Clustering of Medical Terms based on Morpho-syntactic Features
Agnieszka Mykowiecka and Magorzata Marciniak
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Jana Kazimierza 5, 01-248 Warsaw, Poland
Terminology Extraction, Term Clustering, Medical Data, Ontology.
The paper presents the first results of clustering terms extracted from hospital discharge documents written in
Polish. The aim of the task is to prepare data for an ontology reflecting the domain of documents. To begin,
the characteristic of the language of texts, which differs significantly from general Polish, is given. Then, we
describe the method of term extraction. In the process of finding related terms, we use lexical and syntactical
information. We define term similarity based on: term contexts; coordinated sequences of terms; words that
are parts of terms, e.g. their heads and modifiers. Then we performed several experiments with hierarchical
clustering of the 300 most frequent terms. Finally, we describe the results and present an evaluation that
compares the results with manually obtained groups.
Term clustering is an indispensable component of the
analysis and exploration of data, such as labeling data
with semantic information, or the development of a
domain ontology. Most of publications concerning
this problem describe methods using big text corpora,
e.g. (Ushioda, 1996), (Lin and Pantel, 2001). A
review is given in (Cimiano, 2006). But there are
also papers where data are relatively small, like (Le
Moigno et al., 2002) which describes terminology ag-
gregation from surgical intensive care documents, or
an experiment where pulmonology data were anal-
ysed (Baneyx et al., 2006). In this latter case not only
clinical data were taken into account but also a corpus
created from a pulmonology book. Our experiment
also concerns small and specific data.
Research done in the field of unsupervised ter-
minology extraction assumes that similar terms share
similar linguistic contexts so the extracted terms can
be grouped using the morphosyntactic features of
their neighboring words. In some attempts the ad-
ditional semantic knowledge is also utilized—mostly
in a form of Wordnet relations, e.g. (Navigli et al.,
2003), (Ittoo and Maruster, 2009) or domain specific
ontologies like SNOMED-CT (Pedersen et al., 2007).
In case of the chosen specialized domain and multi-
word terminology, the coverage of Polish Wordnet is
not high, so we decided to use only morphosyntactic
In the paper we present the first results of the clus-
tering of medical terminology extracted from hospital
discharge documents written in Polish. These docu-
ments include terms related to several different top-
ics, i.e. anatomy, medicine, and health care. The aim
of the task is to prepare data for establishing an on-
tology suited to this multi-topic domain. For now, we
limit ourselves to recognizing groups of concepts, but
not relationships between them. We begin our task
with the automatic recognition of domain terms from
a corpus using a shallow syntactic grammar. Then
we determine term similarities on the basis of their
lexical and syntactic features as well as contexts in
which they occurred following the ideas presented in
(Nenadi´c et al., 2004). From the top part of the list
of ranked candidates of terms, we have selected 300
terms which took part in a clustering experiment. We
excluded candidates that are not correct terms and
those which are infrequent (below 8).To evaluate the
results, the terms were independently clustered man-
ually by 2 persons.
In our experiment we process medical data contain-
ing hospital discharge documents. They were col-
lected from a surgical ward of a childrens hospital.
The set consists of 1165 documents, and contains over
380,000 tokens. The following aspects make task re-
alization difficult: the data are not big, texts are noisy,
and vocabulary is very specific. On the other hand,
Mykowiecka A. and Marciniak M..
Clustering of Medical Terms based on Morpho-syntactic Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0004137502140219
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 214-219
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
physicians usually use expressions which are to some
degree fixed, so the same patterns repeat in texts fre-
quently, which probably makes our task tractable.
The vocabulary of clinical documents signifi-
cantly differs from general Polish texts. The docu-
ments include many proper names e.g. names of med-
ication Furagin or Detromycyna. There are also many
acronyms and abbreviations, e.g. TK ‘CT’ (Com-
puted Tomography). Some abbreviations are created
ad hoc, e.g. j. brzusznej (‘abdominal cavity’) where j.
here is the abbreviation of cavity’, and can be prop-
erly recognized only in context. Diagnoses and bac-
terial names are frequently written in Latin.
