T-ACO Tournament Ant Colony Optimisation
for High-dimensional Problems
Emmanuel Sapin and Ed Keedwell
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, Harrison Building, Exeter, England, U.K.
Ant Colony Optimisation, Tournament Selection, High-dimensional Problem.
Standard ACO implementations use a roulette wheel to allow ants to make path decisions at each node of the
topology which works well for problems of smaller dimensionality, but breaks down when higher numbers of
variables are considered. Such problems are becoming commonplace in biology and particularly in genomics
where thousands of variables are considered in parallel. In this paper, a tournament-based ACO approach is
proposed that is shown to outperform the roulette wheel-based approach for all problems of higher dimen-
sionality in terms of the performance of the final solutions and execution time on problems taken from the
NP-hard combinatorial problems are an important
class of problems in theoretical and real-world tasks.
For these problems no algorithm can solve them in a
polynomial time. Examples of such problems are the
bin packing problem and the knapsack problem.
Some recent approaches to solve these problems
are to use nature inspired or other stochastic algo-
rithms that are known to have delivered good results
for this class of problems. Ant colony optimisation
(ACO), as one such algorithm is inspired by the way
in which ants in the wild find the shortest path to food
using pheromones. ACO has been shown to deliver
excellent results on discrete combinatorial test prob-
lems (Dorigo and Caro, 1999) and has been widely
applied to real-world problems ranging from water
distribution system optimisation (Zecchin et al., 2007;
St¨utzle and Dorigo, 1999) to bioinformatics (Christ-
mas et al., 2011; Moore, 2005; Greene et al., 2008).
In particular, there are a number of recent appli-
cations of ACO to the discovery of gene-gene inter-
actions in genomic data. The problem is to search a
large database (up to 400,000) of small DNA changes
known as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
and find the SNP or combination of SNPs that best
discriminates between diseased and healthy individ-
uals (for a more in-depth discussion of the problem,
readers are directed to (Christmas et al., 2011)). The
sheer size of the data presents a unique challenge to
ACO as there are many thousands of possible choices
for each ant at each decision point. Paths are usu-
ally chosen through the use of a roulette wheel which
weights decisions based on the level of pheromone for
each SNP. This procedure works well for small num-
bers of decision variables, but as we will show the
performance of the roulette wheel breaks down when
many thousands of path choices are included and a
new method based on a tournament is investigated.
The idea of using a tournament for this purpose
was first proposed in (Tsai et al., 2002), who used the
method in conjunction with other algorithm modifica-
tions to cluster data. We extend their work here by in-
vestigating solely the impact of tournament selection
on a widely recognised problem taken from the lit-
erature, and determine the robustness of the improve-
ment with respect to a variety of algorithm parameters
and problem sizes.
The selection procedure in evolutionary algo-
rithms is closely related to path choices in ACO as
both procedures are required to provide a stochastic
decision but one that is weighted towards individu-
als with the greatest fitness, or paths with the greatest
pheromone. Tournament selection is often preferred
over the roulette wheel in evolutionary computing for
a number of reasons, including its comparative ease
of implementation, computational efficiency, the ease
with which selection pressure can be modified and
perhaps most importantly, its robustness with respect
to the distribution of the fitness function. Roulette
wheels do not function well where the distribution of
fitness (pheromone) is highly skewed or where neg-
Sapin E. and Keedwell E..
T-ACO Tournament Ant Colony Optimisation for High-dimensional Problems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004159900810086
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA-2012), pages 81-86
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ative fitnesses exist. Although negative pheromone
is not a concern in ACO, the remaining benefits to
evolutionary computing should translate to ACO with
the use of a tournament in place of the roulette wheel
for path selection. T-ACO replaces the roulette wheel
with a tournament in path selection in ACO.
The following sections describe the implementa-
tion of the algorithm, experimentation with knapsack
problems of varying sizes and multiple parameter set-
tings, and concluding remarks.
2.1 Standard ACO
The standard ant colony optimisation (Dorigo and
Caro, 1999) creates a population of agents ants that
traverse a topology. The topology can reflect the un-
derlying topology of the problem (e.g. with the travel-
ling salesman problem) or can make use of a construc-
tion graph where each variable choice is aligned with
connections between variable choices forming the set
of paths for the algorithm to traverse. Construction
graphs are used for problems that do not have a na-
tive topology and in this way, any discrete combina-
torial problem is solvable with ACO. Ants make path
choices at each juncture in the graph based on the
level of pheromone (and occasionally local heuristic
values) on the paths leading to the next variable se-
lection. However, a further modification is desirable
where the selection of subsets of variables is required
and the order of variable selection is not important
(e.g. in the knapsack and genomics problems). In
this case, a full construction graph is not required and
pheromone can be deposited on the variables them-
selves, using the approach described in (Leguizam´on
and Michalewicz, 1999), which is used here.
