Ontology Library
A New Approach for Storing, Searching and Discovering Ontologies
Daniel Kotowski and Deborah A. Stacey
School of Computer Science, University of Guelph, 50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph, Canada
Ontology, Ontology Reuse, Ontology Repository, Ontology Library, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge
The backbone of semantic web technologies is the ontology. This is a powerful structure, which allows for the
capture, reasoning and storing of expert knowledge across various domains. Ideally these structures should be
developed and implemented by experts in a set domain as well as designed with re-usability in mind. However,
often due to the lack of availability and difficulties of discovering ontologies, these structures are repeatedly
recreated. Current methods for storing, discovering and sharing ontologies employ similar techniques as to
those used for software source code or static web pages. These are exposed to the limitation inherent with
keyword-based searches, such as ambiguity with the keywords themselves and therefore, the most relevant
ontology may not be discovered. This paper will examine some of the existing techniques used for the storing
and sharing of ontologies. It will offer a contrasting method analogous to software libraries to develop a
standard to store, share, discover, and distribute common ontologies.
The applicability of ontologies stretches across sev-
eral domains. Ontologies not only describe but also
reason across data which is a powerful tool for de-
velopers and data mining. However, these structures
perform a complex task and are inherently complex to
produce, validate, discover, and distribute. Although
it may not be possible to decrease the difficulty of cre-
ation and validation of these knowledge artefacts, it is
possible to decrease the complexity of the discovery
and distribution of ontologies.
Although the semantic web initiative has helped
bolster the use of this technology, it has yet to provide
a solution for easy search and distribution of ontolo-
gies. This is crucial for ontologies to reach critical
mass. Considering the cost of entry and difficulty of
designing and validating an ontology most users may
not choose to use them. To reduce the cost of en-
try substantially, ontologies need a tool to make them
complete, validated, reputable and of high availabil-
In this paper we will examine, several existing on-
tology repository projects with emphasis on discov-
ery, reuse and distribution of ontologies for an average
user. We will also define for whom we are design-
ing this library (user-centred design). When examin-
ing the existing ontology repositories we will exam-
ine them against the defined general user and the key
factors they are looking for.
This paper will look at repositories which specif-
ically focus on the discovery and distribution of on-
tologies. What are the key gaps that exist. As well we
will purpose a method analogous to software libraries
and describe why this metaphor works so well with
In this section we will examine what ontologies are
and how they are developed. This will give us context
for these structures and their unique properties along
with insight as to how to actually distribute them.
2.1 Ontologies and Ontology
Ontologies are defined as “a formal, explicit speci-
fication of a shared conceptualization. Conceptual-
ization refers to an abstract model of phenomena in
the world by having identified the relevant concepts
Kotowski D. and A. Stacey D..
Ontology Library - A New Approach for Storing, Searching and Discovering Ontologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0004145702710277
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2012), pages 271-277
ISBN: 978-989-8565-30-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of those phenomena. Explicit means that the type of
concepts used, and the constraints on their use are ex-
plicitly defined. Formal refers to the fact that the on-
tology should be machine readable. Shared reflects
that ontology should capture consensual knowledge
accepted by the communities (Gruber, 1995) (Car-
doso and Sheth, 2005).
The usefulness of the ontology can be clearly seen
from its various characteristics. However one aspect
which has great importance is that the conceptualiza-
tion must be shared. Thus when designing the on-
tology concepts that are being described and the re-
lations established between them, the ontology con-
cepts must be agreed upon and understood by multi-
ple stake holders, or the ontology itself will have little
to no use (Guarino et al., 2009).
Much of the ontology life cycle is like that of the
software engineering life cycle. It follows the path of
assessment, implementation, review, refinement (Sure
et al., 2009). During the review and refinement stages,
the ontologies are often accessed both for the knowl-
edge they are representing and the relations they ex-
press, much like metrics applied to software during
the verification and validation stages. The parallels
between ontologies and software is extremely appar-
ent in this engineering model.
2.2 Designed for Reuse
As described in one of the seminal papers on ontoo-
gies (Gruber, 1995), often when designing ontologies
they are designed with reuse in mind. Much of the
engineering life cycle presented in (Sure et al., 2009),
focusses on the ability to use the ontologies for mul-
tiple purposes and the notion of generalization when
applying an ontology to various domains. Consider-
ing the time and complexity put into developing these
structures, it is wise to reuse them as much as pos-
sible. “Furthermore, in cases where an ontology is
reused, (e.g. as the basis for building a new ontol-
ogy rather than starting from scratch) descriptions of
how the ontologies are applied are terse or absent”
(Uschold et al., 1998). This represents an obvious gap
in the technology.
There has also been work done developing frame-
works for reuse such as that seen in (Gillespie et al.,
2011). Here the authors developed a framework to
design ontologies that can be reused across different
types of ontology driven compositional systems.
