Influence of Different Phoneme Mappings on the Recognition Accuracy
of Electrolaryngeal Speech
Petr Stanislav and Josef V. Psutka
Department of Cybernetics, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitn´ı 8, 306 14 Pilsen, Czech Republic
Automatic Speech Recognition, Laryngectomees, Electrolaryngeal Speech, Phoneme Mapping.
This paper presents the initial steps towards building speech recognition system that is able to efficiently
process electrolaryngeal substitute speech produced by laryngectomees. Speakers after total laryngectomy are
characterized by restricted aero-acoustic properties in comparison with normal speakers and their speech is
therefore far less intelligible. We suggested and tested several approaches to acoustic modeling within the
ASR system that would be able to cope with this lower intelligibility. Comparative experiments were also
performed on the healthy speakers. We tried several mappings that unify unvoiced phonemes with their voiced
counterparts in the acoustic modeling process both on monophone and triphone level. Systems using zerogram
and trigram language models were evaluated and compared in order to increase the credibility of the results.
A malignant disease of vocal folds does not occur as
often as for example breast cancer or lung cancer.
However, if treatment is not successful, the conse-
quences of this illness could be very serious. In ex-
treme cases, the total laryngectomy (which includes
the removal of vocal folds) is performed. Therefore
the person who undergoes this surgery is not able to
speak in a standard way.
There are several methods of restoring the speech
for total laryngectomees. Esophageal speech belongs
to the most common methods used for speech restora-
tion. The idea is based on releasing gases from esoph-
agus instead of lungs. Another method uses a tra-
cheoesophageal prosthesis that connects the larynx
with pharynx. The air passing into the pharynx causes
the required vibrations and the utterance can be cre-
ated. Another option how to produce the necessary
excitations is using an external device - the electrolar-
This paper describes the influence of the Czech
phoneme/triphone mapping on the accuracy of the
speech recognition results of a total laryngectomee.
The obtained results are compared with accuracy
of the speech recognition of a healthy person us-
ing the same phoneme/triphone mapping. In Section
2, the difference between speech production of the
nonlaryngectomme and laryngectomee speaker is de-
scribed. Section 3 explains the process of the acoust-
ic model creation and principle of the phoneme map-
ping. Section 4 presents obtained results and the Sec-
tion 5 concludes the paper.
The total larygectomy is a surgery during which the
vocal folds affected by cancer are removed. The
differences between the healthy speaker and speaker
without vocal folds are shown in Figure 1 and Fig-
ure 2, respectively. The healthy vocal folds excite
a stream of air from the lungs and then the excited
stream is modulated in the nasal and oral cavity.
The modulated stream comes out from the mouth as
speech. However, in case of total laryngectomees,
there is no connection between the larynx and the oral
cavity. Therefore the flow of air does not flow form
the lungs to the mouth, but to the tracheostoma that
is used for breathing. Therefore the speech could not
be produced in the same way as in the case of non-
larygectomees (Nakamura, 2010).
One way of replacing removed vocal folds is to
use an electromechanical device called electrolarynx.
The electrolarynx is useful for total laryngectomees
who have not obtained any tracheoesophageal pros-
thesis and have not been able to learn an esophageal
The basic part of this device is a battery powered
electric motor that excites a vibration plate. The pa-
Stanislav P. and V. Psutka J..
Influence of Different Phoneme Mappings on the Recognition Accuracy of Electrolaryngeal Speech.
DOI: 10.5220/0004129502040207
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and Wireless Information Networks and Systems
(SIGMAP-2012), pages 204-207
ISBN: 978-989-8565-25-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Scheme of ingestion and breathing for nonlaryn-
Figure 2: Scheme of ingestion and breathing for total laryn-
tient attaches the electrolarynx either to the soft parts
of the neck or to the lower jaw and the vibrating plate
substitutes the missing vocal fold vibrations as it is
shown in Figure 3. This method is easily manage-
able. After a very short time, the speaker is able to
produce continuous speech. Yet this method still has
some flaws, for example the monotonous mechanical
voice of a speaker or the poor speech intelligibility in
a noisy environment due to a constant volume level.
Moreover, the electrolarynx creates continuous sound
that might be irritating and one hand of the speaker is
always occupied holding the device while speaking.
The aim of this paper was to verify the assump-
tion that the laryngectomees who use an electrolarynx
produce voiced phonemes only (because the electro-
larynx provides continuous excitation). Source data
were obtained from two female speakers, one was
Figure 3: Usage of electrolarynx.
a person with healthy voice and one total laryngec-
tomee. The female who underwent total laryngec-
tomy did so already 10 years ago and was able to
speak with electrolarynx in long utterances.
