An Agile Approach for Service-Oriented Architectures
Hamza Chehili
, Mahmoud Boufaida
and Lionel Seinturier
Laboratory LIRE, Mentouri University of Constantine, Constantine, Algeria
LIFL-INRIA ADAM, University of Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Keywords: SOA, Agile, Design, SCA, BPMN.
Abstract: Today, service oriented architectures (SOA) has received much interest. the need of methodologies for the
implementation of this architecture is very critical and crucial. In this position paper, we present an agile
approach for the development of SOA with the respect of the principles of agile methods. This approach
exploits the BPMN model to design incrementally business processes and the SCA model to describe the
business functions of the system as an assembly of components. As implementation of this approach, we
announce briefly a computer aided software engineering (CASE) framework.
The change and the rapid evolution of needs have
led companies to invest more on their information
systems. The later ones are often criticized for their
limitations in terms of reuse and evolution. Thus, the
problems of incompatibility and redundancy at the
application level have highlighted the need for a
homogeneous enterprise-wide solution. Service-
oriented architecture (SOA) has emerged as a
solution that meets business expectations. It is
considered as an approach to normalize the software
architecture across the enterprise (Erl, 2005). The
service is the key element of this paradigm. It is seen
as an autonomous entity, independent of platforms,
which can be described, published, discovered and
loosely coupled (Papazoglou, 2008). Thus, SOA
offers features that are necessary for the
performance of the company's business processes.
Several methodologies have been proposed in
the literature for the development of such
architectures (Ervin, 2007). These methodologies
have the objective of implementing a solution taking
into account the business process level. However,
they are costly to use at the expense of speed of
development provided for the adoption of SOA. In
the other hand, agile methods know today a
remarkable success in software engineering. This
success essentially amounts to their pragmatic
approach. They are iterative and incremental
allowing the rapid development of deliverable
software. Moreover, these methods take into account
the changing needs by involving the client
throughout the development cycle (Manifesto,
2001). The main theme in agile methods is to
promote and speed up responses to changing
environments, requirements and meeting the
deadlines (Rao, 2011).
In our work, we focus on the complementarity
between the concepts of SOA and those coming
from practices of agile methods in the field of
software engineering. We propose an approach for
developing an agile SOA by benefiting from the
advantages of agile methods.
Our proposed approach exploits the BPMN
model (Business Process Modelling Notation) to
design incrementally the business processes of an
enterprise (Owen, 2004). Next, the SCA model
(Service Component Architecture) is used to
describe the business functions of the system as an
assembly of components (Beisiegel, 2007). They
represent a development of sub-projects similar to
those currently covered by agile methods.
This position paper is structured as follows. First,
an overview of current approaches is highlighted.
Next, the proposed approach is described. Finally, a
short conclusion is given.
The challenge of adopting an SOA has caused the
enrichment of the literature from a variety of
research that addresses various establishment plans
Chehili H., Boufaida M. and Seinturier L..
An Agile Approach for Service-Oriented Architectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0004128304680471
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-2012), pages 468-471
ISBN: 978-989-8565-19-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of such architectures. Methodologically, some
research work tried to meet the needs in this area by
exploiting various models, techniques and processes.
The following list is not exhaustive: (Kunal, 2006),
(Papazoglou, 2006), (Zimmermann, 2004), (Butlet,
2009), (Seung, 2008), (Vamshi, 2009), (Emig,
2008), (Zou, 2006) and (Engels, 2008).
Let us notice that there is no methodology that
has been developed for the implementation of an
SOA satisfying the conditions of the agility.
Moreover, the methodologies with a degree of
agility are limited to an exploitation of agile
methods at some of their phases winch makes the
development heavy in detriment of, among others,
the rapid response to change and speed of delivery.
Concerning the agile methods used in the
software engineering domain, they don’t cover the
entire lifecycle of an SOA especially the business
process analysis of a company. Moreover, these
methods are more appropriate for small development
projects. Nevertheless, an ideal approach will be the
division of a large scale project in small projects
more suited to the principles of agile methods.
In our approach, we intend to cover the life cycle
of an SOA while adopting agile practices throughout
the development process. Thus, at each phase, the
problem is divided into sub-problems. We start by
dividing the development of a SOA project on many
sub-projects on having a goal for each one in order
to develop their business process. Thus, each
business process is described as an assembly of
components. The potential development of each of
these components is considered as a project in
software engineering. The next section presents the
different phases of our proposed approach.
The proposed approach is based on an iterative and
incremental process that comprises six phases which
are: analysis of enterprise business, elaboration of
the SCA model for each business process,
identification of the granularity of business
components, development of component operations,
assembling business components, and assembling
business processes (see Figure 1).
This approach is described as agile because it
respects the principles of agile methods specified in
the manifesto of agile methods. In fact, it allows the
development iterative and incremental of business
processes, business components, and components
operations. Thus, it takes into account the changing
needs by involving the client throughout the
different phases.
