Fuzzy Querying based Tool for Building Courses Evaluation Tests
Livia Borjas
, Josué Ramírez
, Rosseline Rodríguez
and Leonid Tineo
Departamento de Informática, IUT Federico Rivero Palacios, Caracas, Venezuela
Departamento de Computación, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela
Keywords: Computer Aided Education, e-Learning, Fuzzy Querying.
Abstract: In this paper, we present a tool intended for helping in exam configuration based on the reutilization of
questions according to user preferences. It is a real life application of fuzzy querying that fulfils an actual
need of academic personal at a high studies institution of Venezuela. This application uses the fuzzy
querying language SQLf, on top of an existing relational DBMS by means a logic layer named SQLfi. Final
users of our application are professors of any area without knowledge of fuzzy sets and databases. We use
criteria for the test preparation that support fuzzy terms. These terms can be adjusted to user preferences.
Graphic user interfaces are provided in order to perform such adjusts as well as exam configuration and any
other fuzzy querying operation. We present here the Database Design, the process test construction and the
management of preferences.
Professors throughout their carriers have to measure
the performance of their students basically through
the application of written tests. The design of these
tests might become sometimes a discouraging
process given its repetitive nature. Furthermore,
some professors, due to their work as researchers
and because of the administrative burden, do not
have enough time to dedicate to the preparation of
tests using all the creativity and awareness required.
By virtue thereof, we propose the creation of a
software tool for supporting tests’ preparation
process. In connection therewith, the needs of
professors will be considered the following criteria
for the preparation of a test or question: difficulty
(for example: low, moderate/low, moderate, high
and very high), time to solve it (for example: long,
moderate and short), correction time (for example:
long, moderate and short). The aforementioned
criteria are not accurate; therefore the definition of
fuzzy terms is required. These terms are subjective
since, for each term, each professor will differently
conceive the range of values. Also, these terms do
show the present imprecision at this application, as
well as the feasibility of the fuzzy logic use in its
Additionally, the preparation of tests is
commonly based on existent tests to benefit from
previous experiences. Consequently, a database
storing this information is required. The use of these
data might require the definition of searches based
on preferences including fuzzy terms.
Another important factor is the consideration of
the grades or results obtained in previous tests (for
example: outstanding, excellent, good, regular and
poor), which allows professors to project the
expected performance of their students in a test.
This might be considered through the generation
of statistics based on non-accurate gradual
requirements defined by professors. It is also
important for professors to have a scenario providing
potential different tests based on established criteria,
allowing for making the decision of choosing which
tests better fit to the needs of the students being
evaluated at a given time.
We present here a fuzzy querying based
application for support professor’s work of
preparing evaluation tests. This application is made
in the frame of an effort of the Venezuelan IUT
Federico Rivero Palacio of providing professors
some computer aided support tools for academic
This paper has the following structure: Section 2
presents Fuzziness in Databases. Section 3 briefly
introduces the Fuzzy Querying Language SQLf that
is used in this development research. Section 4
describes main System Features such as the
Database Design, the functionality of Examination
Borjas L., Ramírez J., Rodríguez R. and Tineo L..
Fuzzy Querying based Tool for Building Courses Evaluation Tests.
DOI: 10.5220/0004151003430349
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (FCTA-2012), pages 343-349
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Tests Construction with fuzzy queries expressing
user desires and the Management of Preferences.
Section 5 is devoted to giving some Concluding
Remarks and Future works.
The growing ambitious use of information systems
in the amount of data volume and data recovery
mechanisms has fostered the accelerated
development of technology. In this regard, query
specification mechanisms that resembling natural
language expression and human thought is sought.
Therefore, it would be convenient to provide flexible
query capabilities allowing users to express
requirements involving preferences.
A powerful tool used in the management of
databases for the purpose of making queries in a
more flexible way has been the fuzzy sets (Zadeh,
1965; Cox, 1995; Galindo, 2008; Pivert and Bosc,
2012), which vests traditional databases with a more
intuitive approach closed to the natural language
when retrieving information from data sources. This
type of sets has been applied to several knowledge
areas, such as Control Systems, Decision-making
Systems, and Expert Systems. In (Ma and Yan,
2010), it is stated that the theory of fuzzy sets has
been widely applied to extend several models and
management systems database, which has resulted in
many contributions. In this regard, different research
projects have been conducted worldwide focused on
including fuzziness in databases (Bosc and Pivert,
1995a; Kacpryzyk and Zadrozny, 1995; Goncalves
and Tineo, 2008; Galindo, 2008; Yager, 2010; Ma
and Ya, 2010; Pivert and Bosc, 2012). Nevertheless,
there are few known developed applications that
enjoy the benefits of fuzzy databases (Galindo et al,
2006; Goncalves and Tineo, 2008; Fernandez et al,
2008; Delgado et al, 2008).