The discharge records are not meant to be pub-
lished, thus they are not carefully edited. The major-
ity of errors are in words that are not included in the
standard editor dictionary, like elaktroresekcji instead
of elektroresekcji ‘electroresection
but in common
words spelling errors are also quite frequent. A typ-
ical error is the lack of Polish diacritics, e.g. miesi-
instead of miesice.
To recognize/identify candidates for ontology con-
cepts from texts, an initial linguistic analysis of the
texts is performed. It consists of:
Segmentation into tokens. We distinguish words,
numbers and punctuation marks.
Morphological annotation. To each word we as-
sign: its base form, part of speech, and complete
morphological characterization. The annotation is
based on the results obtained by the tagger TaKIPI
(Piasecki, 2007) that utilizes the morphological
analyzer Morfeusz SIAT (Woliski, 2006) and the
Guesser module which suggests tags for words
which are not in the dictionary.
Correction of the annotation. We manually pre-
pared a set of (context-free) correction rules ap-
plied to the already tagged data.
Removing improperly recognized sentence end-
ings after abbreviations, and adding end-of-
sentence tags at the ends of paragraphs.
A detailed tagset comprises hundreds of tags de-
scribing about thirty grammatical classes and several
morphological features. For total 11363 token types,
there were 3676 different nominal forms while only
113 verbal forms were observed.
The aim of the presented research was to recognize
how to group terms which occur in the selected type
of text. The first step needed to achieve this goal is
to identify the terms themselves. The decisions made
at this stage are crucial for the results of the next pro-
cessing steps. What should be considered as a term
heavily depends on an adopted definition of the do-
main and the accepted degree of specificity. We pro-
pose a method of extracting terms directly from the
documents, basing on their morphological features.
What is common to all domain vocabulariesis that
the vast majority (if not all) of the terms are noun
phrases. Their internal structure can vary, but the
types of constructions are limited. In Polish, domain
terms most frequently have one of the following syn-
tactic structures:
a single noun or an acronym, e.g. nerka ‘kidney’,
a noun followed (or, more rarely, preceded) by an
adjective, e.g. czerwone
ad j
‘red cells’
ad j
‘right kidney’;
a noun followed by another noun in genitive, e.g.
a combination of the last two structures, e.g.
ad j,gen
‘right hand
The rules become more complicated if we want to
take into account additional features of Polish nom-
inal phrases: word order, genitive phrase nesting,
prepositional modifiers and coordination. However,
more complicated constructions usually do not de-
scribe one concept but a relation between two or more
concepts. Thus, during the first phase of model cre-
ation we analyse only simple noun phrases. For rec-
ognizing the selected types of nominal phrases, a cas-
cade of three simple shallow grammars was created.
Applying the adopted set of rules to the data, re-
sulted in obtaining 4485 types of phrases (3404 top
level types) which occurred 89839 times. For the re-
sulting set of phrases, we performed an analysis simi-
lar to that proposed in (Frantzi et al., 2000) to identify
subphrases which constitute separate terms (e.g. the
phrase pchrzyk ciowy prawidowy ‘normal gall blad-
der’ describes a physicians judgment on a particular
body part) and to rank the terms according to their im-
portance measured in terms of usage frequency. We
used a slightly modified definition of C-value given
below (p is a phrase under consideration, LP is a
set of phrases containing p, and ||LP|| the number
of phrases differing in elements which are adjacent to
C(p) =
lc(p) freq(p)
if kLPk > 0, lp LP
lc(p) freq(p), if kLPk = 0
where lc(p) = log
if length(p) >1 and 0.1 otherwise.
