On Modelling Cognitive Styles of Users in Adaptive Interactive
Systems using Artificial Neural Networks
Efi Papatheocharous, Marios Belk, Panagiotis Germanakos and George Samaras
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: User Modelling, Cognitive Styles, CAPTCHA, Artificial Neural Networks.
Abstract: User modelling in interactive Web systems is an essential quality to optimally filter, personalise and adapt
their content and functionality to serve the intrinsic needs of individual users. The mechanism for obtaining
the user model needs to be intelligent, adaptive and transparent to the user, in the sense that user experience
should not be disrupted or compromised. Human factors are extensively employed lately for enriching user
models by capturing more intrinsic perceptual characteristics of the users. Accordingly, this paper proposes
the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for attaining cognitive styles of users in adaptive interactive
systems. One of the main benefits is the automatic prediction of cognitive typologies of users by avoiding
psychometric tests, which are among the typical ways of constructing user profiles and are particularly time-
consuming. Furthermore, ANNs can efficiently model the relationship between cognitive styles and user
interaction. The experimental setup and the results obtained show that ANNs are suitable for predicting the
cognitive styles ratio of users in respect to their actual cognitive style ratio value.
Adaptive interactive systems (Brusilovsky et al.,
2007) have become progressively popular since the
late 2000s due to the exponential increase of users
and availability of digital information, mainly with
regards to interactive systems on the World Wide
Web. Based on various definitions given to date
(Brusilovsky et al., 2007); (Perkowitz and Etzioni,
2000); (Frias-Martinez et al., 2005) an adaptive
interactive system is capable to automatically or
semi-automatically adapt its information architecture
and functionality to the needs and preferences of its
users with the aim to provide a personalised and
positive user experience.
Adaptation of the functionality and content in
interactive systems heavily depends on successful
user modelling. The user model is the representation
of static and dynamic information about an
individual, and it represents an essential entity for an
adaptive interactive system. User models aim to
provide or guide adaptation effects in adaptive
interactive systems (i.e., the same system can look
different and provide diverse functionalities to users
with dissimilar user models).
Popular user characteristics considered in user
modelling of adaptive interactive systems are the
user’s knowledge, interests, goals, background, and
cognitive styles (Brusilovsky et al., 2007). This
work focuses on modelling cognitive style of users,
which represents an individually preferred and
habitual approach to organising and representing
information (Riding, 2001).
Psychometric tools have been primarily used for
classifying users to particular cognitive typologies
(Brusilovsky et al., 2007), which could be further
used to adapt the content and functionality of
interactive systems. However, systems that offer
personalised content based on cognitive styles
heavily depend on the users’ willingness to dedicate
a considerable amount of time for participating in
the user modelling process. Therefore, an imperative
need has been identified for intelligent user
modelling in adaptive interactive systems to offer
automatically personalised content but without
requiring any effort on behalf of the user.
In this context, nature-inspired intelligent
methodologies such as Artificial Neural Networks
(ANNs) could be used as a powerful technique to
dynamically and transparently model human
behaviour in Web-based applications. ANNs
comprise of emerging effective modelling
techniques especially in nonlinear conditions and
where the development of conventional relations in a
Papatheocharous E., Belk M., Germanakos P. and Samaras G..
On Modelling Cognitive Styles of Users in Adaptive Interactive Systems using Artificial Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0004158905630569
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (NCTA-2012), pages 563-569
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
particular context becomes impractical and
cumbersome. ANNs have been extensively used for
user modelling, mainly for classification and
recommendation in order to group users with the
same characteristics (Frias-Martinez et al., 2005).
Accordingly, ANNs could be used to predict the
users’ cognitive characteristics based on their
interactions with the system, something which has
not been investigated thoroughly yet, to the best of
the authors’ knowledge.
To this end, the work presented introduces an
intelligent user modelling approach for eliciting the
cognitive styles of users based on ΑΝΝs, combined
with a psychometric measurement that highlights
differences in cognitive styles of users as well as
interaction data of users within a Web-based
environment. In particular, an ANN has been trained
based on the cognitive style of users and interaction
data with the aim to predict the cognitive style of
newly entered users’ based on their interaction data.
As interaction data we have considered specific
metrics of CAPTCHA (Completely Automated
Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans
Apart) (Von Ahn et al., 2004) since it is a common
mechanism used online daily by millions of users
(e.g., reCAPTCHA (http://google.com/recaptcha)
estimates that over 200 million reCAPTCHAs are
completed daily). The main objective of the paper is
to investigate whether specific metrics of
CAPTCHA mechanisms could be used by an ANN
to predict the users’ cognitive characteristics. The
identification of users having specific cognitive and
interaction style/pattern will ultimately help in
defining various adaptation mechanisms required to
assemble and target a different user interface
experience in Web-based environments for various
cognitive typologies of users.
