Ontology Summarization through Simple Pruning Measures
Isaac Lera, Carlos Juiz and Ramon Puigjaner
Dept. Matem
atiques i Inform
atica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 07122, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Ontology Summarization, Context.
This paper addresses the problem of synthesizing an ontology by defining prunning measures based on OWL
axioms. From a deep structural and axiomatic analysis of current ontologies, we have defined a set of basic
measures of selection of important elements that it has a linear computational cost.
A semantic model as DBpedia consists of 1 billion
triples and GeoNames, of 146 million triples. Man-
aging this volume of linked statements, using infer-
ence reasoners, SPARQL endpoints, or simple data
tasks such as removing or adding, implies accesses
and updates of thousands RDF triples. Resource man-
agement is critical to achieve suitable response times
and an effective data consumption. Data synthesis,
independently of the representation model, allows to
generate solutions to multiples areas such as the maxi-
mizing of data exchange, on social understanding, the
simplify of domain/context management, on caching
techniques, on information retrieving, on ontology
mapping techniques, and so on where it may be useful
the manipulation of fewer elements.
In our opinion, the motivation of a summarization
depends on the final application of the results. Some
works focus on application use (Alani et al., 2006)
which it is based on the elements involved with user
queries; other approaches simplify a large number
of hierarchies (Stuckenschmidt and Schlicht, 2009)
or some show the most key concepts (Peroni et al.,
2008). The evaluation is task motivation and is of-
ten compared with a gold standard (human judge-
ments) (Li and Motta, 2010).
Our approach is designed to achieve an effective
response time in performance terms. Our pruning
measures are chosen in function of centrality, cov-
erage, and richness of OWL axioms. For evaluation
results, we have used the classical group of ontolo-
gies (biosphere, financial, music, aktors portal) (Per-
oni et al., 2008; Li and Motta, 2010), and also we have
included the conference group of ontologies from On-
tology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2007) defined an algorithm
where an ontology is transformed in a RDF sentence
graph and it sets the final size given a summarize
length. The selection is based on the notion of cen-
trality on social networks. The value of centrality is
determined by some formulas. The first one counts
the degree of centrality by means of the number of
connections: incoming and outgoing links. The sec-
ond one determines its relative centrality in terms of
the shortest path with other nodes. The third mea-
sure consist on two alternatives to eigenvector central-
ity: PageRank and HITS. Finally, a re-ranking pro-
cess sets the salient elements using domain filters of
the previous measures.
Peroni et al. (Peroni et al., 2008) presented two
versions of an algorithm to make easy the ontology
domain understanding through the classes more rep-
resentatives. It is based on the idea of the Eleanor
Rosch where people use often basic terms to describe
things instead of abstract ones. Authors defined a set
of measures such as: name simplicity avoiding com-
pound nouns; basic level indicates the centrality of
a label in the taxonomy; the density is computed by
a weighted aggregation on the number of direct sub-
classes, properties and instances; and, the coverage
represents the subsumption of a class with the others
in the taxonomy.
Stuckenschmidt et al. (Stuckenschmidt and
Schlicht, 2009) proposed a division of modules
which contains coherent hierarchical data and it has
the maximum level of interpretation. By means of a
graph, they determined the weight of dependencies
among classes using social network theories.
Lera I., Juiz C. and Puigjaner R..
Ontology Summarization through Simple Pruning Measures.
DOI: 10.5220/0004127303390342
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 339-342
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
And finally, regarding with the evaluation, Li et
al. (Li and Motta, 2010) analysed evaluation meth-
ods in semantic representations. They used other
areas and methods to classify three types of eval-
uations: application-driven ontology, gold standard
based ontology, and corpus coverage ontology. More-
over, they provided a list of evaluation measures:
recall-based, sentence-rank-based, and content-based.
They applied these observations in two previous ap-
proaches (Peroni et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2007) us-
ing financial and biosphere ontologies.
In order to introduce our approach, we have consid-
ered noteworthy the relativity of this subject: the sum-
marization depends entirely on the person who do it
or on the final nature that it has the application. Thus,
we decided to carry on a brief questionnaire where the
volunteers did not know nothing about ontologies and
the aim of the same, but most of them were university
students and the rest was research staff.
We realize some expected results. The most sim-
ple is a structure, the most easier is the selection of
elements. A taxonomy is more simple visually than a
graph and a simple text, and the centrality of the el-
ements by means of other concepts determine its sig-
nificance. Thus, the organization/layout is the key of
the selection. When all the elements are isolated in a
layout people choose those words that are more sim-
ple and more frequents independently of the context.
Furthermore, people answered that the context is vital
for select elements, but the position inside the repre-
sentation is not crucial.
Roughly speaking, human criterion for determin-
ing the importance of elements in complex structure
representations such as ontologies is not objective.
In addition, in this type of graphs, the cardinality
and complex OWL axioms are not included. Perhaps
other type of representations could be more useful but
it is not our study. In addition, as the notion of ‘impor-
tance’ is relative, the importance of a elements may be
not set by the position. It is more useful to take into
account the frequency or the sparseness ratio. Finally,
the evaluation of ontology summarization approaches
should avoid the human judgements and it should be
based on quantitative measures from computational
issues such as: performance indices, data-driven ap-
plications and reasoning tasks.