Both women read 5000 sentences which amounts
to more than 10 hours of speech from each speaker.
The source texts were selected from the database that
was created from the web pages of Czech newspa-
per publishers(Radov´a and Psutka, 2000). Special
consideration was given to the sentence selection as
we wanted to have a representative distribution of the
more frequent triphone sequences (reflecting their rel-
ative occurrence in natural speech). The corpus was
recorded in the office where only the speaker was
The digitization of the analogue signal was pro-
vided at 44.1 kHz sample rate and 16-bit resolution
format by the special DPA miniature omnidirectional
microphone. The front-end worked with MFCC pa-
rameterization with 26 filters and 12 MFCC cepstral
coefficients plus energy with both delta and delta-
delta sub-features (see (Psutka and et al., 2007) for
methodology). Therefore one feature vector contains
39 coefficients. Feature vectors are computed each 10
milliseconds (100 frames per second).
If a laryngectomee uses electrolarynx for speech
production, he is not able to speak when the device
is off. And since the vibrating plate provides con-
stant excitation, it is not possible for him to pro-
duce unvoiced phonemes. This assumption was ver-
ified by recording isolated Czech words that dif-
fer only in voicing - ’koza’ and ’kosa’(’goat’ and
scythe’ in English), where z’ is voiced and s’ is
unvoiced. There was no audible difference between
both utterances. Comparing the acoustic proper-
ties also did not reveal any significant difference be-
tween analyzed words. Therefore selected unvoiced
triphones/phonemes were replaced by corresponding
voiced ones (see Table 1) in the acoustic modeling
Table 1: Corresponding pairs of phonemes.
Unvoiced phoneme Voiced phoneme
f v
k g
s z
t d
Two different approaches were tested and compared
together (for both training corpuses). In the first one
the basic speech unit was monophone in contrast to
triphone in the second one. In all our experiments
the individual basic speech unit was represented by
a three-state HMM with a continuous output prob-
ability density function assigned to each state. As
the number of the Czech triphones is large, phonetic
decision trees were used to tie the states of the tri-
phones. Several experiments were performed to de-
termine the best recognition results according to the
number of clustered states and also to the number of
mixtures. The prime Gaussians triphone/monophone
acoustic model trained with the Maximum Likelihood
(ML) criterion was made with HTK-Toolkit v.3.4.
The special systems using phonemes mapping
were built for testing of speech recognition. The main
idea of the experiment is based on the vocalization of
all produced phonemes. In this case no difference be-
tween results given by system without mapping and
phonemes mapping system should be detected. In
specific case the accuracy of recognition could even
be improved due to reduction of the system perplex-
ity. The system does not use the full phonetic set.
Conversely, in case of nonlarygectomees the re-
duction of the phonetic set could lead to reducing the
accuracy. Remember that the source data were cho-
sen with an emphasis of inclusion of all Czech tri-
phone/monophone in corresponding representation.
The test set consists of 500 sentences for both
training corpuses (nonlarygectomees and laryngec-
tomee speech). This portion of sentences (10% of
the original training set) contains approximately 1
hour of speech for each speaker. In all recognition
experiments, a language model based on zerogram
as well as a trigram-based one were applied in or-
der to judge a quality of developed acoustic models.
The perplexity of the zerogram language model was
2885 (in other words, the recognition lexicon con-
tained 2885 words) and there were no OOV words.
The trigram languages models were trained by SRI
Language Modeling Toolkit (Stolcke, 2002) using
modified Kneser-Ney smoothing that proved to be
efficient in our previous language modeling experi-
ments (Praˇz´ak et al., 2008). We have collected large
corpus containing the data from newspapers (520 mil-
lion tokens), web news (350 million tokens), subtitles
(200 million tokens) and transcriptions of some TV
programs (175 million tokens). The model contained
the most frequent 360K words with OOV amounting
to 3.8%. The perplexity of the recognition task was
The verification of the assumption was realized by
an acoustic models using triphone/monophone for the
speech recognition. All models are created for both
speakers. Firstly the baseline acoustic model with-
out mapping was created. Then the model that maps
only voiceless triphones/monophones. Due to identi-
fication of the influence of each phoneme on system
accuracy four more models were built.
acoustic model with mapping ’f’ on ’v’;
acoustic model with mapping ’k’ on g;
acoustic model with mapping ’s’, ˇs’ on ’z’, ’ˇz’;
acoustic model with mapping ’t’, ’
t’ on ’d’,
For verification of our assumptions 24 acoustic
models were created (6 monophone model and 6 tri-
phone models for each speaker). Obtained recog-
nition accuracy is given in Table 2 for monophone
model with zerogrambased language model in case of
and Table 3 for monophone model with trigram lan-
guage model with 360K words lexicon.
