sidering 5 different experiments. The force-velocity
diagram shows that the MR
damper can be mod-
eled with high accuracy by the proposed ANN struc-
ture since this shock absorber has an on/off actuation
and does not have hysteresis; while the MR
presents a more complex dynamics at high frequen-
cies with high displacements and the MR damper
model based on the proposed 1-hidden layer structure
can not represent this hysteretic behavior with only
one sensor. However, this displacement pattern is out
of the automotive operational zone of the damper, i.e.
it does not occur at normal driving conditions.
By comparing the modeling performance of the
proposed MR damper model based on ANN with an-
other MR damper models presented in the literature,
it is considerable to assume an optimal modeling per-
formance. In the proposed ANN model, the obtained
modeling error of 7.25% based on the RMS is equiv-
alent to 4.7% of Error to Signal-Ratio (ESR), this
means that the error in the proposed ANN model
is: 1) lower than the ESR average (14.5%) obtained
by the Bingham model and reported in (Savaresi
et al., 2005); 2) lower than the ESR average (8.7%)
obtained by a phenomenological model reported in
(Ruiz-Cabrera et al., 2010); lower than the ESR av-
erage (38.7%) obtained by a semi-phenomenological
model reported in (Ruiz-Cabrera et al., 2010); but
greater than the ESR average of (0.9%) and (2%) ob-
tained by an ANN model reported in (Savaresi et al.,
2005) and (Ruiz-Cabrera et al., 2010) respectively.
Although these latter ANN structures have regressors,
use the output feedback and demand the displacement
and velocity sensor.
Due to reliability of the proposed MR damper
model and simplicity on the ANN structure, the model
can be used to test semiactive suspension control sys-
tems. A control technique free of model has been
used to control the semiactive suspension of a quar-
ter of vehicle system; the performance of the passive
suspension was used as benchmark. Simulation re-
sults show that passengers comfort and road holding
can be increased at least 7.4% and 40.4% respectively,
when an MR semiactive suspension is used.
Authors thank to CONACYT (Program of Postgradu-
ate Cooperation - 2010) for the financial supports of
this research.
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