As a result of the above procedure we obtained
about 1500 terms for which the C-value was greater
than 1. However, many of these terms occurred a
small number of times in one or at most two differ-
ent contexts. To limit the influence of singular occur-
rences of some terms and to make it possible for hu-
mans to evaluate the results in a reasonable time, we
limited our experiment to the 300 terms taken from
this ranked list. 15 elements form the top section of
the list were replaced by subsequent elements from
the list. We excluded several ambiguous or difficult
to cluster acronyms like sex codes (M,K), 3 terms
judged to be poor domain terms e.g.: oglny mocz
‘general urine’ (a part of the phrase in genitive bada-
nia oglnego moczu ‘general urine test’) or those terms
which appear alone (not as a subphrase) less than 8
times, e.g.: wskanik ‘index’ that appears 5 times alone
and 763 times in wskanik protrombinowy ‘prothrom-
bin index’. To automatically group these selected el-
ements, an adequate similarity measure was defined.
4.1 Context
One type of similarity proposed in (Nenadi´c et al.,
2004) is called contextual similarity, and is based on
the contexts in which terms appear. For our purpose
we consider left and right contexts of terms sepa-
rately. Contexts are not allowed to cross sentence or
paragraph boundaries. We decided to take into ac-
count the following types of context patterns:
The form of the nearest left neighboring word.
POS contexts. In this case patterns are strings of
part of speech tags. We took into account patterns
of 2 to 4 elements. If sentence boundaries are en-
countered, the context is shorter.
The base form of the token preceding and follow-
ing the term (separately).
The base form of the nearest verb. If there are
no verbs encountered within the sentence bound-
aries, the context is set to null.
The base form of the nearest noun type token
(e.g.: nouns, gerunds and acronyms).
The nearest preposition.
In the case of the last two contexts, if there are no
prepositions or nouns between the term and a verb,
the context is set to the null context.
For each type of contextpattern we count the num-
ber of context sets for each term. We use the Jaccard
coefficient counted for the number of occurrences
(CS) and a slightly modified version of this measure
used in (Nenadic et al., 2006), CS
. The context simi-
larity between two terms t
and t
for a type of context
is defined as follows:
) =
A |C
| + |C
| + |C
where C
and C
are the sets of contexts defined re-
spectively for t
and t
according to the chosen type
of context patterns, A is equal to 1 or 2.
4.2 Coordination
The next type of syntactical information we use is the
co-occurrence of terms in coordinated sequences. We
took into account sequences of terms connected by
conjunctions or commas but not with other types of
tokens. All terms should be in the same grammati-
cal case, and no additional tokens except terms, con-
junctions and commas are allowed to be a part of a
coordinated sequence.
The longest sequences of terms consisted of 8
medication names and chemical substances (compo-
nents of medications). In our data we detect 1629
coordinated sequences of terms, that join 757 pairs
of terms. The vast majority of them—564–occurred
only once, but there are 4 pairs of terms, that occurred
in coordinated phrases more than 100 times, e.g.: pan-
creas and spleen—335 times. As the differences in
frequencies are extremely high, we decided to use a
simple method of assigning the similarity of terms oc-
curring in coordinated pairs based on the number of
occurrences, see Tab. 1.
Table 1: Coordinated pairs similarity.
Frequency Similarity Numb. of pairs
1 0.25 564
2 0.30 94
3..9 0.50 73
10..49 0.75 15
50..99 0.90 7
> 100 1.00 4
4.3 Lexical Similarity
Terms that have the same head element usually de-
scribe related concepts, for example lewa nerka praw-
idowa ‘left kidney (is) normal’ and nerka prawa ‘kid-
ney right’. If the head of two terms are the same then
the head similarity for them is set to 1.
Terms that have common sets of modifiers are
Table 2: Different sets of coefficients.
1. .05 .15 .15 .05 .05 .025 .025 .001 .001
.01 .05 .05 .15 .02 .02
.05 .05 .02
2. all coeff. equal to 1/18
3. .2 .1 .2 .1. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0
0 0 0
X .155 .155 .05 .05 .05 .025 .02 .001 .001
.05 .05 .1 .02 .05 .01
.143 .035 .035
also more related than those without any common
modifier. As modifiers we understand all words in-
cluded in the term except the head. For example
the adjective rwnomierny ‘proportional’indicates that
the following terms are to a certain degree simi-
lar: rwnomierne rozmieszczenie proportional distri-
bution’ rwnomierne gromadzenie proportional accu-
mulation’. The lexical similarity between two terms
is equal to the number of common modifiers divided
by the number of modifiers of the longer term.
