Correlating and Cross-linking Knowledge Threads in Informledge
System for Creating New Knowledge
T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair
and Meenakshi Malhotra
Saudi Aramco Endowed Chair, Technology and Information Management, PMU, Al Khobar, K.S.A
Vice President Advanced AI and Bio Computing, RIIC, D. S. Institutions, Bangalore, India
Advanced AI and Bio Computing, RIIC, D. S. Institutions, Bangalore, India
Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science Eng, The Oxford College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Informledge System (ILS), Knowledge Network Node (KNN), Multi-Lateral Links, Weighted Graphs,
Tensor Graph Product, Concept, Concept State Diagram (CSD).
Abstract: There has been a considerable advance in computing, to mimic the way in which the brain tries to
comprehend and structure the information to retrieve meaningful knowledge. It is identified that neuronal
entities hold whole of the knowledge that the species makes use of. We intended to develop a modified
knowledge based system, termed as Informledge System (ILS) with autonomous nodes and intelligent links
that integrate and structure the pieces of knowledge. We conceive that every piece of knowledge is a cluster
of cross-linked and correlated structure. In this paper, we put forward the theory of the nodes depicting
concepts, referred as Entity Concept State which in turn is dealt with Concept State Diagrams (CSD). This
theory is based on an abstract framework provided by the concepts. The framework represents the ILS as
the weighted graph where the weights attached with the linked nodes help in knowledge retrieval by
providing the direction of connectivity of autonomous nodes present in knowledge thread traversal. Here for
the first time in the process of developing Informledge, we apply tenor computation for creating intelligent
combinatorial knowledge with cross mutation to create fresh knowledge which looks to be the fundamentals
of a typical thought process.
With the advancement in the field of artificial
intelligence and cognitive science, development of
knowledge based systems has taken a greater leap.
Artificial Intelligence as stated is the study of the
computations that make it possible to perceive
reasons and act (Winston and Patrick Henry, 1992).
Cognitive Science as referred by Thagard, Paul
(2005) is the field of study of mind and its
computational intelligence. Researchers from both
the fields have been striving to develop a knowledge
based system that could simulate the mode of
existence or either of human knowledge and human
information processing mechanism or both.
Knowledge management field developed so far
involve information storage, processing and retrieval
of information stored in databases in the form of
fixed sentences and words. At present there is no
meaningful system at hand that can store elements of
concepts from different domains coherently and can
retrieve correlated knowledge. To overcome this, we
had suggested Informledge System (ILS) in our
work published earlier (T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair
and Meenakshi Malhotra, 2011 and 2010). In ILS,
knowledge units belonging to same or different
knowledge domains are linked together to form a
knowledge network using the autonomous nodes and
intelligent links. These links play an important role
in connecting correlated concepts stored at the
knowledge units. The knowledge unit in ILS is
termed as Knowledge Network Node (KNN) as
defined by T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair, Meenakshi
Malhotra (2010).In this paper we put forward the
theory of concepts represented by KNNs and the
Concept State Diagram (CSD) depicted by the
knowledge thread. This knowledge thread, formed
during knowledge embedding and retrieval, is the
result of intelligent linking of KNNs, wherein every
link formed is composed of multiple strands each of
which hold a property (T. R. Gopalakrishnan Nair
and Meenakshi Malhotra, 2011).
R. Gopalakrishnan Nair T. and Malhotra M..
Correlating and Cross-linking Knowledge Threads in Informledge System for Creating New Knowledge.
DOI: 10.5220/0004143302510256
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 251-256
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This paper is organized as follows. Section II
discusses Research Background. It is then followed
by a brief introduction to the understanding of the
theory of concept in section III. Section IV gives the
Structural Organization of Concepts and CSD and in
section V we discuss the formation of knowledge
threads in ILS and section VI focuses on details
about Tensor algebra applied to the CSD. Finally,
we conclude the work in section VII.
As believed, all the information processing for
human cognition is held at the neurons. A neuron
receive information, process it and forward the
control to another neuron for the further information
processing, in the interconnected mesh of neurons
(David Sánchez, 2010). In almost similar process
ILS, the KNN receive the inputs and have the inbuilt
ability to infer and reason the linkages to the other
nodes (T.R. Gopalakrishnan Nair and Meenakshi
Malhotra, 2011).
In addition to this, knowledge-based
neurocomputing has gained importance in last two
decades. It is stated that Knowledge-based
neurocomputing (KBN) concerns with methods to
address the explicit representation and processing of
knowledge where a neurocomputing system is
involved (Ian Cloete and Jacek M. Zurada, 2000).
