Finally, we compared three different
combinations: our proposal system and our novel
feature vector with HMM and other feature vector
with SVM. Also, we tested these combinations with
verification techniques as shown in table 2. As a
result, HMM+SVM with a verification technique is
better than the others.
Table 2: Comparison of the different combinations.
We have proposed a sign classification system,
focusing on 16 classes of exit number and arrow
signs. The main contribution of this paper is that we
suggest two methods: a novel feature extraction
algorithm and a verification technique. The main
advantage of our feature extraction algorithm is that it
is robust to various types and styles of signs. Also, a
false positive rate of 0.3% has demonstrated that
combining the verification technique is a reliable
method for discriminating sign regions from non-sign
However, some improvements remain as for the
system to be applied in the subway station. First, it is
necessary to develop a sign tracking algorithm to
verify the sign detection results. This sign tracking
algorithm would be a help improve TPR. Secondly,
the system must be operated in real time. Currently, in
our research, the processing time of our system is
about 5-15 fps dependent on how many signs are
detected. Thus, these improvements will be the future
This research was supported by the Converging
Research Center Program funded by the Ministry of
Education, Science and Technology (No.
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