Persona Modeling Process
From Microdata-based Templates to Specific Web Ontologies
Stefan Negru and Sabin Buraga
Faculty of Computer Science, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, General Berthelot, 16, Iasi 700483, Romania
Personas, Knowledge Modeling, Semantic Web, Ontology, Microdata, Human-Computer Interaction.
The use of Personas method for communicating user requirements in Human-Computer Interaction is well
established and widely used. However, little research has been conducted regarding linking personas data
with other pieces of data concerning the product development and design process or even creating a personas
model. We consider that using semantic web technologies such as microdata and RDFa to annotate personas
data is and adequate step towards solving these issues. This paper aims to provide a conceptual model (a
HTML5 microdata schema and an OWL specification) that includes concepts and properties used to model
personas. In order to exemplify our model and extract data, we made use of a semantically annotated persona
The Personas method was proposed by Cooper
(Cooper, 1999; Cooper et al., 2007) and has gained
increasing attention in the Human-Computer Interac-
tion (HCI) field, as it facilitates the communication
of information about target users among the project
team members (Pruitt and Adlin, 2010), but also pro-
vides a greater understanding of the main audience.
Considering these advantages, many companies such
as Microsoft, SAP, FedEx have adopted personas as
a part of their design process (Blomquist and Ar-
vola, 2002; Chapman and Milham, 2006; Drego and
Dorsey, 2010; Drego et al., 2010; Browne, 2011).
A persona is regarded as a user archetype which
can be used to “help guide decisions about product
features, navigation, interactions, and even visual de-
sign” (Goodwin, 2005). Being an archetype, a per-
sona represents a group of users who share common
behavioral or physical characteristics, goals, frustra-
tions, preferences and other similar characteristics.
Even though a persona represents a group of users,
a fictional individual is created, based on user in-
terviews, to represent specific aspects of that group
(Pruitt and Adlin, 2010).
Despite the popularity of this method, there are
several debates (Long, 2009) regardingthe implemen-
tation of this technique as many authors advocate dis-
tinct differences in the way which it can be used. Also
“there have been no adequate studies addressing the
reliability, validity, or utility of the method (Chap-
man and Milham, 2006), and even if methodologi-
cal problems were overcome –, this technique suffers
certain practical limitations: how personas are rec-
onciled with other information, and who is responsi-
ble for interpreting them. (Chapman and Milham,
2006). Additionally, validating the obtained informa-
tion can be time consuming and troublesome, as the
personas profiles are validated manually against on-
line user profiles or through the customer service team
(Caddick and Cable, 2011).
Ontologies have proven to be a very useful tool
in modeling data concepts and relationships between
them, by providing semantics for humans and formal-
ism for machine processing and reasoning. Also, mi-
, RDFa
and microdata
enable the pub-
lication and consumption of the data available on the
Web – particularly, using the HTML5
In this paper we take into consideration such se-
mantic web technologies, as a first step towards sol-
ving the issues presented above, and opening new
possibilities such as automatically validation and gen-
eration of personas based on online user profiles. We
propose PersonasOnto ontology as a way of modeling
personas related concepts and their relationships.
Negru S. and Buraga S..
Persona Modeling Process - From Microdata-based Templates to Specific Web Ontologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004127000340042
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 34-42
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The next section of the paper offers a review of
related work. We continue with a discussion regard-
ing several aspects of the personas method. Section 4
presents the personas knowledge modeling, and sec-
tion 5 illustrates several use cases. The article ends
with conclusions and future directions of research.
The interest on describing persons and user profiles
has a wide spread as several vocabularies such as
and Person
offer facile manner to
publish information in a machine-readable format.
Also, as the need for software system (Razmerita
et al., 2003; Negru, 2010; Cheng et al., 2011) to auto-
matically adapt to their users has increased, a number
of domain specific ontologies concerning user profiles
have been developed.
Such ontologies as (Felden and Linden, 2007;
Cena et al., 2011) explore the implications of
user models in the context of recommender systems.
Also, (Razmerita, 2007) presents a generic ontology-
based user modeling architecture applied in Knowl-
edge Management Systems. Other related work such
as (Golemati et al., 2007) provides a standard ontol-
ogy for modeling user profiles with the aim of facili-
tating communications between applications.
