Guided Exploratory Search on the Mobile Web
Günter Neumann
and Sven Schmeier
DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Alt–Moabit 91c, 10559 Berlin, Germany
Exploratory Search, Unsupervised Topic Extraction, Search Query Disambiguation.
We present a mobile touchable application for guided exploration of web content and online topic graph ex-
traction that has been successfully implemented on a tablet, i.e. an Apple iPad, and on a mobile device/phone,
i.e. Apple iPhone or iPod. Starting from a user’s search query a set of web snippets is collected by a standard
search engine in a first step. After that the snippets are collected into one document from which the topic graph
is computed. This topic graph is presented to the user in different touchable and interactive graphical represen-
tations depending on the screensize of the mobile device. However due to possible semantic ambiguities in the
search queries the snippets may cover different thematic areas and so the topic graph may contain associated
topics for different semantic entities of the original query. This may lead the user to wrong directions while
exploring the solution space. Hence we present our approach for an interactive disambiguation of the search
query and so we provide assistance for the users towards a guided exploratory search.
The World Wide Web is a huge set of hyperlinked and
semantically correlated documents. When searching
the Web using standard search engines users get pre-
sented just some nodes of this Web in form of ranked
lists of (text snippets and pointers to) documents. The
underlying link structure is more or less hidden from
the users’ perspective.
This kind of Web lookup search has been shown to
be quite successful if the user is mainly interested in
retrieving facts or answers for her query (Marchion-
ini, 2006). Important reasons are:
It is hard to find any alternative successful com-
peting way of searching the Web for ordinary
users. Hence people got used to that way of
searching the Web.
On ordinary computers human-computer interac-
tions are mainly done by typing on the keyboard.
It is not hard to reformulate search queries in case
the desired results are not in the best n documents
(Hearst, 2009) .
So it seems that the simplicity and easiness of the
interactions with current search engines are strongly
correlated with the still keyboard-dominated human-
computer interfaces.
Nowadays, the mobile Web and mobile touchable
devices, like smartphones and tablet computers, are
getting more and more prominent and widespread.
For such devices the most convenient way to inter-
act with is by tapping on buttons, swiping the screen,
squeezing it with two or more fingers etc. It is reason-
able to assume that the current success and popularity
of such mobile devices is also due to the fact that or-
dinary users have vastly accepted these kind of touch-
able interfaces as a very convenient way of interacting
with them.
Furthermore, we are convinced that touchable de-
vices and interfaces also support the development and
breeding of alternative Web search strategies like ex-
ploratory search. In such a search activity the user
only has a vague idea of the information in question
and just wants to explore the information space in
order to develop new knowledge about the topic in
question which usually involves multiple iterations of
search (Marchionini, 2006).
In (Neumann and Schmeier, 2011) and (Neu-
mann and Schmeier, 2012) we have shown that mo-
bile touchable devices can be a very convenient way
for realizing simple and intuitive exploratory search
strategies and to provide an usable mobile device
searches to “find out about something”. The core idea
of the underlying search strategy is:
1. A user query is considered as a specification of
a topic that the user wants to know and learn
more about. Hence, the search result is basically
Neumann G. and Schmeier S..
Guided Exploratory Search on the Mobile Web.
DOI: 10.5220/0004135900650074
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 65-74
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The associated topics refer to three different enti-
a graphical structure of that topic and associated
topics that are found.
2. The user can interactively further explore this
topic graph using a simple and intuitive touchable
interface in order to either learn more about the
content of a topic or to interactively expand a topic
with newly computed related topics.
However the success of working with such a sys-
tem heavily depends on the quality of the topics pre-
sented in the topic graph. One possible source of in-
sufficient quality is the uncovered, implicit ambigu-
ity of a search query (which usually the user is not
aware of or at least not of all possible readings, e.g.,
natural entities). For example, if the user looks for in-
formation about the person Jim Clark she might only
have in mind either the racing driver or the Netscape
. As the retrieved search results may con-
tain information about both entities or all of them,
the topic graph will show associated topics that might
lead the user into wrong directions while further ex-
ploring the search space (Fig. 1).
Consequently, the search strategy should be able
to detect and uncover this sort of ambiguity and
should explicitly use it for guiding the user’s further
exploratory search into the direction of the selected
preferred reading. Hence, the goal and major contri-
bution of the work presented in this paper is twofold:
1) to extend the above mentioned search strategy to
a guided exploratory search by proposing a method
for interactive disambiguation, and 2) to propose an
automatic method for its evaluation.
