distances between the atoms composing each active
(respectively inactive) molecule of the learning set.
Finally, ILP was applied on genomic annotations of
proteins coming from public databases (e.g., Pfam,
InterPro, PROSITE) in order to predict protein-
protein interactions for one specific species (Tran et
al., 2005).
To the best of our knowledge, our study is one of
the firsts which characterize 3D protein-binding sites
using ILP. This forms a natural follow-up of
previous applications of ILP focusing on the
prediction of protein 3D structure, as nowadays
protein 3D structures become increasingly available.
As for post-ILP analysis, our approach is
innovative and represents a step forward in the
interpretation of ILP results in the frame of a
knowledge discovery process. Indeed, it offers the
expert an effective assistance when exploring the
learning results including confrontation with domain
knowledge. By facilitating theory interpretation, our
approach puts the tricky problem of heuristic
parameters selection into perspective. It allows to
take benefit from more than one theory. Otherwise,
upstream investigation into the effect of numerous
parameters on discriminative selection criteria is
required as reported in (Turcotte et al., 2001).
We are convinced that our approach can be
adapted to other learning problems. Using FCA
makes it possible to discover higher-level
knowledge units by extracting from the formal
concepts first-order logic association rules between
the ILP rule bodies (Pasquier et al., 1999). Another
perspective of this study concerns the scaling up of
ILP programs. Theories can be produced on distinct
descriptors subsets corresponding to distinct views
on the examples. FCA-based joint interpretation of
the resulting theories can then enable the discovery
of rules involving descriptors from the distinct
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