A Novel Intensional-based Model
Islam Ali and Hamada Ghenniwa
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: Conceptualization, Extensional Logic, Intensional Logic, Extensionalization.
Abstract: A formal treatment of conceptualization is essential and a fundamental aspect of knowledge representation,
Ontologies and information engineering. Several approaches have been proposed based on extensional logic
and extensional reduction model. However, in this paper we highlight several limitations of their
applicability for modelling conceptualizations in dynamic and open environments, due to several strong
assumptions that are not adequate for dynamic and open environments. To this end we argue that intension
based model is a natural and adequate model. We present a model based on the theory of Properties
Relations and Propositions. This description takes the concepts and relations as primitives and, as such,
irreducible. The proposed description is then extended to describe the world in more details by capturing the
properties of the domain concepts.
Ontology is a very active topic in the knowledge
formalization, information sharing, and artificial
intelligence communities. The progress in artificial
intelligence, knowledge engineering, the semantic
web, information sharing, information integration
and P2P systems made the development of
ontologies essential for information systems.
Especially in dynamic systems and open
environment, ontology plays a very important role in
facilitating the interaction and collaboration between
several agents. Ontology specifies a
conceptualization which is essential for the
formalization of knowledge (Genesereth and
Nilsson, 1987). A conceptualization is defined as
“an abstract model that consists of the relevant
concepts and the conceptual relations that exist in a
certain domain” (Xue, 2010). This definition
emphasizes the intensional nature of a
(Gruber, 1993) defined a conceptualization as
"the objects, concepts, and other entities that are
presumed to exist in some area of interest and the
relations that hold amongst them" (Gruber, 1993).
This definition reflects the extensional account of
the conceptualization described in (Genesereth and
Nilsson, 1987). (Guarino, Oberle and Staab, 2009)
argued that a conceptualization is about concepts.
And as such, the conceptualization should not
change unless the meanings do change (Guarino and
Giaretta, 1995). And so, (Guarino and Giaretta,
1995) defined a conceptualization as "an intensional
semantic structure that encodes the implicit roles
constraining the structure of a piece of reality". This
definition also shows that conceptualization is of an
intensional nature. As will be shown later,
extensional logic cannot describe intensional
contexts. And this is why an intensional notation is
required for the task of describing a
An extensional reduction notation for describing
a conceptualization is proposed (Guarino and
Giaretta, 1995), (Guarino, 1998), and (Guarino et al.,
2009). This model followed the possible world
approach (Anderson, 1984) for intensional logic.
The extensional reduction model is more adequate
than the extensional model as it deals with
conceptual relations as opposed to extensional
relations in the extensional model. There are,
however, several formal and intuitive concerns about
the possible world approach that reduces the
intensional entities to extensional ones (Bealer,
1993), (Bealer, 1998a). It is also noticed that
extensional reduction model is appropriate for
describing systems in which the set of existing
entities is not allowed to change while the relations
between them may change. However, the
Ali I. and Ghenniwa H..
Conceptualization - A Novel Intensional-based Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0004145202570264
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 257-264
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
extensional reduction model does not adequately
describe information systems or dynamic systems in
which new entities are allowed to enter and/or leave
the world. It also describes the domain in terms of
extensional entities rather than concepts. The
extensional reduction notation also treats the
concepts as relations, which is found to be
inappropriate and unintuitive. For these reason the
need for an intensional-based notation for describing
a conceptualization arises.
In this work, two different approaches for
describing a conceptualization are discussed and
analyzed. These approaches are fundamentally
different as they belong to different classes of logic.
The PRP theory (Bealer, 1979) for intensional logic
is then discussed. An intensional model for the
conceptualization, based on the PRP theory, is
proposed. This intensional model avoids the
limitations of the extensional and the extensional
reduction notations. The proposed notation is also
extended to support a more fine-grained description
of a conceptualization in which the properties of the
domain concepts are captured.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 briefly explains the assumptions,
applicability, and limitations of the extensional logic
and the intensional logic. Section 3 then discusses
the extensional model for a conceptualization. Then,
Section 4 describes the extensional reduction
notation that is based on the possible world
approach. The critical points in these two
approaches are discussed in section 5 which sheds
some light on the PRP theory (Bealer, 1997) and
proposes the intensional model for the
conceptualization. In the same section, both course-
grained and fine-grained intensional-based
descriptions for the conceptualization are proposed.