... or the baseball player, the football player, the bank
robber, the film editor, the war hero,...
To begin with we will use the topic “Jim Clark” as
a running example to briefly describe our approach
of guided exploratory search before we present and
discuss its details in the next sections.
A user starts her exploratory search by entering a
query q consisting of one or more keywords used to
represent the topic in question (in our example, just
the two words “Jim” and “Clark”). Instead of di-
rectly computing and presenting a topic graph for q
(as done in the previous mentioned non–guided ex-
ploratory search approach), possible senses of q are
identified and enumerated by referring to an external
knowledge base, Wikipedia in our case. Beside the
fact that Wikipedia is known to cover a huge number
of possible senses for a very large number of topics,
we also consider Wikipedia as a suitable means of a
human–computer interface in the sense that both, a
human and a computer, can directly communicate in
natural language (NL). Continuing our running exam-
ple, this means that the search strategy determines all
possible senses (i.e., Wikipedia pages) that entail q as
part of the Wikipedia title (i.e., the NL name of the
concept described in the Wikipedia page). All found
readings are then sorted and presented to the user and
the user is asked to select her preferred one.
Assuming that the user selects the “British racing
driver” sense, then the major content of the Wikipedia
concept (basically the first sentence s of a Wikipedia
page which usually defines the concept) is used to cre-
ate a new expanded query q
from q and s. Now, using
an initial topic graph is computed on the fly from a
set of Web snippets that has been collected by a stan-
dard search engine (currently, we are using Bing
Rather than considering each snippet in isolation, all
snippets are collected into one document from which
the topic graph is computed. We consider each topic
as an entity, and the edges are considered as a kind
of (hidden) relationship between the connected top-
ics. The content of a topic are the set of snippets it
has been extracted from, and the documents retriev-
able via the snippets’ Web links.
The topic graph is then displayed on a tablet com-
puter (in our case an iPad) as touch–sensitive graph.
By just selecting a node the user can either inspect
the content of a topic (i.e, the snippets or Web pages)
or activate the expansion of the topic graph through
an on the fly computation of new related topics for
the selected node. The user can request information
from new topics on basis of previously extracted in-
formation by selecting a node from the topic graph.
Note that each new query sent to the search engine
is created from the label of the selected node and the
“sense”-information s created above from Wikipedia.
Thus, each search triggered by a selected topic node
is guided towards the user’s preferred reading. This is
why we call it guided exploratory search.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We
first summarize the major steps of the computation of
a topic graph in section 3. In section 4 we present
the major steps of the guided exploratory search and
present a fully automatic method for its evaluation.
Details about the touchable user interface are then
presented in section 5. Section 6 relates our approach
to others, and finally, section 7 discusses open issues
and future plans.
The representation of results in a topic graph provides
alternative possibilities to perform search on a mobile
device. The process is as follows:
Show main topics that are generated from snippets
retrieved by an ordinary search engine instead of
documents in a first step.
Present topics as interactive graphical structures.
Let the user interact with the system by different
interaction methods.
Presenting a complete document is the last step in
the search process.
We consider the extraction of topics as (1) a
specific empirical collocation extraction task where
collocations are extracted between chunks combined
with (2) the cluster descriptions of an online cluster-
ing algorithm. (1) and (2) are computed in parallel for
efficiency reasons.
