tion performance. However it lacks - as reported in
this paper - the labeling or definition of the clusters.
So again the user has to check by reading at least some
snippets inside a cluster (Cucerzan, 2007).
We presented an approach of guided interactive topic
graph extraction for exploration of web content. The
initial information request is issued online by a user
to the system in the form of a query topic description.
Instead of directly computing and presenting a topic
graph for the user query, possible senses of the query
are identified and enumerated by referring to an exter-
nal knowledge base, Wikipedia in our case. All found
readings are then sorted and presented to the user and
the user is asked to select her preferred one. The user–
selected sense is then used for constructing an initial
topic graph from a set of web snippets returned by a
standard search engine. At this point, the topic graph
already represents a graph of strongly correlated rel-
evant entities and terms. The topic graph is then dis-
played on a tablet computer (in our case an iPad) as
touch–sensitive graph. The user can then request fur-
ther detailed information through multiple iterations.
Experimental results achieved by means of an au-
tomatic evaluation procedure demonstrate the benefit
of the disambiguation method for exploratory search
strategies. The automatic evaluation has been ap-
proved by another human evaluation. Currently, the
main problem of our approach arises when an am-
biguous query cannot be found in Wikipedia using our
strategy. For example, the query “Famous Jim Clark”
would not be found as we require that all words of
the query occur in an Wikipedia article’s title. Even
if we could cope with this using a modified fuzzy
search strategy we still would not find out ambiguities
in queries that simply are not present in Wikipedia.
However, in the running system we plan to give some
feedback to the user by changing the color of the
search entry. Then the user knows that there may
be more then just one meaning for her query. An-
other open question is whether an improvement of
our rather simple way of expanding the query using
Wikipedia abstracts will lead to significant improve-
ments of the disambiguation results. We are planning
to do some research on this.
This research was conducted in the context of the
project Deependance (funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research, contract
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