A System for Historical Documents Transcription based on
Hierarchical Classification and Dictionary Matching
Camelia Lemnaru, Andreea Sin-Neamțiu, Mihai-Andrei Vereș and Rodica Potolea
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 26-28 Barițiu Street, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Handwriting Recognition, Historical Document, Hierarchical Classifier, Dictionary Analysis, Kurrent
Abstract: Information contained in historical sources is highly important for the research of historians; yet, extracting
it manually from documents written in difficult scripts is often an expensive and time-consuming process.
This paper proposes a modular system for transcribing documents written in a challenging script (German
Kurrent Schrift). The solution comprises of three main stages: Document Processing, Word Processing and
Word Selector, chained together in a linear pipeline. The system is currently under development, with
several modules in each stage already implemented and evaluated. The main focus so far has been on the
character recognition module, where a hierarchical classifier is proposed. Preliminary evaluations on the
character recognition module has yielded ~ 82% overall character recognition rate, and a series of groups of
confusable characters, for which an additional identification model is currently investigated. Also, word
composition based on a dictionary matching approach using the Levenshtein distance is presented.
The process of transcribing historical documents
requires the expertise of paleographers, due to the
large variety of languages and scripts, as well as the
(low) quality of the manuscripts (Minert, 2001). A
paleographer, specialized in specific forms of
writing, performs the transcription by hand, a
tedious process that takes a considerable amount of
time and effort. This suggests the need for an
automated process capable of performing the
transcription with minimal user intervention,
reducing the costs of a transcription.
The problem of transcribing a historical
document (given the historical period, language and
script) can be placed in the area of pattern
recognition, namely the problem of handwriting
recognition. Two handwriting recognition
techniques are most commonly considered (Fischer,
2010): on-line recognition (performed on-the-fly
with the aid of an active surface and a pen) and off-
line recognition (which extracts the written text from
an input raster image). As historical documents are
converted into digital format via individual scans,
the transcription process is an off-line handwriting
recognition task.
Handwriting recognition has been a research
subject for almost a decade, nowadays being
considered an important subject for both pattern
recognition and data mining fields. Current solutions
focus on either dynamic user input mechanics
(commonly integrated in modern devices with
touchscreen capabilities) or forensic-related
identifications. The field of historical handwritten
document transcriptions is currently a valuable
research problem.
The system proposed in (Fischer, 2010)
considers Medieval Documents, in which text
isolation is difficult due to poor paper quality.
Medieval handwriting however displays reduced
irregularities, with small in-class variations and
uniform text localization. The solution proposed in
(Juan, 2010) focuses on an interactive transcription
environment. The approach assists the paleographer,
by providing advanced user interaction capabilities
and preserving the topology of the original
document thorough the transcription. It does not aim
to produce an automated process and is not suitable
for historians unfamiliar with the work of
Lemnaru C., Sin-Neam¸tiu A., VereÈ
Z M. and Potolea R..
A System for Historical Documents Transcription based on Hierarchical Classification and Dictionary Matching.
DOI: 10.5220/0004143003530357
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2012), pages 353-357
ISBN: 978-989-8565-29-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We designed an automated system capable of
successfully transcribing documents written in
German Kurrent Schrift. We claim that the system
can be easily adapted to support simpler scripts
(such as Latin, or Greek). The solution assumes that
complex restoration filters which enable proper text
isolation are not necessary (i.e. the image quality of
the documents is fair). However, light imperfections
(such as faint paper folding, material aging and
isolated ink droplets) are managed by the system
(example of document presented in Figure 1).
Figure 1: Excerpt from a Kurrent Schrift historical
2.1 Conceptual Architecture
We have identified three major stages – Document
Processing, Word Processing and Word Selection,
connected in a linear pipeline (as seen in Figure 2).
First, the document image (i.e. the scanned
version of the historical handwritten document) is
processed by the Document Processor. After
separating the text from the background through a
two-step procedure and removing malignant noisy
areas, the document is de-skewed to improve the
correctness of subsequent processing steps. It is then
successively partitioned into lines of text and
individual words.
The Word Processor, the core component of the
system, finalizes the preprocessing of the input word
images, by performing slant correction and character
splitting. The shape of the binary character objects is
then captured using a skeletonization filter, and
important features that discriminate the characters
are extracted. A classifier identifies each character
and word variants are constructed.
The words are validated by the Word Selector
using a local dictionary database and a Knowledge
Base, generating transcription variants with attached
probability. Inappropriate matches are pruned and
the words reordered such as to generate the final
transcription, the output of the system.
2.2 Component Description
The Document Processor extracts the text from the
background using a binary conversion of the image
in a two-step process: greyscaling followed by
binarization. Global thresholding (Otsu, 1979) offers
the best performance – computational complexity
ratio. Noise reduction is ensured by a blobs-based
labelling technique, removing objects of having the
area smaller than a threshold value (dependent on
the image size).
Due to the fact that the human writer most often
fails to write text on perfectly horizontal lines, text is
written at a certain angle. Individual characters are
therefore distorted. This problem is commonly
known as document skew, which we attempt to
minimize through a Projection-Based correction
(Zeeuw, 2006), considering multiple skew angles.
The actual correction is performed by a vertical
shearing in the opposite direction of the skew (Sun,
Line splitting is performed by applying a
Gaussian smoothing filter to detect horizontal
projection areas of low density. Split points are
identified as local minima inside a rectangular
centred window and are separated from
neighbouring split points by a peak. Analogously,
lines of text are separated into words based on the
individual vertical projections.
Due to the possibility of having irregular word
orientation inside the line of text, the Word
Processor performs slant-correction, similar to
skew-correction through horizontal shearing. Words
are then vertically cut into individual characters
(Zeeuw, 2006).