We spoke of imprecision in database when the
information is incomplete or uncertain. Thus, an
approximate value or a term describing it is stored
instead of an exact value. In general, we could be
talking about data inaccuracies or imprecision in
queries, i.e., imprecise terms may be stored as data
values or could be used in the query criteria. Thus
there are mainly two different approaches that
address the vagueness of the databases. Those
focused on the data (Galindo, 2008) and those
focused on queries (Pivert and Bosc, 2012).
The results produced by an application system,
based on conventional DBMS, strictly adjust to the
compliance with the search criteria. But, they are not
considering other results that approximate in certain
degree to the response; these could be presented to
user as alternate results. Search criteria in the
systems based on classic DBMS are accurate, while
Fuzzy DBMS allow for defining more flexible
criteria that better adjust to human thought. Classical
databases use all the results obtained, while Fuzzy
Querying Systems only use those results that meet
the minimum level of satisfaction defined by users.
Classical queries limit their results since are based
on the use of Boolean Logic, where a proposition
only accepts two values: true or false.
Systems based on fuzzy databases are closer to
human through. The use of fuzzy logic better adapts
to real world and it even is able to understand and
deal with linguistic terms or expressions in natural
language, such as "it is really easy", "he is not too
long", “he is too short”, etc.
Different fuzzy query languages have been proposed
(Bosc and Pivert, 1995a; Galindo, 2005; Kacpryzyk
and Zadrozny, 1995; Nakajima et al, 1995). On of
the most remarkable efforts is SQLf (Bosc and
Pivert, 1995a). It is an extended SQL with the
application of the Fuzzy Set Theory aimed at
expressing flexible queries on Relational Databases.
This query language has been updated with different
versions of SQL (Goncalves et al, 2009). SQLf
allows the use of different fuzzy elements in
constructions of SQL:2003 where a condition is
For the purpose of defining the preferences of
each user, SQLf counts on a series of sentences
belonging to the DDL (Data Definition Language)
for fuzzy components. In this (SQLf - DDL) terms
such as predicates, modifiers, quantifiers and
comparators are involved, which have a meaning
that is specific to a group of users or individuals.
Fuzzy predicates are the atomic components of
fuzzy logic. These correspond to the class of terms
known as "linguistic labels". In SQLf, fuzzy
predicates are defined through the following
<domain> AS <fuzzyset>
Where <domain> is a range of scale characters
defined by the user, <fuzzyset> is a specification
of the fuzzy set, which membership function be
defined by
a trapezium with the syntax:
using the “infinite” special value, the
semantics of which is infinite;
extension with the syntax: {<d
>, ... ,
>} where <d
> is a degree and <v
is a value.
Example: Predicate of Figure 1 is defined in
SQLf by means the sentence:
ON 0..20 AS (15,18,20,20)
0 ... 15 ... 18 ... 20
Figure 1: Membership function for the fuzzy predicate
excellent, defined as (15,18,20,20).
An example for a predicate defined by extension
is the following:
ON topicName AS {
As ever, SQLf has different querying structures
for data manipulation. The main query structure in
SQLf is the multirelational basic block. The main
difference with respect to SQL is that the condition
of the clause WHERE is a fuzzy condition. SQLf also
includes the selection of the best answers according
to their satisfaction degree that is named the
calibration. Another difference is that the result of
the query is not a bag but a fuzzy bag. The syntax of
basic block is:
SELECT [DISTINCT] <attributes>
FROM <relations>
WHERE <fuzzy condition>
For obtaining, the results with excellent score,
the fuzzy predicate excellent defined earlier by the
user, is used in the following statement:
WHERE score = excellent;
A significant difference between fuzzy querying
and traditional Boolean querying is as follows: In a
Boolean query, we establish crisp filtering criteria.
Selected rows may be after ordered according
sorting criteria or attributes. Selection and ordering
are made on independent crisp criteria. On the other
hand, in a fuzzy query, we establish flexible
selection criteria. Such criteria are based on fuzzy
logic involving linguistic terms. They express user
preferences. Fuzzy criteria are combined giving a
global satisfaction degree for each retrieved tuple.
This degree is a measure of user preference
fulfilment. Results should be automatically sorted in
decreasing ordered of satisfaction degrees. It would
be helpful in decision-making process.