3.1 Analysis of Enterprise Business
The first phase of this approach is the incremental
modeling of all business processes of the enterprise
using the BPMN model. This allows us to have a
high level abstraction of the interactions leading
services to perform business processes.
3.2 Elaboration of the SCA Model for
Each Business Process
This phase is initiated after a business process is
modeled (we do not wait for the achievement of the
analysis of enterprise business phase). For each
business process, it defines a component architecture
described using the SCA model. The mapping from
BPMN to SCA is based on rules defined in
(Dahman, 2010). These rules allow an automatic
Figure 1: Description of the approach.
An Agile Approach for Service-Oriented Architectures
mapping of business process activities described in
the BPMN model to interactions description of a set
of components in the SCA model. These
components represent the high-level business
functionalities of the enterprise. Thus, they can be
assembled from components of a finer granularity
having features or specific services that can be
invoked by several business components.
3.3 Identification of the Granularity of
Business Components
This phase takes as input the business components
constituting the SCA architecture developed in the
previous phase. The outputs of this phase are the
descriptions of the components to be developed and
the granularity of each business component. The
process of this phase consists of the following steps:
Step 'Search': it takes as input the descriptions of
the business components constituting the SCA
architecture one by one and performs a search in
descriptions of available components. It gives as
output the list of components found realizing some
of the requested operations.
Step 'Refinement': it takes as input descriptions
of the components found in the search and
description of the requested business component. It
refines the latter based on fine-grained components
found in the form of an assembly of components.
Research and refinement are repeated in the form
of iterations until the level of refinement is optimal.
Reconfigurations of the assembly of components are
possible in each iteration according to the
components found and the reached level of
At the end of this process, the component
descriptions to be developed are passed to the
development phase. The description of the assembly
of the business component will be maintained in the
platform. This description includes the assembly of
the fine-grained components forming the business
component in question (available components and
those developed).
3.4 Development of Component
This phase takes as input the descriptions of the
components to be developed. The output of this
phase are the components developed, tested and
approved by the customer. The approach in this
phase comes at a lower level of abstraction (process,
components and operations now). Indeed, the
process of this phase is inspired from the workshops
of traditional software engineering, specifically,
those adopted by agile methods.
The development process follows an iterative
and incremental cycle with client involvement in the
identification of tasks and tests. The process of this
phase consists of the following steps:
Step 'Identification of tasks': it receives as input
the description of a component to develop in the
form of operations (identified in the previous phase).
It allows the development team to identify the tasks
to be developed for each operation. The outputs of
this step are the tasks of each operation assigned to
the developers with the tests to be performed.
Step 'development iteration': it takes as input the
tasks to be developed. All developers receive the
tasks allocated to them. In addition, any task
completed must be passed directly to the test.
Step 'Unit testing': it receives the tasks and tests
and allows one to make the planned tests. If there are
anomalies, the task is returned to the development
Step 'Integration testing': it receives as input
tasks that have passed the unit test successfully. It
allows one to perform tests on the integration of
operations and the entire component. If the
integration fails, or the customer is not satisfied and
request changes, the component is returned
according to the change. This may be at one of the
following levels:
Step 'Development Iteration’ if the change
concerns a task.
Step 'Identification of tasks' if the change
concerns an operation.
In the case where the integration test passes, the
component is deployed in the platform.
3.5 Assembling Business Components
This phase takes as input, for each business
component, all components developed and deployed,
and the components found in Phase 3. The output of
this phase is the business component deployed. The
process of this phase consists of the following steps:
Step assembling components: it configures the
business component from available components and
those developed.
Step ' testing business component integration’: it
takes as input the configuration of the assembly. It
allows the integration testing of components
involved in the assembly. If the test fails or the client
is not satisfied and requests changes, the
configuration will be referred to the assembly step or
even to Phase Identification of the granularity of
Business Components' (Phase3) if the changes
ICSOFT 2012 - 7th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends
require the involvement of other components.
3.6 Assembling Business Processes
This phase allows the assembling and the
configuring of a business process in which all the
business components are configured tested and
deployed. It takes as input these business
components and return the business process
deployed. The process of this phase consists of the
following steps:
Step assembling business components': It allows
to configure the business process resulting from the
business components from the previous phase.
Step 'Testing business processes integration': It takes
as input the configuration of the assembly. It lets do
tests the integration of business components
involved in the assembly. If the test fails or the client
is not satisfied wanting change, the configuration is
returned to the assembly step or even at the design
phase of the SCA model for each business process
(Phase 2) whether the changes give rise to the
involvement of other business components.
In this position paper, we have presented an agile
approach for the establishment of SOA. This
approach covers the high level of abstraction of such
architecture. It begins with the analysis of business
on the scale of the enterprise. Thus, the successive
division of the project, the customer involvement,
and the acceptance test parts of the architecture can
meet the terms of the manifesto of agile methods.
Currently, we are focusing on the definition of
the description of components and their assembly in
order to implement the approach. This can be
achieved by identifying the operations of each
component in relation to the processes described in
the phases of the approach. Once the components are
described, we will move to their development and
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An Agile Approach for Service-Oriented Architectures