From these tables it could be seen that every
change of phonetic set causes reducing of speech
recognition accuracy for nonlaryngectomee. How-
ever, for total laryngectomees it is not possible to con-
firm this assumption clearly. From computed results
it is possible to obtain information about accuracy,
thus about decreasing of accuracy due to replacing
unvoiced monophones/triphones by voiced one. The
same character of result was obtained from phoneme
mapping ’t’, ’
t’ d’, ’
d’ and ’f v’. Conversely,
if ’k’ was replaced by ’g’ then the higher speech
recognition accuracy was obtained than for baseline
model. From replacing s’,’ˇs’ ’z’,ˇz’ the obtained
results were not clear. Therefore the further work will
be focused on solution of this problem.
We have presented our initial investigations into the
challenging problem of transcribing electrolaryngeal
substitute speech of total laryngectomees. We have
Table 2: Accuracy of the ASR system with monophone
acoustic models and zerogram based language model for
laryngectomee speaker and nonlaryngectomee speaker.
Acoustic model Laryng. [%] Nonlaryng. [%]
Baseline 83.05 91.35
’f v’ 83.05 89.96
’k’ ’g’ 83.10 90.58
s, ’ˇs’ ’z’, ’ˇz’ 83.71 88.77
’t’, ’
t’ d’, ’
d’ 82.47 90.05
All voiced 82.78 86.58
Table 3: Accuracy of the ASR system with monophone
acoustic models and trigram based language model contain-
ing 360k words for laryngectomee and nonlaryngectomeer.
Acoustic model Laryng. [%] Nonlaryng. [%]
Baseline 84.92 87.47
’f v’ 84.51 87.42
’k’ ’g’ 85.50 86.36
s’, ˇs ’z’, ’ˇz’ 84.75 84.81
’t’, ’
t’ d’, ’
d’ 84.38 86.38
All voiced 84.34 83.77
Table 4: Accuracy of the ASR system with triphone acous-
tic model s and zerogram based language model for laryn-
gectomee and nonlaryngectomee.
Acoustic model Laryng. [%] Nonlaryng. [%]
Baseline 82.60 92.66
’f v’ 82.23 92.41
’k’ ’g’ 83.30 92.57
s’, ˇs’ ’z’, ’ˇz’ 83.28 92.28
’t’, ’
t’ d’, ’
d’ 82.13 92.28
All voiced 82.18 91.03
Table 5: Accuracy of the ASR system with triphone acous-
tic models and trigram based language model containing
360k words for, laryngectomee and nonlaryngectomeer.
Acoustic model Laryng. [%] Nonlaryng. [%]
Baseline 87.65 95.80
’f v’ 87.51 95.46
’k’ ’g’ 88.38 95.55
s’, ˇs’ ’z’, ’ˇz’ 88.31 95.07
’t’, ’
t’ d’, ’
d’ 87.60 95.39
All voiced 86.97 94.53
focused on the problem with voiced and unvoiced
phonemes. The test results for both monophone- and
triphone-based acoustic models showed that the sub-
stitution of all unvoiced phonemes for voiced ones de-
creased recognition accuracy for both language mod-
els. But on the other hand there were phoneme sub-
stitutions (e.g. ’k ’g’) that increased the accu-
racy. The interesting issue is how can for instance
substitution s’, ˇs’ ’z’, ˇz’ give better recogni-
tion results in tests with monopohone-based than in
the triphone-based acoustic models in comparison to
baseline acoustic models. This can be due to a more
complex phonetic structure in triphone-based acous-
tic model that can represent small differences between
phonemes in different surroundings even if there are
pronounced as voiced sound. We would like to inves-
tigate such interesting issues in our future work.
This work was supported by the European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF), project ”New Technolo-
gies for Information Society” (NTIS), European Cen-
tre of Excellence, ED1.1.00/02.0090 and by the grant
of the University of West Bohemia and project No.
Nakamura, K. (2010). Doctoral Thesis: Speaking Aid Sys-
tem Using Statistical Voice Conversion for Electrola-
ryngeal Speech. PhD thesis, Japan.
Praˇz´ak, A., Ircing, P.,
Svec, J., and Psutka, J. V. (2008).
Efficient combination of n-gram language models and
recognition grammars in real-time lvcsr decoder. In
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Psutka, J. V. and et al. (2007). Searching for a robust mfcc-
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Radov´a, V. and Psutka, J. (2000). UWB-S01 corpus: A
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ternational Conference on Spoken Language Process-
Stolcke, A. (2002). SRILM - an extensible language model-
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