Our design try to achieve some basic notions. (i) The
representation and its interpretation sets the size of
the summarization, the final size depends on the orig-
inal source. For that, text summarization is variable
according with human criteria. As we have checked,
each person decides that concepts are more useful. In
this way, our design extracts a number undetermined
of classes and their respective properties in function
of the whole representation. With this design, the
evaluation is transparent to the decision of setting a
size. As we see experimentally, this indetermination
remains constant under a certain percentage of ele-
ments. (ii) The ratio between utility and summariza-
tion computational cost should be low. It seems more
useful to use all ontology elements that the summa-
rization when the second process has a bigger com-
putational cost. This fact impacts in the design of
the pruning measures. (iii) According with (Peroni
et al., 2008), the pruning measures should mark the
elements that are information-rich, that is known by
the notion of density. (iv) The previous fact implies
that those concepts have a great number of triples and
for example, it could be useful in caching techniques.
Thus, ontology elements are clustered by their num-
ber of triplets, which it means that they are more men-
In contrast with (Peroni et al., 2008), our prun-
ing measures does not consider the label of a con-
cept since the interpretation of labels only is used in
human evaluations. Moreover, the number of com-
pound nouns is around 56% considering only con-
cepts. We analysed 693 labels concepts form 13 on-
tologies which are part of Ontology Alignment Eval-
uation Initiative (OAEI)
in the dataset of conference
2010. In our opinion, this group of ontologies can
be considered as ‘real ontologies’ since they present
a wide set of OWL axioms and they are not simple
Peroni and Zhang mentioned the notion of den-
sity/coverage and centrality/re-ranking weight the
classes. Basically, in the first case, the number of
subclasses, properties and instances are weighted and
divided by the ratio of distance. The final score of
a classes depends on three weighted components: it
measures this density, another one the popularity hit-
based on Yahoo queries, and the last one component
considers the label string. In the second approach,
the notion of centrality is based on a ratio of input-
output degree of vertexes, plus an algorithm to cal-
culate the shortest-path and another based on eigen-
vector. They apply these algorithms on RDF sen-
tences. In conclusion, OWL axioms are not consid-
ered for selecting classes, only the ‘centrality’ and
‘citation’ of classes is the common criteria. At the
same time, other factors as queries are used to select
classes. In the fig. 1, it is represented biosphere ontol-
ogy where some classes have some extra-circles ac-
Figure 1: Biosphere selection of classes according with Per-
oni, Zhang and our approach.
cording to Peroni, Zhang and our approach. Thus,
there is not ontological difference among some sim-
ilar classes however they are chosen. For example,
in the case of Zhang, it happens with anemone class,
around animal class. The rest of animal subclasses
are similar to anemone but they are not chosen. In
the case of Peroni approach, there are: bird, bacte-
ria, crown classes, and so on. This type of classes
are chosen for criteria applications, basically, specific
queries. Although, biosphere ontology is only a tax-
onomy without individuals, object or data properties,
restrictions, etc.
Based on our notions, we synthesize the represen-
tation in a group of classes, called structural predom-
inant classes (SPC). Structural also refers the use of
complex ontology constructors, besides of traditional
hierarchical or properties axioms. We have analysed
the set of constructors of RDF, RDFs, and OWL to
discover some relationship about centrality, citation,
and inference. At the same time, we have studied the
correlation among them but there is not relation since
each measure is independent and variable. Thus, we
decide to have a list of criteria independently among
them based on frequencies. Furthermore, due to the
low number of restrictions: cardinality, compositions,
disjointness, etc. we group the restrictions in only one
Following the previous considerations we select
the next criteria:
According with centrality notion:
the relative depth, it is the maximum depth of
its subclasses,
the number of direct subclasses,
According with citation notion:
the number of relationships with a range on it,
h i
g=... Prop.e
d=... Prop.e
Figure 2: Sketch of the structure of an ontology.
Table 1: Criteria values from the fig. 2.
a b c d e f g h i j
relative depth 5 4 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1
direct subclasses 3 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0
inc. range 3
inc. restrictions 2
individuals 3 2 2
the number of restrictions on it,
and the number of individuals.
These factors are independents and they have a
linear computational cost, so a class could be candi-
date in various factors and all classes could be tagged
as SPC. In the figure 2, we show an example where
it is represented an ontology with hierarchical rela-
tionships, object properties, individuals -rectangles-
and restrictions. At the same time, the table 1 has the
value of each class for each criterion of that ontology.
The selection of classes in function of these crite-
ria is filtered in base a common percentile. Using pre-
vious example, with a percentile of a 40% we have:
a, b and e by relative depth; a, b, and e, by direct
subclasses; g by incidence of range; e by incidence
of restrictions; f, g, and h by individuals. The total
number of classes is a, b, e, g, f, and h classes.
As a simple case, edas ontology is represented in
the fig. 4. This ontology comes from a data case of
a OAEI benchmark. The visualization contains two
layouts to display SPC. On the left (a) is represented
by a circular layout. The classes are circles, with a
darker colour are the SPC. At-a-glance we observe
the greatest number of relationships belonging a SPC
group. On right section (b), it is a force direct lay-
out. Notice that individuals and restrictions axioms
are not represented, thus isolated nodes or no-central
positions can be SPC. This image was created using a
plug-in specially developed for this research.
This percentile is the only value that is necessary.
However, we have analysed 16 ontologies from OAEI
conference group, and the number of selected classes
remains constant. In the fig. 3 the number of SPC does
not exceed 40% of the total. Mean value of classes
analysed has been 49.41.
Figure 3: Blue line the number of SPC according a thresh-
old percentile value, using the 16 conference ontologies of
Figure 4: Two layouts of edas ontology where SPC are
We have designed a set of rules to summarize on-
tology elements, specifically classes. These rules
consider all OWL constructors instead of traditional
synthesis based on taxonomies and centrality nodes.
Moreover, all these rules have a linear computational
cost which makes easy to deploy the algorithm in
devices with low computational capacities that it is
where summarization techniques are more useful.
This work is partially supported by the project
TIN2011-23889 from Spanish Ministry of Science,
Culture and Sport.
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