The results of the optimization model are identical
to those reported in the original paper. Furthermore,
the previous results can be dated back to the ontolog-
ical model for further exploitation by the other de-
cision levels, such as the operational system of each
site. This can be achieved by automatically updating
the databases with the resulting optimization data.
This ontology enhances the way for achieving a suc-
cessful enterprise decision making supporting tool
which adapts and recognizes the different elements
found through the hierarchy models that are associ-
ated with the whole supply chain and allows to assess
the environmental performance of the enterprises by
communicating to environmental life cycle databases
and to analytical models.
Moreover, a general semantic framework is pro-
posed, which is able to model any enterprise partic-
ular case and its environmental implications, prov-
ing its re-usability. Furthermore, it has been proved
the ontology usability by its application to an opti-
mization framework. As a whole, the main contri-
butions of this framework and the model behind are
re-usability, usability, higher efficiency in communi-
cation and coordination procedures within the enter-
prise in order to assess its environmental issues.
This work represents a step forward to support
the integration, not just communication, of different
software tools applicable to the management and ex-
ploitation of plant database information, resulting into
an enhancement of the entire process management
structure for aiding the automatic design and opera-
tion of more sustainable enterprises.
Further work is underway to unveil the full poten-
tial to implement a large-scale semantic web approach
to support business processes decisions in a sustain-
able enterprise.
Financial support received from CIMAT México is
fully acknowledged. In addition, financial support
provided by research Project EHMAN (DPI2009-
09386) funded by the European Union (European Re-
gional Development Fund ERDF) and the Spanish
"Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación" is fully appre-
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