Modeling Dynamic Behavior of Business Organisations
Extension of BPM with Norms
Kecheng Liu, Majed Al-rajhi, Anas R. Alsoud, Lawrence Chidzambwa and Jasmine Tehrani
Informatics Research Centre, The University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AH, U.K.
Keywords: Organisational Semiotics, Business Process Modelling, Norm Analysis, DEMO, e-Government.
Abstract: A successful system first begins with an understanding of the business processes of an organisation. As
such, business process modelling (BPM) represents a collection of related, structured activities or set of
tasks that produce a specific service or product to stakeholders. It graphically represents how a business
organisation conducts their business processes conceptually. Throughout the literature, some challenges
with BPM have emerged, such as standardisation of process modelling, identification of the value of process
modelling, and model-driven process execution. However, one of the most challenging issues in business
process management is that organisations are traditionally considered to be static networks of transaction
processes rather than dynamic. There is therefore a need to aide analysts and practitioners alike by providing
methods that can guide and capture the dynamic aspects of an organisation. This paper aims to present two
BPM methods, and discusses extending them using the norm analysis method (NAM) to enable the analysts
to model the dynamics of business processes and to accommodate exceptions that have not been dealt with
by other conventional methods.
Adding value to business process has become
nowadays more and more the objective of organising
business, in contrast to the traditional hierarchy
perspective. As such, the concept of business
process modelling (BPM) is a very popular way in
which to better understand business processes.
Throughout the literature, most experts in the field,
in particular, information technology and business
engineers, have suggested that a successful system
first begins with an understanding of the business
processes of an organisation (Davies et al., 2006).
As such, business process has emerged as an
important and relevant domain to facilitate the
development of software, analysis of requirements,
and re-engineering (Davies et al., 2006); (Recker et
al., 2009). BPM represents a collection of related,
structured activities or set of tasks that produce a
specific service or product to stakeholders. BPM is
typically performed by business analysts and
managers who are seeking to improve process
efficiency and quality in organisations. Hence, BPM
is a way in which to graphically represent how
business organisations conduct their business
processes conceptually. There are many BPM
conceptual models, for example, in a recent study by
Davies et al. (2006), they conclude that the most
common modelling techniques and methods used by
practitioners in business organisations are ER
diagramming, data flow diagramming, systems
flowcharting, workflow modelling, RAD, and UML;
all of which provide the means to represent the real
world conceptually. As such, BPM is considered to
be a key tool for the analysis and design of
information system in business organisations.
Notably, there are some challenges with BPM. Such
as, standardisation of process modelling,
identification of the value of process modelling, and
model-driven process execution (Indulska et al.,
2009). However, one of the most challenging issues
in business process management is that
organisations are traditionally considered to be static
networks of transaction processes rather than
dynamic. Van der Aalst et al. (2003) confirms such
fact in the context of software development and state
that “the goal is clear and it is easy to see that
software development [within organisations] has
become more dynamic”. Organisations are dynamic
networks of interrelated transaction processes. When
examining the inter-workings of organisations, the
dynamic aspects need to be considered (Liu et al.,
Liu K., Al-rajhi M., R. Alsoud A., Chidzambwa L. and Tehrani J..
Modeling Dynamic Behavior of Business Organisations - Extension of BPM with Norms.
DOI: 10.5220/0004142101960201
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2012), pages 196-201
ISBN: 978-989-8565-31-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2003). The popularity of business process
orientation has produced a fast growing number of
methodologies, modelling techniques, and tools to
support it (Charfi et al., 2010). The process of
selecting the right technique and the right tool has
become more and more complex not only because of
the huge range of approaches available, but also due
to the complex dynamic nature of large
organisations. There is therefore a need to aide
analyst and practitioners alike by providing methods
that can guide and capture the dynamic aspects of an
organisation. This paper builds on previous work on
modelling the dynamic behaviour of business
organisations (Liu, 2000) by presenting two BPM
methods, and discusses extending them using norm
analysis method (NAM) to enable the analysts to
model the business processes and to accommodate
exceptions which have not been dealt with by other
conventional methods (Liu, 2001); (Stamper, 2001).