The paper is organised as follows: In Section 2,
we provide related work on adaptive interactive
systems that make use of ANNs. In the same section
we present the related theoretical background. The
experimental setup and data metrics are presented in
Section 3. In Section 4, we analyse the experimental
results and consequently, we conclude the paper and
describe our directions of future work in Section 5.
Numerous researchers have attempted to use ANNs
in the context of adaptive interactive systems,
primarily for classification of users with the same
characteristics and creation of user models with the
aim to recommend and adapt Web content. For
example, Kim et al. (2004) have proposed an ANN-
based collaborative filtering method that investigates
the possibility of identifying and predicting the
correlation between users or items in a Web
environment using a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP).
Chou et al. (2010) aim to identify the users’ prior
knowledge for specific products in e-commerce
applications by analysing their navigation patterns
through Web mining and constructing a Back-
Propagation Network (BPN) (Wu et al., 2006) that
uses a supervised learning method and a feed-
forward architecture, in order to predict the users’
potential future needs. Magoulas et al. (2001) use
ANNs to learn and fine tune rules and/or
membership functions from input-output data to be
used in a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). In
particular, they have proposed a
classification/recommendation system with the aim
to plan the learning content of a course according to
the student’s level of knowledge.
Taking into consideration the abovementioned
works, this paper examines the potential of ANNs
for predicting users’ cognitive characteristics based
on their preference and ability in solving CAPTCHA
challenges in order to offer an automatic way for
capturing their typology and adapting accordingly
the content and functionality of interactive systems.
The overall benefit of modelling users’ cognitive
style through an automatic mechanism would be to
minimise the effort of users performing specially
designed psychometric tests (Brusilovsky et al.,
2007) and instead model the users’ cognitive styles
with a dynamic, and not visible to the users, user
modelling mechanism. The proposed method elicits
similar groups of users based on their interaction
with CAPTCHA mechanisms and investigates how
these groups may be related to cognitive styles. To
the best of the author’s knowledge, this is among the
first attempts to study the relation between the
cognitive style of users and their interaction data in
Web-based systems, apart from sporadic attempts,
the first of which utilised a number of clustering
techniques to understand human behaviour and
perception in relation with cognitive style, expertise
and gender differences of digital library users (Frias-
Martinez et al., 2007), and a second more recent
research attempt which studied the connection
between the way people navigating in a museum and
electronic encyclopaedia system and the way they
preferred to process information cognitively
(Antoniou and Lepouras, 2010); (Belk et al., 2012).
The rest of this section presents the theoretical
background on cognitive styles and ANNs.
2.1 Cognitive Styles
Among the numerous proposed theories of
individual styles (e.g., (Riding, 2001; (Felder and
Silverman, 1988); (Witkin et al., 1977), the proposed
work utilises Riding’s Cognitive Style Analysis
(CSA) that classifies users to the cognitive
typologies of Verbal-Intermediate-Imager (Riding,
2001). The so called Verbal/Imager dimension refers
to how individuals process information. Users that
belong to the Verbal class can proportionally process
textual and/or auditory content more efficiently than
images, whereas users that belong to the Imager
class the opposite. Users that belong in between the
two end points (i.e., Intermediate) do not differ
significantly with regards to information processing.
In this regard, we consider that Riding’s CSA
implications can be mapped on Web environments,
since they consist of distinct scales that respond
directly to different aspects of the Web space. The
CSA implications can provide guidelines in the
context of Web design (i.e., selecting how to present
visual or verbal content) and is probably one of the
most inclusive theories, since it is derived from the
common axis of a number of previous theories
(Riding and Cheema, 1991).
2.2 Artificial Neural Network Models
The use of Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
(Haykin, 1999) models in this work was based on
the advantage they have in offering automatic
computations that may dynamically provide
guidelines in adapting the content of interactive
systems in a way that is not disruptive to the user.
The ANN model has been successfully used across
many interdisciplinary areas and extensively in cases
of automatically extracting patterns, decisions, or
transformations based on human behaviour due to
the ability they have to approximate reasoning
processes in a model-free manner, i.e., without
requiring knowledge of a function or relation a priori
(Haykin, 1999).
This work utilises a Multi-layer Perceptron
(MLP) model which is a popular and flexible
mechanism for the representation of common
characteristics of users and for obtaining predictions
based on these characteristics. The resulting
prediction may ultimately be used for providing
personalised content and functionality.
3.1 Sampling and Procedure
A total of 93 individuals participated voluntarily in a
study carried out within February 2012. All
participants were undergraduate students and their
age varied from 17 to 20. A Web-based
psychometric test, exploiting Riding’s CSA (Riding,
2001), was developed that measures the response
time of specific statements (i.e., identify whether a
statement is true or false) and computes the ratio
between the response times for each statement type
in order to highlight differences in cognitive style.
