Exploiting Social Networks for Publication Venue Recommendations
Hiep Luong
, Tin Huynh
Susan Gauch
and Kiem Hoang
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701, U.S.A.
University of Information Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Keywords: Recommender Systems, Social Network Analysis, Publication History, kNN, Machine Learning.
Abstract: The impact of a publication venue is a major consideration for researchers and scholars when they are
deciding where to publish their research results. By selecting the right conference or journal to which to
submit a new paper minimizes the risk of wasting the long review time for a paper that is ultimately
rejected. This task also helps to recommend appropriate conference venues of which authors may not be
aware or to which colleagues often submit their papers. Traditional ways of scientific publication
recommendation using content-based analysis have shown drawbacks due to mismatches caused by
ambiguity in text comparisons and there is also much more to selecting an appropriate venue than just
topical-matching. In our work, we are taking advantage of actual and interactive relationships within the
academic community, as indicated by co-authorship, paper review or event co-organizing activities, to
support the venue recommendation process. Specifically, we present a new social network-based approach
that automatically finds appropriate publication venues for authors’ research paper by exploring their
network of related co-authors and other researchers in the same field. We also recommend appropriate
publication venues to a specific user based on her relation with the program committee research activities
and with others in her network who have similar paper submission preferences. This paper also presents
more accurate and promising results of our social network-based in comparison with the baseline content-
based approach. Our experiment, which was empirically tested over a large set of scientific papers published
in 16 different ACM conferences, showed that analysing an academic social network would be useful for a
variety of recommendation tasks including trend of publications, expert findings, and research
collaborations, etc.
The World Wide Web and its evolving infrastructure
have played a significant role in the information
explosion. This voluminous amount of unstructured
and semi-structured data creates “big data,” data sets
that grow so large that they become awkward to
work with or analyse using existing data
management approaches. With the fast growth of
digitalized textual data and documents, there is an
urgent need for powerful text information
management tools to help users find exactly what
they are looking for and to help researchers keep
abreast of information of whose existence they may
be unaware. Recommender systems are one
approach to helping users deal with the flood of
information. They are tools that automatically filter
a large set of items, e.g., movies, books, scientific
papers, music, etc., in order to identify those that are
most relevant to a user’s interest.
There are a wide variety of dissemination outlets
for research results, e.g., conferences, journals,
seminars, scientific forums. When an author has a
paper that they want to share, the review cycle can
be time consuming and, if the paper is rejected
because it is not a good fit, valuable time can be lost.
In computer science, in particular, the pace of
innovation is high. Selecting the right publication
venue the first time is particularly important.
Traditional techniques usually use citation-based
metrics with certain bibliometrics, such as the
Impact Factor (Garfield, 1955), to measure the
reputation and quality of publication. However,
these techniques require frequent updates to the
bibliometrics in order to maintain an accurate impact
Recently there has been considerable interest in
applying social network-based methods for ranking
conference quality (Yan and Lee, 2007), seeking
Luong H., Huynh T., Gauch S. and Hoang K..
Exploiting Social Networks for Publication Venue Recommendations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004140102390245
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 239-245
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
research collaborators (Chen et al., 2011) or
generating recommendations (Klamma et al., 2009);
(Luong et al., 2012). Recommendation systems are
particularly important for researchers and scholars in
their professional research activities. For some
experts in a research domain, or senior researchers
who have strong publication records, selecting a
conference might be a trivial task since they know
well which conferences, journals, or scientific
forums are the best places in which to publish their
research papers. However, new researchers with less
experience may not be able to easily assess
conferences and the may not be current on relevant,
new publication venues. The widespread use of the
Internet allows researchers to create large,
distributed academic social networks that can be
analyzed to further enhance research productivity.
Our interest is in how to use these academic social
networks to recommend appropriate publication
venues to authors for an unpublished paper.
In this paper, we present a survey of current
research on content-based and collaborative filtering
recommender systems, and recent trends applying
social network analysis in recommender systems in
section 2. We will focus mainly on recommendation
research for academic activities and digital libraries.
In section 3, we present our social network-based
publication venues recommendation. Section 4
presents our content-based recommendation
approach. Next, we present and discuss some
experimental results for both appoaches in section 5.
The final sections present our conclusions and
discuss our future work in this area.
Traditional recommender systems are usually
classified as content-based, collaborative, or hypbrid
based on the type of information that they use and
on how they use that information (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005). Content-based approaches compare
the contents of the item to the contents of items in
which the user has previously shown interest.