2.3 Who is the User?
It is important to understand that an ontology user
may not be an ontology expert. It is not necessary
for a user of software to be an expert programer, and
the same holds true for an ontology. Ontologies are a
complex structure to design and implement; once es-
tablished any user should be able to query them for
information. It should not take an expert to under-
stand the intricate nature of an ontology to use one.
Many software developers understand how to call a
system function but may not necessarily understand
how the call functions; the same is true for ontolo-
gies, as a user should be able to query an ontology
without knowing every class which exists in one.
Some users are interested in extending existing
ontologies to meet their needs, and will require more
in-depth understanding of how the ontology is con-
structed. This could be provided through extensive
documentation for an ontology. A user may also want
to know the intellectual rights of an/group of ontolo-
gies to assess weither or not they can freely share
them within their project. This information is as im-
portant as the ontologies themselves.
As described in the sections previous, it is difficult to
design, engineer, and validate an ontology. Ideally a
user should be able to search for and reuse existing
ontologies. However currently it is not clear how to
locate ontologies and even if an appropriate ontology
was found, how should the user reuse it (Maedche
et al., 2003). A breakthrough in ontology technol-
ogy would require methodological aids and tools that
enable effective and efficient development. A key as-
pect in achieving this is successful re-use of ontolo-
gies” (Ding and Fensel, 2001). This can be achieved
through either a library or a repository.
An Ontology library system is a library system
that offers various functions for managing, adapting
and standardizing groups of ontologies. It should ful-
fill the needs for re-use of ontologies. In this sense,
an ontology library system should be easily acces-
sible and offer efficient support for re-using exist-
ing relevant ontologies and standardizing them based
on upper-level ontologies and ontology representation
languages” (Ding and Fensel, 2001). Though this def-
inition encapsulates a majority of what is required in
ontology library systems there is other information
needed to satisfy all requirements as described above.
Additional aspects which should also be consid-
ered when developing such a system, are the notions
of trust, quality, and information on who published
the ontology. When using ontologies for important
life critical tasks such health and medicine it is im-
portant to understand that the creator of the ontology
was qualified to capture said knowledge. For instance,
you would not want a history professional designing
an ontology on the intricate interactions between can-
cer cells; it would be much more preferable that the
ontology was published by an organization or indi-
vidual who is actively researching cancer.
Versioning information should include informa-
tion such as what the nature of the change was from
the previous version to understand if the change was
an addition, a subtraction, or worse yet a modifica-
tion of existing relations. This is incredibly important
when considering whether or not to update the current
ontology being used to a newer version. If the ontol-
ogy is critical to the system’s functionality it may be
wise to hesitate before adopting the newest version of
the ontology.
The last and most important aspect to consider
when designing any type of ontology distribution sys-
tem is the user. As described above, the user should
be made central in any of these system implementa-
tion, as the key goal for any library is for mass adop-
tion and by targeting the user we will be able to have
wider adoption of these types of systems.
3.1 Current Methods of Distribution
In this section we will examine existing ontology
repositories. We will take note of the features they
offer and critique them against the needs described in
the section above.
3.1.1 BioPortal
BioPortal is a project that aims to store and distribute
biomedical ontologies (Noy et al., 2009). These on-
tologies are produced by the biomedical community
and uploaded to this application through a web portal.
One of the key goals of BioPortal is to create an open
access repository where users can upload new ontolo-
gies, edit and annotate current ontologies as well as
provide mappings between existing ontologies within
the repository. Additionally, users can push changes
and notes to current users of the ontology.
BioPortal implements a search feature where,
“Users can search for terms within an ontology or
across all BioPortal ontologies. Searches can be re-
stricted to class names, properties or other attributes.
Searches can also be based on exact matches or
soundex. In addition, users can search ontology meta-
data to find particular types of ontologies. BioPortal
contains a master index of all ontology content and
metadata to streamline these searches” (Rubin et al.,
Since BioPortal heavily relies on the community
for maintenance, support, mapping, and upkeep of the
ontologoies, the only notion of quality is via a crowd
sourced rating system. Users who have used an on-
tology found on BioPortal can upload the project it
was used on and write comments/review (Noy et al.,
2009). This puts an incredible onus on the projects
which use an ontology to take time out of their devel-
opment cycle and leave comments about the ontology.
As with many of the ontologies found on BioPortal,
currently most do not have any ratings or reviews as-
sociated with them.
3.1.2 SOR
SOR (Scalable Ontology Repository) is a system de-
signed to store, search, and reason against many on-
tologies (Lu et al., 2007). It uses a relational database
to store the ontologies and queries are applied to them
using the SPARQL language. This project was used to
develop a system prototype to manage semantic mas-
ter data (Lu et al., 2007).