Furthermore, one text- and one picture-based
CAPTCHA mechanism were developed using
available open-source software (Elson et al., 2007);
(Golle, 2008); (Secureimage, 2012). In Figure 1 and
Figure 2 we illustrate an example of the text- and
picture-based CAPTCHA mechanisms used during
the study, respectively. The text-based mechanism
produced distorted images of random characters
whilst the picture-based mechanism produced
pictures. During the experiment participants were
asked to reproduce the distorted random characters
and to select the appropriate pictures belonging to a
specific group (e.g., select pictures that illustrate
cats) in order to solve the CAPTCHA challenge.
Both CAPTCHAs contained a refresh button that
initialised the CAPTCHA with a new sequence of
characters or pictures.
Figure 1: Text-based CAPTCHA used in the study.
Figure 2: Picture-based CAPTCHA used in the study.
The participants visited a Web-page but before
entering the Web-page they were asked to solve a
number of CAPTCHA challenges. In addition, the
users were first required to choose between the two
variations of CAPTCHAs (i.e., text- vs. picture-
based) and then solve the preferred CAPTCHA
challenge. The same task of choosing between the
two CAPTCHA types was repeated 10 times in
order to offer the chance to the users to try out the
variations of CAPTCHAs offered and also increase
the chance of optimum measurements of
performance and ability of the users by taking
average values of their overall effort in solving the
CAPTCHA challenges, rather than taking just one-
off measures. After solving the CAPTCHA
challenge, the users were redirected to the
psychometric test aiming to identify the users’
cognitive styles which will be used by the ANN
model for verification purposes (i.e., whether the
prediction obtained from the ANN model regarding
cognitive style ratio is correct).
3.2 Data Metrics’ Definition
The following metrics were utilised for monitoring
the usage of CAPTCHA in the study.
Preference; how many text- and picture-based
CAPTCHAs were solved by each user,
Processing Time; average time (in seconds)
required per user to solve a text- and picture-based
Ability; how many attempts and how many
attempts on average were needed by each user to
successfully solve a text- and picture-based
Based on the aforementioned metrics, a browser-
based logging facility was implemented with JQuery
JavaScript Library (http://jquery.com) to collect the
CAPTCHA usage/interaction data. The interaction
data were used to predict the cognitive ratio of new
users (that were not used in the training phase of the
algorithms developed) utilising ANNs as explained
in the experiments section.
4.1 Experimental Design
The ANN designed and utilised in this work were
implemented in Matlab R2011a (http://www.
mathworks.com/products/matlab). As already
mentioned, a typical ANN was developed for
predicting the cognitive style of users based on their
interaction with the experimental environment; a
Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) ANN with one output
neuron for calculating the cognitive style ratio. The
nodes of the ANN were organised in layers and
forming the so-called input-hidden-output layers. At
the input layer the aforementioned metrics were
Initially, the data were normalised and then they
were randomly split into three subsets, the training,
the validation and the testing subset consisting of
60%, 20% and 20% of the original data samples.
The inputs were inserted in the computational
neurons and the output (cognitive typology) was
compared with the desired output (actual cognitive
typology measured using the psychometric test). The
predictive power of the ANN was measured on the
testing subset, the validation subset was used as a
pseudo-test set in order to evaluate the quality of the
network during training and the training subset was
used for obtaining the optimal network model.
The weights were adjusted using a gradient
(steepest descent) algorithm until the desired output
is achieved; this process is called the training of the
network. Various architectures were evaluated in
order to find the optimal one, which comprise of
single hidden layer ANN with varying number of
hidden nodes (i.e., nodes in the internal layer or
Number of Hidden Nodes (NHN)). Specifically, the
varying number of internal neurons examined varied
from 6 to 16, with step size equal to 1, in order to
identify the optimum performing networks. An early
stopping of the training process was also performed
to stop training when the validation error was
In addition, the following parameters were
selected as they did not demonstrate any instability
in the training process of the networks: The
algorithm used for training was the Levenberg-
Marquardt (trainlm) backpropagation algorithm
(Rumelhart et al., 1986) which is usually very
efficient, but it requires a lot of memory to run. The
maximum number of epochs was set to 100 and the
performance was evaluated using the MSE with reg
performance function, which takes the weight sum
of two factors the mean squared error and the mean
squared weight and bias values.
Finally, a cross validation process was followed
(namely holdout cross validation (Weiss and
Kulikowski, 1991)) to ensure the generalisation of
the model on larger datasets, which is necessary to
be performed especially in cases of small datasets.
