Towards an Arabic Ontology
Defining Morpho-lexical Patterns for Semantic Relation Extraction
Mohamed Mahdi Boudabous
, Fatiha Sadat
and Lamia Hadrich Belhuith
ANLP Research Group, Laboratoire MIRACL, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montréal, Canada
Keywords: Arabic Ontology, Morpho-lexical Patterns, Wikipedia, Semantic Relations, Pattern Definition.
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a method for defining morpho-lexical patterns used to detect semantic relation
between Arabic nouns. This method is based on study corpus built from online encyclopedia. This corpus
consists of a set of articles selected on the basis of a database containing pairs of terms linked by semantic
relations. Defined patterns are then implemented using NooJ platform. The pattern evaluation result is very
encouraging. We obtained 79% as F-Measure rate.
Over the last decade, with the important
development of the Web, information sources have
become multiform and very rich. These sources are
represented in different forms, understandable by
users but not by computers. So the need of
techniques and tools for automatic pre-processing
information, which allows the computer to
understand the information and transfer the content
to the humans, is becoming important now days.
Ontologies are amongst the most powerful
knowledge representation tools for modeling and
managing various applications ranging over Natural
Language Processing (NLP), information retrieval,
semantic Web, etc (Baccar, 2012). In this context,
research on ontology building has become
increasingly widespread in computer science
Recently, ontologies have emerged as a major
research topic in the fields of automatic language
processing, information retrieval and semantic web
(Baccar, 2012).
Several methodologies for building ontology
have emerged over the past scores of years namely:
From scratch methodology;
Re-engineering methodology;
Cooperative construction methodology;
Integration methodology;
Learning methodology.
Learning methodology differs according to data
sources used for learning (Ben Mustapha, 2006)
such as texts, dictionaries, knowledge bases,
relational schemas and semi-structured schemas.
Through the analysis of the state of the art of
learning methods, we can identify a methodological
framework that consists of four steps:
Corpus construction;
Linguistic analysis of the corpus;
Semantic standardization;
Development of the operational ontology.
In this paper, we focus on the linguistic analysis of
the corpus which allows the passage from linguistic
level to conceptual one. In fact, we propose a pattern
based method for semantic relation detection
between the ontology concepts. The originality of
this method consists in the definition of morpho-
lexical patterns from Arabic wikipedia. Defined
patterns allow then to extract semantic relations
between nouns.
The present paper is outlined as follows: the first
section is an introduction as we have seen above.
The second section is devoted to present the basic
concepts of domain ontology building. The third
section presents an overview of approaches for
extracting semantic relations. The fourth section
exposes our method for defining morpho-lexical
patterns from online encyclopedia and gives details
on the corresponding stages. In the fifth section, we
present the implementation of defined patterns,
obtained results and discussion. The last section
presents the conclusion and the prospects of our
Mahdi Boudabous M., Sadat F. and Hadrich Belguith L..
Towards an Arabic Ontology - Defining Morpho-lexical Patterns for Semantic Relation Extraction.
DOI: 10.5220/0004157603420348
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (SCOE-2012), pages 342-348
ISBN: 978-989-8565-11-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The concept of an ontology is inherited from a
philosophical tradition that focuses on the science of
Being. Over the last two decades, several definitions
and types of ontologies have emerged since the
introduction of this concept in computer science
domain (Arara, 2002). In this section, we review the
various definitions, the components of ontology,
types of ontologies and methodologies for building
In literature, many definitions are proposed for
the concept ontology. The most referenced and
synthetic one is that of Gurber (Gurber, 1993),
which predicts that an ontology is "an explicit
specification of conceptualization". This definition is
expanded in 1997 by Borst (Borst, 1997), then by
Studer and al. in 1998 (Studer, 1998) that define
ontology as "an explicit and formal specification of a
shared conceptualization".
According to Gurber (Gurber, 1993), ontologies
are composed of five components namely concepts,
relationships, properties, axioms and instances. The
concepts represent an object in the universe. The
relations reflect the relevant links existing between
the concepts in the field of study. The properties are
attributes that characterize the concepts and
relationships. The axioms are used to constraint the
value of concepts and relations. The instances are
used for representing elements in a domain.
After building the first ontologies, the
researchers define dimensions to classify ontologies.
