Focused Image Color Quantization using Magnitude Sensitive
Competitive Learning Algorithm
Enrique Pelayo, David Buldain and Carlos Orrite
Aragon Institute for Engineering Research, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Color, Quantization, Competitive Learning, Neural Networks, Saliency.
This paper introduces the Magnitude Sensitive Competitive Learning (MSCL) algorithm for Color Quanti-
zation. MSCL is a neural competitive learning algorithm, including a magnitude function as a factor of the
measure used for the neuron competition. This algorithm has the property of distributing color vector proto-
types in certain data-distribution zones according to an arbitrary magnitude locally calculated for every unit.
Therefore, it opens the possibility not only to distribute the codewords (colors of the palette) according to their
frequency, but also to do it in function of any other data-dependent magnitude focused on a given task. This
work shows some examples of focused Color Quantization where the objective is to represent with high detail
certain regions of interest in the image (salient area, center of the image, etc.). The oriented behavior of MSCL
permits to surpass other standard Color Quantization algorithms in these tasks.
With the great development of the informatics in our
society, large amount of scanned documents and im-
ages are being transmitted and stored. Therefore,
some kind of image compression, to reduce the num-
ber of color patterns in the image, becomes neces-
sary to reduce storage and transmission resources.
This process is generally achieved by means of Vec-
tor Quantization (VQ) techniques. The idea behind
VQ is the selection of a reduced number of prototypes
that accurately represent the whole data set. When
each data sample is a vector representing the color
of a pixel, it is called Color Quantization (CQ). This
type of algorithms are being widely used in certain ap-
plications related to segmentation, compression, and
transmission of images.
A subset of VQ algorithms comprises Compet-
itive Learning (CL) methods, where a neural net-
work model is used to find an approach of VQ cal-
culation in an unsupervised way. The main advan-
tage over other VQ algorithms is that CL is sim-
ple and easily parallelizable. Well known CL ap-
proaches are K-means (Lloyd, 1982), including some
of its variants as Weighted K-Means and improve-
ments (Celebi, 2011), Frequency Sensitive Compet-
itive Learning (FSCL) (Ahalt et al., 1990), Rival Pe-
nalized Controlled Competitive Learning (Xu et al.,
1993), the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) (Kohonen,
2001), the Neural Gas (NG) (Martinetz et al., 1993),
Elastic Net (EN) (Durbin and Willshaw, 1987) and
Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) (Bishop
et al., 1998). Some of these methods, or variants,
have already been used in CQ and Color Segmen-
tation tasks. Uchiyama and Arbib (Uchiyama and
Arbib, 1994) developed Adaptive Distributing Units
(ADU), a CL algorithm used in Color Segmentation
that is based on a simple cluster splitting rule. More
recently, Celebi (Celebi, 2009) demonstrated that it
outperforms other common algorithms in a CQ task.
Fuzzy C-Means (FCM), is a well-known clustering
method in which the allocation of data points to clus-
ters is not hard, and each sample can belong to more
than one cluster (Bezdek, 1981).
Celebi presented a relevant work using NG,
(Celebi and Schaefer, 2010). SOM has also been
used in color related applications: in binarization (Pa-
pamarkos, 2003), segmentation (Lazaro et al., 2006)
and CQ ((Dekker, 1994), (Nikolaou and Papamarkos,
2009), (Cheng et al., 2006) and (Chang et al., 2005)
where author presents FS-SOM a frequency sensi-
tive learning scheme including neighborhood adap-
tation that achieves similar results to SOM, but less
sensitive to the training parameters. One variant of
special interest is the neural network Self-Growing
and Self-Organized Neural Gas (SGONG) (Atsalakis
and Papamarkos, 2006), a hybrid algorithm using the
GNG mechanism for growing the neural lattice and
Pelayo E., Buldain D. and Orrite C..
Focused Image Color Quantization using Magnitude Sensitive Competitive Learning Algorithm.
DOI: 10.5220/0004150805160521
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCTA-2012), pages 516-521
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the SOM leaning adaptation mechanism. Authors
proved that it is one of the most efficient Color Reduc-
tion algorithms, closely followed by SOM and FCM.
Methods based in traditional competitive learning
are focused on data density representation to be opti-
mal from the point of view of reducing the Shannon’s
information entropy for the usage of codewords in a
transmission task. However, a codebook representa-
tion with direct proportion between its codeword den-
sity and the data density are not always desirable. For
example, in the human vision system, the attention
is attracted to visually salient stimuli, and therefore
only scene locations sufficiently different from their
surroundings are processed in detail. A simple frame-
work to think about how salience may be computed
in biological brains has been developed over the past
three decades (Treisman and Gelade, 1980), (Koch
and Ullman, 1985), (Itti and Koch, 2001).