Automated text categorization is considered the core
of content-based recommendation systems. (Yang et
al., 1999) reported a controlled study with statistical
significance tests on five text categorization
methods: Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-
Nearest Neighbors (kNN) classifier, neural network
approach, Linear Least-squares Fit mapping and a
Naïve Bayes classifier. Their experiments with the
Reuters data set showed that SVM and kNN
significantly outperform the other classifiers, while
Naïve Bayes underperforms all the other classifiers.
In other work, kNN was found to be an effective and
easy to implement that could, with appropriate
feature selection and weighting, outperform SVM
(Cunningham and Delany, 2007).
Collaborative Filtering (CF) determines
similarity based on collective user-item interactions,
rather than on any explicit content of the items. (Su
and Khoshgoftaar, 2009) has summarized a detail
review of some main CF recommendation
techniques. In another recommendation research
using CF.
The online world has supported the creation of
many research-focused digital libraries such as the
Web of Science, ACM Portal, Springer Link, IEEE
Xplore, Google Scholar, and CiteSeerX. Recently,
new research is focusing on these as enablers of a
community of scholars, building and analyzing
social networks of researchers to extract useful
information about research domains, user
behaviours, and the relationships between individual
researchers and the community as a whole.
Microsoft Academic Search (MAS), ArNetMiner
(Tang et al., 2008), and AcaSoNet (Abbasi and
Altmann, 2011) are online, web-based systems
whose goal is to identify and support communities
of scholars via their publications. The entire field of
social network systems for the academic community
is growing quickly, as evidenced by the number of
other approaches being investigated (Abbasi and
Altmann, 2011); (Miki et al., 2005) and (Mika,
In order to extracting useful information from an
academic social network, (Zhuang et al., 2007)
proposed a set of novel heuristics to automatically
discover prestigious (and low quality) conferences
by mining the characteristics of Program Committee
members. (Chen et al., 2011) introduces CollabSeer,
a system that considers both the structure of a co-
author network and an author’s research interests for
collaborator recommendation. CollabSeer suggests a
different list of collaborators to different users by
considering their position in the co-authoring
network structure. In work related to publication
venues recommendation, (Pham et al., 2011)
proposed a clustering approach based on the social
information of users to derive the recommendations.
To our best knowledge, we have not seen
existing research that exploits the relationships
between the authors of an unpublished paper with
conference PC members or people in the social
network who have previous publications to
recommend appropriate publication venues.
3.1 Overview
We introduce a new approach to recommending a
list of appropriate conference venues to an author for
their unpublished paper by using a large-scale
network of researchers. By analysing this large-scale
social network, we recommend publication venues
to the unpublished paper’s authors based on the
‘similarity’ they have with conference PC members
or with other authors with papers published in the
To build our dataset, we selected four
subdomains of research in Computer Science
corresponding to four SIGs (Special Interest
Groups). We have chosen four different fields to
challenge our recommendation task. Then, we
manually picked four different conferences for each
SIG. The total list of 16 selected conferences was
presented in our previous work (Luong et al., 2012).
For each of these 16 conferences, we downloaded all
published papers from 2008-2010 from the ACM
digital library as well as the list of Program
Committee (PC) members for each conference. We
have built a truth-list of correct paper-conference
relation to evaluate our conference recommendation
3.2 Academic Social Network Analysis
We measure the closeness between authors and
conferences by two new methods, the first based on
the relationships between the candidate paper
authors and the PC members, the second between
the candidate paper authors and previously authors
previously published in each conference.
This problem can be formalised as a relatedness
calculation of vertices in a graph. Each researcher
can be viewed as a vertex of the graph, and the
graph edges represent co-author relationships with
other researchers in the network. Note that a member
(a vertex) in the network can be either a paper
author, a PC member, or both. Figure 1 represents
part of an academic social network in which A
are seeking an appropriate publication venue for
their jointly authored, unpublished paper. In this
figure, the blue nodes represent the candidate paper
authors, the white nodes other researchers, and the
orange nodes represent a particular conference’s PC
member. In our initial work, we weight all edges
with 1 for simplicity.
Figure 1: Example of a part of the social network.