The key element involved in knowledge
processing and retrieval is the knowledge and its
representation. Knowledge representation has been
recognized as an imperative field of artificial
intelligence which involves information embedding
and processing for computation in cognitive models.
Knowledge has been represented using network,
graphs, and finite automata and using concept maps.
According to Christopher Brewster (2004) many
knowledge based representations involve use of
Ontology. Ontology finds its origin from the field of
philosophy whereas its implication in the field of
computer science is stated as “ontology is formal,
explicit specification of a shared conceptualization”
(Thomas R. Gruber, 1993). Also, there have been
efforts to define the set of attributes for the concepts
involved during ontology development (Priss, U.,
Different strategies have been adopted to
represent concepts. Concept maps are used to
represent and convey knowledge. It is a diagram that
connects pieces with of information entities that are
linked by labelled straight lines without any
processing power. ‘‘Mind Maps’’ are such a type of
meaning diagram as shown by Beth Crandall et al.
(2006) and Farrand, P et al. (2002).The connecting
lines in Mind Map are not labelled and they
represent just the connection between ideas (Open
Directory - Reference: Knowledge Management,
2009). Also, the diagrams that are referred to as
‘‘Cognitive Maps’’ are large web like diagrams
which involve representation of sentences and short
paragraphs as ideas resulting in hundreds of joins
and the same has been shown with example by
(Robert M. Kitchin, 1994). However these maps are
just the fixed representation of joints representing
words whereas the knowledge representation does
not involve the language alone. Similarly, the
knowledge formation in human brain includes
concept formation and its representation in different
regions as stated in the field of neuroscience (Eric R.
Kandel et al., 2000).While the mind maps connect
the ideas they are not capable of processing the
knowledge nodes, but in the case of ILS, the system
is intelligent by virtue of its capability to formulate
and process the concepts which is kept apart from
how the knowledge is represented (Nair, T.R.G.,
Malhotra, Meenakshi, 2011).
Conceptual graph is a graphical representation of
knowledge depiction and reasoning. The translation
to and from the spoken language, used for
understanding, into some computer understandable
representation can be done by means of these
graphs (Sowa, John F., 1984). As stated by Michel
Chein , Marie-Laure Mugnier (2008), conceptual
graph involve mainly relations between concepts as
“is a” and “has property”. This restricts the way in
which knowledge can be linked, whereas ILS
provides the flexibility in linking properties of the
KNNs through the use of its multi-stranded links.
Knowledge is nothing but a collection of linked
concepts. However many attempted to create
knowledge bases, connect words and sentences
rather than concepts (Rajendra Akerkar, Priti Sajja,
2010). In his book, Gregory L. Murphy (2002)
referred that many properties of concepts are found
in word-meaning and use, suggesting that meanings
are psychologically represented through the
conceptual system. Most of this type of approach
ended connecting words through lines where as the
meaning of the knowledge structure is created in the
human mind. But actual breakthrough is required in
incorporating a meaning creation processing
capability in the nodes and in the links by adding
intelligence in both. In ILS, the information is stored
at the intelligent knowledge network nodes (KNN)
which is an integral part of this knowledge network.
A concept is represented partially or completely by a
KNN. The link between these autonomous nodes
represents the affinity between the concepts. For the
loosely related concepts the thickness of the link is
less whereas for tightly coupled concepts the
thickness is more. As more and more information is
added into the network, there is cross-linking of
concepts and new knowledge threads can be
retrieved through the interlinked concepts
correlation and cross-linking. In the first case of
existing knowledge bases, they were static
representation of the thinking process and where as
ILS is capable of furnishing active computation
Concept State Diagram (CSD) is the diagram that
depicts the states of the concepts that are connected
by strengthening of the links. CSD is basically a
knowledge thread where state is associated with the
concepts as shown in Figure 1.
The knowledge that can be retrieved after
incorporating knowledge representation in to the
retrieved knowledge threads is anomalous to the
sentence in language. The knowledge thread formed
by connecting concepts have two basic knowledge
units namely Apex Knowledge Unit (AKU) and
Subsidiary Knowledge Unit (SKU).
CSD, which is a form of a knowledge thread
comprise of these knowledge units defined as
4.1 Apex Knowledge Unit (AKU)
This knowledge unit in the CSD is the key concept
which implies that the knowledge thread formed by
CSD has this knowledge unit (KNN) representing
the concept about which something is stated in the
knowledge thread. E.g. considering the knowledge
thread “Continent is the largest and continuous
landmass on earth” can be represented in CSD as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Concept State Diagram for a Knowledge Thread.
