We can roughly perceive the original image from
the halftone image created by the proposed algorithm
[Fig. 2(d)]. Thus, the proposed algorithm would be
better than a simple binarization algorithm. When
comparing the halftone image with that of the er-
ror diffusion algorithm [Fig. 2(e)], we recognize that
quality of the image created by the proposed algo-
rithm is insufficient. We can state that the proposed
algorithm roughly achieved its convergence as shown
in Fig. 3, and the algorithm needs quite longer compu-
tation time than the previous ones. The convergence
of the algorithm implies that the proposed algorithm
also has the function of image pooling.
Future research work for the proposed algorithm
is as follows. In order to evaluate quantitative per-
formance of the proposed algorithm, we need any
evaluation method for image quality. Kawasaki et
al. proposed a quantitative evaluation method for
halftone image, by modeling the human brightness
perception (Kawasaki et al., 2002). Their method is
one of candidates for quantitative evaluation of im-
age halftoning algorithms. Previous halftoning al-
gorithms were also applied to multi-level and color
halftoning. Extension of the proposed algorithm is
also an interesting topic as an image processing. A
cellular neural network (CNN) approach can imple-
ment a reaction-diffusion system with a circuit sys-
tem (Crounse et al., 1993). We can expect that the
proposed algorithm implemented with CNN performs
in real time. Stable image pooling is also one of ap-
plication areas of the proposed algorithm.
This paper presented a novel halftoning algorithm
with Turing patterns emerging in a reaction-diffusion
system. Characteristics of the Turing patterns depend
on a parameter value of the system. Thus, in order to
convert a gray level image to a binary image, the algo-
max ,max
Figure 3: Temporal changes of max
|∂u/∂t| (the solid
line) and max
|∂v/∂t| (the broken line) computed for the
two distributions of u and v in the process of image halfton-
ing performed for LENA (Wakin, 2003) (see also Fig. 2).
rithm modulated the parameter of the system accord-
ing to image brightness distribution. Although the hu-
man visual system can perceive the resulting halftone
image as its original image, the quality of the halftone
image was poor, in comparison with other previous
representative algorithms. As future research work,
in addition to improvement of image quality and re-
duction of computation time, it is also interesting to
consider how image is represented with a bio-inspired
reaction-diffusion system.
The present study was partly supported by a Grant-in-
Aid for Scientific Research (C), Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science (JSPS) (No. 23500278).
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