are investigated and hypotheses that try to explain
the performance of the algorithm are put forward.
In a future work, more functions will be included
in the test set. A scalability analysis is intended as
well as a study on the effects of the limit imposed to
mutation events, and possible alternatives to the
current solution. In order to introduce information
from the search into the variation scheme of the
parameter values, different levels of hybridization
between the Bak-Sneppen model and PSO will also
be tested,. Finally, it is our intention to apply this
algorithm to time-varying fitness functions.
The first author wishes to thank FCT, Ministério da
Ciência e Tecnologia, his Research Fellowship
SFRH / BPD / 66876 / 2009, also supported by FCT
(ISR/IST plurianual funding) through the
POS_Conhecimento Program. This work is
supported by project TIN2011-28627-C04-02
awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation and P08-TIC-03903 awarded by the
Andalusian Regional Government.
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