Class: nursery:State. It denotes the different situ-
ations a plant may have. The plant nurseries do not
have a catalog itself but a group of plants that satisfy
some quality requirements to be sold. This state has
a high frequency change. The property nursery:hasA
identifies that a plant has a certain state among all the
possible ones.
Class: nursery:Field. It represents a piece of land
where different types of plants may be cultivated.
Each field is identified by a group of properties and
it has a cost assigned. The features of the field have
an impact over its cost, which therefore affects plant’s
Class: nursery:Properties. It represents a group of
attributes that distinguish the different fields. The
property that relates a field to its feature is nurs-
Class: nursery:Features. It represents a collec-
tion of attributes that distinguish the different plants.
There are some attributes that every plant must en-
close which are included in the Class: nursery:Fixed,
disjoint to the features defined in Class: nurs-
ery:Variable. The property nursery:definedBy indic-
ates that a plant is modified by a collection of features,
it is an irreflexive and asymmetric property.
Class: nursery:Procedures. It denotes a collection of
actions or operations that can be made over the plants.
The procedures are composed by atomic instructions
defined in Class: nursery:Action. The property nurs-
ery:composedBy represents the link between a pro-
cedure and its composing actions. The property nurs-
ery:suffers indicates that procedure is applied to a
plant or group of plants. Every procedure consumes
resources such as, fertilizers, water, sawdust, that
are enclosed in the class Class: nursery:Material.
These concepts are related by the property nurs-
Class: nursery:Action. It defines the atomic actions
that could be made on a plant or set of plants.
Class: nursery:Cost. It denotes the value that plants,
procedures or fields have. Its domain is defined as
the intersection of these classes. The property nurs-
ery:worthA relates a class in the domain to its cost.
The cost of a plant is determined taking into account
the cost of the procedures that it may have suffered
and the cost of the field where the plant is being
grown. It is important to remark that the cost of a
plant is not its price. The price is determined apply-
ing a percentage of profit over the cost of production.
This margin of benefit is crucial to the agents nego-
tiation processes that take place to accomplish order
The platform defined to ensure proper operation and
networking between plant nurseries and plant whole-
saler fully meets expectations as far as regards inner
Plant nurseries that adopted the platform de-
scribed have experienced an improvement in response
times, cost estimation and production following up.
In turn in the plant wholesaler the effort to keep the
catalog updated and to process the costumer’s orders
has been reduced. Problems showed up when some
plant nurseries chose to use the platform but keeping
their own information representation. Agents were no
longer able to interact correctly since their ontologies
where not compatible.
To overcome the situation the most suitable solu-
tion was to force an ontology matching process be-
fore agents started their communication. Imposing a
single shared ontology would be, not only impractical
because it would force the parties to use a standard
communication vocabulary; but also limiting since it
would not consider the requirements of agents that
could be developed in the future. Ontology match-
ing is a way of guaranteeing the interoperability of
the parties involved in a communication process, i.e,
to ascribe to each important piece of knowledge the
correct interpretation (Euzenat, 2001). In our case,
the purpose is to find semantic mappings between the
concepts of the different ontologies that the agents
The problem of ontology matching has been ex-
tensively studied in recent years as stated in the works
of (Noy, 2004), (Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007), (Tro-
jahn et al., 2008) or (Shvaiko and Euzenat, 2012).
And also its applications in Multi-Agent Systems
(Laera et al., 2007) (Wiesman et al., 2002).For gener-
ating the matches between ontologies several frame-
works and techniques have been proposed, as those
in the works of (Falconer and Noy, 2009) (Klein,
2001) (Shamsfard and Barforoush, 2003) (K
and Rahm, 2009) (David et al., 2010).
The next step of the development of this platform
will be the integration of ontology matching tech-
niques, to ensure the communication with agents that
use an ontology different to the proposed one. The
process that we will use to accomplish this challenge
is as follows. First, the state of the art of ontology
matching (Kalfoglou and Schorlemmer, 2003) will be
deeply studied to identify the new trends and research
fields. Then a framework will be developed to test
different ontology matching algorithms, the purpose
is to determine which set or combination works the