In this article we propose the use of the Magni-
tude Sensitive Competitive Learning (MSCL) algo-
rithm (Pelayo et al., 2012) for Color Quantization.
This algorithm has the property of distributing unit
prototypes (unit weights, or codewords, or palette col-
ors) in certain data-distribution zones according to
any arbitrary user-defined magnitude to focus the CQ
task on image zones of main interest, and not only to
distribute the codewords according to the data den-
sity, as it will be shown in the applications section 3.
Section 4 shows the conclusions of this work.
MSCL is an online algorithm, easily parallelizable,
that follows the general Competitive Learning steps:
Step 1. Selecting the Winner Prototype. Given an
input data vector, the competitive units compete each
other to select the winner neuron comparing their pro-
totypes with the input. This unit, also called Best
Matching Unit (BMU) is selected in MSCL as the
one that minimizes the product of a user-defined Mag-
nitude Function and the distance of the unit proto-
types to the input data vector. This differs from other
usual competitive algorithms where BMU is deter-
mined only by distance. MSCL is implemented by
a two-step competition: global and local, as it is ex-
plained in subsections 2.3 and 2.4.
Step 2. Updating the Winner. winner’s weights are
adjusted iteratively for each training sample, with a
learning factor forced to decay with time.
Prototype of unit i (i = 1...M) is described by
a vector of weights w
(t) = (w
,. .. ,w
) in a d-
dimensional space, and the magnitude value MF(i,t).
This function is a measure of any feature or property
of the data inside the Voronoi region of unit i, or a
function of the unit parameters, for example the fre-
quency of activation as in FSCL. The idea behind the
use of this magnitude term is that, in the case of a
sample placed at equal distance from two competing
units, the winner will be the unit with lower magni-
tude value. So, the result of the training process is that
units will be forced to move from data regions with
low MF(i,t) to regions where this magnitude function
is higher. It differs from other Competitive Learning
algorithms using some kind of competitive factors in
that the magnitude value in MSCL is used in the com-
petition phase, while some of these algorithms, like
Weigthed K-Means, use certain weight values associ-
ated to every input pattern during the winner-update
phase. So, they need to update units codewords in
batch mode, not allowing online training.
The next subsections describe the algorithm,
which flowchart is shown in figure 1.
2.1 Initialization
M unit weights are initialized with data inputs ran-
domly selected from the dataset (with N samples).
Then the Magnitude Function MF(i,t) is calculated
from this initial codeword.
2.2 Random Selection of Data Samples
A sample data x(t) = (x
,. .. ,x
is randomly
selected at time t from the dataset. This process will
be repeated until every data has been presented to the
MSCL neural network. It is worth mentioning that it
is recommended to retrain the neural network several
cycles with the whole dataset to make results indepen-
dent from data-presentation ordering.
2.3 Global Unit Competition
In the first step, K units (K = min(d+1,N)) with min-
imum distance from their weights to the input data
vector are selected. These units form the set:
S = {w
} kx(t) w
(t)k < kx(t) w
(t)k i / S
2.4 Local Unit Competition
Next, the winner unit j belonging to S which mini-
mizes the product of its Magnitude Function and the
distance of its weights to input data vector is selected:
j = argmin
(MF(k,t)kx(t) w
(t)k) k S (2)
2.5 Winner Updating
Only winner’s weights are iteratively adjusted for
each training sample as follows:
(t + 1) = w
(t) + α(t)(x(t) w
(t)) (3)
where α(t) = α
is the learning factor
forced to decay with iteration time (t = {1,...,T}),
being α
and α
Afterwards, the new magnitude function MF( j,t)
is calculated from this codeword. It is important to
avoid null values for the magnitude function other-
wise the competition will be distorted. Although an
on-line training is preferred, because it is more likely
to avoid local minima in contrast to batch methods,
when the cost of the magnitude calculation is high the
processing time can be reduced by updating the mag-
nitude only once per epoch.
2.6 Stopping Condition
Training is stopped when a termination condition is
reached. It may be the situation when all data sam-
ples have been presented to the MSCL neural network
along certain number of cycles (if a limited number of
samples is used), or the condition of low mean change
in unit weights, or any other function that could mea-
sure the training stabilization.
