Segmentation of Review Texts by using Thesaurus and Corpus-based
Word Similarity
Yoshimi Suzuki and Fumiyo Fukumoto
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan
Text Segmentation, Reviews, Thesaurus, Wikipedia.
Recently, we can refer to user reviews in the shopping or hotel reservation sites. However, with the exponential
growth of information of the Internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a user to read and understand all
the materials from a large-scale reviews that is potentially of interest. In this paper, we propose a method for
review texts segmentation by guest’s criteria, such as service, location and facilities. Our system rstly extracts
words which represent criteria from hotel review texts. We focused on topic markers such as “ha” in Japanese
to extract guest’s criteria. The extracted words are classified into classes with similar words. The classification
is proceeded by using Japanese WordNet. Then, for each hotel, each text with all of the guest reviews is
segmented into word sequence by using criteria classes. Review text segmentation is difficult because of short
text. We thus used Japanese WordNet, extracted similar word pairs, and indexes of Wikipedia. We performed
text segmentation of hotel review. The results showed the effectiveness of our method and indicated that it can
be used for review summarization by guest’s criteria.
Recently, we can refer to user reviews in the shop-
ping or hotel reservation sites. Since a users cri-
terion is estimating the user review compared with
the information which a contractor offers, there is
a possibility that many information which is not
included in a contractor’s explanation is included.
These customer/guest reviews are often included var-
ious information about products/hotels which are dif-
ferent from commercial information provided by sell-
ers/hotel owners, as customer/guest have pointed out
with their own criteria, e.g., service may be very im-
portant to one guest such as business traveler whereas
another guest is more interested in good value for se-
lecting a hotel for his/her vacation. However, there
are at least seven problems as follows:
There is a large amount of reviews for each prod-
Each review text is short.
There are overlapping contents.
The wrong information may be described.
It is not faithful to grammar.
The terms are not unified.
There are many miss spellings, words.
Moreover, it is difficult to find boundary for every
item. Because reviews explain one item by using two
or more sentences, or two or more items are explained
by using only one review sentence.
In this paper,we propose a method for reviewtexts
segmentation by using guest’s criteria, such as ser-
vice, location and facilities.
Text segmentation is one of the challenging tasks of
Natural Language Processing. It has been widely
studied and many techniques (Kozima, 1993) (Hearst,
1997) (Allan et al., 1998) have been proposed. Hearst
presented a method of TextTiling (Hearst, 1997),
which is based on lexical cohesion concerning to the
repetition of the same words in a document. Utiyama
and Isahara proposed a statistical method for domain-
independent text segmentation (Utiyama and Isahara,
2001). Hirao et al. proposed a method based on
lexical cohesion and word importance (Hirao et al.,
2000). They employed two different methods for text
segmentation. One is based on lexical cohesion con-
sidering co-occurrences of words, and another is base
on the changes of the importance of the each sentence
in a document.
Suzuki Y. and Fukumoto F..
Segmentation of Review Texts by using Thesaurus and Corpus-based Word Similarity.
DOI: 10.5220/0004140903810384
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 381-384
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1 illustrates overview of our system. The sys-
tem consists of two modules, namely “Extraction of
criteria”, “Text segmentation”.
Figure 1: System overview.
Firstly, we define criteria as words which reviewers
notice in the reviews. In the text in Japanese, crite-
ria are represented followed by “ha”. For extracting
criteria in reviews, firstly we extract postpositional
particle “ha” from whole review texts. Next we ex-
tract words followedby “ha”, and finally, we collected
words which are index words of Japanese WordNet
from the extracted words as criteria words. Table 1
shows extracted criteria words with high frequency.
Table 1: Candidate words of criteria (top 5).
No words frequency
1 room 56,888
2 breakfast 25,068
3 meal 17,107
4 support 16,677
5 location 14,866
Review texts are written by many different people.
People may express the same thing by using differ-
ent expression. For example, heya”, oheya and
ruumu are the same sense, i.e., room. Moreover,
two words such as kyakushitsu”:(guest room) and
heya”:(room) are often used in the same sense in the
hotel review domain while those are different senses.
We thus collected similar words from hotel re-
views by using Lin’s method (D.Lin, 1998).
Some technical terms do not frequently appear in
reviews even if we use large corpora. Therefore, we
applied smoothing technique to the hierarchical struc-
ture of semantic features. Firstly, we extracted simi-
lar word pairs using dependency relationships. De-
pendency relationship between two words is used for
extracting semantically similar word pairs. Lin pro-
posed “dependency triple” (D.Lin, 1998). A depen-
dency triple consists of two words: w, w
and the
grammatical relationship between them: r in the in-
put sentence. ||w, r, w
|| denotes the frequency count
of the dependency triple (w, r, w
). ||w, r, || denotes
the total occurrences of (w, r) relationships in the cor-
pus, where “” indicates wild card.
We used 3 sets of Japanese case particles as r. Set
A consists of 2 case particles: “ga” and “wo”. They
correspond subject and object, respectively. Set B
consists of 6 case particles. Set C consists of 17 case
particles. We selected word pairs which are extracted
by using two or three sets.
In order to extract the corresponding semantic fea-
ture of the new word, we extracted dependency triples
of the new word and the extracted words. Using some
extracted words, many types of dependencytriples are
extracted. For extracting the similar words from the
core thesaurus, I(w, r, w
) is calculated by using For-
mula (1).
