fications to the BT or to ignore the suggestion.
The last use case we envision, “suggesting cluster
merge”, is complementary to the previous one. This
time, the user is offered the possibility of merging
clusters containing images that are semantically sim-
ilar but visually different (and are therefore scattered
in different points of the original BT).
Figure 8: Suggesting cluster merging.
For example, consider again Fig. 2, where the
system suggested the user alternative browsing di-
rections: the system could also offer the user the
option to persistently merge suggested clusters with
the current one. Clearly, such re-organization would
move images in suggested clusters into a single clus-
ter, that may be subsequently divided into several sub-
clusters. In the specific case of Fig. 8, the system
allows the user to merge the currently opened clus-
ter (brown bear) with clusters containing polar bear
and/or black bear images, respectively.
In this position paper we advocate the combined use
of visual content and semantics as a critical binomial
for effectiveand efficient browsingof large image col-
lections, so as to satisfy users’ expectations in quickly
locating images of interest. We have elaborated our
reasoning through a set of relevant use cases on a real
browsing system, namely PIBE. Such use cases tes-
tify how semantics can help visual content and vice
versa, both in assisting the user during her exploration
sessions and in improving image organization. We fi-
nally note that, although use cases presented in this
paper all used simple labels (free tags), the underly-
ing model exploited in the improved version of PIBE
allows the use of semantic tags, i.e., paths extracted
from a variety of existing taxonomies (semantic di-
mensions); this is known to solve problems of ambi-
guity, polysemy, etc. that plague solutions based on
free tags (Hearst, 2006; Bartolini, 2009).
In the future, we plan to provide a thorough exper-
imental analysis and comparison evaluation of PIBE
on real users with large image benchmarks.
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