Combined Input Training and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks
based Nonlinear Principal Components Analysis Model
Applied for Process Monitoring
Messaoud Bouakkaz and Mohamed-Faouzi Harkat
University Badji Mokhtar-Annaba, P. O. Box 12, Annaba 23000, Algeria
Nonlinear PCA, IT-net, RBF-neural Network, Process Monitoring, Fault Detection and Isolation.
In this paper a novel Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis (NLPCA) is proposed. Generally, a NLPCA
model is performed by using two sub-models, mapping and demapping. The proposed NLPCA model consists
of two cascade three-layer neural networks for mapping and demapping, respectively. The mapping model is
identified by using a Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks and the demapping is performed by using
an Input Training neural networks (IT-Net). The nonlinear principal components, which represents the desired
output of the first network, are obtained by the IT-NET. The proposed approach is illustrated by a simulation
example and then applied for fault detection and isolation of the TECP process.
Principal component analysis (PCA) is among the
most popular methods for extracting information
from data, which has been applied in a wide range
of disciplines. In process monitoring with Principal
component analysis, PCA is used to model normal
process behavior and faults are then detected by ref-
erencing the measured process behavior against this
It is known that the multivariate projection tech-
nique of PCA is linear, therefore it is only applica-
ble for extracting information from linearly correlated
process data. However, many industrial processes ex-
hibit nonlinear behavior. For such nonlinear systems,
linear PCA is inappropriate to describe the nonlinear-
ity within the process and it can produce excessive
number of false alarms or alternatively, missed detec-
tion of process faults, which significantly compromise
the reliability of the monitoring systems.
To cope with this problem, extended versions of
PCA have been developed such as Nonlinear PCA
(NLPCA). Whilst linear PCA identifies the linear cor-
relations between process variables, the objective of
nonlinear PCA is to extract both linear and nonlinear
relationships. Hastie and Stuetzle (Hastie and Stuet-
zle, 1989), proposed a principal curve methodology
to provide a nonlinear summary of a m-dimensional
data set. However, this approach is non-parametric
and can not be used for continuous mapping of new
data. To overcome the parametrization problem, sev-
eral nonlinear PCA based on neural networks have
been proposed (Kramer, 1991), (Dong and McAvoy,
1996), (Tan and Mavrovouniotis, 1995).
Tan and Mavrovouniotis (Tan and Mavrovounio-
tis, 1995) formulated an alternative scheme of non-
linear PCA based on an input-training neural network
(IT-Net). Under this approach, only the demapping
section of the NLPCA model is considered.
Compared with the other neural networks, when
it is in training, its inputs which represent the desired
principal component are not fixed but adjusted simul-
taneously with the internal network parameters, and
it can perform all functions of a five layer neural net-
work. However, IT-Net has its own limitation. For
example, for a new data set or observation, calcula-
tion of its corresponding nonlinear principal compo-
nent require more computation due to the necessity of
an on-line nonlinear optimizer.
To improve this approach, a NLPCA model com-
binin a principal curve algorithm (Hastie and Stuetzle,
1989) and two cascade three-layer neural networks is
proposed to identify mapping and demapping models
(Dong and McAvoy, 1996).
Harkat et al. (Harkat et al., 2003) proposes a
similar approach which uses two RBF networks for
nonlinear principal component mapping and demap-
ping, respectively. First, the principal curve algo-
Bouakkaz M. and Harkat M..
Combined Input Training and Radial Basis Function Neural Networks based Nonlinear Principal Components Analysis Model Applied for Process
DOI: 10.5220/0004152304830492
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCTA-2012), pages 483-492
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)