The collocation extraction (step (1)) is done by us-
ing a special measure of point-wise mutual informa-
tion (PMI c.f. (Turney, 2001)) that explicitly takes
distance information into account. For this we first
tag the snippets with Part–of–Speech (PoS) infor-
mation using the SVMTagger (Gimenez and Mar-
quez., 2004) and chunk the PoS-tagged text in the
next step. The chunker recognizes two types of word
chains. Each chain consists of longest matching se-
quences of words with the same PoS class, namely
noun chains or verb chains, where an element of
a noun chain belongs to one of the extended noun
, and elements of a verb chain only contains verb
tags. We finally apply a kind of “phrasal head test”
on each identified chunk to guarantee that the right–
most element only belongs to a proper noun or verb
tag. For example, the chunk “a/DT british/NNP for-
mula/NNP one/NN racing/VBG driver/NN from/IN
scotland/NNP” would be accepted as proper NP
chunk, where “compelling/VBG power/NN of/IN” is
We compute the chunk–pair–distance model
using the frequencies of each chunk, each
chunk pair, and each chunk pair distance. CPD
is used for constructing the topic graph in the final
step. Formally, a topic graph T G = (V,E,A) con-
sists of a set V of nodes, a set E of edges, and a
set A of node actions. Each node v V represents
a chunk and is labeled with the corresponding PoS–
tagged word group. The nodes and edges are com-
puted from the chunk–pair–distance elements. Since
the number of these elements is quite large (up to sev-
eral thousands), the elements are ranked according
to a weighting scheme which takes into account the
frequency information of the chunks and their col-
locations. More precisely, the weight of a chunk–
pair–distance element cpd = (c
i j
), with D
i, j
= {( f req
),( f req
),...,( f req
)}, is
computed based on point–wise mutual information
(PMI, cf. (Turney, 2001)) as follows:
PMI(cpd) = log
) p(c
= log
)) log
) p(c
where relative frequency is used for approximating
the probabilities p(c
) and p(c
). For log
we take the (unsigned) polynomials of the corre-
sponding Taylor series using ( f req
) in the k-th
Taylor polynomial and adding them up:
PMI(cpd) = (
) log
) p(c
,where x
f req
f req
For step (2), we use the online clustering sys-
tem Carrot2 (Osinski and Weiss, 2008) to cluster the
snippets and to generate sensible cluster descriptions.
Carrot2 is based on the Lingo (Osinski et al., 2004)
algorithm. It firstly extracts frequent terms from the
Concerning the English PoS tags, “word/PoS”
expressions that match the following regular ex-
pression are considered as extended noun tag:
“/(N(N|P))|/VB(N|G)|/IN|/DT”. The English Verbs
are those whose PoS tag start with VB. We are using the
tag sets from the Penn treebank (English) and the Negra
treebank (German).
input documents and produces a term–document ma-
trix. Secondly, it performs a reduction of this matrix
using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for the
identification of latent structure in the search results.
Finally, we combine the results of both methods
(1) and (2), such that the cluster labels are used to
filter out the collocation results using simple fuzzy
matching methods. The visualized part of the topic
graph is then computed from a subset of the fil-
tered CPD
using the m highest ranked chunk–pair
distance elements for fixed c
. In other words, we re-
strict the complexity of a topic graph by restricting the
number of edges connected to a node.
We already mentioned in sec.1 that the topic extrac-
tion process may suffer from possible ambiguities of
the search query. Suppose, for example, the search
query has two prominent senses then the set of re-
trieved snippets will quite likely also cover two differ-
ent thematic areas and so the set of extracted topics,
too. If the user performs an investigative search (see
section 6) she will then possibly end up with confu-
sion more than solution. In (Sanderson, 2008) it is re-
ported that between 7% and 23% of frequent queries
in the logs of two search engines are ambiguous. This
not only includes ambiguous queries (e.g., caused by
homonym keywords like “bank” or “jaguar”) but also
queries that may lead to a different solution space of
a search engine’s document pool. Hence in this con-
text the disambiguation task is strongly correlated to
the automatic determination of the user’s intension or
goals. For todays search engines these tasks become
very tricky to solve as often enough both problems
are correlated and occur at the same time for users’
search queries.
Regarding our solution for exploratory search on
mobile devices the disambiguation part is less hard to
solve. As our system supports the idea and paradigm
of exploratory search we also let the user decide
in which thematic area her exploration should go.
Hence our solution divides the above mentioned prob-
lems, query disambiguation and determination of the
user goal, in a natural way by presenting to the user
the possible directions before actually presenting the
topic graph. The difficult part is to filter out topics
and to gather new topics in case too many nodes in
the current topic graph do not fit the chosen context.