4.2 Results and Discussion
Initially, a statistical analysis of the metrics showed
that most users irrespective of their cognitive
typology preferred to solve the picture-based
CAPTCHAs. This preference may be interpreted by
taking into consideration that the majority of Web
application providers utilise text-based CAPTCHA,
and thus, users wanted to try out the different
CAPTCHA type (i.e., the picture-based CAPTCHA)
out of curiosity and due to the attractiveness images
have over text. In addition, this preference seemed to
have affected the observations obtained based on the
processing time and ability metrics of the users,
since an indirect relation between the CAPTCHA
metrics was observed.
Therefore, the model-free ANN method was
utilised next to investigate the existence of patterns
among users’ cognitive typologies preference,
performance and ability in solving CAPTCHA
challenges. The ANN offered an automatic way for
predicting the typology of users and adapting
accordingly the content and functionality of
interactive systems.
The results of the ANNs employed are explained
in this section. The best performance of the ANN
(with MSE=0.01) was obtained at the 8th
experimental repetition and at the 9th epoch. The
results for the training, validation and testing sets of
this network are presented in Table 1 for the
performance metrics of Mean Magnitude of Relative
Error (MMRE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean
Z Error Ratio (MZ), Median Magnitude of Relative
Error (MdMRE), Mean Absolute Error (MdAE) and
Mean Z Error Ratio (MdZ). The performance
metrics are calculated based on the local measures
(described in equations (1)-(3) in Table 2) by using
their means and medians respectively.
Figure 3 shows a comparison of the actual
cognitive style ratio of the samples used during the
testing phase compared to the predicted ratio
obtained from the ANN model with architecture 8-
Figure 3: Actual vs. Predicted cognitive style ratio of
ANN 8-13-1 during testing phase.
From the results obtained we observe that the
proposed ANN model is suitable for recognising the
cognitive type of users that did not participate in the
training of the model (i.e., this can be observed in
the prediction evaluation results of the Test set in
Table 1). Observing the rest ANN models
constructed we conclude that they present a robust
method to distinguish Verbal/Imagers and
Intermediates users. This observation is obvious
from the results of Table 3 which show on average
the performances of various ANN architectures
(varying the Number of Hidden Neurons (NHN))
during the testing phase.
The main result obtained from this work is that
ANN models can be effectively trained, even with
using just a small sample of users, and may reach to
very accurate predictions of the cognitive ratio of
users that have not participated in the training and
construction process of the models. This proposes
that utilising only CAPTCHA-related metrics the
probability of reaching to accurate approximations
of the cognitive styles of users is quite high.
Table 1: MLP ANN 8 -13-1 performance results.
Train 0.087 0.056 0.084 0.059 1.024 1.023
Val 0.135 0.095 0.127 0.091 1.053 1.045
Test 0.144 0.102 0.135 0.130 1.032 1.002
Table 2: Local performance metrics.
Table 3: Cross validation testing performance results of
8 0.180 0.153 0.173 0.147 1.071 1.046
9 0.160 0.128 0.152 0.130 1.061 1.027
10 0.166 0.137 0.155 0.141 1.096 1.073
11 0.141 0.102 0.135 0.102 1.032 1.002
12 0.176 0.136 0.164 0.140 1.087 1.046
13 0.143 0.113 0.135 0.110 1.049 1.024
14 0.141 0.111 0.133 0.112 1.053 1.025
15 0.135 0.108 0.130 0.109 1.023 1.002
16 0.190 0.172 0.183 0.166 1.074 1.036
The purpose of this paper was to present results of
an experimental setup, in order to increase our
understanding on automatically attaining cognitive
styles based on specific Web interaction data of
users. Specific data metrics of CAPTCHA
mechanisms have been proposed and utilised by an
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), with the aim to
predict the users’ cognitive style.
The experimental process of the ANN yielded
very promising results for the sample examined. In
particular, the results obtained with ANNs for
predicting the cognitive styles ratio of individuals
were particularly successful in respect to their real
cognitive style ratio value. This indicates that
techniques such as ANNs are suitable for predicting
users’ cognitive typology using their interaction data
with CAPTCHA-related challenges.
The practicality and significance of this work is
that the suggested ways of capturing intrinsic
characteristics of users, like cognitive styles, and
their analysis through intelligent techniques may be
more effective and less time and effort consuming
than traditional instruments since they might
optimise the user modelling process. However, in
order to build a cohesive user model psychometric
tests are not yet to be replaced since this study is still
in its very early stages.
The meaning of the relation between cognitive
styles and interaction data needs to be further
examined to reach to a more cohesive user model
and effectively guide adaptation in interactive
systems. Future work includes further
experimentation for investigating these relations and
further employing fuzzy algorithms or other
Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods to determine the
degree of adaptation based on user profiles and the
correlations obtained by ANN models such as the
ones used in this work.
The work is co-funded by the EU project Co-
LIVING (60-61700-98-009), smarTag (University of
Cyprus) and PersonaWeb (Cyprus Research
Promotion Foundation).
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