4.4 Overall Similarity
For each pair of terms, a final similarity was counted
as a weighted sum of the 18 coefficients:
neighboring left/right bases (2),
neighboring left form (1),
left/right POS contexts of length 2/3/4 (6),
first left/right verb, noun, preposition (6),
coordination coefficient (1),
common head coeff. (1),
common modifiers coeff. (1).
The initial intuition was that the most important
features are direct left and right neighbors and verbal
left neighbor, but several different coefficient combi-
nations were tested to determine which features have
the most positive influence on the results. Some of the
tested schema are listed in Tab. 2.
At the beginning we chose two baselines: in the
first one all coefficients are equally important (set
number 2), in the second one a subset of only 5 fea-
tures was chosen (3). Other sets were manually cho-
sen according to our intuition about the role of the
particular features (one example given as 1). The last
set named ‘X’ was the result of adjusting coefficient
values when comparing the results with manually pre-
pared data (see sec. 5).
Automatic clustering was done using Multi-
Dendrograms (Fernndez and Gmez, 2008) which im-
plements several grouping strategies (single/complete
linkage, unweighted/weighted average, unweight-
ed/weighted centroid). Rough evaluation of the
results showed the evident predominance of the
variants in which similarity was counted on the basis
of the unweighted average of coefficient values. The
equilibrium between group size and their internal
integrity was observed for results containing about
100 groups (a lot of groups were then singletons, but
lowering the number of groups resulted in obtaining
groups which contained non similar terms). In
further experiments different weighting schemata of
the coefficients used in the similarity measure were
tested using the selected clustering strategy for the
result set of about 100 groups.
The results of clustering were compared using the
B-cubed measure (Bagga and Baldwin, 1998) posi-
tively evaluated in different experiments, e.g. (Amig´o
et al., 2009). This measure counts precision for every
group element so it is sensitive both to presence and
absence of the elements of groups. The results pre-
sented in Tab. 3 show some of the tested system con-
figurations. Row and columns labels correspond to
the combinations of weights given in Tab. 2 for both
and CS
definitions used for the first 15 features.
Each cell of the table contains precision, recall and
F-measure results when a model being a row label is
taken as a reference one. The F-measure counted for
all pairs of the models obtained was between 38% and
85% showing that the weights have real impact on the
final grouping.
Table 3: Model comparisons.
a) CS
1 2 3
2 77.9/73.6/75.7 - -
3 67.2/62/64.5 66.6/62/64.2 -
X1 77/75.4/76.2 71.5/73.4/72.5 68.7/71.7/70
b) CS
1 2 3
2 73.7/72.8/73.2 - -
3 60.5/57.6/59 62.2/58.2/60.1 -
X2 70.5/73.2/71.8 65/65.2/65.1 66/68.2/67
To approximate the difficulty of the task, and to
obtain evaluation data for the automatic clustering ex-
periments, a manually prepared version of the parti-
tion was created. The 300 terms were grouped in-
dependently by two annotators. The only instruction
given was to form large groups of terms which are
of the same type (can represent concepts which are
close in the is-a hierarchy). Two groupings contained
60 and 52 classes respectively. The distribution of
the number of groups and their cardinality is given
in Tab. 4.
Human annotators showed a tendency to create
a few big groups. The first annotator tried to find
as many relations as possible and created only 10
one elements groups, while the second annotator cre-
ated several big groups but left the remaining terms
unclustered—31 elements were left as one elements
groups. The analysis of these two clusterings shows
that the annotators grouped the terms according to dif-
ferent principles. The clustering of the first annotator
more reflects the specific domain, while the second
annotator tried to create more general groups accord-
ing to more universal rules. For example, the first
annotator created a group of urine features so terms
denoting colour barwa ta yellow colour’ and acid-
ity odczyn kwany ‘acidity are in one group, while
the second annotator left the term denoting colour in
a separate group. The granularity of clusters is also
different, e.g.: the first annotator created 2 groups
of body parts and distinguished a group for parts of
the urinary system, while the second created only one
group of all body parts.