Norm analysis is method used to model the dynamic
conditions of patterns of behaviour. Patterns of
behaviour, in turn, share a set of ‘norms’ which
govern how members behave, think, and make
judgment. There are many types of norms depending
on the way in which norms control human
behaviour; however, for the purpose of this paper the
analysis will focus on behavioural norms, which
govern people’s behaviour within regular patterns
(Liu and Dix, 1997).
The aim of this paper is two-fold. On the one
hand, it is to aid in modelling the dynamic behaviour
of business organisations. On the other hand, it is to
demonstrate the applicability of ‘norms’ with two
BPM methods through presenting two case studies
as a research method. The following section
introduces two examples of modelling organisational
processes, the notion of norms, and two case studies
one in e-Government services and the other in home
telecare. The paper ends with a discussion and
2.1 Examples of Modelling
Organisational Processes
2.1.1 Life-event Approach
The extraordinary growth in government
information and services published and provided
online raises a need for an efficient way to structure
these government contents and to effectively deliver
them to citizens. Life-event approach satisfies this
need by being citizen-centric through providing
these services based on real life-events and
situations in order to facilitate and enhance citizens’
experience when accessing governmental
information and services. In information systems
literature, Wimmer and Tambouris (2002) define
life-events as a way to describe situations of human
beings where public services may be required, or
triggered according to Kavadias and Tambouris
(2003) definition. According to Momotko et al
(2006) most of the existing technologies that are
used to implement life-events are either too static or
too dynamic. Static as they cannot offer an effective
way to incorporate potential differences in the needs
and circumstances of a citizen or they are too
dynamic to be used effectively by public
administrations (Momotko et al., 2006). Therefore,
they proposed an approach for implementing life-
events based on generic workflows technologies by
using workflow management. This organises life-
events as processes and rule management to make
them more flexible by including dynamic rules.
They define the term “dynamic” as rules that can be
validated at execution phase and during simulation.
However, their use of dynamic rules is limited to
identifying the responsible agent for the execution
2.1.2 DEMO
Dynamic essential modelling of organisations
(DEMO) (Dietz, 1999) is a communication based
modelling methodology aligned to language action
perspective (LAP) theory. DEMO uses high-level
process descriptions to analyse processes at the
ontological level instead of focusing on
implementation details. It highlights communication
patterns between human actors, instead of the
sequences in which activities are performed. The
aim is to highlight the commitments that are entered
during the communication process as drivers of
action that is subsequently performed (Dietz, 1999).
One of five DEMO models is the business
process model (BPM). Causal and conditional
relationships are highlighted in BPM. The causal
relationship cause the start of a transaction and a
conditional relationship forms a condition of the
start or completion of another. Although DEMO
BPM shows such conditions, the process model is
only capable of capturing static conditions and does
not show dynamic conditions the exclusive-or
transaction. Unexpected events might occur that
require human judgement. These exceptions are
difficult to represent using a process diagram.
Catering for exceptional situations in behaviour is
handled well by norm analysis.
Norms exist in a community and will govern how
members behave, think, make judgements and
perceive the world. Norms are represented in various
kinds of signs, whether in documents, oral
communication or software code. A norm is more
like a field of force that makes members of the
society tend to behave in a certain way. As (Wright,
1963) explains: Norm has several partial synonyms
which are good English. ‘Patterns’, ‘standard’ and
‘type’ are such words. So are ‘regulation’, ‘rule’ and
‘law’ ”. The shared norms are what defined a culture
or subculture. In an organisation, norms reflect
regularities in the behaviour of members allowing
co-ordination of their actions. Norms are developed
through practical experiences of agents in a society
and in turn have functions of directing, coordinating
and controlling actions within society (Liu, 2000).
Therefore, an organisation is system of social agents
where people conduct themselves in an organised
way by conforming to regularities of perception,
behaviour, belief and value. The function of norm is
to determine whether patterns of behaviour are
lawful or acceptable in the context of the society.
3.1 Specification of Norms
Once the organisational norms are identified, it is
possible to express rules using general shape:
If <condition> then <consequent>
However, norms do not constitute a closed logical
system and in an actual situation, there are variations
to be considered as people do not always conform to
every organisational norms. When modelling the
agent and the actions, which reveals the repertoire of
available behaviour of the agent, the norms will
supply the rationale for actions. Therefore, to
capture and formally represent norms additional
components including the authority(s) of action
(agent), the effect and content of the norm, norm
subject and context have to be considered (Wright,
1963). Behavioural norms prescribe what people
must, may or must not do. These are equivalent to
their fundamental deontic operators, ‘obliged’,
‘permitted’ and ‘prohibited’. The following format is
considered suitable for specification of behavioural
norms (Liu and Dix, 1997).