Finally, section 6 concludes the work.
This section explains briefly the extensional logic
and the intensional logic as applied to modelling a
conceptualization. We will start by a simple example
(Fitting, 2007): If someone tells you that the
Morning star is the Evening star, this changes your
knowledge. This is because, now you know that the
Morning star and the Evening star are equal.
However, even though the two signs ("Morning star"
and "Evening star") designate the same object, they
do not have the same meaning. In this sense,
meanings are the intensions, and things they
designate are the extensions. A context that cares
only about extensions is called an extensional
context. On the other hand, if the context cares about
the meanings, it is an intensional context (Fitting,
One of the major differences that help
distinguishing between the intensional and
extensional contexts is the applicability of
substitutivity (Bealer, 1982). In other words, a
context in which substitutivity does not apply can be
recognized as an intensional context. However, for
extensional contexts, the substitutivity of equivalents
always holds. The following argument (Bealer 1982)
explains the failure of the principle of substitutivity
in the intensional contexts.
x believes that everything runs.
Everything runs if and only if everything walks.
.'. x believes that everything walks
It is obvious that the above argument is intuitively
invalid. This is because the substitutivity is used in
an intensional context in which it does not apply.
Sentences like; “It is known that…”, “It is believed
that …”, “It is said that…”, “It is necessary that…”
are typical intensional contexts (Fitting, 2007). For a
computer scientist, expressing the belief of an agent
or the knowledge of an information system follows
the same role. That is why the belief of an agent and
the knowledge of an information system are
intensional matters.
Intensional systems are those in which
intensional features can be represented (Fitting,
2007). These are the systems that cannot be
described in extensional logic. In order to describe
such systems, several theories for intensional entities
were proposed. Some of these theories included
some reduction and some others adopted a non-
reductionist view. Those theories, which
incorporated reduction, reduce the intensional
entities to extensional entities (Bealer, 1998). An
example of such category of theories is the possible
world approach (Anderson, 1984) and (Lewis,
1986). When used for describing a
conceptualization, the reductionist approaches
assume that the world has fixed set of entities. As
such, these approaches are applicable if one is
interested in describing a static system with a fixed
set of entities in which the relations between objects
are allowed to change. These approaches, however,
are not adequate for describing information systems
or dynamic systems in which entities or agents can
enter and/or leave the system at any time.
The non-reductionist approaches, however, take
the intensional entities such as concepts, relations,
and properties, at face-values, i.e. as real irreducible
entities. An example of theories of this category is
the theory of Properties, Relations, and Propositions
(Bealer, 1997), (Bealer, 1982), and (Bealer, 1983).
Modelling the conceptualization using this class of
logic is more adequate for dynamic systems and
open environment. It allows for the description of
intensional contexts such as belief and knowledge. It
also accounts for changes in the world as long the
concepts and the meanings do not change.
The extensional model is based on the extensional
logic. And as such it describes the conceptualization
in terms of declarative sentences and ordinary
relations. According to this model, a
conceptualization is formally defined as a triple E
, F
, R
) consisting of a universe of discourse, a
functional basis set for that universe, a relational
basis set (Genesereth and Nilsson, 1987). The
universe of discourse D
is a set of all entities, or
what is called extensions, in the domain. A function
maps an entity e
to another entity e
on an interrelation between the two entities. The set
of functions that are emphasized in the
conceptualization is referred to as the functional
basis set F
. And finally, the relational basis set R
the set of all extensional relations that hold between
the elements of D
The following example (Genesereth and Nilsson,
1987) explains the extensional model of
Consider the blocks world that has only one concept
(block). And consider a specific instance of this
world in which there are five blocks arranged as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Five blocks on a table example (Genesereth and
Nilsson, 1987).
In this example, it is assumed that there is only one
function in this domain that is relevant to the
conceptualization. This function is called Hat, and it
maps each item to its hat (the item that lies directly
above it). It is also assumed that there are four
different relations that are relevant to this
conceptualization. These relations are On, Above,
Clear, and Table. The conceptualization for this
world, according to the extensional description, is
= (D
, F
, R
) where D
= {a, b, c, d, e}, F
}, and R
= {on
, above
, clear
, table
}. The
members of both (F
and R
) are ordered tuples on
the elements of D
. In that sense, on
= {(a, b), (b,
c), (d, e)}, above
= {(a, b), (a, c), (b, c), (d, e)},
= {a, d}, and table= {c, e}.