Though a majority of this project was focused on
how to reason against multiple ontologies, they did
however implement a faceted search to find and view
existing ontologies. The information these inquires
would return are things such as a URI, textual descrip-
tion, list of classes, list of subject relations, and a list
of object relations (Lu et al., 2007).
This method is an interesting example of an on-
tology repository because it uses database schemata
to describe the metadata of an ontology. Furthermore
it allows for the potential of using this data for deep
reasoning on the ontologies stored within the system.
3.1.3 Lightweight Ontology Repository
The Lightweight Ontology Repository enables the
sharing of ontologies between multi-agent systems
(Pan et al., 2003), it was design so that ontology
designers and agents can use this system with com-
mon web standards to publish and retrieve ontologies,
along with associated metadata. The agents could ac-
cess ontologies via a REST-style web service. With
this project we see more emphasis put onto extra data
associated with the ontology. Much like SOR, this
repository keeps track of additional data via each on-
tology’s metadata.
The metadata stored within this system is the same
as the source Description Frame Work Schema. This
ontology keeps track of information such as the on-
tology name, language, version and brief description,
as well as information about the creator and how to
contact them (Pan et al., 2003). This additional data
gives a more complete understanding of the ontology
being stored within the system, however it does not
give a complete view. It is an abstracted view and fur-
ther processing needs to be done to understand what
the ontology is actually describing. The agents would
need to have a pre-existing knowledge of which ontol-
ogy they needed and could validate against the meta-
data to confirm that they received the correct ontol-
Though this system was designed with a specific
domain in mind, it did emphasize the need to store and
keep track of each ontology’s metadata. However this
system lacked search functionality due to the fact that
the only way to receive ontologies was through re-
quest of exact ontology names. There is no notion of
trust or quality within this system; the users or agent
must assume that all ontologies stored within the sys-
tem are valid and the information they are describing
is accurate.
3.2 Proposed Method
As seen in previous sections many of these meth-
ods treat ontologies as files which are to be searched
through. This is much like searching through source
code for functionality. Unlike traditional markup lan-
guages like XML which only have flat data descrip-
tions, ontologies have live and vibrant relations that
may change once reasoned upon. In software engi-
neering one of the key principles is that all elements
of a package are modular and serve a specific task and
thus these modules could be easily re-appropriated
for different tasks. Since ontologies serve a function
much like software this would lead to the conclusion
that they too should be a self-contained entities, which
are closed and consistent but still have facilities for
extension (Maedche et al., 2003). This leads to the
analogy of the software library.
This method would see ontologies grouped within
packages, describing knowledge within a similar do-
main. Additionally these packages could be stan-
dardized and documentation could be developed to
aid with distribution and understanding to the user
we described in 2.3. Furthermore these packages or
“Libraries” of ontologies could be standardized and
controlled by experts of a specific domain to ensure
quality, and consistency throughout all of the ontolo-
gies being distributed. This places a fundamental shift
in responsibility of creation, production, and quality
control to the creator of the ontology and removes
substantial burden from the end user.
In this system, ontologies within any package
would have to conform to a standard meta-ontology
(described in detail in 3.2.1). This ontology would al-
low for detailed information about the syntactic and
semantic entities stored within the ontology along
with pertinent information about versioning, creation,
controlling body, change information, intellectual
property rights, as well as potentially add facilities to
help stream line merging and mapping of external on-
Finally, many software libraries have a review
committee which gives rational to the inclusion or ex-
clusion of functionality. This already has parallels in
the ontology world; some of the most well known and
most used ontologies are often controlled by a specific
body and changes are released through them with ra-
tionales. For example, the Dublin Core and Friend of
a Friend (FOAF).
3.2.1 The Meta-ontology
Much like the proposed use of a meta-ontology in
(Pan et al., 2003), (Maedche et al., 2003) offers an
alternative meta-ontology. (Maedche et al., 2003)’s
ontology meta-ontology (OMO), describes key terms
of the ontology, which project it has been used in,
who the creator was and what are their credentials,
the location of the ontology, etc.. This ontology is
displayed in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Ontology Meta-Ontology(OMO) (Maedche et al.,
Though this ontology is relatively detailed it still
lacks some key features necessary for use within our
proposed library system. A notion of domain needs
to be applied to this ontology, as to assert ontologies
within the specific instance of the library belong to
that domain. A notion of change and version is nec-
essary as well (this is described in detail in section
3.2.2). For additional robustness and extendability it
is necessary to add facilities to handle merging and
There are also social factors we can add to the
meta-ontology to give a more complete description
of the ontologies being stored. One such element is
intellectual property and use rights of an ontology.
This would be incredibly important in a business set-
ting where you would not want clients to redistribute
ontologies that contained important company data.