In order to detect possible ambiguities and to
present them in an appropriate way we are focussing
on a knowledge–based method by making use of
Wikipedia (cf. sec. 2 for our motivation of using
Wikipedia). The idea is to first match the user query
with entries in Wikipedia. If we find more than one
match we trigger the disambiguation process. As a
starting point we indexed a snapshot of Wikipedia into
a structured Lucene
index containing the title and the
abstract of each article in separate fields. The index
contains 2.999.597 articles with 4.320.497 different
terms and has a size of 7.63 GB on a disc. Using this
knowledge base, our query disambiguation algorithm
works as follows:
10 let Q=user’s query;
20 let TG=produce_TG(Q); // initial topic graph TG
30 let LI=Lucene Index;
40 let q[]=SA(tokenize(Q));
50 let query=(title:+q[1] ... +q[n]);
60 let results[]=search(LI ,query);
70 if (num(results[]) > 1) {
80 let ass[]=SA(associated_topics(TG));
90 let Qexp=(title:+q[1] ... +q[n]) AND
(body:+ass[1] ... +ass[m]);
100 let docs[]=search(LI, Qexp);
110 if (user chooses docs[i]) {
120 let s=definition_sentences(docs[i]);
130 let TGnew=produce_TG(Q + s);
140 return TGnew;
140 }} else {
150 return TG;} // return initial TG
We start to compute an initial Topic Graph T G
with the original user query (20) using the T G con-
struction process described in section 3. The steps
(30) to (60) then compute the degree of sense ambigu-
ity using Wikipedia in the following way. Firstly (40),
we tokenize the query and apply Lucene’s SimpleAn-
alyzer SA which lowercases all words in the query
and deletes numbers. In a next step Lucene retrieves
all documents that entail all tokens of the query in the
titles of the articles (50+60). In this way it is guaran-
teed that we find all instances for an entity. The title
of an article uniquely identifies each instance because
it typically describes the entity in the article and is
further qualified by parenthetical expressions. For ex-
ample, the query for “Jim Clark” also matches “James
(Jim) Clark”, “Jim Clark (sheriff)”, “Jim Clark (film
editor)”, etc. If only a single title matches or if there
is no match at all, we return the initial topic graph
T G (150). Otherwise (70) we know that the query
matches different Wikipedia articles, and hence, that
the query is potentially ambiguous.
In principle, we could now present the different
concepts to the user just in the order determined by
Lucene. However, the problem is that this ordering
actually ignores the information already expressed in
the topic graph T G. It could happen that the higher
ranked elements in the ranked list are unrelated with
the information used by the search engine and cov-
ered in T G. On the other hand, T G already ex-
presses some interesting latent semantic information
computed via the use of PMI, e.g., expressing that
neighboring nodes of a node n are semantically more
related to n than nodes with larger distance. Thus in
order to achieve a more user query and T G related or-
dering we perform the following steps (80) to (140).
Firstly, we perform a query expansion by adding top-
ics from T G that are determined by a 1NN strategy
(80) to the original query, i.e. we use only the directly
associated topics. In the next steps (90 ff) we again
formulate a query against our Wikipedia index. This
time we use the associated topics to also search in the
articles’ body. The result is an ordered list accord-
ing to the main topics in T G where the most probable
meaning is listed first. The abstracts of the articles
are presented to the user to chose from. We extract
the most important terms (using the function defini-
tion_sentences() defined more precisely in the next
listing) from the chosen article (120) and produce the
final T G using the combination of the terms and the
original query (130).
10 let first=article.firstSentence
20 let first_pos=POS_Tagging(first)
30 let sep=first_pos.indexOf(((is|was)(a|the)));
40 let isa_part=substr(first_pos,sep);
50 return filter_pos("N",isa_part);
According to Wikipedia article guidelines
ally an article contains a definition in the first sentence
(10). Therefore we first tag the sentence with PoS in-
formation (20). If we find the definition phrases “is
a”, “is the", “was a” or “was the” we choose its right
adjacent substring (30+40). If the definition phrase
cannot be found, we choose the whole sentence. We
filter out all tokens that are not tagged as nouns and
return the remaining list (50).
4.1 Experimental Evaluation
In the experimental evaluation we present an auto-
matic way of how to determine the accuracy of the
knowledge–based disambiguation algorithm. In a first
step we use the above mentioned algorithm. Please
note we evaluate real ambiguous queries only. Then
we alter the original algorithm in the following way:
110 let right=0; all=0;
120 foreach(doc in docs) {
130 let s=definition_sentences(doc);
140 let TGnew=produce_TG(Q + s);
150 let ass[]=SA(associated_topics(TGnew));
160 let Qexp=(title:+q[1] ... +q[n]) AND
(body:+ass[1] ... ass[m]);
170 let articles[]=search(LI,Qexp);
180 if(doc==articles[0]) {
190 right++;
200 }
210 all++;
220 }
230 final_accuracy=right/all ;
The idea behind this automatic evaluation is as fol-
lows: the topic graph produced, starting from a dis-
ambiguated document, results in a new Topic Graph
T Gnew. A search against the Wikipedia index using
the original query for the title–field and the 1NN as-
sociated topics from T Gnew should have the disam-
biguated document as its best result.