In the previous example, the extensions, in the
snapshot of the blocks world shown in Figure 1,
were described using the extensional notation. It
should be noticed, however, that the extensional
logic cannot describe intensional matters. And this is
because extensional logic substitutes equivalent
entities based on their extensions. And this does not
apply for intensional contexts.
The fact that “an agent, or an information system,
for simplicity, believes something about the world
cannot, adequately, be described using extensional
logic. This is because it is an intensional context.
And as such, describing such contexts using
extensional logic might result in unintuitive
arguments. (Guarino and Giaretta, 1995) also
pointed out that “the extensional notation of
conceptualization is only useful if one is interested
in an isolated snapshot of the world”. For instance, if
a different arrangement of blocks is considered, as
shown in Figure 2, the corresponding
conceptualization, according to the extensional
notation, will be different.
Figure 2: A different configuration for the five blocks
(Guarino and Giaretta, 1995).
It is argued (Guarino and Giaretta, 1995),
(Guarino, 1998) and (Guarino et al., 2009) that, the
conceptualization should focus on the meaning
instead of a particular state of the world. And so, the
conceptualization should not change when the
arrangement of the blocks, in the blocks world,
changes. In order to capture such intuition, the
possible world theory (Anderson, 1984) is adopted
as a basis for describing the conceptualization
(Guarino and Giaretta, 1995), (Guarino, 1998), and
(Guarino et al., 2009). This theory reduces the
intensional entities to extensional entities, i.e.
extensional functions or sets (Bealer, 1998).
Using the possible world reduction, (Guarino
and Giaretta, 1995) formally described the
conceptualization as a triple E
= (D
, W
, R
(Guarino et al., 2009). In this model, D
is a domain
of objects, W
is a set of possible worlds, and R
a set of conceptual relations. According to this
model, a conceptual relation of arity n on D
is a
function from the set of possible world W
to the set
of all possible n-ary relations on D
. It is also
worth mentioning that, in this model the concepts
are treated as relations, or functions, from W
(Guarino et al., 2009).
Referring to the blocks world example shown in
Figure 1, the conceptualization for the blocks world
based on the extensional reduction model is E
, W
, R
) where: D
= {a, b, c, d, e}, W
, w
, w
, …} the set of possible worlds, i.e.,
the set of all possible configurations of the members
of D
, and R
= {Block
, Clear
, Table
, On
} is the set of relations from W
} respectively.
In order to show that the extensional reduction
model has an advantage over the extensional model,
the configuration in Figure 2 will be described
according to the two models. The conceptualization
for the world shown in Figure 2, according to the
extensional model, is E
= (D
, F
, R
) where D
{a, b, c, d, e}, F
= {hat
}, and R
= {on
, above
, table
}. The members of the two sets, F and
R, are ordered tuples on the elements of D. In that
sense, on
= {(a, b), (c, d), (d, e)}, above
= {(a, b),
(c, d), (c, e), (d, e)}, clear
= {a, c}, and table
= {b,
e}. Here it is noticed that D
, however, R
and in turn E
. On the other hand, the
configuration in Figure 2, described using the
extensional reduction model, is E
= (D
, W
). And based on the possible world reduction, it
can be shown that D
. This is obvious since
the entities in the world have not changed, i.e. the
five blocks in both Figure 1 and Figure 2. Since W
is the set of all possible configurations of the
elements of D
, and since D
, it can also be
shown that W
= W
. And finally since R
is a set
of relations from W
. It is also obvious that,
and R
are equivalent. And in turns, E
= E
as one would expect.
It is clear that the extensional reduction, or the
possible world approach, is more expressive as
compared to the extensional model. As discussed in
the previous section, different arrangements of the
same entities will not result in different
conceptualization. This is because the meanings of
the relations between them do not change. However,
for several reasons, this model needs to be further
revisited, especially in the context of knowledge
formalization, information systems, information
integration, and open environments.