Links to documentation could also could aid the user
in further understanding of the rationale and relation-
ship meaning of the ontology. The last aspect that
could be added is the language in which the elements
of the ontology are described, be it English, Spanish,
Polish, Chinese, etc., and offer different translations
of the ontology if they exist.
3.2.2 Version Information
Version information is very important when dealing
with ontologies over time. Dependencies change, re-
lations change, and ultimately the structure of the on-
tology will change. In the method being proposed
change will be categorized as follows:
1. Additions - when entities or relations are added to
the ontology
2. Subtractions - when entities or relations are re-
moved from the ontology
3. Modifications - when entities or relations are
changed within the ontology
Figure 2: A visual representation of the types of changes
which can be applied to an ontology.
Additions have the least impact on the overall
structure of the ontology, since new information is be-
ing added to give a more complete description within
the ontology and should have little to no effect on
the existing relations. Subtraction can have a larger
impact on the ontology as it is removing informa-
tion from the ontology; this could affect the end user
as they may have relied on this information in their
application. Modifications have the most impact on
the ontology and the largest ramifications to the user.
Since the structure and relations change the reason-
ing and conclusions the ontology originally provided
will change. This will affect an end user’s application
“It has been argued that ontology versioning,
and, in particular, compatibility determination, can-
not be performed automatically” (Heflin and Pan,
2004)(Flouris et al., 2007), and thus the necessity of
integrating detailed notion of versioning within this
library system to aid users on deciding whether or not
to use the most current version of an ontology.
3.2.3 The Review Process
Many of the systems reviewed in this paper strictly
use user-based rating systems to review or rate the ef-
fectiveness of an ontology. (Noy et al., 2009) heavily
relays on the assumption that a satisfied user will post
reviews on used ontologies, along with the informa-
tion where the ontology was applied.
With a library model, a review will occur before
a new version is released. This ensures that only on-
tologies of the upmost quality are released. Preferably
the creators/maintainers of the library will review its
contents, ensuring that it conforms to the library stan-
dards, as well as any modifications will not change
focus or integrity of the ontologies being distributed.
This kind of release model can be seen through
the C/C++ and Java standard libraries as well as the
Linux kernel project.
3.2.4 Library over Repository
The method should be independent of domain as on-
tologies are ontologies, much like source code will be
source code. One could make domain specific appli-
cations but essentially each application will be no dif-
ferent than the applications that proceeded it. Much
like software libraries, functionality may be vastly
different but distribution within packages is standard-
ized. This makes deployment simple, which in turn
makes descriptions managable, and ultimately sim-
plifies the distribution process. The standardization
makes the ontology make sense in any field.
Therefore, the idea of doing text search through
complex structures is of limited value. Ontologies
are complex functional objects, with properties and
relations that need to be understood to comprehend
what the ontology describes. Keyword searches of-
ten results in objects with the most of the entities the
same but it may not have any relationship to what
the ontology itself describes. While the repository
relies heavily on keyword based search, the library
being proposed uses a meta-ontology to link all on-
tologies within the library. This allows for reasoning
based searches, which provide more accurate results
than simple keyword based searches (Maedche et al.,
The benefits of ontology libraries are standardiza-
tion across all domains and a facility for deep mean-
ing searches.
The ontology library proposed within this pape, is not
just a technical implementation but more of new ap-
proach to this problem. Often when teams set out to
create an ontology library/repository they have a set
of features they wish to implement although they may
not be considering the needs of the user. After imple-
mentation there is little literature examining its suc-
cess. When designing a system with a library in mind
there are several existing metrics we can apply to the
library to see if it meets the criteria necessary to pro-
mote usability. With the aid of software metrics we
can validate that the library system itself is flexible,
reusable, extendable, and has met almost any needs
of a possible user (Frakes and Terry, 1996).
Fundamentally the system being proposed is shift-
ing the onus of evaluating, validating, and understand-
ing the ontology to the system and creator. This is log-
ical as the creators should have the best understand-
ing of what the ontology is supposed to be represent-
ing. With this shift, comes standardization through
the meta-ontology, giving much more context to what
is contained in an ontology opposed to just its title and
entity relations.
The meta-ontology proposed takes into consider-
ation social aspects which are not necessarily consid-
ered, that of intellectual property and documentation.
Systems like those seen in (Noy et al., 2009) and (Lu
et al., 2007), offer statistics on the number of classes
and relations and do not go into deeper description of
their meanings.
Finally the review panel: the organization who
produces an ontology library needs to take responsi-
bility and control of all changes, and future iterations
of the library for this method to work.
Though there exists many systems which try to of-
fer a flavour of ontology repository, they often lack
the depth and breadth need to have a true non-domain
specific method to share, distribute, and discover on-
The authors would like to thank the Guelph Ontology
Team for help and support while developing these re-
search ideas.
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