In this paper, some approaches to improve the
performance of complex networks are proposed.
These are based on the analysis and management of
the system nonlinear dynamics and bifurcations. By
managing the bifurcations, performance of these
networks can be improved while their operability
region can also be expanded. We also reported the
works in-progress towards applying these ideas to
establish a more analytical management scheme for
networked systems. Choosing and regulating the
parameters, based on these types of analysis and
management and their utilization in communication
systems and the Internet can result in expanding their
stability and operability regions, for instance over a
wide range of loading, throughput, delay and
congestion levels over TCP connections. In our
future works, we aim to expand these ideas and
validate the analytical results through more
experimental works.
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Improving Network Performane - Management of Nonlinear Dynamics