Whenever <condition> If <state> Then <agent> Is
<deontic operator> To <action>
The condition clause, describes the matching
mechanism to apply. It clarifies the context in which
norm can be applied and defines the data the norm
subject requires. The actor clause describes authority
(s) of action that is responsible for the action. The
action clause specifies the consequence of norm,
which can be an action, or generation of
Norm analysis gives a means to formally specify
the general patterns of behaviour in business
systems. The analysis of patterns of behaviour
focuses on the social, cultural and organisational
norms that govern the actions of agents in business
domain. In general, a complete NA is performed in
four steps, which are described in table 1.
Table 1: Main stages on norm analysis.
Norm ID Description
Identify responsible agents,
i.e. norm subject
Proto-norm analysis
Select types of information required
by the
execution of the norm
Trigger analysis
The conditions before invoking the
The resultant after the successful
execution of the norm
Detailed norm
Norms specified in the standard
Life-Event Approach is an emergent paradigm for
providing e-government services and information to
citizens, by distributing information and available
electronic services (e-services) according to the
major events of a citizen's life such as birth,
education, employment and marriage. It can be a
citizen lifecycle from birth to death. Life-events
describe situations where citizens may require one or
more of e-government services. The adoption of life-
event approach enables the service selection process
to be more tailored to citizen needs at a particular
time of their life (Dias and Rafael, 2007).What
makes it attractive is that a sequence of relevant
services can result from a single request. For
instance, in “getting married” life-event; the citizen
with a single request and, ideally, a single form,
could update all relevant departments on the new
marital status, request for new personal documents,
or obtain any other relevant information.
However, this cannot be achieved in a systematic
way unless life-events are matched to relevant e-
services in a dynamic manner. Therefore, a matching
mechanism is needed to provide public e-services
based on some needs that have been implied due to
the occurrence of a particular life-event. Using
norms is a promising solution for such a challenge,
especially after the failure of current technologies in
supporting the “publish and find” process of the core
e-service provision (Atkinson et al., 2007). Norms
can play a key role in supporting the standard
service brokerage model by identifying actual
service needs (implications of life-events) to be used
in finding the related services in the service registry.
Life-events are matched with relevant services using
the two ends of the norm construct. The workflow of
the activities in life-event oriented e-government
service provision system can be controlled using
norms, which can trigger the relevant e-services of a
particular life-event that are by a citizen.
Figure 1: Matching Life-events with e-services using
Norms can capture conditions and assign them to
the responsible agents who can be a citizen (either
the bride/wife or the groom/husband or both in some
instances), a registrar (in this case registrar is a
government officer at registrar office), or a system
(government portal), and identify the actions that are
associated with them. Norms can be checked against
citizen profiles to determine the eligibility for a
particular service. Norms can be useful to govern the
static workflow of processes in life-event oriented e-
government service provision system.
Home telecare is the application of electronic and
communication technology in caring for individuals
at home. Before the service is installed it is essential
to define the condition of the service user in order to
determine their care needs. The best way to manage
the expectations of users whilst raising acceptance
and commitment to solutions is to let them define
their important needs and express how they wish
those needs to be met. Discussion between the user
and assessor clarifies the acceptable statements and
aligns them to service goals. Table 2 shows the
transactions that take place during the assessment
procedure as represented by DEMO. The transaction
type is represented by “T” e.g. T1 and represented
by a disk in Figure 2.
Table 2: Transaction results on compiling service user
preferences using DEMO.
Transaction type Transaction result
T1 Compile user care
F1 Preferences defined
T2 Request condition
F2 User condition defined
T3 Define care problems F3 Care problems defined
Home telecare is applied to the elderly, disabled
and those with learning living in their homes. Family
members and carers are usually involved in user
assessment. Perceptual norms are applied in defining
user conditions and cognitive norms are applied in
defining causal relationships between care problem
and condition. Axiological norms are applied in
selecting care preferences. These norms affect how
the individual behaves. Behavioural norms give
structure to the complex world between actors.
