Detecting Temporally Related Arithmetical Patterns
An Extension of Complex Event Processing
Ronald de Haan
and Mikhail Roshchin
Technische Universit¨at Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Siemens Corporate Technologies, M¨unchen, Germany
Complex Event Processing, Diagnostic Knowledge, Temporal Relations, Arithmetical Patterns.
When modelling diagnostic knowledge on technical systems it is often important to be able to capture com-
plex events with a temporal structure, based on arithmetical patterns in (preprocessed) sensor data. With the
current methods, such a combination is not easily possible. To solve this problem, we devise an extension of
complex event processing methods, by designing a declarative language to specify the generation of events
with a complex temporal structure that are based on arithmetical patterns in numerical data. This extension
furthermore makes complex event processing methods more easily accessible for users that have no experience
with complex event processing.
In the modelling of diagnostic knowledge of large
technical systems, it is important to be able to rep-
resent certain patterns in the sensor data observed in
such a system. For instance, it can often be predicted
on the basis of patterns in the temperature and pres-
sure observations in a system such as a gas turbine
that an expensive malfunction is about to take place.
Often the patterns that are relevant for making such
predictions are complex patterns, consisting of sim-
pler patterns occurring in a particular temporal rela-
tion. There are several different existing methods to
approach the problem of automatically detecting such
The method of complex event processing (CEP)
(Luckham, 2001) is one way to handle complex tem-
poral patterns of observations. Central to this method
is the processing of events. An event is a message that
a particular situation has occurred at a certain time
point. On the one hand, events can be based on sim-
ple observations. On the other hand, complex events
can be based on the occurrence of simpler events in
a particular temporal structure. Complex event pro-
cessing allows engineers to flexibly and declaratively
specify the definition of such complex events.
Another approach to process observations, par-
ticularly in numerical data, is to deploy arithmetical
methods to detect patterns in the data. This often in-
volves preprocessing and normalization. Arithmetical
methods can then be used on the preprocessed data
to detect situations such as increasing or decreasing
trends, or the exceedance of a threshold. The prepro-
cessing allows us to detect such situations in the data
itself, but also in derived data such as the average or
standard deviation over a given time period.
1.1 Problem Statement
For expressing diagnostic knowledge of technical sys-
tems often the most meaningful patterns are com-
plex temporally related occurrences of observations
in (preprocessed) data. CEP allows us to flexibly de-
tect the complex temporal structure, while arithmeti-
cal knowledge discovery methods allow us to detect
the basic arithmetical patterns in the (preprocessed)
data. However, an approach that allows us to combine
the advantages of both methods is not yet available.
In this paper, we will develop a method that
makes it possible to conveniently and flexibly specify
complex temporally structured events based on basic
arithmetical patterns in preprocessed data.
We develop a system that combines the ability of
complex event processing to specify complex tempo-
rally structured events with the possibility to specify
arithmetical patterns in preprocessed data.
de Haan R. and Roshchin M..
Detecting Temporally Related Arithmetical Patterns - An Extension of Complex Event Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0004135603290332
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 329-332
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We design our system as an extension of complex
event processing. We will develop a declarative lan-
guage that allows engineers to express complex tem-
porally structured patterns based on basic arithmeti-
cal patterns in the preprocessed data. Our system will
then interpret expressions in this declarative language
as CEP rules, that automatically generate the speci-
fied events. This allows us to leverage the existing
CEP technologies.
The aim of this paper is to make it possible to
specify complex events that have a temporal structure
and that are based on arithmetical patterns in prepro-
cessed, numerical data, and to do so in a declarative
We formally define the syntax and semantics of the
language we propose. The syntax of the language is
described in Figure 1. Categories in this context-free
syntax are written in boldface. Note that terms of cat-
egory N denote a natural number. We consider a term
of category user event as an event definition.
Let X and D be two disjoint sets of variables and
data variables, respectively. We interpret terms x(n)
as variables x
X and we interpret terms d(n) as
data variables d
D .
An event definition specifies a complex event and
the conditions under which it is generated. Consider
an event definition hname, expr, constri. The string
name represents the user-defined name of the event.
The conditions under which this eventis generated are
specified by expr and constr. The term expr of cate-
gory expression is a specification of the nature of the
event. This expression may contain variables of the
form x
, and data variables of the form d
, for n N.
