nav-
igational facilities (expanding/collapsingnodes, visit-
ing nodes, etc.). When the user clicks on (the repre-
sentative image of) a BT node in the Tree View, the
content of the Space View is replaced with images in-
cluded in the selected node. Due to space constraints,
each image in the Tree View is zoomed in only when
the pointer hovers over it (see the “shark” image in
Figure 1).
Finally, to help the user in remembering the his-
tory of its browsing session, the GUI provides a third
visualization tool, named Context View (see the top
of Figure 1), which takes memory of each verti-
cal/horizontal exploration action by highlighting the
sequence of clicked images, for the vertical explo-
ration, and using a grey box to represent a horizontal
browsing action. In particular, by clicking on each el-
ement of the Context View the user can return back to
a previous visualization in the Space View.
Despite the fact that PIBE includes personalization
facilities so as to partially fill the semantic gap prob-
lem, browsing quality is still far from users’ expecta-
tions, due to the fact that the hierarchical organization
of the BT may prevent semantically related images to
appear within the same BT node. PIBE is therefore
a good candidate for the integration of semantics into
its content-based organization. For this, in this section
we show an evolution of the PIBE system, where se-
mantics are taken into account, using image labels, to
complement the visual similarity computed on low-
level features. By means of a set of use cases on this
advanced version of PIBE, we demonstrate the key
role played by the semantics in the image browsing
process. In details, it is possible to see how the basic
functionalities of PIBE can be opportunely extended
(by exploiting tags associated to images) in order to
improve users’ satisfaction. Towards this goal, we
distinguish two relevant scenarios:
1. use cases where the semantics assist the user dur-
ing her exploration;
2. use cases where the semantics help in improving
the image organization (i.e., the BT).
In the first scenario, existing image tags are used
to refine or augment the scope of current exploration.
The first use case of this scenario deals with hyper-
links to clusters of similar images”. One of the prob-
lems when browsing the BT in the original version of
PIBE is the fact that semantically correlated images
that do not share a similar visual content are likely
scattered in different parts of the tree. For example,
suppose the user is exploring the cluster represented
by the black bear in Fig. 2, i.e., the one highlighted in
the tree view. During the browsing session, the sys-
tem, by exploiting existing image tags, may suggest
the user two relevant clusters of semantically corre-
lated images, i.e., brown bear and polar bear clus-
ters, respectively. She can easily explore such clusters
by following provided links within the space view in-
stead of repeating multiple, separate, BT explorations.
Figure 2: Hyperlinks to similar clusters.
The second use case consists in “suggesting good
browsing directions”. When looking for a particular
image, the user usually starts her exploration from the
root of the BT and navigates down the tree until she
reaches a leaf node. During this browsing session, she
has to select, at each step, which is the “best” sub-
tree to visit next, according to visual characteristics.
When siblings nodes are visually similar, such selec-
tion becomes a critical task, because a choice made in
the upper levels of the tree may lead the user to the
“wrong” part of the tree. The integration of semantics
with low-level features may alleviate the problem by
opportunely highlighting portions of the BT that are
not relevant to the specific browsing task, i.e., sub-
trees containing images whose annotations are not
correlated to the tags specified by the user.
In the example depicted in Fig. 3, the user is look-
ing for an image representing a “bird in the sky” (in-
put tags bird and sky, respectively). The system inter-
acts with the user by suggesting three different types
of browsing directions, each one distinguished by a
specific color (i.e., green for “visit”, red for “avoid to
visit”, and yellow for “visit, but only after exploring
green clusters”). This suggestion could be extremely
helpful for the user that, in order to quickly reach im-
ages of interest, should probably visit the green node
first (the sub-tree represented by the sub picture); in
such node, the presence of at least one image seman-
tically relevant for the search is guaranteed. Then, the
user could possibly follow the yellow branch (repre-
sented by the brown bear image), where she would
likely find untagged images that may be interesting
Figure 3: Suggesting good browsing directions.
for her. Finally, she should avoid exploring red clus-
ters, that contain no images with tags semantically
correlated with the input ones.
Our third use case deals with a facility which is
typically included in several multimedia applications,
i.e., mixed queries”. In this case, the user asks for
images related to a specific concept (e.g., tag sub in
the example of Fig. 4) and that are also visually sim-
ilar to a pre-selected image (the fish image in our ex-
ample). The system returns the set of images belong-
ing the whole BT that match the input tag, providing
them to the user in descending order of visual similar-
ity with respect to the selected image.
Figure 4: Supporting mixed queries.
