Modeling Genealogical Domain
An Open Problem
Joan Campanyà Artés
, Jordi Conesa Caralt
and Enric Mayol
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Tech, Barcelona, Spain
Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
ESSI Department, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Tech, Barcelona, Spain
Keywords: Conceptual Modeling, Genealogy, Ontologies.
Abstract: The automated processing, storing and knowledge inference of genealogical data presents several
difficulties. Roughly eighteen years ago, the FamilySearch organization published GEDCOM, a new
standard file format to allow genealogy software and tools to exchange genealogical data. Five years later,
the GENTECH Data Modeling Project, proposed a new genealogical logic data model to support research in
genealogy and to allow data inter-exchange between genealogy software. Despite being initial reference
models, they still have some limitations to adapt to different cultural and social environments. Additionally,
sharing genealogical data between systems is difficult since, even though they are syntactical reference
models, they may have semantic mismatches. Today, we have not a common and unified proposal as a
standard recognized genealogical model. In this way, in this paper we propose to consider the ontology
paradigm to extend expressiveness of concepts and relationships in such standards.
Genealogy, is a discipline of social sciences and
history that study family composition, origin and
evolution. In recent years we have seen an
increasing popularity of genealogical services and
specific software to build familiar pedigree.
However, the absence of an accepted reference
model as a universal standard to represent
genealogical information makes it difficult to share
and reuse such data between people.
Designed as local databases or websites, most of
these applications offer importing and exporting
functionalities using file formats widely accepted,
like the GEDCOM
specification. However, given
the extendability of this specification, some
applications add proprietary extensions to
GEDCOM to consider these cultural and historical
diversity, not always recognized by others.
Another difficulty appears trying to identify
equivalent, complementary or inconsistency records
that refer to the same ancestor. We know that
personal names and places can change over time,
even if at only syntactical level. Applications based
GEDCOM, http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.
on the relational model lack of appropriate
mechanisms to recognize variations of nominal
attributes, making it difficult to merge equivalent
instances. This situation is aggravated when the
database is scarce or incomplete.
The integration between genealogical
information systems could be achieved by means of
schema mappings among their databases and a
common reference model. Unfortunately, this model
does not still exist today. So, in this paper we present
a preliminary proposal to address such unmet need.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
gives a short overview of the most well-known
genealogical reference models. In Section 3 we
introduce our reference model proposal, and Section
4 describes its main features and contributions. In
Section 5 we identify open problems and main
The most emblematic compilation project of
genealogical data on a large scale and worldwide has
been and continues to be carried out by
Campanyà Artés J., Conesa Caralt J. and Mayol E..
Modeling Genealogical Domain - An Open Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0004135002020207
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 202-207
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
organization. We have identified
three groups of proposals, those based on
GEDCOM, those on GENTECH and those
following an Ontological approach.
The first version of GEDCOM appeared on
1984. GEDCOM was just a paper specification
designed to allow genealogy programs to exchange
genealogical data. Therefore, it is not a data model
nor a genealogical application, but it is a format to
support data interoperability. GEDCOM is basically
oriented to a lineage-linked data model based on
families and individuals. This contrasts with
evidence models, where data is structured to reflect
the discovered and supporting evidences. GEDCOM
files are plain text similar to of markup languages.
However, it has the following disadvantages:
difficult evolution (due to its proprietary format),
family-centered (as an individual is identified by
the family it belongs, and not by the identity of their
parents), ambiguity (since the current specification
does not set limits on its hierarchical structure and
its not clearly defined in which levels or identity tags
where to put some data), lack of source references
(even though sources may be informed, there is not
an specific tracking method for data connected to the
research process, and it is difficult to make source
verification or to reuse such sources easily) and
inconsistencies (due to data duplication).
Some extensions to the GEDCOM format had
been proposed. On 2010, the “Build a Better
GEDCOM Project”
was initiated to develop an
international standard to store and transfer
genealogical data. An adhoc committee of
BetterGEDCOM wiki members established in 2012
the Family History Information Standards
Organization (FHISO)
. The objective is to solve
interoperability issues independently of technology
platforms, genealogy products or services. At the
same year, FamilySearch organization outlined a
major new project called GEDCOM X. The proposal
was a new format based on a XML language. It
defines new data formats to permit traceability of
sources and genealogical records. It also offers
support for sharing and linking data online.
In 1995, a different genealogical model was
proposed: the GENTECH Data Modeling Project
(Mitchell 2003) by the Federation of Genealogical
Societies (FGS, USA). Its main objective was to
define a genealogical data model to model the
genealogy research process and to facilitate data
BetterGEDCOM wiki, http://bettergedcom.wikispaces.
exchange among genealogists. Although it was just
a conceptual model, it became a reference for many
other implementations. This model was not so
worldwide accepted. Genealogical data is defined
using certain structured collections, roles and
attributes. Such attributes are hardly typed,
introducing some strictness and limiting its
adaptation to different contexts. Moreover, the
model assumes its implementation on relational
databases, an unnecessary limitation for other
information technologies or database models.