In our experiments we took the entries of ‘List of
celebrity guest stars on Sesame Street”
(Set1) and the
“List of film and television directors”
(Set2). Fur-
thermore we evaluated both kinds of the topic graph
construction process described above in sec. 3: Topic
retrieval based on collocations only (TopCol) and its
combination with the cluster descriptions (TopClus).
Table 1 shows the results on the two datasets and the
two different T G construction approaches (The first
column says: 1:Set1; 2:Set2; A:TopCol; B:TopClus).
Table 1: Accuracy of disambiguation.
Set All Ambig Good Bad Acc
1+A 406 209 375 54 87.41%
1+B 406 209 378 51 88.11%
2+A 1028 229 472 28 94.4%
2+B 1028 229 481 19 96.2%
4.2 Manual Evaluation
To doublecheck the results of the previous section we
also did manual evaluations on datasets by randomly
picking results from several test runs and let two in-
dependent human judges (not the authors) check the
correctness and usefulness of the topics for the chosen
senses. This kind of evaluation is often used to eval-
uate unsupervised methods, cf. (Fader et al., 2011).
The general setup was to count the number of correct
vs. incorrect topics for a given sense. We further-
more gave the judges the chance to intuitively decide
whether they would have followed right paths while
exploring the solution space. i.e. the task of guiding
the exploratory search would have been successful.
Table 2 shows the results: the first column denotes the
kind of topic retrieval like in the automatic evaluation,
A for TopCol and B for TopClus. The next column
shows the number of examples or senses that have
been checked
. Column 3 shows the total number
of extracted topics. The combined retrieval delivers
less topics but as you can see in column 4 the quality
seems to be improved as the ratio between correct and
incorrect topics decreases for both testers. The last
column shows whether the guidance towards topics
for the chosen sence has been successful, i.e. the per-
centage of followed paths that are appropriate for the
given sense. Please note the values in the columns 3–5
are highly subjective. So for example, for the second
judge lots of tokens do not make sense in her opinion
but on the other hand she would not have followed
them during exploration anyway. Hence although she
generally judged more topics not to fit, she rated the
algorithms original sense, i.e. guiding the search to-
wards the right direction, as more successful than the
first judge.
However we see that the manual evaluations seem
to proove the results and the method of the automatic
Table 2: Manaual evaluation.
Set All Topics Good Bad Guidance
A 20 167 132 35 ca. 95%
B 20 145 129 16 ca. 95%
A 20 167 108 59 > 97%
B 20 145 105 40 > 97%
In this section we briefly introduce the guiding part as
it is implemented on the mobile device. Whenever the
system finds any possible ambiguities in the search
query the user receives a list of cells containing short
expressive context information for the search term. In
our example (Fig. 2) the search query has been “Jim
Clark” and the user gets presented all possible found
meanings. After selecting one of the cells by simply
tapping on it the list-view flips back and the related
topic graph is shown. In our example Fig. 3 shows
the associated topics for Jim Clark the racing driver,
Fig. 4 shows the results for Jim Clark the Netscape
Each judge checked the same examples independently
Figure 2: The alternatives to choose from (part).
Figure 3: Excerpt of the topics for the British racing driver
Jim Clark.
Figure 4: Excerpt of the topics for the Netscape founder
James “Jim” Clark.
founder. The user now may interact with the graph by
a single tap on a node - shows new associated topics
for the node; squeezing with two fingers - zooms the
view; sliding around - moves the topic graph; double
tap - brings in a new view showing the snippets con-
taining the topic of the node (Fig. 5). The cells are
interactive and by tapping on a cell the corresponding
Web page will be shown (Fig. 6).
In this way the user is able to explore the solution
space by simple and well known interaction patterns.
6.1 Exploratory Search
Nowadays information has become more and more
ubiquitous and the demands of searchers on search
Figure 5: Excerpt of the snippets for the Netscape founder
James “Jim” Clark after double tap on the node “netscape
communications corp”.
