Local Governments and Cloud Computing Security
Inita Kindzule
, Edzus Zeiris
and Maris Ziema
Project Development Division, Information Technology Centre of the Riga City Council, Brivibas 49/53, Riga, Latvia
ZZ Dats Ltd., Elizabetes 41/43, Riga, Latvia
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Riga Technical University, Meza 1/3, Riga, Latvia
Keywords: Local Governments, Enterprise Architecture, Cloud Computing Security, Risks Assessment, SOA, Systems
Abstract: The Cloud computing solution has enormous potential to provide companies, industries and economy in
general with remarkable benefits but there are certain challenges that have to be taken into account when
choosing this solution. The purpose of this paper is to provide results of research about local governments’
Cloud computing security, assisting them in making appropriate risk-based security decisions about how to
securely embrace Cloud computing. To ensure that managing information of system-related security risks is
consistent with the organization’s mission/business objectives, and that information security requirements,
including necessary security controls, are integrated into the organization’s enterprise architecture and
system development life cycle processes.
One of the most topical and relevant innovations of
recent years in Information and communication
technologies (ICT) across the globe is recognized to
be Cloud computing solutions. The application of
these solutions provide both the companies and
citizens as well as economy in general with
important benefits because of them allowing
different institutions, employees and users to achieve
immediate results while at the same time ensuring
substantial long-term gains (World Economic
Forum, 2010). At the same moment the readiness of
users to use and the reaction to the innovations at all
must be considered. Ever the Cloud computing
solution is good innovation with significant benefits
for municipality, employees and other users, the
reaction of user may be as resistance and
disagreement with new solution. The users at the
initial implementation stage may be doubt in the
solution. In this case additional training for users
must be considered.
The application of Cloud technologies reduces
costs of operation and capital that’s associated with
servers, software licenses, maintenance fees, data
center space and the employment of IT personnel.
Owing to Cloud solutions, the local governments
will not have to stick with dated legacy systems and
hardware that requires expensive maintenance
procedures. It is especially important taking into
account the limited resources of municipalities
which in their turn are planned in good time
(Chandrasekaran and Kapoor, 2010). Comparing to
many other technological accomplishments the
Cloud computing is able to provide with rapid and
considerable return with limited investment (Eggers,
The development speed of contemporary IT
solutions also determines safety requirements and
solutions. The conditions that were viable two or
three years ago are not suited to requirements of
Cloud computing and system threats. Security
measures have to be modular and capable of further
development. It also has to be taken into
consideration that by increasing the level of security
in Cloud computing solutions it could limit the
usability of solutions as well as affect their
efficiency (ISO/IEC 9126) due to the possibility of
these system quality indices to be mutually
contradictive. Therefore upon implementing the
needed security measures in Cloud computing
solutions it is necessary to find a trade-off between
different system quality indices.
A security in its nature is a protection against
different kinds of threats, losses and criminal
activities. The security of computer systems is a
considerably broad conception. According to
Kindzule I., Zeiris E. and Ziema M..
Local Governments and Cloud Computing Security.
DOI: 10.5220/0004129102840288
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking, e-Business and Optical Communication Systems (ICE-B-2012),
pages 284-288
ISBN: 978-989-8565-23-5
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
definition computer security is the protection
afforded to an automated information system in
order to attain the applicable objectives of
preserving the integrity, availability and
confidentiality of information system resources
(includes hardware, software, firmware, information
/ data, and telecommunications) (NIST, 1996).
The security is one of the most significant
challenges to local governments (Hodgkinson, 2012;
Chandrasekaran and Kapoor, 2010; Eggers, 2011),
that’s why it is necessary to evaluate whether the
existing system architecture is appropriate and
suitable for the implementation of Cloud computing
solutions. In order to carry out such evaluation all
risks have to be assessed. The planning of computer
system security can be based on the model of risk
analysis. For any computer system it is necessary to
analyze all possible risks related to the system in
development as well as the security of the computer
system. In development of security of computer
systems it is possible to use the simulation process
of possible risks offered by Common Vulnerability
Scoring System (CVSS) which is sufficiently simple
and easy to adopt as well as other analogical
methods (Mell et al., 2007). For instance, Threat
Risk Modelling using the Microsoft Threat
Modelling Process (OWASP, 2005). There are five
steps in the threat modelling process that are
displayed in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Threat Model Flow.