In the following examples, data samples are 3D vec-
tors corresponding to the RGB components of the im-
age pixels. We have used the RGB space in order to
have comparable results to other works. The general
purpose is to get a reduced color palette to represent
the colors in the image paying attention to different
objectives. The next five examples show that, ade-
quately selecting the magnitude function, it is possi-
ble to get an optimal palette according to the desired
3.1 Homogeneous Color Quantization
First example shows the case we call Homogeneous
Color Quantization. The mean quantization error
) for all samples within the Voronoi region of
unit i is used as magnitude function. The Q
sample x is the distance between x and its correspond-
ing best matching unit. This Magnitude forces the
palette colors to be uniformly distributed over the data
distribution in the RGB space independently of its
Figure 1: MSCL flowchart.
data density. We use the known Tiger, Lena and Ba-
boon images for performance comparison in CQ tasks
(marked in tables as T*, L* and B*, where * is the
number of colors). Homogeneous MSCL (M-h) and
Centered MSCL (M-c, explained in subsection 3.2)
are compared against the most successful neural mod-
els used in different papers: SOM, FSCL, FCM, FS-
SOM, ADU and SGONG. The number of units is the
desired color-palette size. Training process applied
learning rates between (0.7-0.01) along three cycles,
except in ADU which algorithm parameters selection
follows (Uchiyama and Arbib, 1994). The threshold
for adding/removing a neuron used in SGONG was
Figure 2 shows the color reduction effects for tiger
image with ADU, Homogeneous MSCL and Cen-
tered MSCL (Only Tiger image is represented due to
space limitation). Table 1 shows the average Mean
Squared Error (MSE) for ten trials with different num-
ber of palette colors (8, 16 and 32). Peak Signal-
to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) measure can be easily calcu-
lated from MSE value. In general, ADU outperforms
all other models, closely followed by SOM and FS-
SOM. However, it is clear that ADU (top-right image
in figure 2) paints the tiger skin with greenish color
as an effect of the over-representation of green colors.
Both MSCL results (bottom images in figure 2) tend
Table 1: MSE calculated in the whole image (ex. 1 and 2).
Image Som FSCL M-h FCM FSSom ADU M-c Sgong
T8 987 1016 1037 1005 985 990 1095 987
T16 566 596 577 606 564 562 667 570
T32 334 343 341 357 328.1 327.8 409 574
L8 401 416 424 451 400.2 406 406 400.9
L16 216 234 215 234 216 214 217 218
L32 121 126 122 141 120 119 125 222
B8 1120 1126 1138 1151 1117 1126 1227 1121
B16 633 641 633 693 632.4 632.8 751 635
B32 380 389 380 440 375.2 375.9 479 442
to maintain orange colors in the tiger skin, as they are
not focused on data density representation.
Figure 2: Original Tiger image (top-left) and its reconstruc-
tion using 8 colors applying: ADU (top-right), Homoge-
neous MSCL (bottom-left) and Centered MSCL (bottom-
3.2 CQ Focused in the Image Center
Previous example provides a CQ task giving equal
importance to every pixel of the image, and not dis-
tinguishing between pixels of the foreground or the
background. However the more interesting image re-
gions usually are located in the foregroundcenter. Us-
ing MSCL with the adequate magnitude function is
possible to get a palette with colors mainly adapted to
pixels located in the foreground. In this example we
use the following magnitude function:
MF(i,t) =
(1 d(x
Where x
(t) are the data samples belonging to the
Voronoi region V
(t) of unit i at time t, and d(x
is the normalized distance, in the plane of the im-
age, calculated from the corresponding pixel position
to the center of the image. We compare the perfor-
mance of Centered MSCL (focused on image center),
Table 2: MSE calculated in the image center (ex. 1 and 2).
Image Som FSCL M-h FCM FSSom ADU M-c Sgong
T8 1223 1311 1207 1263 1214 1244 1151 1226
T16 626 710 596 735 631 608 485 655
T32 361 381 356 408 353 355 283 407
L8 445 472 436 552 440 447 423 447
L16 265 294 273 301 262 266 254 267
L32 161 167 160 187 159 159 149 163
B8 1346 1354 1210 1421 1343 1338 1062 1321
B16 708 740 683 833 705 689 602 714
B32 381 412 387 515 372 374 354 539
with the same methods used in previous example. The
number of colors and training parameters were also
the same.
M-c column of Table 1 shows the resulting aver-
age MSE using Centered MSCL for the whole im-
ages. Prototypes tend to focus on colors in the central
part of the image so, the MSE for the whole image is
worse than those obtained using other methods since
the background is under-represented. However, when
repeating the measures in the central area of the image
(150x170 pixels), this algorithm outperforms the oth-
ers because its color palette models mainly the central
region of the image. Table 2 shows the resulting MSE
values in central image area for all methods.
Figure 3: Fish example using MSCL (left) and FSCL (right)
with 8-color palette.
3.3 CQ Avoiding Mean Color
Some images present dominant background colors
with a few very different colors appearing in little de-
tails. The magnitude function defined in this exam-
ple forces units to avoid the greyish mean color of
the whole image (
x), so other color regions are repre-
sented in more detail:
MF(i,t) = kw
x(t)k (5)
Figure 3 represents the image with the reduced
color palette for MSCL (left) and FSCL (right), and
their corresponding color palettes. MSCL obtained
a more vivid color representation that includes three
greyish greens, two orange colors, two clear colors
and one stronger black, while FSCL tends to concen-
trate the units in the most common colors, showing
ve greyish greens.