The conditions in the list constr specify constraints
on the instantiation of such (data) variables in expr.
More formally, a term expr of category expression
specifies event generation conditions for each instan-
tiation θ of variables and data variables in expr that
satisfies the conditions in constr.
In the following, we define the conditions on in-
stantiations θ specified by a term constr, and we re-
cursively define the event generation conditions spec-
ified by a term expr and an instantiation θ.
3.1 Constraints on Instantiations
An instantiation θ for a term expr assigns each vari-
able x
to a natural number, and each data variable
to a sensor name sensorname of an existing sensor.
This means that in the term expr multiple occurrences
of variables x
or data variables d
are assigned to the
same number or sensor, respectively. Furthermore,
we say that an assignment θ satisfies the conditions
given by constr if it satisfies each constraint in the list
constr. Such constraints get the straightforward in-
terpretation. For instance, an assignment θ satisfies a
constraint x
m iff θ(x
) m holds.
3.2 Recursive Definition of Events
We recursively specify the event generation condi-
tions given by a term expr of category expression,
and an instantiation θ of the (data) variables in expr.
We can roughly divide the recursion in two parts:
the definition of data events (specified by terms of
category num data) and the definition of intentional
events (specified by terms of categories atomic and
Data events represent values of (preprocessed)
data. Occurrences of such events thus have a particu-
lar value, in addition to information about the nature
of the event. Furthermore, data events have no dura-
tion, only a time point.
Terms of the form data(sensorname) specify data
events that directly represent observations of the sen-
sor with name sensorname. In other words, when-
ever an observation for the sensor is made, such a
data event should be generated. These events contain
information about the observed value, the time point
at which the value was observed, and the sensor for
which the observation was made.
Terms of the form d
specify similar data events
for the sensor with name θ(d
). Terms of the form
avg(data term, time term) specify data events as fol-
lows. For each time window of length time term, we
consider all occurrences of data events specified by
data term. Then, a data event is generated at the
end of the time window, whose value is the arith-
metic mean of the values of all considered data events.
Terms of the form sd(data term,time term) specify
similar data events, where instead of the arithmetic
mean, the standard deviation is taken as value. Terms
of the form (data term1 data term2) specify data
events in the following manner. For any time point in
which both a data event e
specified by data term1
and a data event e
specified by data term2 occur,
a data event is generated whose value is the value
of e
minus the value of e
. Data events are gener-
ated analogously for terms of the form (data term1+
data term2), for addition instead of subtraction.
Intentional events represent (possibly complex)
time N ;
var x(N) ;
var time time | var ;
data var d(N) ;
num data data(string) | data var
| sd(num data,time) | avg(num data,time)
| (num data - num data) | (num data + num data) ;
trend dir up | down ;
threshold value num data | N ;
atomic trend(trend dir, num data, var time)
| less than(threshold value, threshold value, var time)
| less than or equal(threshold value, threshold value, var time) ;
temporal operator after(time, time) | after
| during(time, time) | during
| meets(time) | meets
| overlaps(time, time) | overlaps
| starts(time) | starts
| finishes(time) | finishes ;
expression atomic
| (expression temporal operator expression)
| (not expression temporal operator expression)
| (expression temporal operator not expression) ;
condition list condition :: condition list
| [] ;
condition var N
| var < N
| var N
| var > N ;
user event h string, expression, condition list i ;
Figure 1: Grammar for the specification language.
patterns that are observed in the (preprocessed) data.
Occurrences of such events thus have no particular
value, but they do contain information about the na-
ture of the event. Also, intentional events are interval
events, i.e., they have a time point and a duration.
Terms of the form trend(dir, data term,
var time term) specify the generation of inten-
tional events as follows. For each time window
whose length equals θ(var time term), we consider
all occurrences of data events specified by data term.
If the values of all these occurrences of data events
are (chronologically) increasing, in case dir = up, or
(chronologically) decreasing, in case dir = down, an
event is generated for the whole time span.
A term of the form less than(value term1,
value term2, var time term) specified the generation
of intentional events as follows. We distinguish sev-
eral cases:
If both value term1 and value term2 specify data
events (as opposed to a natural number), the fol-
lowing generation conditions hold. For each time
window whose length equals θ(var time term),
we consider all moments such that both a data
event e
specified by value term1 and a data event
specified by value term2 occur. If for each
such moment in the time window, the value of e
is strictly less than the value of e
, we generate an
intentional event during the whole time span.