The probability of selecting a variable can be calcu-
lated thus:
(t) =
Where τ
(t) is the pheromone on the variable i at time
t and η
(t) is the local heuristic value (optional) on the
same variable. α and β coefficients allow the balance
between the two components to be adjusted.
Once an ant reaches its destination, it leaves
pheromone on the chosen variables that reflect the
quality of the solution that the variables represent.
Pheromone is then evaporated by a fixed percentage
across all variables and the algorithm iterates again.
The updated pheromone can therefore be calculated
(t + 1) = (1 ρ).τ
(t) +
(t) (2)
Where ρ is the pheromone evaporation rate (typi-
cally between 1 and 10%) and
(t) is the additional
pheromone laid by the ants traversing the graph.
2.2 Tournament-ACO
T-ACO uses the above standard equations (without
local heuristic) as the basis for its algorithm. The
key difference between T-ACO and ACO is how the
variable is selected for a given set of probabilities.
Traditionally this is achieved by summing the prob-
abilities as calculated above and selecting randomly
from these summed probabilities to determine the
next variables chosen by the ant. This process al-
lows the ant to choose randomly but with a deci-
sion weighted towards those variables with greater
pheromone values. T-ACO differs in that a tourna-
ment selection is used.
In this process, t variables are randomly chosen
from the set of possible variable choices and the vari-
able with the highest pheromone value is selected. By
varying t the greediness of the algorithm can be mod-
ified, lower values of t approximates random search
as the competition element of the tournament is less-
ened and the influence of paths with high pheromone
is reduced. Higher values of t increase the greediness
of the search.
It should be noted that no such mechanism exists
for roulette wheel based search and the greediness of
the algorithm is usually adjusted through modifica-
tions of the evaporation rate.
T-ACO therefore runs as follows
Initialise pheromone;
For all the NBANT ants:
Choose items:
Select NBT items according to the
Store the items the ant has chosen
For all the NBANT ants:
Calculate the fitness depending of the
value of the chosen items
Store the best fitness
Update pheromone of the chosen items
For all items: apply evaporation rate E
NBANT: the numbers of ants of the algorithm;
E: the evaporation rate in percentage;
NBT: the number of paths for the tournament of
the selection process;
Figure 1 shows a flow chart describing the method.
Figure 1: Flow chart describing the method.
The standard ACO algorithm with a roulette wheel
was also implemented for comparison.
2.3 Knapsack Problem
The Knapsack problem was chosen for experimenta-
tion as it is an NP-hard combinatorial problem which
has the required flexibility in terms of the number of
decision variables. This problem has been studied
for more than one century and was introduced by the
mathematician Tobias Dantzig.
The problem is described as follows: given a set of
items, each with a weight and a value, determine the
count of each item to include in a collection so that
the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit
and the total value is as large as possible. It derives
its name from the problem faced by someone who is
constrained by a fixed-size Knapsack and must fill it
with the most useful items.
The problem is represented to the algorithm as
a construction graph of N columns (where N is the
number of variables), each with two nodes represent-
ing the binary decision of whether to pack the item or
not. The fitness function is the sum of the values of
the selected items and the level of pheromone left by
each ant is the value of the fitness function.
3.1 Parameters of the Problem
A variety of parameters are modified to determine the
efficacy of the proposed T-ACO approach. The main
objective is to show the effect that the tournament has
over varying problem sizes up to the large-scale deci-
sions required for processing genomic data.
Each item has a weight between 0 and 100 and a value
between 0 and 100. The knapsack capacity is 1000.
3.2 Parameters of the T-ACO
In order to solve the Knapsack problem, various pa-
rameter combinations for the ant colony optimisation
have been tested. The algorithm is described with the
three following parameters: The following evapora-
tion rates, E, have been tested: 1%, 10%, 25% and
50%. The followingnumbers of ants in the population
have been tested 50, 200, 500, 2 000 (NBANT). The
following selection process have been tried Roulette
wheel, tournament with 2%, 5%, 10% and 20 %.
A Monte Carlo method has also been implemented
in which random solutions are generated to act as a
3.3 Various Values of Parameters
All the combinations of values have been tried for the
three variables: the four evaporation rates E, the four
numbers of ants in the population NBANT and the
four sizes of the tournament NBT. For every com-
bination 50 runs are performed. An average of the
fitness of the best individual is taken into account.
The first experiment is designed to explore the po-
tential for tournament selection of variables in a high
(400,000) dimensional problem. The ve curves in
figure 2, correspond to four tournament in the selec-
tion process and a roulette wheel selection. The X
axis is the number of ants in the colony and the Y
axis is the average of 200 best results (50 runs of the
algorithm with four different evaporation rates).
Figure 2: Variation of the fitness depending on the number
of ants in the colony for various selection processes.
This figure shows that for large-scale problems,
the roulette wheel is outperformed by all of the tour-
nament path selectors for all numbers of ants in the
population. It is interesting to note that the perfor-
mance of smaller tournaments increases in relation
to the number of ants whereas the larger tournament
(100) decreases in performance.