In SQLf, it is possible to express the calibration
of the solution, i.e. the selection of the best answers,
in two senses. First, the qualitative sense where we
indicate a minimum level of tolerance . Only
tuples with satisfaction degree greater or equal to
are retrieved. Second, the quantitative senses
indicating a maximum number of desired answers k.
Best k tuples according their satisfaction degree are
retrieved. It is also possible to combine both senses
in the querying statement. This is the effect of the
We have developed an Automated System for the
Preparation and Configuration of Tests named
SAECE for its words in Spanish language. Remark
that this is an application for a Venezuelan
educational institute, the IUT Federico Rivero
Palacios, therefore interfaces and linguistic terms are
also given in Spanish that is the official language in
Venezuela. Through the SAECE, professors might
express their requests by using terms that are more
similar to the commonly used natural language.
Thus, we avoid inflexible queries that do not include
their preferences. Additionally, the system facilitates
the preparation and configuration of evaluations
and/or tests based on existent tests, as well as the
definition of search preferences and generation of
statistics based on queries with non-accurate gradual
requirements defined by users. SQLfi (Goncalves
and Tineo, 2008), a server of SQLf, was used for the
implementation of SAECE. SQLfi works as a layer
that connects to the Oracle database manager and
applies the Derivation Principle (Bosc and Pivert,
1995b) to evaluate a fuzzy query over the result of a
classical query avoiding extra rows access in
querying processing and keeping low the added cost
of fuzzy querying features.
With this system, professors may create new
tests based on existent tests; defining therefore
parameters such as difficulty, duration, level of
difficulty, time of response, time of correction.
4.1 Database Design
SAECE has a database that allows for retrieving
tests created that might be configured in all their
parameters. The idea is to have a test questions bank
to be reused in different evaluations. The
configuration of new evaluations would be made
with this system aid. A simplified version of the ER
diagram for this database is in Figure 2.
The PROFESSOR entity contains the user
information as login, password, name, gender, and
address. The QUESTION entity covers information
over tests' questions or specific topic questions, as
type, description, time answer, time of correction,
difficulty, and references. The EVAL TEST entity
contains information such as the evaluation name,
date of elaboration, rating scale, percentage and
description. The TOPIC SUBJET entity contains the
different topics that a test has or the topics that a
course covers. This entity keeps the topic name,
time, references and description. The RESULT
entity saves the test results to generate statistics that
user wish. This information includes date,
description and score. The COURSE entity contains
relevant information of courses such as name and
description. There is a relationship (evaluates) for
indicate the topics including in a test and the
different tests that evaluate a topic. Also, there is a
relationship (about) to indicate the questions that
deal a topic. There is a relationship to show the
questions that compound a test. Also, it is possible
that a question can to belong different tests. This
relationship contains an attribute to indicate
weighting of questions. There are relationships to
indicate the evaluation tests that belongs to a
professor, the results associates to an evaluation test,
the professors that teaches the courses, the topics
associates to the courses and the topics subordinate
to another topics.
4.2 Examination Tests Construction
Tests might be partially recovered (certain
questions) or totally recovered through search
criteria based on fuzzy logics. A professor might
also add questions to an existent test. SAECE allows
for conducting different statistics such as:
outstanding, excellent, good, bad and poor grades
for the results obtained from a test application.
Difficulty: This is modelled in a rank of values
between 0 and 5, being 5 the highest difficulty and 0
the lowest. This search will be made based on the
criteria that the user has defined for each difficulty.
For example the system has like predetermined
configuration that the low difficulty is from 0 to 0.5,
but this can be modified and the professor can place
the values to him that consider appropriate for that
Time of Correction: Possibly when the
professors were created the new evaluations, to each
question of the evaluation, they assign a time of
correction. As well as the criterion of the difficulty,
the system also has a configuration predetermined
for this criterion that the professor can modify.
Time to solve it: For this criterion it is applied
just like the Time of Correction.
Precision of the search: The number of questions
that the system throws will depend on the precision
of the search with which it is desired to collect the
data. While upper it is the degree of the precision,
there are possibilities that less results are obtained.
The 100% of precision is the highest exigency. One
is due to consider that the search can be done by the
three criteria or by those which the user wishes. For
example, a search can be made of: number of
questions: 3; difficulty: medium; time of correction:
Figure 2: SAECE database Entity-Relationship diagram.
medium; time to solve it: medium; and precision:
SAECE brings a single interface for user choice
of criteria (Figure 3). From this selection, SAECE
builds the SQLf statement for being processed in
SQLfi fuzzy querying system. In this case, the fuzzy
query in SQLf should be the following one:
SELECT q.questionId, q.wording,
q.type, q.difficulty,
WHERE m.login = ’josueramirez’ AND
m.courseId = ’programacion’ AND
t.topicId = 1
AND tq.topicId = t.topicId
AND tq.questionId = q.questionId AND
q.difficulty = high
AND q.correctionTime = medium
AND q.answerTime = medium
This fuzzy query in SAECE should return a result as
that shown in Figure 4.
