select distinct ?s1 where {
?s1 a <#policy_artifact> ?s2 a <#person> .
?s3 a <#human_activity> ?s4 a <#planning> .
?s1 <#related_to> ?s3 .
?s3 <#has_participant> ?s2 .
?s4 <#has_participant> ?s2 .
?s4 <#produces> ?s1
A description logics reasoner could then determine
that this query matches the semantic graph shown in
figure 1 because “Socializing” is described in the
ontology to be a subclass of “human activity”.
Consider adding a query constraint specifying
that the persons involved in both the planning and
the activities of the intervention were the focus of
the problem type addressed by the intervention.
Although the problem type “need for engaging the
staff” exists in the graph, it applies to persons
involved in the planning of the intervention but not
in the activities of the intervention. Thus, the query
would no longer match with the semantic graph.
Future work on this knowledge base will focus on
developing effective applications in areas that are
most likely to be beneficial to the envisaged users.
Natural language generation can be used to generate
accurate representations of the semantic graphs in
any language that is handled by the generator, as
shown in figure 2. Knowledge mining techniques
can be used to extract common semantic motifs from
the knowledge base on what kinds of interventions
are most effective in what kinds of social contexts.
Obtaining feedback from potential users of the
knowledge base will be critical in guiding the
development of these applications. For this purpose,
we hope to establish a “community of practice”
through the Platinum Concept Network in Japan and
other entities around the world, such as the United
Nations HABITAT program (www.unhabitat.org).
Feedback from these test users will also help to
identify what modifications to the knowledge base
schema are needed. Under the theme of “social
entrepreneurship”, a new class of NPOs is emerging
that shares some of the flexibility for experimental
trial-and-error provided by venture capitalists
(Tanimoto 2008). These NPOs may be valuable
sources for knowledge on what works in addressing
specific social issues in specific social contexts.
System development is focused in the human-
computer interface. We are testing different methods
for accessing the knowledge base, one of which is
based on semantic similarity calculated between
cities using semantic attributes from DBpedia (Guo
and Kraines 2010). We are also using knowledge
mining and natural language processing techniques
to further assist researchers and social entrepreneurs
to create semantic graphs that accurately express the
knowledge that they want to share.
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