A related ontology is AEGIS ontology
helps the mapping between accessibility concepts,
and how they can be mapped within accessibility sce-
As most of the existing user profiling ontologies
the related work presented above emphasizes the im-
portance of context awareness. This aspect and other
relevant user modeling issues are reviewed in (Fis-
cher, 2001).
Although seemingly overlapping concepts per-
sonas and user profiles, they are different. Personas
represent a group of users who share characteristics
and preferences, while user profiles (also known as
user models) are a collection of personal data asso-
ciated to specific users or stereotypes. Despite these
differences, certain aspects regarding user modeling
techniques can be transposed on the personas method.
In the next section we will consider a few aspects
regarding the personas method.
Unlike the target audience segmentation or user pro-
filing, personas provide greater depth and context to
generic target audience groups by focusing on one
archetype which embodies the predominant qualities
of the larger group. These qualities are often struc-
tured by a persona document (specification) (Long,
2009; Pruitt and Adlin, 2010; Caddick and Cable,
The data included into this document is a result
of user interviews and it is distilled into one or mul-
tiple fictitious characters which corresponds to a cer-
tain persona type (Cooper et al., 2007). In this doc-
ument, each character is developed in greater detail,
along with scenarios which describe how that char-
acter might interact with a product. The persona and
their associated scenarios form the basis for specify-
ing how users want to experience and interact with a
certain product or application.
Figure 1: Overview of the personas HTML5 template.
3.1 Personas Document Template
As an important part of this method is the persona
document and the information it contains, we devel-
oped our own HTML5 template
(Figure 1), follow-
ing existing guidelines (Long, 2009; Pruitt and Adlin,
publicly available at: per-
2010; Caddick and Cable, 2011). Being a HTML doc-
ument which contains informationsemantically anno-
tated by using microdata/RDFa, it facilitates publica-
tion, consumption, and reuse of information.
The template is structured as follows:
1. Type and Background Information contains de-
tails regarding the persona type and fictional back-
ground information such as birthday, name, gen-
der, location and other information of interest;
2. Main Details consists of a detailed description
regarding this persona along with some character-
istics (main points), goals and frustrations;
3. Scenarios includes either a description of sce-
nario tasks or images depicting scenarios;
4. Other Details contains other relevant notes re-
garding the persona.
In the next section we will discuss how we can make
use of this HTML template and annotate relevant data
using existing vocabularies and our proposed vocabu-
As we previously mentioned, several existing
widely used vocabularies like as FOAF and
could be utilized, thus we
applied such vocabularies to annotate information in
our HTML template.
In a small scale experiment, we provided our tem-
plate to several teams working on different projects
to fill up with information. Using existing tools
such as RDFa Distiller
and Microdata to RDF Dis-
– we extracted the data presented below, from
a project’s personas document. This data consists of
RDF triples expressed in Turtle format.
[ a schema:Person;
schema:givenName "Jane"@en-us;
schema:familyName "Doe"@en-us;
schema:gender "Female"@en-us;
schema:birthDate "1989-05-11"ˆˆxsd:date;
schema:image <student.jpg>;
schema:location [ a schema:Place;
schema:name "City,Country"@en-us ];
schema:worksFor [ a schema:Organization;
schema:jobTitle "Student"@en-us;
"Univ. City,Country"@en-us ];
[ a schema:EducationalOrganization
"Univ. City,Country"@en-us ] ]
The data obtained is unsatisfactory as it omits se-
veral important pieces of data from the persona doc-
ument. In order to solve this issue, we modeled our
own Persona microdata schema.
4.1 Persona Schema
One advantage of the HTML5 microdata is that it is
designed such that each piece of information in a doc-
ument has assigned types from a single vocabulary,
though each entity may have several types and prop-
erties from other vocabularies (W3C, Interest Group ,
2012). Additionally, the Person schema offers prop-
erties such as affiliation, interactionCount (count of a
specific user interactions with an item), performerIn,
spouse, awards etc. which facilitates to establish cer-
tain knowledge regarding the user background and
Another important aspect is that
lows the extension of existing schema, and we made
use of it in this section by developing the Personas
. As represented in Table 1, we proposed a
set of new properties such as personaType, tagLine,
mainPoint, frustrationPoint, endGoal, scenario, con-
text and other. Some properties like myersBriggs and
topicInterest were inspired from the FOAF vocabu-
Properties like minHeigh, maxWeight, minFeet-
Size refer to a persona body measurement such as
height, weight, bust size, waist size, and feet size. We
used min and max values instead of a range, due to
the fact that they are more precise than a range.