More recently, a new approach was initiated by
(Zandhuis 2005). He proposes to use ontologies in
the genealogical data treatment to take advantage of
the Semantic Web in the data distribution and
knowledge extraction. Genealogical data was
modeled with OWL/RDF, but did not develop much
beyond that the class structure and properties
necessary to complete a genealogical model.
In the same direction, (Campbell 2006) proposes
the creation of an open network data, scalable,
extensible, based on open standards and
understandable by machines. In essence it was a
network of servers updated and maintained by local
genealogical organizations. In order to enable
automated semantic interpretation, genealogical data
is fragmented in the form of subject-predicate-object
sentences, in OWL-RDF files. Interconnections
between nodes were fixed by equivalence relations
between entities, task in which collaborate
intelligent agents.
Another interesting contribution is (Woodbury
2010). Its purpose is to show the feasibility of an
information system, based on individual and event
information, to automatically load of unstructured
genealogical data and to infer new hidden
knowledge. Textual data is analyzed using
ontological patterns and regular expressions. Data is
stored using OWL/RDF files. This proposal use a set
of tags that define SWRL rules and integrity
constraints. However, this model reflects only a
fraction of the complexity of the domain.
The main difficulties when sharing data between
genealogical applications can be grouped into four
types. (1) Syntactic variants: the frequent existence
of syntactic variations of names of individuals and
locations make it difficult their proper recognition
and management. (2) Structural heterogeneity: the
social structure and evolution of the family, roles of
its individuals depend on temporal and cultural
Figure 1: Modeling genealogical assertions.
contexts, so they must he interpreted correctly. (3)
Semantic heterogeneity: merging and integrating
genealogical data from different sources require take
into account different concept interpretation and
their inference rules. (4) Data quality: genealogical
data may contain transcription errors,
incompleteness and/or not be proved. All this
characteristics are inherent to the genealogy domain
and they difficult genealogical data management and
Ontology paradigm may be appropriate to solve
some of these problems, since it handles semantic
concepts rather than syntactic keywords in
information retrieval systems. Therefore, genealogy
data repositories content may be described
regardless of their syntactic representation, focusing
on its semantic integration.
Our proposal consists of two independent
models: the Projects and the Assertions models. The
first one focus on the genealogical research process.
It describes projects, goals, tasks, collaborators,
resources and it keep track of the document sources
of genealogical information. The second one, the
Assertions model, contains the proper genealogical
information extracted or inferred from these sources.
Due to space limitations, this paper only deals with
the second one.
The concepts of the assertion model (Figure 1)
refer to people, places, dates, events, characteristics
and groups. So its design should facilitate addressing
the aforesaid four groups of problems. The core is
the Assertion class. Assertions may be deduced from
other assertions, or may be provided by a
collaborator and linked to one source. In both cases,
they have a annotation of genealogical interest, and
refer to one or more statements. These statements
refer to entities as people, relationships among them,
events, groups, personal characteristics, etc., but in a
implicit way. In order to enable automation with
computers, we need to make explicit this knowledge,
as discussed in the next section.
Statement class records concepts and their
relationships as atomic triples, in the form of
<subject, predicate, object>, which is similar to the
structure formats used in the semantic web: basically
RDF, RDF Schema and OWL. In our model
Statement is a associative class of the ternary
relationship between two instances of Entity class
(subject and object), and a Predicate instance. An
Event usually occurs at known times and places. The
Place class do not specialize to specific categories to
permit the maximum adaptability to different
cultural and geographical contexts (Figure 2).
Most part of commercial genealogical information
systems and applications implement data persistence
upon relational databases, following the closed
Figure 2: Relationships between Event, Place and Date.
world assumption (CWA). In this sense, only facts
or assertions stored in the database are true, and
therefore, any other fact not stored as a database
tuple is false or non-existent. This assumption
limits exploration of possible related data when
information is incomplete or imprecise, which is
quite common in genealogy. A similar situation
may appears when integrating repositories that
have data in common but without information that
allow to filter duplicates. Our conceptual model
releases entities and their attributes from restrictive
types, facilitating integration to diverse contexts
and casuistry. We are interested in the semantic
value of attributes and roles, not in the explicit
record syntax or types. Adopting the ontological
paradigm, we can transform from implicit to
explicit semantic knowledge, in a way to reaching
a open world assumption (OWA).
To permit interaction between different systems
requires explicit semantic interoperability. To
obtain a context independent model we need to
address two goals. (1) The adoption of a specific
vocabulary, identifiable by its IRI (International
Resource Identifier) and namespace, as
enumeration types. Importantly, these types could
be particularized on different implementations of
the model. (2) The use of ontologies (general or
specific) that cover this vocabularies, to enable a
constructive information merge process between
information systems.
