Modelling and Knowledge Management in the Field of Road
Infrastructure Operation and Regulation
Study on the Methods Application in an Organizational Unit
Luiziana Rezende
, Maria Angela Lobão
, Celia Regina Nerva Burmann
Joel de Lima Pereira Castro Junior
, Luiz Angelo Merino
, Soraia Alves Rocha
and Carlos Alberto Malcher Bastos
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
GtecCom / Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil
PPGAd / Fluminense Federal University, Niterói, Brazil
IBMEC Faculty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Knowledge Flow, Knowledge Modelling, Techniques, Tools and Practices of
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Tree.
Abstract: This paper presents the application of an Interactive Method for Modelling and Knowledge Management on
Business Environment for an Organizational Unit of Road Infrastructure Operation, from the Brazilian
National Ground Transport Agency. As part of an innovative project named MIKM for the Knowledge and
Information Manage Model of this agency adopts Knowledge Management fundamental concepts,
knowledge and competence, mobilized by professionals on their activities for building information goods.
For the method's development and application were needed activities of identification, collection, mapping,
representation and analysis of the knowledge and competences needed to the execution of the activities
related to knowledge assets of the already mentioned Organizational Unit. Materials and documentation
available were analyzed and techniques of meetings and interviews with managers and employees in the
steps of identification and collection; for mapping a methodology developed by Rezende (2007) and a
knowledge tree concept (Authier and Lévy, 1992) was applied. On knowledge management's analysis and
improvement proposals the knowledge conversion modes (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 2009) about knowledge
flow, from Road Infrastructure Cycle of Regulation.
Communications and information technologies
development enabled society to realize structural
changes on economics, financial, productive and
cultural spheres. Currently the largest value of
organizations is intangible, intellectual capital and
knowledge, mobilized by its employees on the
development of their processes and activities. For an
organization to be in a sustainable and competitive
level it needs to operate in an increasingly dynamic
knowledge environment, focused on new products
development, new and more flexible processes.
Knowledge Management (KM) area has as its object
of study to develop methods, techniques and tools
that allow the organization to identify, locate,
classify, store and retrieve, distribute, disseminate,
recreate and apply knowledge as input for the
development of intellectual capital and social capital
through effective services. The article presents the
MIKM, Model of Information and Knowledge
Management (MIKM, 2011), by an iterative
methodology, incorporating well known practices of
information and knowledge modelling to develop a
single management model. The Iterative Method for
Modelling and Knowledge Management (INNKM)
is part of MIKM and it was applied in a Corporate
Environment, an Organizational Unit (OU) of the
National Ground Transport Agency (NGTA),
detailing the mapping and modelling process of
relationships among knowledge, competences and
working groups. The method is based upon the
concepts of knowledge, competence, skills and
Rezende L., Lobão M., Nerva Burmann C., de Lima Pereira Castro Junior J., Merino L., Alves Rocha S. and Malcher Bastos C..
Modelling and Knowledge Management in the Field of Road Infrastructure Operation and Regulation - Study on the Methods Application in an
Organizational Unit.
DOI: 10.5220/0004131402650268
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 265-268
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
working group proposed by Fleury and Fleury
(2004) and Zarifian (2005), whereas the collection
and mapping methodology used was developed by
Rezende (Rezende, 2007). The construction of the
maps of knowledge, competences and working
groups was done by using the tree of knowledge
(Authier and Lévy, 1992). The processes of
knowledge conversion, proposed by the SECI model
(Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995, 2009), were used to
analyze gaps in the flow of knowledge.
Figure 1: Method of Work for collection, assessment,
modelling, analysis and representation of knowledge/
The main objective of this study was both to identify
and to map the existent relations among knowledge,
competences and working group in the OU
dedicated to Road Infrastructure Operation as well
as the information goods in this context. The
knowledge, competences and working groups were
considered in relation to existing activities and
information flows. Consequently, it was carried out
the survey so that it could be built up the map of
relationships between knowledge, competences and
working groups need to do each working activity.
This map can be used by to improve OU decision
making as it allows the organization to integrate the
information among its employees and it improves
the sharing level among them. The maps help the
elicitation of knowledge, transforming tacit
knowledge into explicit one, whereas it helps the
understanding of working processes and the
identification of new knowledge unidentified so far,
the identification of experts to existing activities, the
possibility of constructing more efficient forms of
communication, development of new ways of
learning, building of community work, the
structuring of both individual and team experiences.
Thus the organization enters a more fertile ground of
new ideas and creative problem-solving can exist.
The analysis of knowledge and its management was
used the knowledge spiral of the SECI model and
the concepts of KM proposed by Takeuchi
(Takeuchi et al, 2011). Figure 1 illustrates the
method indicating its steps: a) information gathering,
b) survey of knowledge and Competences; c)
classification; d) representation; e) analysis.
Figure 2: Map of Knowledge/Competences/Working
The first step, information gathering, was
conducted through interviews with workers and it
aimed to identify all the information necessary for
the construction of models, since these individuals
have expertise and working experience. This step
has two stages; the first is to gather the information
and knowledge needed, which were considered: a)
all documents and existing systems in this OU or
used by it; b) the list of information goods; c) As Is
models (describing the present processes); and d)
actors, workers, working groups and use Business
Use Cases methodology. After that, the list of
professionals to be interviewed is defined.