I(w, r, w
= log(P
(A, B, C))
= log
||w, r, w
|| × ||∗, r, ∗||
||w, r, ∗|| × ||∗, r, w
where P
refers to the maximum likelihood esti-
mation of a probability distribution.
Let T(w) be the set of pairs (r, w
) such
that log
is positive. The similarity
, w
) between two words: w
and w
is defined
by Formula (2).
, w
, r, w) + I(w
, r, w))
, r, w) +
, r, w)
Table 2 shows the extracted pairs as similar word
In Table 2, there are some notational variants.
In general, the pair of “morning newspaper” and
Table 2: Results of extracting similar pairs using particle set
A, B, C.
No. word1 word2
1 favorable very favorable
(koukan) (taihen koukan)
2 route route
(michizyun) (ikikata)
3 stomach stomach
(onaka) (onaka hiragaga)
4 dust dust
(hokori) (hokori hiragana)
5 net Internet
(netto) (intaanetto)
“newspaper” and the pair of “breakfast voucher” and
“ticket” are not same meaning, however the two pairs
are mostly same meaning in hotel review texts.
Compound sentences frequently appear in review
texts. Moreover, two or more criteria may be in-
cluded within a compound sentence. For example,
“The buffet-style breakfast is delicious, the room is
also large and the scent of the shampoo and rinse
in the bathroom are quite good”: “(chooshoku no
baikingu mo oishiidesushi, heyamo hiroishi, ichiban
kiniitteiruno ga heya ni oitearu shampuu to rinsu no
kaori ga totemo iito omoimasu)“.
It is necessary to divide one sentence into some
criteria. Fukushima proposed a method of sen-
tence division for text summarization for TV news
(Fukushima et al., 1999). They used rule based
method for sentence partitioning. In this paper, each
compound sentence was divided into some criteria
by using compound sentence markers and “cabocha”
((Kudo and Matsumoto, 2002)) which is a Japanese
dependency structure Analyzer.
Using results of sentence partitioning, we di-
vided text by criteria using lexical information of
Japanese WordNet, similarity of words and indexes
of Wikipedia. Figure 2 shows how to divide text.
Figure 2: Text segmentation method.
We decide border of criteria between 2 different
criterion words. The following algorithm is how to
decide border of criteria:
for(i=0; i<N; i++)
if(similarityA[i]<similarityB[i]) then
where N is number of sentences between two sen-
tences which have criterion words. similarityA[i] and
similarityB[i] are similarity between ith sentence and
“sentence A and “sentence B”, respectively. Each
similarityA[i] is calculated by following algorithm:
for(j=0; j<M; j++)
where M is number of words in sentence[i]. “cri-
terionA is the criterion in “sentence A”. “wordj” is
jth word in sentence[i]. “simpair(wordj)“ is the word
of similar word pair of wordj. “hypernym(wordj)
is the hypernym of wordj. “wikipedia(wordj)“ is the
most right noun of first sentence of wordj. “occur-
rence(x,y)“ is the rate which x and y are co-occurring
in same sentence of the hotel review.
For the experiment, we used hotel review of Rakuten
. Table 3 shows Review data of the Rakuten
Table 3: Reviews of Rakuten Travel.
amount of data 250MB
# of review text 350,000
# of hotel 15437
# of words for each review 375
# of reviews for each hotel 23
We used Japanese WordNet Version 1.1 (Bond
et al., 2009) as Japanese Thesaurus dictionary. Also
we used index words of Wikipedia
for dealing with
url= We used Rakuten travel
review data provided by Rakuten Institute of Technology
url= We used Wikipedia data of
words such as named entities which are not index
words of Japanese WordNet. We employed Lin’s
method (D.Lin, 1998) for extracting similar word
pairs in hotel review texts.
We had experiments for dividing reviews into every
criterion. We used review texts of 5 hotels. The av-
erage number of review texts per hotel was 51.2. The
number of criteria consists of 256. Table 4 shows the
results of text segmentation.
Table 4: Results of text segmentation.
Our method TextTiling
Precision 863/1024=0.842 742/1024=0.725
Recall 863/902=0.925 742/1119=0.663
F-measure 0.882 0.692
We compared our method with TextTiling (Hearst,
1997) which is a well known text segmentation tech-
nique. TextTiling is a technique for subdividing texts
into multi-paragraph units that represent passages, or
subtopics. The discourse cues for identifying major
subtopic shifts are patterns of lexical co-occurrence
and distribution. TextTiling shows high perfor-
mance/accuracy for documents which have rather
long topics such as magazine articles. However, Text-
Tiling could not obtain good results as review text for
each criterion of is very short. As can be seen clearly
from Table 4, the results obtained by our method were
much better than those of TextTiling. This demon-
strates that lexical information such as similarity be-
tween words, hypernyms of words and named entities
were effective for text segmentation.
In this paper, we proposed a method for review texts
segmentation by guest’s criteria, such as service, lo-
cation and facilities. The results showed the effec-
tiveness of our method as the results attained at 0.84
precision, 0.92 recall, and 0.88 F-measure, and it
was outperformed the results obtained by TextTiling
which is used for text segmentation. Future work will
include: (i) applying the method to a large number of
guests reviews for quantitative evaluation, (ii) apply-
ing the method to other data such as grocery stores:
, TaFeng
and movie data: MovieLens
evaluate the robustness of the method.
4 docman&
task=cat view&gid=34&Itemid=41
The authors would like to thank the referees for their
comments on the earlier version of this paper. This
work was partially supported by The Telecommuni-
cations Advancement Foundation.
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