In fact, different dimensions of classification have
emerged. The most known is the dimension
proposed by Gomez-Pérez in 2004 (Gómez-Pérez,
2004) which classifies ontologies according to their
objects of conceptualization. The types of ontologies
best known along this dimension are:
Generic ontologies (top-level ontologies): this
type contain general concepts common to all
domains or multiple domains (time, space,
object, event);
Domain ontologies: this type contains a set of
vocabularies and concepts that describe an
application domain;
Tasks ontologies: this type is used to
conceptualize specific tasks in the system;
Application ontologies: this type is used to
define ontologies that depend on both the
domain and the task.
In the ontology engineering field, many
methodologies are proposed for building ontologies.
In fact, the first methodology for building ontology
is called “from-scratch”, aimed to design a process
of building ontologies in the absence of knowledge
(Ben Mustapha, 2006). Given the limitations
presented by this methodology, the researchers
propose ontology re-engineering methodology that
tends to bind ontology under implementation to
another already built. After that, researchers propose
new methodology that follows a collaborative
approach including the intervention of people
located in different places. This methodology called
“cooperative construction methodology”. Moreover,
with the deployment and the diversification of
electronic resources, the researchers opt for the
learning methodology which is based on
heterogeneous data sources.
Building ontologies from texts is a sub-domain
of engineering ontologies. Actually, several methods
are involved for learning ontologies from texts.
These methods differ according to the techniques
used for extracting concepts and relations. Based on
this criterion, these methods are grouped into three
families of approach namely: statistical approaches,
linguistic approaches and hybrid approaches (Ben
Mustapha, 2006).
In this paper, we are interested in learning
methods from texts based on linguistic techniques.
Most of the existing methods are based on linguistic
techniques. Added to that, these methods treat indo-
European languages (George, 1993), (Vossen, 1998)
and use lexico-syntactic patterns to detect semantic
relations (Laignel, 2011). Moreover, to our
knowledge there is no research works that are done
on Arabic lexicon ontology for nouns. However,
there are some Arabic ontologies among them we
can cite Arabic WordNet (Black, 2006), Amine
Arabic WordNet (Abouenour, 2008) and Arabic
Ontology (Jarrar, 2011).
However, given the lack of tools for parsing
Arabic language and the complexity of treatments
specific to that language, we propose to define
morpho-lexical patterns to identify semantic
relations used to build a lexical ontology for Arabic.
In this section, we present an overview of the
different techniques for extracting semantic
Automatic identification of semantic relations in
text is a difficult problem, although it is important
for many applications (Green, 2002). Thus, different
methods for extracting semantic relations from texts
Towards an Arabic Ontology - Defining Morpho-lexical Patterns for Semantic Relation Extraction
have been proposed. These methods can be grouped
into three main categories namely: statistical
techniques, linguistic techniques and hybrid
Statistical techniques are based on the principle
that terms which co-occur together are strongly
linked by semantic relations. These techniques use
statistical methods to calculate the distribution of
words in the corpus (Agirre, 2000) or probabilistic
methods to calculate the probability of occurrences
of a set of terms (Velardi, 2001), (Neshatian, 2004).
Once the concepts are detected, the relations that
connect them can be identified by calculating the
similarity between their syntactic contexts (Hindle,
1990), (Grefenstette, 1994), using either Bayesian
networks (Weissenbacher, 2007) or text mining
techniques (Grcar, 2007) or learning algorithms
(Giuliano, 2006).
However, the major drawback of these methods
is that they don’t always identify the correct
semantics of the relationship, so they require human
intervention (Kergosien, 2009).
Linguistic techniques are based on the structure
of sentences and texts. These techniques require
automatic processing tools for texts analyses such as
segmentation tools and grammatical tagging tools.
Moreover, they are based on lexico-syntactic
patterns to recognize linguistic markers of semantic
relations (Aussenac-Gilles, 2000), or on contextual
rules based on index and triggers.
The application of these techniques is carried out
at the sentence, while other studies analyzed all level
of the text. Thus, several methods have been
implemented for example CHAMELEON
(Aussenac-Gilles, 2000) and SEEK (Jouis, 1994).
This type of approach is also used by the Edelweiss
(Khelif, 2006).
Compared to numerical techniques, these
techniques have a major advantage view that is the
ability to identify semantics of the relationship.
Likewise, hybrid techniques combine statistical
methods and linguistic methods. They generally use
the syntactic distribution of terms to extract
We propose in this section a method for extracting
semantic relations from texts in order to build a
lexical ontology from online encyclopedia (Fig. 1).
Our method consists on defining a set of morpho-
lexical patterns specific to each relationship that will
be used to extract the relationships between
Figure 1: The two phases of the proposed method.
