method. First, as we can see in this figure, by
increasing the number of , the running time of our
method remains constant. This is because after
reaching the Nash equilibrium, all of the applicable
teams are always detected regardless of the value of
. Furthermore, since we use local Nash equilibrium
in our method, the time complexity of our method to
discover all of the applicable teams is comparable
with other methods considering that they are
extended to support finding all of the teams instead
of just finding the best team. Second, the average
running time increases when the number of required
skills grows. The main reason is that, here, the
underlying social network’s graph is very sparse
w.r.t the given task. Therefore, to satisfy the task
with low communication cost, when the number of
the required skills increases, the agents have to
explore their neighbourhoods more.
Figure 3: The scalability of GameTeamFormation
Totally, it can be seen that our proposed
framework is capable of forming finer top-k teams
of experts. The analysis of the experiments shows
that our method performs well in the terms of
communication cost, team cardinality of the selected
teams and the number of disconnected teams,
stability and scalability.
In this paper, the problem of finding top-k teams
which can independently accomplish a specific
given task with minimum communication cost is
studied and the game-theoretic framework is
presented for finding these teams.
The experimental results on DBLP show that the
effective teams can be found with minimum
communication cost and cardinality. Also the
stability and scalability of the proposed method is
For the future works, more constraint teams can
be considered. Furthermore, the generalized tasks
can be studied and defined with the required skills
which should be supported with the minimum
number of experts.
This work is supported by Iranian Tele-
communication Research Center (ITRC) under
Grant No. T/500/13266.
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1..20 20..40 40..60 60..80 80..100
Run Time (hours)
Top-k answers
2 skills 4 skills
6 skills 8 skills
10 skills 12 skills