The case where value term1 specifies a data event
and value term2 specifies a natural number (or
vice versa) is handled similarly.
In the case where both value term1 and
value term2 specify natural numbers, we
generate no events. This would be nonsensical.
Analogous event generation condi-
tions are specified by terms of the form
less than or equal(value term1, value term2, var
time term), with the only difference that non-strict
comparison is used instead of strict comparison.
Terms of the form (expr1 temporal operator
expr2) specify event generation conditions as fol-
lows. For any occurrence of an intentional event spec-
ified by expr1 and any occurrence of an intentional
event specified by expr2, occurring in the temporal
relation specified by temporal operator, we generate
an intentional event, spanning the minimal time span
in which the occurrences of both events fit.
The possible temporal operators of category tem-
poral operator get the straightforward interpretation
of Allen’s temporal interval operators (Allen, 1983).
Temporal operators can be given extra arguments.
The interpretation of temporal operators with extra ar-
guments is as described for the corresponding opera-
tors in the documentation of Drools Fusion.
Terms of the form (expr1 temporal operator
not expr2) specify event generation conditions as
follows. For any occurrence e of an intentional
event specified by expr1 such that there is no oc-
currence of an intentional event specified by expr2,
that occurs in the temporal relation, specified by
temporal operator, with e, we generate an inten-
tional event, spanning the same interval as e. Terms of
the form (not expr1 temporal operator expr2) spec-
ify event generation conditions analogously.
In order to demonstrate the working of our method,
and the flexibility it offers, we will give a few exam-
ples of event definitions and the events they generate.
Consider, for instance, the case of representing
diagnostic knowledge of a technical system that has
several temperature sensors. Assume that we have
some domain specific knowledge, that the divergence
of values for two temperature sensors, possibly in
combination with other events, can be a predictor for
a particular malfunction in the system. We can auto-
matically generate events corresponding to the diver-
gence of two sensor values, for a period of at least 10
seconds, by means of the following event definition.
h “distance increases for at least 10s”,
trend(up, (d(1) d(2)), x(1)), [x(1) 10] i
Assume now that we have some particular knowl-
edge of the technical system, that a predictor for the
malfunctioning behavior is that the values of two sen-
sors differ by more than 20 units for at least 60 sec-
onds. We can automatically generate corresponding
events with the following event definition.
h “distance above 20 for at least 60s”,
less than(20, (d(1) d(2), x(1)), [x(1) 60] i
We could use (occurrences of) those two events in
a larger complex event processing system to represent
diagnostic knowledge of the system. However, as-
sume now that the sequential occurrence of the above
two events is an even better predictor for the malfunc-
tioning behavior. By means of the following event
definition, we could generate corresponding events.
h “complex predictor for malfunction m”,
trend(up, (d(1) d(2)), x(1)) meets
less than(20, (d(1) d(2), x(2))),
[x(1) 10, x(2) 60] i
Our approach, extending complex event processing
with a declarative language to specify complex events
based on arithmetical patterns in preprocessed data,
has several advantages. First of all, it makes it pos-
sible to specify (complex) events based on arithmeti-
cal patterns in a declarative fashion, which is not pos-
sible with currently existing methods. This has the
advantage that diagnostic systems dealing with such
patterns become more easily maintainable and modi-
fiable. Secondly,it allows users of complex eventpro-
cessing systems to intuitively and straightforwardly
also take into account arithmetical patterns, in addi-
tion to the usual nominal, intentional events.
In this paper, we developed an extension of complex
event processing methods that makes it possible to
specify complex, temporally structured events based
on arithmetical patterns in numerical data. This is
done by means of a declarative language, whose ex-
pressions are interpreted as event generation condi-
tions. This allows the automatic generation and use of
events based on such declarative specifications only.
Future work would include investigating how the
automatic generation of events specified with the de-
veloped declarative language could be combined with
other diagnostic knowledge representation methods.
Allen, J. F. (1983). Maintaining knowledge about temporal
intervals. Commun. ACM, 26(11):832–843.
Luckham, D. C. (2001). The Power of Events: An Intro-
duction to Complex Event Processing in Distributed
Enterprise Systems. Addison-Wesley Longman Pub-
lishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.