Figure 6: The website behind the second snippet of Fig. 5.
engines have been growing, i.e. is a growing need
for systems that support search behaviors beyond doc-
ument oriented simple “one-shot” lookup. The re-
search field Exploratory Search embedded in the field
of Human Computer Interaction HCI explores the
process of information seeking and tries to find solu-
tions to support it. Exploratory search systems should
for example discover new associations and kinds of
knowledge, resolve complex information problems,
or develop an understanding of terminology and in-
formation space structure. The general aim of this
research is to come to a next generation of search in-
terfaces to support users to find information even if
the goal is vague, to learn from the information, and
to investigate solutions for complex information prob-
lems. “Exploratory search can be used to describe
an information-seeking problem context that is open-
ended, persistent, and multi-faceted; and to describe
information-seeking processes that are opportunistic,
iterative, and multi-tactical” (White and Roth, 2009).
Exploratory searches are driven by curiosity or a
desire to learn about or investigate something. Ac-
cording to Marchionini (Marchionini, 2006) a more
detailed view on search is:
1. Lookup: Fact retrieval, Known-item search, Nav-
igation, Transaction, Verification, and Question
2. Learn: Knowledge acquisition, Interpretation,
Comparison, Integration, and Socialize
3. Investigate: Accretion, Analysis, Exclusion, Syn-
thesis, Evaluation, Discovery, Planning, and
The still dominating ranked list approach is well
suited for lookup up search strategies, but probably
less suited for a learn search strategy. For investiga-
tive search strategies it is too simple and does not sup-
port a discourse of questions and answers. Further-
more it is also known that information placed at the
end of a ranked list will perhaps never be accessed
(Sping et al., 2001).
The clustering interface Grouper (Zamir and Et-
zioni, 1999) has been originally implemented for
the HuskySearch engine and it has been compared
with the ranked list interface of the same. A
clustering algorithm called SuffixÂt’Tree Clustering
(STC) groups the search results into coherent groups.
Through the analysis of behavior logs of the search
engine with and without clustering it could be proven
that finding specific documents that are ranked very
high in the result set of the engine without cluster-
ing could be used more efficiently. After some time
working with the system people enjoyed the cluster-
ing system more although not in all cases.
Findex (Käki, 2005) again used clustering to orga-
nize search results. An automatic computation of la-
belled categories/clusters based on the search results
by Google is shown to the left side of the web inter-
face. The clusters may be clicked to filter the overall
search result set. The evaluation of the system has
been based on an analysis of Web-logs and by a fi-
nal questionnaires for the testers. The results pretty
much confirmed the findings by Zamir and Etzioni:
specific searches show less improvement than vague
searchers concerning user’s performance. Also users
need to get used to the new kind of result presentation
but they accept and even like it more after a very short
WordBars (Hoeber and Yang, 2006) provides ac-
tive user interaction during the search process in con-
trast to the previous systems. It visualizes an or-
dered list of terms that occur in the titles and snip-
pets of the first 100 documents gathered by Google.
The user has the possibility to add or remove terms
Answering specific question like: when, who, where,
how much - in contrast to: how, why, ...
from his query and thereby resorting the search re-
sults. In fact WordBars helps the user to refine her
query and supports result exploration for specific and
vague initial queries. They report that one fundamen-
tal design of their system is to create the right bal-
ance between computer automation and human con-
trol. Hence WordBars does not simply expand the
original query but instead actually waits for user in-
teraction before activating next steps. The crucial part
is to present the possible choices as good as possible
in order to create a real interactive Web information
retrieval system. The authors show that for specific
and for vague initial query their system is able to im-
prove the overall result quality although there was no
significant improvement concerning the user’s perfor-
WebSearchViz (Nguyen and Zhang, 2006) uses the
analogy to the solar system for presenting the search
results. The query represents the sun, the documents
are the planets and location, speed, rotation, color,
and distance of objects represent the ranking of the
result documents. Relevant Web documents are deter-
mined by sending a user query to the Google search
engine. Then, the user is asked to provide the sub-
jects of interest and assigns weights for keywords that
correspond to each subject. She can choose any sub-
jects to be displayed in the visual space. The others
will not be shown, still remain in the system unless
the user explicitly deletes them. During the interac-
tion with the visual space, the user is able to modify,
add, delete, or redefine subjects at will. The visual
space will be updated accordingly.
The Lighthouse system (Leuski and Allan, 2000)
combines the well known ranked list representation
and clustering visualization. The documents are rep-
resented as spheres floating in space and they are po-
sitioned depending on their mutual relatedness. The
more related the closer are the spheres. Hence the re-
sult space shows clustered documents and documents
that do not belong to any clusters. During evaluations
for measuring users’ acceptance the result showed
positive results. Users showed to be more success-
ful with the Lighthouse system than they are using
ranked document lists.