4.3 Management of Preferences
SAECE has a set of linguistic terms for the
expression of user preferences. These terms are used
to describe imprecise conditions on questions
attributes such as: difficulty, time of correction, time
to solve it, and score. The set contains different
terms for different attributes. Moreover, each user
may give terms own interpretation and change it
arbitrary at anytime.
The specification of these terms semantics is
based on fuzzy sets. Nevertheless, SAECE provides
a graphic user interface for establish preferences.
This interface generates corresponding DDL
statements in SQLf.
For example, for the score (nota) attribute,
SAECE has the linguistic terms deficient
(deficiente), regular, good (buena), excellent
(excelente) and outstanding (sobresaliente). These
terms are interpreted as fuzzy predicates defined by
trapezium. Figure 5 shows the interface for these
terms specification. This interface is rather intuitive
to be handled by a final user not familiarized with
fuzzy sets and fuzzy databases.
These linguistic terms of Figure 5 would be
created with the SQLf statements:
ON 0..20 AS (0,0,7,10);
ON 0..20 AS (7,10,12,20);
ON 0..20 AS (12,15,16,20);
ON 0..20 AS (16,17,18,20);
ON 0..20 AS (18,19,20,20);
It is also possible to change the scale range of
test grades. If so, the built-in values are
automatically adjusted to fit the scale.
In the presented tool, user is able to define and use
qualitative and quantitative selection criteria based
on linguistic terms expressing user preferences. If a
similar system were built with a classic querying
language, it would impose more rigid selection
criteria, limiting thus the expression of user
Figure 3: End user fuzzy querying interface. Here the user can settle down the criteria search for the questions that wish to
assign to the examination according to criteria difficulty (dificultad), time of correction (tiempo de corrección), and time to
solve it (respuesta).
Figure 4: Here are the results obtained according to the selected criteria. As it is possible to be observed the thrown
questions, satisfaction degrees are associated to each one of the subjects selected according to the selected criteria of
Figure 5: Fuzzy predicates configuration interface for deficient (deficiente), regular, good (buena), excellent (excelente)
and outstanding (sobresaliente) fuzzy predicates on the attribute score.
As a database system with fuzzy logic is used,
queries might be more flexible and close to natural
language. Furthermore, system lists the results
obtained with their respective associated satisfaction
degree; so users might know how the result meets
the query criteria made, allowing among other things
enhance their search criteria for future queries.
Moreover, it would be very useful in decision-
making support.
The presented tool helps in exam configuration
based on the reutilization of questions according to
user preferences. This problem has been proposed
because it is in fact a real life need at the educational
institute IUT Federico Rivero Palacio.
Provided tool was built using the fuzzy querying
language SQLf. For the development, we use SQLfi.
That is a fuzzy logic layer implementing SQLf on
top of an existing relational DBMS. There are some
SQLf features that have not been used in this
application. We might improve it with such features.
It would also be useful to explore the need and
the way for the incorporation of vague information
in the database. SQLf does not currently support it,
so is matter of more research in future works.
The application of fuzzy querying is relatively
new; therefore, it gives an added value to this
research area showing practical benefits.
This system shows the feasibility of building real
applications using fuzzy queries. As future work, we
will evaluate the acceptance of teachers in terms of
usefulness. To do this, we will do the steps for
implementing the system in the IUT Federico Rivero
Palacios at the academic department of informatics.
This evaluation should include how the teacher's
ability and experience affects the tests construction.
This allows validate the benefits expected from the
developed system.
Another future work is to evaluate the system
performance compared with other similar systems,
in the context of a significant database size. Since
SQLfi is developed as a logical layer on a relational
DBMS, it adds overhead time to the queries
response time. We have performed studies on the
time overhead resulting in some cases excessive. At
present time, we plan to develop a new version of
SQLfi to decrease the time overhead.
We hope to get a good system acceptance by
users. Thus, the database will grow to the extent of
their use, so it is essential to improve the
performance of SQLfi.
This work is supported in part by the Governmental
Venezuelan Foundation for Science, Innovation and
Technology FONACIT Grant G-2005000278. We
would also give thanks to the King of Kings who as
inspired us. We acknowledge that the intelligence
and the knowledge are gifts of Him Hands by Him
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