Figure 1 shows the two phases of the proposed
method for defining semantic relationships between
concepts. The first phase consists on the pre-
treatment of the corpus and the second one consists
on the definition and validation of patterns. Defined
patterns ensure the passage from the textual level to
the conceptual one and form the informal to the
In the following sections, we detail the various
steps of this method.
4.1 Corpus Pre-treatment
In this section, we detail the different steps of the
pre-treatment corpus phase. The first step tends to
define semantic relationships specific to the domain
of the ontology. The second step consists on
building the corpus and it is crucial and delicate. The
third step is the corpus pre-treatment (segmentation,
sentences extraction and morphological analysis).
4.1.1 Semantic Relations Definition
The definition of semantic relationships between
concepts of an ontology is performed by an expert
based on the technical documentation of the
ontology. This documentation allows us to describe
the characteristics of the ontology, such as the main
objectives, the type of the ontology and application
In this work, we aim to build a lexical ontology
for Arabic language. This ontology must contain
Arabic lexicons and semantic relations between
them and it will be useful for several applications of
NLP such as Information Retrieval, Question
Answering (Q/A), etc.
From this description, the domain expert defines
semantic relationships. In our work, the domain
ICEIS 2012 - 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
expert defines eleven semantic relationships. Table 1
presents some examples of the defined semantic
Table 1: Some examples of the defined semantic relations.
 Animal
« is hyponym of »
Dog, horse
« is hyperonym of »
 Animal
« is holonym of »
« is meronim of »
« is member of »
Union European
« is synonym of »
بأ Father
« is antonym of »
4.1.2 Corpus Construction
The proposed method for detecting semantic
relationships is based on a corpus study. This corpus
is representative as it contains indicative sentences.
An indicative sentence is a sentence in the article
that indicates a semantic relationship between two
In fact, in the first step we build a database
composed of pairs of concepts from Arabic
WordNet (AWN). This database consists of 8000
nouns connected by 13,000 relationships extracted
from AWN and enriched by the expert. In the
second step we use the online encyclopedia Arabic
Wikipedia to download articles corresponding for
the list of database nouns. The choice of Arabic
Wikipedia is justified by the fact that it is currently
the largest source of knowledge on the web (i.e. it
contains more than 160 000 articles in Arabic).
The acquisition of the articles constituting our
study corpus is done in an automatic way. Our
corpus consists on 2050 articles (Downloaded in
March 2012).
4.1.3 Corpus Pre-treatment
The following automatic processing tasks are
applied to the corpus in order to be able to define
Segmentation: allows to segment articles in
sentences. Segmentation is based on the
punctuation markers, coordination conjunctions
and some alternative keywords (Belguith,
Extracting indicative sentences: this step tends
to extract indicative sentences from articles;
Sentences annotation: it consists of the
sentences morphological analysis in order to
determine for each unit (i.e. a word or a
compound word) the part of speech, gender,
number, tense, etc.
At the end of this phase all indicative sentences are
morphologically annotated. These sentences will
serve as an input for the patterns definition and
validation phase.
4.2 Patterns Definition and Validation
In this section, we detail the steps of the morpho-
lexical patterns definition phase. We define a
morpho-lexical pattern as a linguistic structure or
schema that consists of a set of words and / or
morphological categories in a specific order. The
first step groups sentences that have specific
semantic relationship. The second step has a manual
scan of all sentences belonging to the same
relationship in order to extract patterns related to
each relationship. The third step allows validating
defined patterns. These patterns are defined to
automate the process of detecting semantic relations
from texts.
4.2.1 Grouping of Sentences
This step categorizes sentences into groups
according to the semantic relations they indicate.
This task is done with reference to the database of
nouns defined in the first phase. Then, we group
sentences that have a common morphological
The main interest of this step is to facilitate the
task of defining patterns specific to each
4.2.2 Sentences Analysis
In this state, the domain expert is responsible for the
study of morphological structures of sentences in
order to define patterns. This study tends to extract a
Towards an Arabic Ontology - Defining Morpho-lexical Patterns for Semantic Relation Extraction
morpho-lexical pattern from each sentence or group
of sentences. Defined patterns consist in
morphological categories of words and lexicons.
These lexicons are used to specify words that
indicate the relationship. Table 2 shows some
examples of sentences and the morpho-lexical
pattern matching.
Table 2: Examples of indicative sentences and morpho-
lexical pattern matching.