There are several formal and intuitive concerns
about the possible world reduction (Bealer, 1993),
(Bealer, 1998a). First and foremost is that, it is a
reduction that reduces the intensional entities to
extensional entities. Further discussions about the
possible world reduction can also be found in
(Adams, 1974) and (Jubien, 1988) (as cited in
Bealer, 1993). Bealer proposed a non-reductionist
formulation for intensional logic that is compatible
with actualism as opposed to possibilism. The theory
of Properties Relations and Propositions (Bealer,
1997) and (Bealer, 1982), and (Bealer, 1993) takes
properties, relations and propositions as real
irreducible intensional entities.
Before the formal description is proposed, some
important definitions will be discussed first. We will
start with the definition of a concept. “Cognitive
scientists generally agree that a concept is a mental
representation that picks out a set of entities, or a
category. That is, concepts refer, and what they refer
to are categories” (Medin and Rips, 2005). In other
words, the term concept denotes a general, abstract,
idea of a category. A particular, is a concrete entity
that exists in space and time as opposed to a concept.
This does not mean that every instance of a category
is exactly the same. But, only that from some
perspective they are treated equivalently based on
something they have in common. The relation
between a concept and particular will be referred to
as abstraction. So a concept is created by keeping
the characteristics that are common between several
particulars while abstracting away the
characteristics that are uncommon.
A conceptualization is also defined as an abstract
model that consists of the relevant concepts and the
conceptual relations that exist in a certain domain
(Xue, 2010). Again this definition emphasizes the
fact that the conceptualization is about concepts and
meanings. And so, the conceptualization should
remain the same even when the state of the world is
changed or a particular is introduced to the world.
This assumes that the new particular that is
introduced to the system is an extension of a concept
that is already captured in the conceptualization. It is
only the introduction of a new concept or conceptual
relation that should result in different
Figure 3: The blocks world with 6 entities instead of 5.
In order for this point to be clear, Figure 3 shows
another example of the blocks world in which
another block f is introduced to the world. Let us
assume that the conceptualization for the
configuration shown in Figure 3, based on the
extensional model, is E
. As discussed before, it is
quite evident that E
, E
, and E
are different. This
is partially taken care of in the extensional reduction
model that is based on the possible world approach.
The conceptualization for the configuration in
Figure 3, based on the extensional reduction model,
will be referred to as E
= (D
, W
, R
). As
mentioned earlier, E
and E
are equivalent.
However, D
= {a, b, c, d, e, f}, and that means
. Since W
is defined as all possible
configurations of elements of the domain D
, then
. Because R
is a set of relations
from W
to 2
, it is easy to show that
and in turn E
Since the extensional reduction model is based
on the possible world reduction, the so called
conceptual relations are, in fact, extensional
relations between the set of possible worlds and the
set of extensions in the domain. It is also clear that,
the introduction of a new extension to the world
changes the conceptualization. According to the
intensional model, introducing a new particular,
which corresponds to a concept that is already
captured in the system, should not change the
Based on the above discussion, an intensional
model that accounts for the instantiation, or
extensionalization, is required. Being an intensional
model, it should take the relations as intensional
entities rather than reducing them to extensional
functions. The intensional model should also capture
the concepts (based on the observation of the
particulars) instead of capturing the particulars
themselves. Especially in the context of information
systems, inserting a record in the database, for
instance, can be considered as sort of instantiation.
And this should not affect the conceptualization.
It is also worth mentioning that, the extensional
reduction model treats the concepts as relations and
mixes them with the set of relations. We find this
inappropriate and unintuitive for the purpose of this
work. This is because, the concepts are abstractions
of entities that exist in certain time and space while
the relations are abstractions of the interrelations
between these entities. Even though both concepts
and relations are intensional entities, they are
different in nature.
Another observation is that, the relations in the
possible world approach are separated from the
domain. And even though this is not wrong for
describing the conceptualization, we adopt the view
that the relations are intensional entities and should
be taken as primitive, irreducible, entities (Bealer,
1997) and (Bealer, 1982). And as such, it is more
adequate to treat the intensional relations as part of
the domain. In that sense, both the set of concepts
and the set of conceptual relations will be members
of the domain.
Finally, it is also important that the model can be
expanded in order to describe the world in more
details. An example of this would be a model that
describes the properties of the concepts as will be
shown later.