Along with some of the new properties, we pro-
posed several additional schemas like Disability, Per-
sonality, Emotion, Scenario and Context, in order to
provide a more detailed vocabulary which fits our pur-
poses. These schemas themselves come along with
new properties and a range which specifies expected
data types.
The Scenario schema has the following new prop-
erties and expected data types:
product: A product (subject of a given usability
test); for example, a software application or even
a physical product such as mobile phone or car.
Expected Type: Product or Application;
scenarioName: Scenario name. Expected Type:
userTask: Tasks to be performed by the user. Ex-
pected Type: Text;
publicly available at:
Table 1: Persona Schema Properties and Description.
Property Expected Type Description
The type of Persona: Primary, Secondary, Negative, Supplemen-
tal, Served or Customer.
tagline URL or Text A tagline specific to a persona.
mainPoint Text Main points specific to the persona category.
minHeight, max-
Float Minimum and maximum height of a persona.
Float Minimum and maximum body weight of a persona.
Float Minimum and maximum bust size of a persona.
Float Minimum and maximum waist size of a persona.
Float Minimum and maximum feet size of a persona.
experienceGoal Text Experience goals are simple, universal, and personal.
endGoal Text
End goals represent the user’s motivation for performing the tasks
associated with using a specific product.
lifeGoal Text
Life goals represent personal aspirations of the user that typically
go beyond the context of the product being designed.
businessGoal URL or Text
Business goals represent the goals of the organization the persons
works for.
Technical goals reflect technical aspects regarding an applica-
tion/product for example: run in a variety of browser, data privacy
experienceLevel Text
Reflects the experience level of a persona with the application or
product; proposed levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.
technicalLevel Text Reflects the technical level of a persona.
Disability or Text
A persona disability/disabilities relevant to accessibility aspects of
the application/product.
Personality or Text
Inspired by FOAF Myers Briggs personality classification which
includes 16 4-letter textual codes (Myers et al., 1998).
A thing of interest for a certain persona, inspired by FOAF topic
affectiveState Emotion or Text
The affective state of the user at a certain moment, if a proper
schema is not used, please provide a certain emotion using text
frustrationPoint Text
Elements of a UI/UX or certain characteristics that frustrate the
user or (s)he sees as pain points. These elements will help in us-
ability evaluation.
userRole Text
The role of the user in the application/product (if necessary - for
example: admin, basic user etc.).
scenario Scenario or URL
The scenario where the users represented by this persona will be
used to test the usability.
context Context
Description of the context that best fits a scenario recommended
values: Physical/Virtual.
otherNotes Text Other notes and observations regarding a persona.
productTask: Task performed by the product in
response to the user. Expected Type: Text;
interactionMedium: The medium of interaction;
for example, Touch, Gestural, Mouse+keyboard
etc. Expected Type: Text;
description: Description of the scenario. Ex-
pected Type: URL or Text;
context: Scenario context. Expected Type: Con-
participant: Participants to this scenario. Ex-
pected Type: Person;
usabilityTest: Usability test. Expected Type: Us-
abilityTest or Text;
evaluatedElements: Focus/key elements in this
scenario, tested later on, for example notifications
element from the user interface. Expected Type:
The Context schema has the following properties:
contextType: Context type recommended va-
lues: Physical/Virtual or Tangible/Intangible;
location: Useful information about the location;
event: An event has a location and a time;
geo: The geographical coordinates of the context;
sensorData: Sensors context data;
photos: Photographs regarding the context;
reviews: A set of reviews regarding the context.
Disability schema contains the following proper-
ties: visualImpairment, hearingImpairment, gusta-
toryImpairment, somatosensoryImpairment, intellec-
tualImpairment, mentalEmotionalDisorder, develop-
After modeling these schemas, we annotated the
information in the HTML template using the above
vocabularies and we extracted the data below.