The closeness between authors is calculated
based on the shortest path connecting them. For
example, to determine the relation similarity
between author A
and a PC member F, there are
several paths between these two nodes such as A
D-F, A
-B-D-F, A
-B-C-E-F, etc. However, their
shortest path, A
-D-F, contains 2 edges. The shorter
the path, the closer the nodes are. Thus, closeness
between two nodes in a graph, A and B, is the
inverse of path length calculated as:
(, )
(, )
Closeness A B
ShortestPath A B
3.2.1 Closeness between Paper Authors and
PC Members (Author_PC Method)
In this method, we recommend that a paper be
submitted to the conference with the strongest
relationship between the paper’s authors and the
conference’s program committee. Essentially, this
measures the impact that being an insider has to the
likelihood of a paper being accepted. The more close
relationships that a paper’s authors have with PC
members, the more likely that conference is to be
recommended for the paper. Note that this favors
conferences with large program committees and, in
future work, we will investigate the effects of
normalizing these weights by the number of PC
In particular, for conference i, we add together
the strength of the relationship between each of the
paper’s co-authors with the PC as follows:
Author PC Closeness m i
where A is the number of authors of the unpublished
paper and Closeness(m,i) is the closeness between
an author m and the program committee for
conference i. Specifically, Closeness(m, i) is the sum
of the closeness between that author and any
member of the PC.
(,) (, )
Closeness m i Closeness m PC
with m is an author of the paper, PC
is the j
program committee member for conference i, and N
is the total number of PC members for that
conference. The conference with the highest value is
recommended as the publication venue.
3.2.2 Closeness between Paper Authors and
Previous Conference Authors
(Author_NetAuthors Method)
In this method, we consider how close a paper’s
authors are to those in the network who have
published their paper(s) in a specific conference.
Essentially, this is based on the belief that, if papers
authors academic colleagues have had their work
published by a particular conference in the past, this
is a good indication that this paper is also likely to
be acceptable. This relation similarity can be defined
as following:
(, )
uthor NetAuthors Closeness m NetAuthors
where A is a number of author(s) of the unpublished
paper, and Closeness(m, NetAuthors
) is the
closeness between an author m and all other authors
in the network who have published their papers to
the conference i. This value Closeness(m,
) is also calculated as the sum of the
closeness between that author with any other author
relevant to the conference i.
(, ) (, )
Closeness m NetAuthors Closeness m Author
with m is an author of the paper, Author
is the j
author in the network who has paper published in the
conference i. M is total number of all members that
have papers published in the conference i. We
recommend the conference with the highest value as
a publication venue for the unpublished paper.
4.1 Dataset
In order to get the publication history of authors, we
developed a focused crawler in Java that extracts all
co-authors and relevant publications for a given
author from the Microsoft Academic Search (MAS)
website. As presented in the section 3.1, our input
contains 16 ACM conferences of 4 SIGs. With all
papers collected from 2008-2010, we used the
papers published in two years 2008 and 2009 as
training documents and the ones published in 2010
as test documents for the classification task. Since
the number of papers published for each conference
varies, we randomly selected 20 documents per year
per conference (60 totals). Thus, each conference
had 40 training and 20 test documents. With 16
conferences, the total test collection contained 640
training and 320 test documents. We split the 320
test documents into two sets: 160 for tuning and 160
for validation. For each of the 16 conference
instances, we also downloaded the names of the
program committee members from the conference
website for the year 2010.
For each paper in the test collection, we
extracted the author names and used a crawler to
gather information about each author’s publications
and co-authors. The co-authors of the co-authors
were then recursively collected, until a network 3
levels deep was created. As a result, we collected
information about 306,227 authors and 392,878
papers. We also submitted the names of the PC
members to MAS to collect their authorship
relationship. This information was downloaded and
stored in a database. We manually reviewed authors
with large numbers of publications to remove
publications that were incorrectly attributed to an
author due to the ambiguity of the author’s name.
Finally, we built a large-scale graph, representing
the network of researchers and experts, containing
303,843 vertices (authors) and 1,220,472 edges (co-
authorship relationships with an average node
degree of 8.03.