2.1 Security Risks Assessment
In order to provide a prospective IT service the
agencies are responsible for ensuring that a safe and
secure Cloud solution is available and they should
carefully examine agency security needs across
several dimensions, including but not limited to:
Statutory compliance with laws, regulations,
and agency requirements;
Data characteristics to assess which
fundamental protections an application’s data
set requires;
Data privacy and confidentiality to protect
against unintentional and nefarious access to
Integrity to ensure data is authorized,
complete, and accurate;
Data control and access policies that define
where data can be stored and who can access
the physical locations;
Management that ensures that Cloud
computing service providers are sufficiently
transparent, have appropriate security and
management controls, and are able to provide
the information necessary for the agency to
properly and independently assess and
monitor the effect of those controls (Kundra,
Cloud computing ensures dynamic provisioning
of resources which is the integral function of Cloud
computing architecture. All available resources are
dynamically distributed to other points in the Cloud
as needed ensuring that there is practically no
downtime. Therefore, one event or anomaly will not
incapacitate the entire system. Cloud providers use
reliable IP networks to connect parts of a Cloud and
to connect end users to Cloud services. Owing to
this most government networks are able to leverage
network embedded technologies already in place,
including security. Many Cloud applications are
designed to start working immediately. Additional
components of the application are only transferred,
in modular format, when necessary. Cloud systems
can also provide means for information assurance.
Information can be backed up automatically by the
main system. Cloud systems can be reached from
multiple locations, and data can be stored centrally.
So there is no doubt about availability part of
security. By utilizing Cloud computing solutions an
increased attention has to be paid directly to the side
of confidentiality and partially to the integrity which
can cause problems in distributed computing
architecture, like Service Oriented Architecture
The mission of Riga local government concerning
Idetify Security
Identify Threads
Local Governments and Cloud Computing Security
the ICT is to develop and support common ICT
solutions for employees so that they can provide fast
and effective high quality services to residents. To
support this mission Riga city council has set two
main objectives to be achieved in ICT field for the
years 2012 to 2015: to provide means for
governments' internal information and documents to
be handled electronically and ensure that services to
customers (both internal (employees) and external
(citizens)) are delivered as fast as possible while
remaining effective and of high quality (Riga city
council ITC, 2012). According to needs of Riga city
council to fulfil this mission it was found out that it
is necessary to build the system architecture towards
Cloud principle thus satisfying the requirements for
an acceptable quality and volume. In order to
support Cloud computing the applicable architecture
of local governments has to correspond with the
following requirements: an integrated platform
among various local government business function
support systems, application independence, support
of Legacy systems, integration of inter municipal
application data, application access from any web
site and e-services for citizens.
To ensure the criteria set for the architecture
including security requirements and the mission of
ICT in Riga city council, a modular system
architecture that is based on the central data base
(CDB) and supports Cloud computing has been
selected. It allows creating new modules in web
environment and integration of Legacy applications
either virtualizing them or using Microsoft
ClickOnce technologies to access the Cloud (See
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Local Governments Enterprise Architecture.
The result is a more flexible and efficient system
that can swiftly respond to changing conditions and
requirements. The selected Cloud computing
solution provides local governments with possibility
to collaborate with employees and other institutions
or generate new categories of collaborators, so it
also helps local governments to adopt new
innovations in ICT.
3.1 Security Solution
To support a special attention to confidentiality as a
part of security, custom security solution was chosen
that is based on Microsoft Identity framework
principles and adopted for Riga city council needs.
The solution uses Security Assertion Markup
Language (SAML) 2.0 security tokens to secure web
services in SOA that is in the background of entry
solution. This solution is enhancements on patented
Web Services Security System (Zeiris et al., 2008).
The chosen solution is approbated at Riga city
council by creating universal environment for
employee (Universal Employee Workplace - UEW)
which at this moment is integrated with Microsoft
Live@edu Cloud solution, one legacy system using
Microsoft ClickOnce solution that is a Microsoft
technology enabling the user to install and run a
Windows application by clicking a link in a web
page, one legacy system using Citrix virtualization
platform, that is one of the virtualization platforms
enabled by Cloud computing, as well as created
more than ten new application modules and
developed digital signature solution that is working
with cryptographic devices using Java Applets. For
applications interoperability inside UEW
environment the Single Sign On (SSO) solution is
developed and used. To support data integration
with external resources, notably other municipalities,
a Master Index solution has been integrated that
allows finding and using the necessary data from
other local databases (Stipravietis et al., 2011). All
these solutions are very important because Riga city
council ICT (including other Latvian municipalities)
has been in development since 1997 and there are so
many Legacy systems and solutions to integrate and
to make them available in municipality Cloud UEW
To provide e-services to residents in Cloud, Riga
city council has developed e-service portal
www.eriga.lv and Local government interoperability
framework (Pruse and Zeiris, 2010), that is
integrated in common security model.