These norms are added to business process diagrams
in order to guide the prediction and collaboration of
future behaviour as design norms.
Conditions prevail which are not covered by
static process diagrams but can be captured by
applying norms. For example from Table 2 the
service user, their representative or both can define
user condition with the assessor. The user might
only give one intervention preference which means
there is no ranking required. The individual values,
which would have been identified by ranking
interventions, are still be required to understand the
values impacting user decision making.. If valuation
of interventions is dependent on external forces then
those forces need to be involved in decision making
because decisions done in their absence will not hold
and may need to be revisited. Whilst DEMO
identifies the core transaction it does not capture the
dynamic properties of the transaction. This is
important where social factors play an important role
in the commitment that is made by the stakeholders
like in home telecare. For example to capture the
value system of a service user the norm in Table 3 is
identified. Capturing these dynamic aspects provides
greater flexibility in the execution of the tasks whilst
ensuring that the objective of the transaction is
Figure 2: Business process diagram for compiling user preferences using DEMO BPM.
achieved. Using norms enables the inclusion of
social aspects in systems design.
Table 3: Result of norm analysis.
Norm ID: N3 Determining service user value system
Proto-norm analysis Identified care need/s
Trigger analysis
The user has not provided information on
their value system
Post condition:
How user values acceptable care has been
Detailed norm
Whenever there is one care intervention
preference given if the service user has
provided information on their value
system, then the assessor is prohibited to
ask other value related questions
As mentioned previously, the aim of this paper is
two-fold, 1) To aid in modelling the dynamic
behaviour of business organisations, and 2) To
demonstrate the applicability of ‘norms’ using two
BPM methods. In this sense, extending the BPM
method using ‘norms’ enables analysts to model the
dynamic behaviour of organisations, which has not
been dealt with by other conventional methods. The
paper contributes to the notion that organisations are
not static networks of transaction processes but
rather dynamic ones, by aiding analysts with
modelling the dynamic networks of interrelated
transaction processes. We have demonstrated the
applicability of ‘norms’ using two BPM methods:
The life-event oriented e-government and the home
telecare system. As supported by both case studies,
the applicability of extending the method using the
norm analysis method is demonstrated. It is also
shown, given that it has been feasible to study and
define the patterns of behaviour within each case
study, that norms play a vital role in identifying the
responsibility and eligibility of both e-government
and telecare services, as well as in defining the
consequences. When examining the inter-workings
of organisations, bearing in mind that organisations
are dynamic networks of interrelated transaction
processes, the dynamic aspects of such inter-
workings need to be considered (Liu et al., 2003).
Hence, information systems consist of social as well
as technical dimensions all of which need to be
taken into consideration. With the realisation that the
individual is not outside, but is indeed part of the
system, the importance of addressing users’ social
requirements, from a system design perspective, is
increased. Thus, in telecare provision we need to
understand which personal norms may impact the
acceptance or use of the telecare solution. Bearing
this in mind, we conclude that it is not only the
technical functions of the devices that matter for the
successful deployment of telecare systems. Instead,
the social aspects also play an important part in such
process and therefore warrant consideration in
designing systems. The structuring of these social
aspects using norm analysis enables their inclusion
in technical systems and therefore can be automated.
A current limitation may be the management of the
increasingly complex set of norms underlying large
organisations. An avenue for future work is to
develop a way in which to manage such large sets of
norms. Overall, extending BPM by norms helps to
ensure that both, the social and technical systems,
are captured and documented. The strength of this
modelling approach results from the powerful base
methods: DEMO and NAM. DEMO, on the one
hand, is a rigorous approach that provides a solid
understanding, first, of the types of transactions that
take place within an organisation; second, of the
participants involved in these transactions; third, the
information that is needed and created while
carrying through the transactions; and fourth, the
relationship between the different transaction types.
NAM, on the other hand, enables the analyst to
specify business rules, which is necessary for
systems design. The specification of norms allows
the recognition of human responsibilities and
obligations. In addition, it has been demonstrated
that NAM allows the modelling of the dynamics of
business organisations, since deontic operators
facilitate modelling situations were decisions are
made solely based on human judgment and there is a
degree of flexibility in patterns of behaviour. The
extended method of DEMO with NAM leads to a
powerful modelling approach for information
systems analysis and design in business
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