4.2 Baseline
In order to evaluate our new recommendation
approach using academic social networks, we
compared the methods described in section 3 with a
baseline of content-based recommendations. In the
baseline, conferences in the dataset are treated as
different categories into which we classify a
candidate paper. Each paper is represented by a
vector of terms weighted by TF-IDF. The similarity
between two papers is calculated using the cosine
similarity measure. Papers are classified into
conferences using a k-Nearest Neighborhood (kNN)
algorithm (Gauch et al., 2004) trained using the 640
training documents. In order to identify the best k
value for our experiment, we varied k, the number of
classifier results used for to select the conference,
from 3-40. Based in previous testing (Luong et al.,
2012), we report our best performing k (i.e., k = 25)
at which the content-based approach reached the
highest classification precision. We also compare the
performance of our new research to our previous
work, i.e., PubHistory that recommends conferences
to authors based on their own publication histories,
rather than the publication histories of researchers in
their academic social network (Luong et al., 2012).
4.3 Evaluation Metrics
We evaluated each method’s performance using
precision, i.e., the percentage of the time that the
recommender system recommends the conference
and/or SIG in which the test paper actually
Conference Precision: measures the percentage
of time that the recommender recommends the true
conference. This is reported at various cut-offs, i.e.,
Top1 means that the correct conference was the top-
ranked recommendation etc.
SIG Precision: measures the percentage of time
that the recommender recommends a conference
from the correct SIG. Since there are fewer SIGS,
and they differ more than the conferences do, this is
an easier task.
4.4 Results and Discussion
Table 1 summarizes the conference precision results
for each of the four methods using the 160 tuning
documents. The conference precision results are also
shown graphically in Figure 2.
Table 1: Conference precision results using four different
Conference Precision
Top1 Top2 Top3 Top4
48.8% 68.8% 80.6% 90.6%
PubHistory 66.2% 83.8% 95.5% 96.8%
Author_PC 43.6% 59.6% 69.9% 77.6%
74.5% 91.0% 94.3% 96.8%
These results show that the Author_NetAuthors
method is by far the most accurate method for
recommending a conference. It recommends the
correct conference as the top choice 74.5% of the
time and the correct conference is within the top 4
choices almost 97% of the time. Authors tend to
submit to, and be accepted by, conferences in which
their co-authors (direct or indirect) have previously
been published. Interestingly, this method
outperforms the PubHistory method (66.2% Top1
conference precision) that recommends conferences
based only on the author’s own publication history.
The difference is most evident in the Top1 and Top2
conference precision. Clearly, information from the
author’s academic social network helps identify
good publication venues.
Figure 2: Comparison of classification precisions.
The two methods based on publication history,
Author_NetAuthors and PubHistory, both
outperform the _content-based baseline method by a
wide margin. The content-based baseline achieved a
Top1 conference precision of only 49%. The
Author_PC method (43.6% Top1 conference
precision) is the only method that underperforms the
Content-Based method. This is actually a very
positive result for the integrity of the research
community. It demonstrates that relationships
between authors and PC members does not predict
acceptance of a paper at a conference. It is more
important that the paper be of interest to the
community, and on topic, than that the author has
worked with someone on the PC in the past.
Table 2: SIG precision using four different methods.
Methods SIG Precision for the top-ranked
Content-Based 80.63%
PubHistory 87.66%
Author_PC 74.36%
Author_NetAuthors 93.00%
Since there are 16 conferences that overlap in
topics, but only 4 SIGs that cover different research
areas, predicting the correct SIG should be an easier
task than predicting the correct conference. Table 2,
which summarizes the SIG precision results for the
top-ranked result of four methods, confirms this
hypothesis. These results confirm our hypothesis
that a publication venue recommendation system can
benefit from social network analysis instead of, or in
addition to, traditional content-based approaches.
The goal of this research is to implement and
evaluate a new approach to recommend publication
venues for an unpublished article. Our approach
takes advantage of information analysed from an
academic social network of researchers linked by
their co-authorship relationships. The results show
that the Author_NetAuthors approach that
incorporates relationships between a paper’s
authors’ academic social network and each
conference’s network of previously published
authors is the best performing result. Overall, we
conclude that social network-based approaches can
outperform content-based approaches when
recommending publication venues. They work well
even when deciding between conferences that
overlap in topics, a task that is very difficult for
content-based recommender systems. We also
showed that relationships with the community of
authors who publish in specific conferences is more
important than relationships with members of the
conference’s program committee members.
Our main tasks in the future are to enhance the
publication venue recommendation system by
developing algorithms that take into account more
sophisticated graph relationships and different kinds
of links in the network such as citation and other
indications of research collaboration (e.g.,
researchers from the same institution).
This research is partially supported by the NSF grant
number 0958123 - Collaborative Research: CI-
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