trained the network with just 7 NAs, but there is no
theoretical limit to the number of NAs that can be
learnt, as long as there are enough cortical columns
to represent all features and the NAs are orthogonal.
The analysis of the network performance with non-
orthogonal NAs (i.e., with shared features) and the
comparison with other neural models for data
storage and recovery will be the subject of future
A problem related to learning a longer sequence
is that the recall of the whole sequence in L
last more than one theta cycle; hence the following
theta cycle would begin in the midst of the previous
sequence. In this case a reset mechanism is required:
this should be realized to inhibit columns in L
stop the sequence when the theta cycle ends. It is
possible that dopamine plays a role in this process.
This study underlines the great value of
mathematical models as hypothesis generators, since
they allow exploration of all the mechanisms
involved, even those that are practically inaccessible
with a purely experimental approach.
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