Motivated by the above observations, a new
intensional model for describing the
conceptualization is proposed. This model is based
on Bealer’s intensional logic (Bealer, 1997) (Bealer,
1983). The following section will shed some light on
Bealer’s intensional logic. Then the proposed model
will be explained. The proposed model will then be
extended to describe the properties assigned to the
5.1 Intensional Algebra
This section briefly explains the Intensional
Algebraic structure according to the theory of
Properties Relations and Propositions for intensional
logic (Bealer, 1979). For more details about the
theory of PRP, we refer the reader to (Bealer, 1979)
(Bealer, 1982), (Bealer, 1983). The theory of PRP is
a non-reductionist intensional formalization for
intensional logic. This formalization takes the
properties, the relations, and the propositions as real
irreducible entities instead of reducing them to
extensional entities. According to the theory of PRP,
an intensional algebra is a structure (D, J, K)
consisting of a domain D, a set of logical operations
J, and a set of possible extensionalization functions
K (Bealer, 1979) and (Bealer, 1998b). The domain D
divides into subdomains that include the intensional
entities of the domain. The set of logical operations
includes, but not limited to, conjunction, negation,
singular predication, existential generalization, and
so on. And the possible extensionalization functions
assign extensions to relevant items in the domain.
Extensionalization can be defined as the process of
keeping the abstraction distinct and maintaining the
relationship between the abstractions and observed
facts (Aparaso, 2010). In other words,
extensionalization is the connection between reality
and the conception of the observer.
5.2 Intensional Description of
As mentioned earlier, the conceptualization is
defined as abstract model that consists of the
relevant concepts and relations that exist in certain
domain (Xue, 2010). This definition will be revised
as “an abstraction that consists of the relevant
concepts and relations that exist in certain domain”.
We purposely take off the word model from the
definition because it might imply the use of formal
language, or the lead to the illusion of being
something physical. In order to intensionally
describe conceptualization, an intensional structure,
based on the theory of PRP, is used. This structure is
formally explained below and various advantages of
the new model are discussed.
Figure 4: The relation between the conceptualization and
the reality.
According to the intensional notation, a
conceptualization, is described as a tuple E
= (D, K)
in which D is a domain and K is a set of
extensionalization functions. The domain D, in
turns, consists of the set of concepts C and the set of
conceptual relations R, written as D= (C, R). The set
of concepts C captures abstracts to all relevant
entities in the world. And the set of relations R can
be further decomposed into binary relations R
ternary relations R
, and so on. The members of the
set of extensionalization functions K assign entities
of the reality to the corresponding concepts and
conceptual relations in the conceptualization. Figure
4 explains how an extensionalization function relates
elements of the reality to both concepts and
intensional relations in the conceptualization.
Figure 4 shows how the particulars are related to
the conceptualization through the extensionalization
function. Note that, the predicate Sit (Cat, Mat) does
not describe certain instances of the concepts Cat or
Mat. Rather it intensionally means that entities
corresponding to the concept Cat can be described
as Sitting on any entity that can be referred to as a
Mat. And as such the conceptualization
corresponding to the world in Figure 4 can be
described as E
= (D
, K
). In that case, D
= ({Cat,
Mat}, {Sit (Cat, Mat)}).
Figure 5: Two cats sitting on a mat.
The question now is, what changes to reality
should affect the conceptualization? Or in other
words, when should the conceptualization change?
In order to answer this question Figure 5 and Figure
6 are closely examined. In Figure 5, one can see two
cats sitting on a mat. Is the conceptualization that
describes the world in Figure 5 different from the
one that describes the world in Figure 4? In order to
answer this question we need to answer the
following questions first:
Did the world change? If yes then:
a. Were extensions of new concepts introduced to
the world? If yes, then:
i. Are these concepts relevant to our
b. Were extensions of new relations
introduced to the world? If yes, then:
i. Are these intensional relations relevant to
our conceptualization?
By looking at Figure 5; the answer to the first
question is YES. This is because another cat is now
sitting on the mat. However, since the concept that is
already captured in E
, this should not change the
conceptualization. This is because the introduction
of a new cat does not change the meaning of the
concept cat. Now let us examine the relations
between relevant concepts in Figure 5. There seem
to be a relation between the two cats, as one of them
is beside the other. Now, if this relation is relevant to
our conceptualization, this will be perceived as a
binary relation on the concept Cat, i.e.