Morpho-lexical pattern
The Air is
composed of
nitrogen gas
   X 
Y 
Present verb + X (Noun) + Tool (preposition)
+ Noun + Y (Noun)
   
The water is
composed of two
atoms of hydrogen
4.2.3 Pattern Validation
After defining the patterns, it is often useful to
validate the list of patterns by a human expert. This
step tends on conducting a comparative study
between all patterns of different relationships to
ensure that each pattern is specific to a relationship.
Based on this comparative study, we note the
existence of some ambiguous patterns, that is to say
belonging to more than a relationship. To resolve
this problem we add lexical indicators to
differentiate ambiguity patterns (table 3).
Table 3: Examples of an ambiguous pattern.
Morpho-lexical patterns
X (Noun) + Pronoun
(He, she) + Noun + Y
X (Noun) + Pronoun
(He, she) + Noun + Y
Table 3 shows two indicative sentences that have
the same morphological structure but belong to two
different relations. In this case we need a mark to
distinguish the two patterns. For this example the
solution proposed by the domain expert is to define
the list of prepositions possible specific to each
Once patterns are validated by the domain expert,
the next step consists in implementing all defined
patterns. For this, we use NooJ platform. This
platform allows us to represent specific patterns to
each relationship as a grammar (Figure 2). In fact,
we characterize morpho-lexical elements present
before, after and between related terms. Also, we
characterize the form of the elements related by
markers. These elements are shown in parentheses in
the pattern. For example, in Figure 2, we use the
marker "var" to characterize the first term and "var1"
to characterize the second term.
Figure 2: Example of a NooJ grammar.
Obtained grammars are combined into a single
grammar called “main grammar” in order to be able
to apply all the grammar on all sentences of the
corpus to extract all relations of the ontology.
In order to evaluate the effectiveness of defined
patterns on the recognition of semantic relations, we
apply the principal grammar on a test corpus. This
corpus consists of 300 articles extracted from the
online encyclopedia Arabic Wikipedia. These
articles contain 370 relationships.
The first step consists in segmenting articles into
sentences. Then, in the second step, sentences are
annotated morphologically in order to apply defined
patterns and detect semantic relations in an
automatic way.
By comparing pairs of words and semantic
relationships that link them automatically extracts
with those extracted by the domain expert, we can
calculate measures of recall, precision and F-
measure for each relationship. In fact, we determine,
ICEIS 2012 - 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for each pair of words detected, the relevance of the
terms and the semantic relationship between them.
Two values are possible:
The value "valid": if the relationship is deemed
valid and the two words linked by this
The value "false": when the relationship is
wrong (in this case, the terms are often invalid).
Obtained results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Evaluation results of morpho-lexical patterns.
Following the evaluation of built grammars, we
obtain values of recall, precision and F-measure,
respectively: 78%, 85% and 79%. Although the
results are encouraging, there are relationships that
are not detected by the defined patterns. By
analyzing non-detecting pairs of words, we find that
this problem is mainly due to two reasons:
The lack of patterns that cannot recognize the
relationship: In fact, in some cases the patterns,
concerning some phrases, are not defined;
The non-detection of compound nouns: using
NooJ morphological analyzer, we notice that it
is unable to detect compound nouns, which
prevents from applying some patterns to the
Moreover, in some cases we notice that the
patterns recognize erroneous relationships. This can
be explained by two reasons:
The existence of some ambiguous patterns;
Morphological analysis using NooJ platform
produce several morphological categories: in
some cases NooJ return more than one
morphological category of a word, which allow
to us apply several patterns on one sentence and
detect more than one semantic relation between
two terms.
In this paper, we propose a method to define
morpho-lexical patterns that is useful for extracting
semantic relations between arabic nouns. This
method is based on a corpus of 2050 Arabic
Wikipedia articles. We have detailed the various
steps of the proposed method. As a result, the
defined patterns are implemented using NooJ
platform in order to automatically identify the pairs
of words and the semantic relations between these
specific terms. Nevertheless, our method uses a
minimum of knowledge, based primarily on
morpho-lexical knowledge, obtained results are very
encouraging (i.e. 78% recall, 85% precision and
79% F-measure) which proves the importance of
morpho-lexical patterns in the detection of semantic
relations for Arabic language.
As future perspectives, we plan to resolve
ambiguous patterns. In addition, we intend to
propose a method for detecting compound nouns.
Finally, we consider applying these patterns to build
a lexical ontology for Arabic.
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