In figure 3, the five curves correspond to four numbers
of items in the selection process and a roulette wheel
selection. The X axis represents the evaporation rates
and the Y axis represents the average of 200 best re-
sults (50 runs of the algorithm, four possible numbers
of ants in the colony).
Figure 3: Variation of the fitness depending on the evapora-
tion rate for various selection processes.
Figure 3 shows that for a variety of evaporation
rates, the effect of roulette wheel and tournament se-
lection processes is reasonably static. However, the
tournament always outperforms the roulette wheel ap-
3.4 Various Sizes of Problem
The following experiment explores all the combina-
tions of values of the three variables E, NBANT and
NBT, for various sizes of problems. The sum of the
fitness of the best individual for all the runs is shown.
For 40,000 items, the graph in figure 4 is the sum of
fitnesses of the best individuals. The X axis is the
number of evaluations of an individual.
Figure 4: Average of the fitness of the best individuals de-
pending on the number of evaluations.
For 4000 items, the graph in figure 5 is the sum of
fitnesses of the best individuals. The X axis is the
number of evaluations of an individual.
Figure 5: Average of the fitness of the best individuals de-
pending on the number of evaluations.
For 400 items, the graph in figure 6 is the sum of fit-
nesses of the best individuals. The X axis is the num-
ber of evaluations of an individual.
Figure 6: Average of the fitness of the best individuals de-
pending on the number of evaluations.
Figure 4 shows that for large-scale problems, tour-
nament selection outperforms roulette wheel selec-
tion for the majority of the optimisation runs. This
advantage however, is diminished for 4000 items, in
figure 5, where the roulette wheel has the advantage.
Furthermore for just 400 items, the roulette wheel is
clearly the preferred method of selection for the paths
in ACO, figure 6.
Figure 7 shows the fitness of a best individual for 100,
1000, 5000, 10000 and 100000 items. The X axis is
the fitness of the best individual and the Y axis is the
number of items. This figure shows the performance
of a variety of tournament sizes, expressed as a per-
centage of the population size and the roulette wheel
selector across a number of problem sizes.
Figure 7 shows that whilst roulette wheel is the dom-
inant search procedure for problem sizes < 5000, the
tournament selectors become more successful as the
problem size increases. A tournament of approxi-
mately 5% appears to produce reasonable results in
all circumstances and it is interesting to note that the
tournament of 2% shows an almost opposite trajec-
tory to the roulette wheel search, improving consis-
tently as the problem size increases.
3.5 Execution Time
A further consideration with large-scale data is the
time taken to perform the selection process. As a
Figure 7: Fitness of a best individual depending on the num-
ber of evaluations.
highly repeated function within the algorithm, even
small differences in execution time will make a large
difference to the overall execution time of the algo-
Figure 8 shows the comparison between runtimes for
roulette wheel and a tournament size of 10% of the
problem size. This is the complete execution time,
including the calculation of the objective function, so
it can be seen that the variable selection process has
a large impact on the complexity of the ant colony
optimisation algorithm.
Figure 8: A comparison of execution times on four different
problem sizes.
Roulette wheel path selection appears to be the
favoured process for problems of small dimensional-
ity, but above 1000 variables, the advantage switches
in favour of the tournament selection in terms of per-
formance on the knapsack problem. This can be ex-
plained by the fact that even large tournaments are
slower to converge on a solution in large spaces than
the roulette wheel approach. This effect appears to
be robust as it is unaffected by the modification of a
number of other parameter modifications, including
evaporation rates and population sizes. An additional
advantage to the tournament-based approach is its rel-
ative speed at high dimensionalities. As the problem
sizes increase, the process of creating a roulette wheel
becomes more inefficient, whereas the tournamentap-
proach even with a tournament size related to the size
of the problem increases far more slowly.
Figure 8 shows for a problem size of 1000 variables,
the tournament is approximately 1.5 times faster than
the roulette wheel, but for 100,000 variables, this in-
creases to 20 times faster. The ability for the tourna-
ment selector to scale to larger sets of decision vari-
ables is vital in application areas where larger prob-
lem sizes will require longer runs of the algorithm.
In many applications the objective function forms the
largest part of the computational load, but neverthe-
less, an approach that both increases performance and
reduces computational load in these high dimensions
is significant.
The best result was obtained for 500 ants, 20 items in
the tournament of the selection process and an evapo-
ration rate of 1%.
A tournament-based ACO algorithm known as T-
ACO was implemented and experiments were con-
ducted on a variety of problem sizes and algorithm
parameter settings. From this it is proposed that for
problems of higher dimensionality, the use of a tour-
nament approach provides better results and reduced
computational time. This is likely to be particularly
useful for high-dimensional problems in genomics
where the number of discrete variables is very large
and the computational load is high. In further work
we hope to apply this algorithm to real-world optimi-
sation problems, including those in bioinformatics to
further test the validity of the T-ACO approach.
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