[a <>;
schema:givenName "Jane"@en-us;
schema:familyName "Doe"@en-us;
schema:gender "Female"@en-us;
schema:birthDate "1989-05-11"ˆˆxsd:date;
schema:image <student.jpg>;
schema:location [ a schema:Place;
schema:name "City,Country"@en-us ];
schema:worksFor [ a schema:Organization;
schema:jobTitle "Student"@en-us;
"Univ. City,Country"@en-us ];
[ a schema:EducationalOrganization
"Univ. City,Country"@en-us ];
schema:personaType "Primary"@en-us;
schema:mainPoint [ a rdf:Bag;
rdf:_1 "Experience with Android OS;"
rdf:_2 "connected socially to most of
her colleagues and some teachers.
schema:technicalLevel "Medium"@en-us;
"increase knowledge"@en-us;
"getting a proper education"
schema:frustrationPoint [ a rdf:Bag;
rdf:_1 "hard to use"@en-us,
rdf:_2 "no feedback provided"
@en-us. ];
schema:lifeGoal "be productive"@en-us;
[ a <>;
schema:description "she will check
grades and progress online"@en-us ] ]
The obtained data contains all the relevant infor-
mation regarding a persona and could be processed
and linked with other data in the spirit of Linked Data
initiative (Bizer et al., 2009).
Although microdata is an easy way of annotating
HTML document, it cannot express two aspects that
RDFa supports: datatypes of literals and XML literals
(Vestlandsforsking, 2012).
4.2 Personas Ontology Description
This subsection presents a description of the Per-
ontology. PersonasOnto provides a
mean of annotating XHTML
and HTML documents
with RDFa, but it can also be mapped in its RDF
representation to HTML5 microdata.
Table 2 presents an overview of the proposed on-
tology classes and subclasses and Figure 2 provides
a graphical representation of the ontology classes and
The Person class is the central one in the ontol-
ogy, as it contains characteristics such as age, gen-
der, name, date of birth, but also the Persona class.
As a subclass of Person, the Persona class could be
regarded of being a separate identity of a person, al-
though it has the same usage. Also, as we previously
mentioned, a persona represents the characteristics of
a group of persons, and usually has a context associ-
Classes such as AffectiveState, Personality, Dis-
ability, Organization are used to describe several
characteristics or a person like an emotion (e.g.
anger), a disability (such as partial blindness), his/her
personality (e.g. ESTJ Extraversion, Sensing,
Thinking, Judgment) and the organization (s)he
works for, or (s)he is in.
Other classes like Context, Scenario, Task, Goals,
UsabilityTest and subclasses PersonaType are con-
nected with the Persona subclass. For example, a per-
sona has a certain type (Primary, Secondary, etc.), has
the characteristics of a (fictional) person, has certain
life or experience Goals, (s)he performs certain tasks
in a scenario. The scenario is placed in a certain con-
text and can be also used in a usability test.
Many of the classes, subclasses and properties are
publicly available at:
Figure 2: Overview of the PersonasOnto ontology classes and properties.
Table 2: PersonasOnto Ontology and Upper Level Classes.
Class Name
Subclasses Class Description
Emotion, Feeling, Mood The affective state of a person at a certain point.
Intangible, Tangible, Place, Time The Context in which a scenario takes place.
VisualImpairment, HearingImpair-
ment, GustatoryImpairment, Intellectu-
alImpairment, MentalEmotionalDisorder,
SomoatosensoryImpairment, Develop-
A person’s disabilities mental and physical.
BusinessGoals, EndGoals, Experience-
Goals, LifeGoals, Technical Goals
The goals of a Persona.
Corporation, EducationalOrganization,
GovermentOrganization, Group, Medi-
umBusiness, NGO, SmallBusiness,
The type of Organization a Person belongs to.
Participant, Persona
Basic information about a person and more pre-
cisely about a participant or a persona.
The MyersBriggs personality of a person.
Document, Image, Product Type of resources available.
A series of tasks the user performs in a certain
InteractiveTask, NonInteractiveTask
Tasks performed by a Person in a Scenario. Inter-
activeTask could be certain action performed by a
user, NonInteractiveTask could be a machine re-
sponse to that action.
A usability test evaluates the usability of a certain
Product in a Scenario.
the same as in the Persona schema described in the
previous subsection. On the other hand, classes like
AffectiveState and Personality have certain properties
which better define the relationship between them.
Such a property is expressed below in Turtle
### personasOnto.owl#hasInfluence
:hasInfluence rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain :Disability ;
rdfs:range [
rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:unionOf ( :AffectiveState
:Personality )].