(Akhavi et al., 2007) apply the results of a cluster-
ing algorithm on the representation like a fractal tree.
It also supports zooming into the leaves of the tree
and to find more and more details down to the docu-
ment itself. The thickness of a branch represents the
density, i.e. semantic closeness of the documents.
(Di Giacomo et al., 2007) organize search results
of Web clustering engines. The WhatsOnWeb–system
uses graphs instead of trees to present the clusters and
sub–clusters of the result document set for a query.
According to their evaluations the graph based in-
terface showed more or less similar successful result
identification by users compared to tree based sys-
tems. When it comes to find the correct single doc-
uments the graph based approach was more appropri-
6.2 Web Query Disambiguation
There are several approaches for Web query disam-
biguation. The goal is not only to detect ambiguities
in the words of the query but also to decide the right
direction in the solution space and present it to the
user. Some approaches like (Qiu and Cho, 2006) or
(Chirita et al., 2005) try to automatically learn a user’s
interest based on the click history. In order to achieve
this they provide a three step algorithm: 1) a model
representing a user’s interest based on the click his-
tory; 2) a process that estimates the user’s hidden in-
terest based on the click history; 3) a ranking mecha-
nism that reranks the search engine result on the basis
of 1) and 2). Other approaches like (Shen et al., 2005)
or (Gauch et al., 2003) follow the same principle but
with different learning and ranking algorithms.
Another approach is based on hyperlink structures
of the Web and aims for a personal PageRank that
modifies the search engines’ PageRanks. Examples
for this approach are (Haveliwala, 2002) and (Jeh and
Widom, 2003).
A more generalizing approach consists of collab-
orative filtering methods. Here the search history of
groups with similar interests are used to refine the
search. This method has been used in (Sugiyama
et al., 2004) where users’ profiles are constructed us-
ing a collaborative filtering algorithm (Breese et al.,
1998), or (Sun et al., 2005) where the correlation
among users, queries, and clicked Web pages is an-
alyzed. The advantage for the user is by the increased
completeness of the search results because the knowl-
edge base for the filtering process is already filled by
other users - provided there are users with similar in-
In contrast there has also been much research
trying to post process the search results using clus-
tering algorithms. (Liu and Lu, 2011) propose a
very promising approach for disambiguation of per-
son names. This approach does not require user mod-
els or a learning and personalization phase. The re-
sults from a search process are clustered by taking dif-
ferent document properties into account: Title, URL,
metadata, snippet, context window (around the origi-
nal query), context sentence, and bag of words of the
whole document. The main property of this algorithm
is the robustness and speed and hence the disambigua-
tion performance. However it lacks - as reported in
this paper - the labeling or definition of the clusters.
So again the user has to check by reading at least some
snippets inside a cluster (Cucerzan, 2007).
We presented an approach of guided interactive topic
graph extraction for exploration of web content. The
initial information request is issued online by a user
to the system in the form of a query topic description.
Instead of directly computing and presenting a topic
graph for the user query, possible senses of the query
are identified and enumerated by referring to an exter-
nal knowledge base, Wikipedia in our case. All found
readings are then sorted and presented to the user and
the user is asked to select her preferred one. The user–
selected sense is then used for constructing an initial
topic graph from a set of web snippets returned by a
standard search engine. At this point, the topic graph
already represents a graph of strongly correlated rel-
evant entities and terms. The topic graph is then dis-
played on a tablet computer (in our case an iPad) as
touch–sensitive graph. The user can then request fur-
ther detailed information through multiple iterations.
Experimental results achieved by means of an au-
tomatic evaluation procedure demonstrate the benefit
of the disambiguation method for exploratory search
strategies. The automatic evaluation has been ap-
proved by another human evaluation. Currently, the
main problem of our approach arises when an am-
biguous query cannot be found in Wikipedia using our
strategy. For example, the query “Famous Jim Clark”
would not be found as we require that all words of
the query occur in an Wikipedia article’s title. Even
if we could cope with this using a modified fuzzy
search strategy we still would not find out ambiguities
in queries that simply are not present in Wikipedia.
However, in the running system we plan to give some
feedback to the user by changing the color of the
search entry. Then the user knows that there may
be more then just one meaning for her query. An-
other open question is whether an improvement of
our rather simple way of expanding the query using
Wikipedia abstracts will lead to significant improve-
ments of the disambiguation results. We are planning
to do some research on this.
This research was conducted in the context of the
project Deependance (funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research, contract
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