Table 3: Hotel recommendation list for guest ID 7630.
Rank Tr Rev (pos) Rev (pos&neg) Tr & Rev (pos) Tr & Rev (pos&neg)
1 28506 1529 80549 1529 15056
2 943 15683 8298 25110 1633
3 4929 25110 8298 15056 70194
4 54491 8298 1989 1633 931
5 1529 1633 15683 15683 11019
6 52322 80549 15056 80549 5146
Table 4: Similarities between the ranking hotel and correct
Method sim
Tr 2.65
Rev (pos) 2.17
Rev (pos&neg) 2.30
Tr & Rev (pos) 2.04
Tr & Rev (pos&neg) 1.87
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