Where the KNN’s shown in figure, 1 holds the
concepts shown in table 1 below
Table 1: Concepts and KNNs shown in figure 1.
Concept Continent Largest Continuous Landmass Earth
The AKUs here can be continent (KNN1), landmass
(KNN4) or earth (KNN5). The centre concept for
this CSD can be taken as any of the three. The
weight attached with any of the AKU would be more
than the weight attached with the nodes that are far
from the AKU. The weight attached with interlinked
concepts decreases as we traverse from AKU to
4.2 Subsidiary Knowledge Unit (SKU)
This knowledge unit in the CSD is an auxiliary
concept which implies that the knowledge thread
formed by CSD has these knowledge units (KNNs)
in the form of supplementary concept. E.g.
considering the CSD as shown in Figure 1, largest
(KNN2) and continuous (KNN3) are the SKUs.
These SKUs supplement the AKUs, in common
language representation SKUs represent the
predicates whereas AKU’s represent subjects.
Hence the AKU and SKU provides a much wider
representation for knowledge in ILS analogous to
subject and predicates used in human language
ILS is an organized knowledge network, in which
connectivity and search is done through an ordered
set of links. Methods of understanding is in links
which includes classifying, correlating and
extrapolating the information. Properties of links
leads to processing where by several logically
interlinked concepts can be retrieved through it. The
interlinked links form CSDs, which facilitate to form
the cluster to knowledge threads during retrieval.
Before we put forward how this knowledge cluster is
formed, we brief about the CSDs.
The necessary and sufficient conditions for CSD
formation are stated as follows:
5.1 Every CSD that is Formed should
Consist of at Least One AKU and
Several SKUs
This can be proved by contradiction, by including
the following two cases:
Let us presume CSD doesn’t have an AKU
Assume that there is a CSD that doesn’t have
an AKU. Let’s consider such a CSD shown in
figure 2, for this CSD there is no AKU
specified during embedding of this
knowledge. So this implies that all KNNs
linked would be SKUs only.
As stated earlier AKU and SKU are like
subject and predicates, so AKU could be
similar to what the knowledge thread is about.
Absence of AKU would imply that some
concepts represented by SKUs are linked but
doesn’t provide any information about
anything. Such a CSD is termed as irrelevant
and meaningless.
Figure 2: Incorrect CSD without AKU.
As shown in figure 2 the concepts grow, thin,
breathe, eat and strong, are just linked together
but no information can be retrieved from their
linking. Also, in ILS links properties provide
weightage which tend to present weak threads
linking these concepts.
Let us presume CSD have multiple AKU’s
and no SKU
On the other hand if no SKUs are there then
it’s similar to a sentence not having any
predicates. This would mean some subjects
are linked, leading to no bigger concept. Main
objective behind linking concepts is to form a
bigger concept, whereas linking only AKU
would not provide any meaningful knowledge.
Same is depicted in the figure 3 where animal,
plant, stick, door and hands are linked but this
CSD does not provide any meaningful
Figure 3: Incorrect CSD with multiple AKU and no SKU.
These AKUs when put together doesn’t lead to
formation of any bigger concept or a valid
knowledge thread. These two points can be
considered similar to some invalid human
knowledge formation wherein one speaks about the
properties of an entity and not the entity itself or
someone connects some entities with weak links.
Thus, every CSD should consist of least one AKU
and one or more SKUs.
5.2 CSDs interact to form a Cluster of
Correct and Incorrect CSDs
During knowledge retrieval, the link processor at
KNN helps in retrieving the knowledge threads. The
intelligence of the system lies in interaction of these
retrieved knowledge threads. CSDs interaction is
basically interaction between two knowledge threads
that can connect and form multiple CSDs in the form
of knowledge cluster depending on the state of
individual knowledge units. The CSDs that are
formed by CSD interaction may be correct and
5.3 The CSD formed after Learning
has Got only One Form
During knowledge retrieval, CSDs interact to form a
cluster of valid and invalid CSDs. In addition to
having invalid CSDs, the cluster comprises of
repeated connected concepts based on the weights of
the concepts involved. The learning process involves
removal of invalid and the redundant CSDs. So after
the learning process, which is an integral part of
retrieval, is complete only one form of the CSD
would be there in the knowledge network.
5.4 The Final CSD must be
Conceptually Correct
It is stated for the proof of Statement 3 that the
invalid CSDs are removed during learning process.
Hence the final CSD in the ILS are conceptually
To retrieve knowledge intelligently from this
network, concepts need to be combined during
retrieval. These concepts interact to form
combination of ideas, which is possible due to
interaction between KNNs. During this interaction
various links are formed which comprise to
formation of both correct and incorrect CSDs. The
incorrect CSDs are discarded based on the
rationality involved in learning. CSDs are formed
during knowledge embedding and retrieval.