The Center for Digital Government (2009) points
ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business
out that public sector is a unique environment which
with its particular characteristics is considered to be
an ideal area for application of Cloud computing,
however, it accordingly creates particular challenges
(The Center for Digital Government, 2009). In order
to achieve the projected targets it is also important to
comprehend the risks involved as well as develop
appropriate plans that will help to reduce their
possibility. It is crucial for increased success and
appropriate return of investment (CISCO, 2010).
Risk management involves identifying and
assessing risks, and taking the necessary steps to
reduce them to an acceptable level. Throughout the
system lifecycle, all identified risks that are
identified must be carefully balanced against the
security and privacy controls available and the
expected benefits (See Table 1).
Table 1: Security controls and expected benefits.
Security controls available
Expected benefits
The characteristic system
complexity of a Cloud
computing environment, and
the dependency on the
correctness of these
components and the
interactions among them;
The dependency on the
service provider to retain
logical separation in a
multi-tenant environment
(n.b., not unique to the
Cloud computing model);
The necessity to ensure
that the organization will
retain an appropriate level
of control to achieve
situational awareness,
consider alternatives, set
priorities, and implement
changes in security and
privacy that are in the best
interest of the organization.
The ability to concentrate
resources on areas of high
significance as more general
security services are assumed
by the Cloud provider;
Potential platform
strength achieved by having
greater uniformity and
homogeneity, and resulting
improved information
assurance, security response,
system management,
reliability, and
Improved resource
availability through
scalability, redundancy and
disaster recovery capabilities;
improved resilience to
unexpected level of service
Improved backup and
recovery capabilities,
policies, procedures and
Ability to leverage
alternate Cloud services to
improve the overall security
condition, including that of
traditional data centers.
The privacy of data is the most significant and
important prerequisite. Although challenges in
public sector do not differ from private sector yet the
matters of supply and security in this field are more
pronounced. Government institutions are responsible
for the safety of personal information of citizens and
they must ensure high level of availability of critical
public infrastructure (Chandrasekaran and Kapoor,
2010). Eggers (2011) also points out that the greatest
limitation to extensive use of Cloud in local
governments is exactly security because the
information that contains personal data available to
the government has to be confidential (Eggers,
National and economic security of the country is
dependent on the strict and consequent approach to
IT security and data confidentiality. Political matters
and domestic conditions are additional factors that
present a question associated with actual physical
location of cloud-based resources (CISCO, 2010).
State authorities and local governments are at
times being reserved concerning Cloud strategy by
basing their concerns on requirements of security,
legal and regulative compliances (Hodgkinson,
Security has always been topical, however, the
security requirements and solutions have changed
with time, and they have to suit the requirements of
Cloud computing and system threats. Appropriate
security is crucial to success of Cloud application or
other solution on the operation of any government.
In conclusion it is important to point out that there is
no common solution that can be applied to all local
governments and state institutions, however, all
those that have implemented this solution early on,
have achieved significant and fortunate results.
Key security considerations include the need for
local governments to:
1. Be educated about the issues associated with
Cloud computing, specifically the
opportunities, risks and current best practice;
2. Accurately determine security requirements
during the initial planning stage at the start of
the systems development life cycle;
3. Determine the degree to which negotiated
service agreements are required to satisfy
security requirements; and the alternatives of
using negotiated service agreements or cloud
computing deployment models which offer
greater cleamess and control over security;
4. Assess the extent to which the server and
computing environment of business users and
consumers meets organizational security
5. Continue to maintain security management
practices, controls, and accountability over the
security of data and applications; and to
improve data security for the infrastructure
services and users documents and improve
Local Governments and Cloud Computing Security
service availability.
This work has been supported by the Riga City
Council Information Technology Centre.
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ICE-B 2012 - International Conference on e-Business