To differentiate the Assertions conceptual
model of the ontology from where the facts come,
we preferred rename the latter as Facts ontology. A
second ontology, PersonaEvents, is automatically
populated using the information of the Facts
ontology that deals with a given person. This
describes the specific events and relationships
(property, on a ontology terms) of Persona, which
is particularly of interest in genealogy. To
illustrate this, we can materialize the implicit
Statement relationships in properties between
instances of Person and Entity, like hasParent,
hasWife, wasBorn, professedReligion, etc.
So between these two ontologies,
PersonaEvents and Facts, there is redundant
information. This implies that, to avoid
inconsistencies, all changes made in any of them
should be reflected in the other. Another
remarkable aspect is that instances are referenced
by its IRI, avoiding the disadvantages arising from
different contextual interpretation. However this
has a cost, losing in PersonaEvents ontology any
reference to information sources, and that's why it's
necessary to maintain their link with statements in
the Facts ontology.
One of the reasons why we have chosen ontologies
to represent knowledge is because the amount of
data we have may evolve constantly and because
some inferences can be done even when not all the
data is known. The open world assumption allows
us to add new knowledge incrementally and
dynamically. The only condition is that the new
information cannot contradict the information of
the existing knowledge base, assuring that all
inferences made previously are still valid.
The ability to share information is also our
objective. The current situation is characterized by
an increasing number of private applications and a
lack of open and recognized standards. In addition,
there are an increasing number of semantic web
services that provide access to data repositories. It
would be desirable to agree on some specifications
that provide unambiguous descriptions of their
services and their mappings in a common ontology
A second line of research is to consider issues
related to database distribution. In this context,
instances identification is a major challenge, as it is
to discover duplicates (when the same instance
appear in two places) or combining multiple
overlapping data that refers to the same instance.
To deduce equivalence between genealogical
instances we must consider not only lexical
coincidence or proximity of key attributes (name,
date and place of birth or death) but also known
kinship with others, as portions of their family tree
(parents, siblings, spouse,…). Furthermore, record
linkage still remains a complex problem. Different
methods for automation of data linkage and for
reducing manual processes have been proposed,
most based on techniques from artificial
intelligence. Research, despite being limited to
particular environments, are promising and
satisfactory enough in the validation tests
performed. Neural networks (Pixton 2006),
bayesian probability models (Larsen, 2005) and
metric-based machine learning algorithms (Ivie,
2007) can provide the tools we need to simplify the
The third challenge should allow us to build the
knowledge base from basic statements. As we have
seen in Section 4, the base of our model lies in
elementary semantic units inspired by the first-
order logic, the triples <subject, predicate, object>.
These triples formalize the essence of what is
known and what can be said. Unfortunately, using
such elemental assertions to express knowledge
make undecidable the processes that would allow
to infer new knowledge. However, the
computational complexity problems that involve
the use of first-order logic are well known. With
our two related ontologies, Facts and
PersonaEvents, this drawback can be fixed, as the
inferences of interest would be over the second,
obtained as a reduction from Facts. However, with
this operation we can reduce to one direct Person-
Entity relationship which originally may have
required several statements.
To complete the challenges, we must mention
problems about decidability and computational
complexity. Regarding our proposal, we have
chosen to reconcile description logics (DLs),
which form the basis for OWL, and rule languages,
while maintaining decidability:
- Using Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)
rules (Horrocks 2004), but by taking certain
precautions, such as restricting its applicability to
certain subset of data. These rules, known as DL-
safe as combination with OWL-DL, leads to
decidable systems and, more importantly,
computable in polynomial time. We will make
reference to some published studies that propose
specific solutions (Hirankitti 2011, Mei 2005,
Motik 2004).
- The latest OWL 2 Web Ontology Language
Recommendation, informally OWL 2 (Motik
2009), expands the options for integrating certain
kind of rules in OWL, thereby maintaining
decidability. SROIQ rules can provide interesting
For many years, genealogical data used by the vast
majority of computer applications has been shared
using the data transfer format created by
GEDCOM. The problem arises when we want to
integrate the information collected by different
users. Despite the availability of data exchange
formats widely accepted, recognition of family ties
between those resources are difficult and requires
some expert assistance.
In this paper we proposed a genealogical model
that aims to be flexible enough to adapt to social,
cultural, geographical or temporal variability. The
ontological paradigm and its deployment on last
years, offers a variety of experiences and practical
tools competent to represent semantic information
of concepts relevant to the genealogical model.
These ontological tools, together with the proposed
semantic definitions, can provide solutions about
real problems that appear when integrating
different resources, such as data inconsistencies or
recognition of equivalences.
Finally, the automatic processing of
information is possible only after transforming
implicit knowledge from source statements to
explicit semantic concepts In this way, ontologies,
OWL axioms and SWRL rules provide powerful
languages understandable by computers. Future
work must be done in order to achieve a reliable
data processing with minimal need from expert
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