for the E class, 69% for the N class.
For the speech DBs, a rate of correct
classification as follows: 79% for the DB1, 86% for
the DB2, 72% for the DB3.
Comparing to the two single approaches, with
our proposed MNN technique, we obtain globally
better results than the single RBF or LVQ ANN
5.3 Results Relative to Discrete HMM
and Hybrid HMM/MLP Approach
Further assume that for each class in the vocabulary
we have a training set of k occurrences (instances) of
each class where each instance of the categories
constitutes an observation sequence.
a. Discrete HMM
For speech DBs, 10-state, strictly left-to-right,
discrete HMM were used to model each basic unit
(words). In this case, the acoustic feature were
quantizied into 4 independent codebooks according
to the KM algorithm: 128 clusters for the J RASTA-
PLP coefficients, 128 for the Δ J RASTA-PLP
coefficients, 32 clusters for Δ energy, 32 clusters for
ΔΔ energy.
For the PEA signals, 5-state, strictly left-to-right,
discrete HMM were used. Table 1 gives the results
of this experiment.
Table 1: Discrete HMM results.
Rate% 84 87 90 76
b. Discrete MLP with entries provided by the FCM
We use an hybrid HMM/MLP model using in entry
of the ANN an acoustic vector composed of real
values which were obtained by applying the FCM
algorithm (Lazli and Sellami, 2003) with 2880 real
components corresponding to the various
membership degrees of the acoustic vectors to the
classes of the "code-book". We reported the values
used for SDB2.
Table 2: Hybrid HMM/MLP results.
Rates % 94 97 97 83
10-state, strictly left-to-right, word HMM with
emission probabilities computed from an MLP with
9 frames of quantizied acoustic vectors at the input.
Thus a MLP with only one hidden layer including
2880 neurons at the entry, 30 neurons for the hidden
layer and 10 output neurons was trained.
For the PEA signals, a MLP with 64 neurons at
the entry, 18 neurons for the hidden layer and 5
output neurons was trained. Table 2 gives the
In this paper, the association of RBF and LVQ
neural models improves the global order of the non
linear approximation capability of such global neural
operator, comparing to each single neural structure
constituting the MNN system.
For the second hybrid HMM/MLP model, a
recognition tasks show an increase in the estimates
of the posterior probabilities of the correct class after
From the effectiveness, it seems that the hybrid
HMM/MLP model are more powerful than multi-
network RBF/LVQ structure.
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