Figure 4: Saliency example. Top row, from left to right:
Original image, saliency map (clearer values for high
saliency), the mask binary image used for MSE measure-
ment and (bottom row, from left to right) the reconstructed
image with an 8-colors palette from: SOM, FS-SOM and
MSCL focused on the saliency.
3.4 CQ Focused in Salient Colors
The aim of salient feature detection is to find distinc-
tive local events in images. Some works exploit the
possibilities of color distinctiveness in salient detec-
tion, (Vazquez et al., 2010). This example shows the
MSCL algorithm generating a color palette focused
on those salient regions. The chosen magnitude func-
tion is the mean computational global saliency as de-
fined in (Vazquez et al., 2010). The magnitude is nor-
malized by the maximum, and varies from one to val-
ues close to zero in zones with low saliency (see im-
age in Figure 4 in the middle of the top row). We
used 8 colors with decreasing learning rates between
0.7 and 0.01 for every algorithm.
Figure 4 shows the results. The first two algo-
rithms (SOM, FS-SOM) only obtain a red color and
present higher MSE values (SOM: 103.21 and FS-
SOM: 103.07) in those pixels belonging to the white
mask region of saliency (third top image of figure 4).
However, using the global saliency (second top image
of figure 4) as the magnitude for MSCL, the resulting
image shows three red variants and the MSE error is
lower (87.5). It is worth noticing that some other col-
ors are under-represented, which constitutes a minor
problem if the goal is to highlight the salient regions
of the image.
3.5 Image Binarization
The binarization of a text grey-scale image is a pro-
cess where each pixel in a image is converted into one
bit ’1’ or 0’ depending upon whether the pixel cor-
responds to the text or the background. First row of
Figure 5a shows the image of a badly illuminated doc-
ument (image a), and the results of applying classical
binarization algorithms: Otsu method (b), filtering of
original image with Laplacian operator (c) and its bi-
narization with Otsu (d). Otsu Method definitely fails
to get an adequate binarization because of the dark
grey values in the right margin of the paper. Filter-
ing with Laplacian operator provides a better result,
because it is an edge extraction mask. However, this
method does not fill the letters. Competitive learn-
ing can be used for this application by training 2 units
to represent two levels of gray-scale, which should
correspond to the background and foreground classes.
Second row of figure 5 shows the results with: (e)
SOM, (f) MSCL in homogeneous grey quantization,
(g) MSCL with two features (further explained), and
(h) Otsu binarization of last example. The applica-
tion of MSCL with only two neurons, as shown in (f),
is equivalent to the Otsu Method because when us-
ing as mean of the data the unit weights representing
the class, the mean quantization error for each unit is
proportional to the standard deviation of the class.
The quantization result can be improved by using
as input a combination of the gray-level values and
the result of Laplace filtering. Therefore data samples
will be two dimensional vectors combining the values
of both features. So, if we apply MSCL using homo-
geneous quantization we will get the two-level image
(g) and the corresponding binarized image (h). This
result is better than those achieved by other classical
Figure 5: Binarization example: in top row (a) original im-
age, (b) Otsu method, (c) filtering with Laplacian operator,
and (d) its binarization with Otsu; in bottom row (e) SOM,
(f) MSCL in homogeneous grey quantization, (g) MSCL
with two features, and (h) Otsu binarization of (g).
This paper has shown the capabilities of the MSCL
algorithm for Color Quantization. MSCL is a neural
competitivelearning algorithm including a magnitude
function as a factor of the measure used for the unit
competition. The magnitude factor is a unit param-
eter calculated from any user-defined function deal-
ing with the unit parameters or the data that it cap-
tures. The competitive process is executed in a two-
step comparison, first step is as usual a competitive
learning method using distances to selected K win-
ners, and in the second step those K units compare
their distances factorized by their magnitude values.
The model is parallel and can be executed on-line.
MSCL is compared with other VQ approaches in
four examples of image color quantization with dif-
ferent goals: focused on image foreground, avoiding
mean color, focused on saliency and text image bina-
rization. The results show that MSCL is more versa-
tile than other competitivelearning algorithms mainly
focused on density representations. MSCL forces the
units to distribute their color prototypes following any
desired property expressed by the appropriate magni-
tude of the data image. So, MSCL selects more colors
in the palette to accurately represent certain interest-
ing zones of the image, or generates palettes focused
on less represented, but interesting colors.
This work is partially supported by Spanish Grant
TIN2010-20177 (MICINN) and FEDER and by the
regional government DGA-FSE.
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