The splinters retrieved during the interaction of
CSDs have to pass through learning process. The
process includes sieving out of the CSDs that are
secondary and redundant invalid CSDs. Removal of
the same from the system, lead to consistent
knowledge in ILS knowledge network.
CSD’s once formed interact during retrieval to form
the cluster. This involves tensor algebra from the
graph theory. In view of tensor algebra, as defined
by Sandi Klavžar and Simone Severini (2010)
The tensor product, K = G H, of graphs G =
(V(G), E(G)) and H = (V(H), E(H)) is the graph
with vertex set V(K) = V(G) × V(H) and {(g,
h), (g ', h ')} E(K) if and only if {g, g '}
E(G) and {h, h '} E(H).(
p. 3)
Now as a CSD is just a graph of nodes connected
together we can apply tensor product to the same.
This implies that if two CSDs interact they can
actually form a tensor product and the resultant
graph is a cluster of CSDs composed of relevant and
irrelevant CSDs. This cluster has a group of
concepts which are collection of AKUs and SKUs.
Let’s consider two knowledge threads kt1 and
kt2 as shown in the figure 4 and figure5.
Figure 4: Knowledge Thread kt1.
For the knowledge thread, kt1 shown in figure 4
represent the following knowledge and the concepts.
Knowledge thread, kt1 is “World has living and
non-living things.”
Table 2: Concepts represented by KNNs shown in figure
KNN Knn1 Knn2 Knn3 Knn4
Concept World Thing Living Non-living
Figure 1: Knowledge Thread, kt2
The knowledge thread, Kt2 is “Living things
grow and breathe like animals”.
For the knowledge thread, kt2 shown in figure 5
represent the following knowledge and the concepts.
Table 3: Concepts represented by KNNs shown in figure
Concept Thing Living Grow Breathe Animals
Here kt1 is similar to G and kt2 is similar to H
and the vertices set for both are as follows:
V (kt1) = {KNN1, KNN2, KNN3, KNN4}
V (kt2) = {KNN2, KNN3, KNN5, KNN6,
V (kt1)
V (kt2) = 4*5=20 vertices, which
comprise of the node space after the 2 knowledge
threads interact.
The cluster of CSDs formed after applying
tensor algebra for product of connected graphs is
applied to kt1
and kt2 shown in figure 4 and figure 5
respectively, is given in figure 6.
The edges connecting nodes of clusters combine
to form the link space as shown in figure 6.
Figure 6: CSD Cluster formed after interaction of two
knowledge threads, kt1 and kt2.
From the definition of tensor product of graphs,
the edge with vertices (KNN1, KNN2 (kt2)) and
(KNN2 (knn1), KNN3) in the cluster exist if and
only if (KNN1, KNN2 (kt1) is an edge (link) in kt1
and (KNN2 (kt2), KNN3) is an edge (link) in kt2. In
this cluster many CSD’s are correct or valid and
many are incorrect or invalid. E.g.: KNN2—KNN3--
-KNN6 are connected which means concepts living,
thing, breathe are linked to make a bigger concept
which is valid. Whereas KNN4 --- KNN6 are
connected which mean concept non-living and
breathe are linked which is invalid.
As we cannot multiply word here and there and
absurd things cannot connect. Whereas in
comparison to this we can multiply two concepts or
linked concepts are multiplied using tensor algebra
to form a bigger concept. So it’s only the concepts
that are involved in the interaction which result into
formation of a bigger valid concepts represented by
In this paper, we presented the theory of KNNs
which are capable of actively representing concepts
and the knowledge thread as Concept State Diagram
(CSD). The intelligence of ILS is depicted in
formulating correlated and cross-linked cluster of
CSDs through tensorial interaction of the CSDs.
This correlation and cross-linking is established by
the tensor algebraically manipulations. Thus ILS is
capable to classifying and extrapolating the two
knowledge threads retrieved and can derive all the
cross-linked knowledge threads out of the
interaction. On forced interaction between two
tensorial knowledge threads, it can form new
clusters that consist of relevant and irrelevant CSDs,
from which the irrelevant CSDs can be sieved out
during learning process or so to say a thinking
process. The tensor algebra has been applied for
CSDs manipulations on the CSDs retrieved from a
single domain and this arrangement of manipulation
of CSDs for multiple domain need to be evaluated in
the next phase.
Authors express their sincere thanks to the IP
managers, for the patenting process on the sequence
of theories related to this.
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