The Context Class includes a tangible (physical
world) or intangible (virtual world) environment, but
also could specify spatial and temporal concepts. This
inclusion is expressed below.
### personasOnto.owl##includes
:includes rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:range [
rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:unionOf ( :Place
:Time )] ;
rdfs:domain [
rdf:type owl:Class ;
owl:unionOf ( :Intangible
:Tangible )].
Other classes like UsabilityTest can be extended
to include domain specific concepts.
In section 2 we mentioned a small scale experiment
in which we provided our template to several teams
working on different projects in order to fill up with
information. The purpose of such a project was to
build a web-based solution along with a mobile client,
for the management of the academic information (e.g.
grades, schedule, courses, assignments etc.).
The team responsible for this project identified in
a first phase two primary personas: professors and
students – each of them having their own goals, frus-
trations and set of characteristics. We presented the
student persona in section 2 and the professor persona
is exemplified below.
[ a <>;
schema:givenName "John"@en-us;
schema:familyName "Doe"@en-us;
schema:gender "Male"@en-us;
schema:birthDate "1980-10-23"ˆˆxsd:date;
schema:image <proffesor.jpg>;
schema:location [ a schema:Place;
schema:name "City, Country"@en-us ];
schema:worksFor [ a schema:Organization;
schema:jobTitle "Proffesor" @en-us;
schema:name "City,Country"@en-us ];
[ a schema:EducationalOrganization;
schema:name "Univ. City,Country"
schema:personaType "Primary"@en-us;
schema:mainPoint [ a rdf:Bag;
rdf:_1 "dislikes applications that
are not well structured;"@en-us,
rdf:_2 "has programming knowledge
rdf:_3 "uses applications to
share courses data with students
and manage their progress"@en-us;
rdf:_4 "Working environment: Desktop
Mac OS, Mobile: IOS"@en-us.];
schema:technicalLevel "Advanced"@en-us;
"increase student enrollment"
schema:endGoal "share courses"@en-us;
"organize work information and tasks"
schema:frustrationPoint [a rdf:Bag;
rdf:_1 "dislikes weak and bad
structured applications"@en-us,
rdf:_2 "slowness, hard to use and
no feedback provided"@en-us,
rdf:_3 "Unreliability"@en-us. ] ]
The first challenge the team faced was to combine
all the data from the interviews to obtain the personas
document. But, as this team followed the method
and created several personas by interviewing users,
some teams created their personas by imagining pos-
sible characteristics and frustrations of their target au-
dience. This latter method requires validation against
real user data.
Both of these challenges could be solved by a
software system which incorporates in its knowledge
base a TBox component (Baader et al., 2007) based
on the PersonasOnto and the ABox populated with
data extracted from the personas document. The sys-
tem would be able to generate the personas document
based on a selection on online user profiles or validate
the created persona against an online user profile.
Figure 3: Components of a Scenario.
As we see in Figure 3, a scenario contains seve-
ral components such as participants, tasks, and con-
text. From these components the context is the most
problematic as the changes that take place in both the
tangible (physical world) and intangible (e.g. virtual
world, software simulation) contexts have an impact
on the user, which performs a certain task.
In such a case, we need to link the data gathered in
the persona documentwith the data obtained in the us-
ability test, because some inconsistencies may arise.
For example, certain context conditions may have an
impact on the number of tasks a user has to do to, in
order to reach the end point of a scenario, thus gener-
ating new frustrations.
This paper presented the PersonasOnto ontology
and Persona schema which incorporate concepts and
properties used to model personas. We also explored
the possibility of annotating information in a personas
document by using HTML5 microdata, thus making
such a web page machine-readable.
Existing vocabularies and research regarding user
profiling and personas have been taken into account,
in order to create an accurate personas model.
These vocabularies open new possibilities regard-
ing automatically validation and generation of per-
sonas based on online user profiles, but also linking
personas data with other data (e.g. data from a usabil-
ity test document or context data).
It is our future aim to study these issues, with the
purpose of incorporating them in a knowledge-driven
interactive system.
This work was partially supported by the European
Social Fund in Romania, under the responsibility of
the Managing Authority for the Sectorial Operational
Program for Human Resources Development 2007-
2013 [grant POSDRU/107/1.5/S/78342].
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