The interviews were open by nature, seeking to
establish a relationship of trust and respect with
interviewees to achieve a level of commitment and
information reliability. The interviews were detailed,
sought to identify the existing explicit and tacit
knowledge and competences necessary to perform
their activities. The data collection generated a
matrix of information goods x interviewees x
working group and the demographics data of the
interviewed professionals. The second step was to
survey, which allowed the definition of knowledge
and competences needed for activities of
information goods for working group. Thus, lists of
knowledge and competences were done (Figure 1).
The third step, the classification, builds the
topographies of knowledge and competences. The
first one consists of its type (tacit or explicit), weight
of relevance (irrelevant, less relevant, relevant and
very relevant), level of knowledge (basic,
intermediate and advanced) and its location. The
topography of competences consisted of the weight
of relevance (irrelevant, less relevant, relevant and
very important) and its location. Based on those was
built the map of information goods x activities x
working groups. The fourth stage was the
representation one that constructed the map of
knowledge, competences and working groups
(Figure 2) and the tree of knowledge to view the
knowledge in a hierarchical (Figure 3). Another use
of this analysis is as a tool in the evaluating process
of employee performance.
Figure 3: Tree of Knowledge.
At the last step, the analysis, descriptive graphics
were constructed from different possible groupings
of information and knowledge obtained. Another
level of analysis was the identification of gaps in
relation to the SECI model. It was still possible to
investigate the existence of new correlations
between Competences and knowledge that may
indicate new relationships associated with
information goods, activities and working groups.
According to the topics of the training plan of the
Agency was established a classification for the
expertise identified. This classification was ranked
and then used for developing a information good
entitled "Analysis of Studies and Projects of Works
and Infrastructure Services," for all working groups
involved in the execution of all activities associated
with, the relevant weights. Another knowledge
classification was done by weighted average of the
importance levels of knowledge. This descriptive
analysis influences in defining the employee
knowledge to perform the activities efficiently.
According to the spiral of knowledge (four modes of
knowledge conversion: socialization,
externalization, combination and internalization)
processes are not carried out in constructing
knowledge. In the elicitation process (consists of
transforming tacit knowledge into explicit one),
knowledge is found in documentary form, but is not
organized in a systematic way. Therefore, the OA
could benefit in using an Electronic Document
Management system. To make more efficient the use
of the information good "Analysis of the study and
construction projects and infrastructure services," it
should be stored in a database corporate all
information required to project submission to be
presented by the concessionaires to the Agency.
Regarding socialization process, which consists in
sharing individual and collective experiences, it was
identified a manager organizing workshops. This can
be taken to other areas to develop knowledge and
skills for this practice. It is important to organize
events to the concessionaires in order to exchange
knowledge and practices on road operations.
Another practice is to create a discussion forum for
best practices and experiences on specialized topics
having for the concessionaires, regional units and
other stakeholders. In these forums would be
released the most relevant results arising from the
events. Regarding the combination process, the
absence of a centralized, integrated and consolidated
database makes difficulty the systematic use of
needed knowledge to carry out different activities.
The absence of a shared database, the process of
internalization suffers, since its employees are
overloaded with daily tasks that could be done by
using management and technological tools. Thus,
the time to learn, reflect, evaluate and reconstruct
the knowledge available, as well as their practices
and experiences, is greatly reduced. Losses
involving its employees imply the avoidance of
knowledge and competences, which often have not
been socialized, externalized and not combined, and
thus may be lost. It is recommended to use the
organizational portal as focal point to the OU. For
the knowledge transfer, it is recommended the use of
methods supported by technology such as: the
Virtual Classroom, which consists of a learning
network for discussions and interactions at distance.
It identifies in the an organizational culture to the
creation of communities of practice, entailing a
database of lessons learned, database of practices,
database of technical alerts and yellow pages,
complete with discussion forums The adoption of
the suggested improvements will contribute to
organizational learning to the extent that such
knowledge is transparent disseminated and can be
retrieved, manipulated, developed and disseminated.
That creates an environment where new tacit
knowledge appears, demanding that new processes
take place, allowing a new cycle of knowledge.
The INNKM in Corporate Environments was
effective in its application, allowing identifying,
collect, mapping, representing and analyzing
knowledge, Competences and working groups
mobilized and involved in building an information
goods in the field of Ground Transportation
Regulation. As results new information goods have
been created and some have been modified in its
structure to better meet the agency's mission and the
society expectations. The developed models allowed
the identification of tacit and explicit knowledge and
analyze the flow of knowledge in their steps:
identification, representation, validation, storage,
retrieval, dissemination, distribution and recreation,
indicating gaps and improvement needs. The
identified critical success factors of KM assist OU
managers decisions in process improvements using
KM; indication of necessary knowledge in bidding
for public contracts, new training courses and
regular training, identification of gaps between the
individuals and working groups knowledge and
competences needed to perform their activities,
among others. With respect to KM were identified
eight new tools necessary for the agency. From the
knowledge base, built during the modelling process
can be made several descriptive analysis. Finally,
managers will have at their disposal an incremental
basis of knowledge, unique to the agency, which
will enable different analysis depending on need and
the decision to be made. With all mapping and
modelling all completed will be possible to structure
agency's Architecture of KM and set methods,
techniques, technologies and appropriate tools for
their effective management of knowledge, allowing
it to fulfil its mission more effectively and meet the
needs of society.
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