The final use case for the first scenario (how se-
mantics could assist the user during her exploration)
covers the tag report functionality, providing the
user with a general idea of the content of the image
collection. Given a user provided concept (e.g., the
tag bear in the example of Fig. 5), the system com-
putes a statistical report containing the set of tags that
are correlated with the input one (i.e., tags that co-
Figure 5: Supporting tag report.
occur with bear in the images of the collection). In
the example, such tags are ice, grass, sky, and tree.
For each correlated tag, the number of relevant im-
ages for that tag is also provided in the report together
with a link to the image set containing both tags, that
the user is allowed to explore. In our example, the
collection contains 11 images tagged with bear and
ice, 10 pictures labeled with bear and grass, etc.
We now present relevant use cases belonging to
the second scenario, where semantics could help in
improving the BT. The basic idea is to highlight pos-
sible discrepancies between tags associated to images
belonging a same cluster, and to suggest viable ac-
tions to solve the problem (by consistently updat-
ing the browsing structure) in order to improve ex-
ploration effectiveness for future browsing sessions.
Regarding efficiency, we note that in all cases, re-
organizations of the BT are always performed using
local visual features, thus scalability of this process is
inherited from the original version of PIBE.
The first use case deals with alerting for mis-
placed images and suggesting destination clusters”.
Due to the semantic gap problem suffered by the orig-
inal version of PIBE, it may happen that an image
included in a cluster is semantically different with re-
spect to all the other images in the same cluster. In
such situation, by looking at image semantics (i.e.,
tags) the system may alert the user of these misplaced
images and consistently suggest possible relevant des-
tination clusters where those images could be moved.
In the example of Fig. 6, the alert concerns the
image representing a fish (such image is labeled as
fish and sea, while all the other 4 images are tagged
with tags sub and sea). The system concludes that,
even if visually similar to the others, the sh image
is misplaced in the current cluster and automatically
provides the user with a more suitable destination for
it. In order to derive a suitable destination cluster, the
system looks for cluster of images in the BT sharing
the same tags (o similar ones, exploiting a lexical on-
tology like WordNet (Miller, 1995)) as the misplaced
image. The user is then offered the choice to persis-
tently move that image to one of suggested clusters,
depending on her personal preferences. In alterna-
tive, a re-tagging action is also contemplated by the
Figure 6: Suggesting clusters for misplaced images.
system; this is important because the misplacement
alert may depend on a wrong annotation of the image.
In this way, the user has the possibility to re-tag (at
run time) the supposedly misplaced picture with the
same tags associated to the majority of other compo-
nents (the first-class citizens) of the same cluster (in
the example, sub and sea).
Our second example deals with suggesting clus-
ter split”. This is a particular case of the previoustask.
The envisioned scenario is as follows: some clusters
may exist containing images that, according to their
tags, should be semantically divided into two or more
Figure 7: Suggesting cluster splitting.
In the example depicted in Fig. 7, the cluster is
composed of 5 images of birds and 3 images of planes
(again, this might be the result of a visual similarity
existing between images). The system notices a ques-
tionable situation and suggests the user a viable solu-
tion to solve the problem, that is, to divide (split) the
current cluster into two separate sub-clusters. Again,
the user may decide to persistently apply such modi-
fications to the BT or to ignore the suggestion.
The last use case we envision, suggesting cluster
merge”, is complementary to the previous one. This
time, the user is offered the possibility of merging
clusters containing images that are semantically sim-
ilar but visually different (and are therefore scattered
in different points of the original BT).
Figure 8: Suggesting cluster merging.
For example, consider again Fig. 2, where the
system suggested the user alternative browsing di-
rections: the system could also offer the user the
option to persistently merge suggested clusters with
the current one. Clearly, such re-organization would
move images in suggested clusters into a single clus-
ter, that may be subsequently divided into several sub-
clusters. In the specific case of Fig. 8, the system
allows the user to merge the currently opened clus-
ter (brown bear) with clusters containing polar bear
and/or black bear images, respectively.
In this position paper we advocate the combined use
of visual content and semantics as a critical binomial
for effectiveand efficient browsingof large image col-
lections, so as to satisfy users’ expectations in quickly
locating images of interest. We have elaborated our
reasoning through a set of relevant use cases on a real
browsing system, namely PIBE. Such use cases tes-
tify how semantics can help visual content and vice
versa, both in assisting the user during her exploration
sessions and in improving image organization. We fi-
nally note that, although use cases presented in this
paper all used simple labels (free tags), the underly-
ing model exploited in the improved version of PIBE
allows the use of semantic tags, i.e., paths extracted
from a variety of existing taxonomies (semantic di-
mensions); this is known to solve problems of ambi-
guity, polysemy, etc. that plague solutions based on
free tags (Hearst, 2006; Bartolini, 2009).
In the future, we plan to provide a thorough exper-
imental analysis and comparison evaluation of PIBE
on real users with large image benchmarks.
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