SidebySide(Cat, Cat). However, if this relation is
irrelevant to our conceptualization, it will be
abstracted out and the conceptualization Ei4 will be
able to describe the Cat/Mat world in Figure 5. And
as such, our conceptualization captures the facts that,
there can be cats, and there can be mats, and cats can
sit on mats. No matter how many cats, how many
mats, and how many cats are sitting on mats, this
should not affect the conceptualization.
Figure 6: The relation between the conceptualization and
the reality.
By examining Figure 6 and trying to answer the
same questions above, one can observe that the
world has changed. This change adds both an
extension of a new concept, Dog, and extensions of
new conceptual relations, i.e. SidebySide (Dog, Cat)
and Sit (Dog, Mat). The next question would be, is
the concept Dog relevant to our conceptualization?
If the answer is No, then the concept Dog will be
abstracted out and the conceptualization won't be
affected. However, if the concept Dog is relevant to
our conceptualization then the conceptualization
should change in order to account for that new
concept. In a similar way, we will need to answer
the question about the conceptual relations and
whether or not they are relevant to our
5.3 Advantages of the Intensional
As discussed earlier, the extensional reduction
model is more appropriate for describing the
conceptualization as compared to the extensional
model. The extensional reduction model, however, is
suitable for describing static systems in which the
configuration of the system may change, without
introducing new entities. For the sake of describing
information systems, or dynamic system that exist in
open environment, the extensional reduction model
may not be a good candidate. For this reason and for
several reasons, mentioned above, the need for an
intensional-based model is quite evident.
The intensional model has further improved the
description of conceptualization so that it describes
the relations as real irreducible entities instead of
reducing them to extensional functions. It also deals
with concepts rather than extensional entities or
objects. Moreover, the intensional relation separates
the concepts from the relations as they are different
in nature. This is different from the extensional
reduction model which treats the concepts as
relations. Furthermore, since the intensional model
treats the intensional relations as primitive entities,
they are considered to be part of the domain. It is
also worth mentioning that the use of the singular
term in the intensional logic (Bealer, 1987) avoids
higher order syntax for intensional logic (Majkic,
2009). And finally, the proposed intensional
description of conceptualization is easy to expand so
that it describes more details about the world. In the
next section, it will be shown how the intensional
model will be expanded to describe the properties of
the domain concepts.
5.4 Fine Grained Description
Recall in section 5.2, the intensional model of
conceptualization describes the conceptualization as
a tuple (D
, K
). In this description, D is composed of
subdomains containing both the concepts C, and the
conceptual relations R. This model can further be
extended to describe not only the relations between
concepts, but also the properties of the concepts. A
particular instance of a property is referred to as an
abstract particular or a trope (Bacon, 2008).
Following the PRP theory (Bealer, 1997) and
(Bealer, 1998), the properties are taken as primitive
entities and considered as part of the domain. The
values assigned to the properties can be thought of
as concepts. However these concepts are not of
direct relevance to the conceptualization. And as
such, these concepts are going to be called extrinsic
concepts Ce. On the other hands, the concepts that
are of direct relevance to the domain will be referred
to as intrinsic concepts C
The expanded model of the conceptualization is
defined as a tuple E
= (D
, K
). In this model, the
domain consists of four members D
= (C
, C
, R, P).
These four members represent intrinsic concepts,
extrinsic concepts, relations, and properties. An
example of a property in Figure 4 would be the color
of the cat. Assuming that a Cat can have one of
several colors (Black, White, Grey, or Brown), these
colors are considered extrinsic concepts in our
conceptualization. The fact that cats can have the
grey color will be described by the property Color
(Cat, Grey). This should not be confused with
asserting certain fact about a certain entity in the
world. However, this should be understood as an
intensional property that can be read as “extensions
of the concept Cat can be attributed as having a
Grey Color”.
As shown in this section, the intensional
deception of conceptualization can be expanded.
This allows scalability and gives more control on the
description of a system. The ability to expand the
intensional description is used here to describe the
properties of the domain concepts. However, we
expect this property to offer flexibility in describing
even more details about the system.
In this work, extensional and extensional reduction
models for describing a conceptualization are
critically discussed and analysed. It was shown that,
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