Table 4: Size and number of groups.
Gr An. 1 An. 2 Join Auto
size gr el gr el gr el gr el
10.. 7 153 8 184 6 93 3 50
5..9 10 70 7 47 10 65 16 101
2..4 24 67 14 38 41 110 42 110
1 13 10 31 31 32 32 39 39
total 54 60 89 100
Max 53 63 24 24
The resulting F-measure value of 66,5% showed
that the task is really hard and the differences in
grouping strategies can be quite high.
Next, a unified version of the classification was
negotiated (column ‘Join’ in Tab. 4) and was used as
a reference model for further experiments. One im-
portant rule in the process of creation joined clas-
sification was that if one annotator distinguished a
subgroup of terms then annotators tried to divide big
groups of terms into smaller ones. They also decided
that the most important issue is adjusting a resource
to the particular domain. The next decision was to
take into account the same granularity of the related
term groups. One of consequences of these decisions
was distinguishing 13 groups of body parts. The fi-
nal manual clustering contains more smaller groups
of terms, and is a bit more similar to the clustering
proposed by the first annotator (F-measure 70.8) than
to the second one (F-measure 69.9%).
Table 5: Comparison of manual results.
61.9/71.7/66.5 87.4/59.6/70.8
- 92.9/55.3/69.4
By adjusting the weights used in the definition of
the similarity measure we obtained two models X1,
X2 (for two similarity measures used respectively)
which are most closely related to the manually ob-
tained partition. The results shown in Tab. 6 are influ-
enced by the difference in group numbers (89 groups
vs 100).
The distribution of groups obtained by automatic
clustering is given in Tab. 4 in column Auto’. A
comparison with ‘Join’ clustering shows that there are
very similar numbers of small groups (less than 5 el-
ements), and the cardinality of the biggest group is
the same. Manual inspection of the automatic group-
ing shows that many small groups are reasonably cre-
ated even though some of them differ from the manual
grouping. For example annotators created a group of
blood types, in the 300 selected terms only type A
and ‘B’ is represented. In the automatic approach the
term krew ‘blood was added to this group. Unfor-
tunately, quite often, a completely unrelated term is
added to a group of related terms. For example in the
unified manual clustering a 4 element group contain-
ing terms denoting joints is distinguished. The same
group is present in the automatic clustering, but addi-
tionally an unrelated term used in the data in the con-
text of a bladder is added. i.e.: nierwne ciany ‘uneven
wall’. The biggest (24 elements) automatically cre-
ated group contains 10 related terms from one 14 el-
ement manually created group. These terms describe
diagnoses of the urinary system, the next 4 terms are
to a certain degree related, but the remaining 10 ele-
ments are in that group by chance. The longest group
fully consistent with manual clustering contains 6 el-
ements. The manually created group contains an ad-
ditional 3 elements.
Table 6: Best automatic models evaluation.
X1 X2
63.8/33.9/44.2 64.9/33.1/43.9
66.4/34.4/45.3 68.1/33.9/45.3
S 62/53.4/57.4 61.9/52.2/56.6
Our results of automatic clustering show that in the
case of a specific multi-topic domain text data for
which no terminology or ontology resources are avail-
able, automatic clustering can be used to do pre-
liminary term grouping. Even when only morpho-
syntactic features are available, the results are of a
quality good enough to be used as a starting point
for further processing which may involve manual cor-
rection. The achieved F-measure of about 57% is
not high, but in case of this task, which also proved
difficult for well trained annotators, can be seen as
good enough to be utilized in further domain ontology
development. However, it turned out that morpho-
syntactic information is not sufficient to build reli-
able clusters—additional sources of information will
be searched for to improve quality of the results e.g.
Wordnet which can be used to define semantic simi-
larity between head elements of the different terms.
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