The extraction of the shape of the binary
characters is done by thinning (using a
skeletonization filter). K3M thinning (Saeed, 2010)
is employed, which generates a pixel-width,
connected skeleton. Pruning of spurious branches
ensures a stable skeleton structure (Bai, 2005),
unaffected by small shape variations.
Significant numerical features are extracted from
the resulting shape in order to discriminate the
characters, considering both strong inter-class
variation and weak correlations (avoidance of
redundancies). The following mix of features is
considered (Vamvakas, 2007): projections, profiles,
transitions and zone densities. Because histogram-
based features are dependent on the character image
resolution (width, height), we propose histogram-
compression based on the Discrete Cosine
Transform. This approach captures the shape of the
Figure 2: Conceptual architecture.
The resulting sequence is then normalized in the
[0,1] interval, and only the first few coefficients are
considered. This ensures both a fixed-dimension
feature vector and noise reduction (generally located
in the higher part of the signal’s spectrum).
Parameter tuning is possible by varying the number
of considered harmonics (coefficients), the optimal
truncation index being determined through
We propose a hierarchical two-level classifier for
character identification: at the first level, easily
distinguishable characters are identified, while at the
second level confusable groups of characters are
considered. The second level classifier consists of an
array of classifiers, each specialized on a certain
confusable group.
The final result is computed as a weighted
normalized sum, considering probabilities from both
levels. The output of the character classification
module is the Probability Density Function (PDF) of
all classes. Due to possible misclassifications for
highly similar characters, several highly ranked
characters are returned which are combined into
words. Those with large probabilities (above a
threshold) are passed to the last module.
Because there are situations in which not even
the human eye can identify handwritten characters in
an isolated manner, word context is necessary to
reduce ambiguity and increase system accuracy.
Therefore, the Word Selector validates the word
variants using a dedicated dictionary. The proposed
approach searches for similar words using the
Levenshtein Distance. We expect the most frequent
case to appear will be that of partially/improperly
recognized words with correctly identified length.
Finally, a score generator decides among the
words by considering both the recognition
probability and the Levenshtein Distance to the
dictionary word, as in formula (1):
Lev(W) – Levenshtein Distance between initial word and
dictionary solution
Len(W) – Length of initial word
The value of the weight factor ω controls the relative
importance of the two factors – recognition rate and
Levenshtein Distance and is determined empirically.
Based on the final score, the best solution is placed
into the transcription, with possible variants also
available to the user.
The majority of experiments performed so far have
focused on the character identification tasks, in order
to find the most accurate classifier for primary
character identification. Tests on the first level of the
classifier were performed using a balanced data set
having 25 classes and 37 features. Stratified 10-fold
cross-validation was considered, employing
accuracy as performance metric. We started with
representative classifiers which were expected to
provide good results due to their robustness in multi-
class problems. Parameter tuning improved the
performance of two of them (Table 1).
The tests on the Multilayer-Perceptron focused
on variations of the learning rate (0.2-0.4),
momentum (0.1-0.5), validation threshold (15-25)
and hidden layers structure. Lower learning rate as
well as single hidden layer configurations yielded
the best results. The best configuration features a
learning rate of 0.2, one hidden layer of 62 cells and
a momentum of 0.1.
The behaviour of the Support Vector Machine
(SMO) was tested with respect to complexity
variation (1.0 – 6.0) and various kernels (PUK, RBF,
PolyKernel, Normalized Poly). The best results were
obtained for PUK and RBF kernels, and a rather
high complexity (5.5 and 6, respectively).
The most relevant parameter for the Random
Forest classifier is the number of trees (10-60).
Above the value of 35 trees, the classifier presented
oscillatory accuracy, being suspicious of overfitting.
Naïve-Bayes improvements were attempted
using Adaptive Boosting (10-60 iterations, 80-120
weight threshold, with or without resampling). The
resulting classifiers exhibited no accuracy
The influence of the feature vector size (induced
by the number of computed DCT coefficients) on
the performance has also been evaluated for the best
classifiers (Figure 3). The results indicate that the
optimal number of DCT coefficients lies between 4
and 6.
Table 1: Classifier experiments summary.
Classifier Initial Accuracy Parameter Tuning
MLP 72.51% 75.29%
SMO 71.53% 79.60%
RF 67.69% Overfitted behaviour
Naïve Bayes 66.06% No improvement
The validity of the proposed set of features has
been confirmed by applying two feature selection
techniques (SVM and Gain Ratio attribute evaluator
rankers from WEKA). All features were considered
valid, with the Ranker unable to group the DCT
coefficients coherently based on the primary
A series of preliminary experiments were
performed on the Word Selector module, using a
687 words dictionary. Partially-recognized words
were considered, for which the system yielded
successful identifications, as exemplified in Table 2.
Further experiments are required for a larger
dictionary database and other incompleteness
This paper proposes a new system for historical
document transcription, which employs three main
modules connected in a continuous pipeline:
Document Processor, Word Processor and Word
The system is currently under development.
Several sub-modules have been implemented and
evaluated. The main focus so far has been on the
character identification and word composition tasks,
but several image processing steps have also been
considered, such as image binarization, document
segmentation, and stable skeletonization.
Extensive evaluations conducted for the
character identification task using various machine
learning methods and parameter values have yielded
a best identification rate of ~82%, and a set of
confusable characters for which a second layer
classifier is currently being developed. To extend the
recognition process in the case of individual
characters impossible to be identified in an isolated
context, a word-level dictionary analysis is
employed. Preliminary results indicate a good
identification for partially identified words using a
Levenshtein-based search.
Figure 3: Impact of DCT coefficients on classifier
Table 2: Dictionary matching example.
Word Distance 2 Distance 3
a**h auch
17 variants: nach, noch,
sich, aber, etc
zuru** zuruck Zur
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