The research work reported in this paper
demonstrates the formulated approach to
engineering Science Gateways. It showed from
experimentation the feasibility of combining two
existing and complementary engineering techniques
towards the creation of gMDE (Manset et al., 2006).
Since this approach is based on the concepts of re-
use and execution platform independence, the
engineering framework is not limited to the Grid-
based biomedical research domain. Indeed, the same
approach can tackle other SOA-based developments.
Thus, the benefits of using the gMDE are
substantial. Formal application models designed
under the presented framework are persistent and re-
usable. One can use libraries of previously stored
models (as templates) to design new applications.
Furthermore the approach is scalable; one can
extend the scope of the framework by providing new
constraint and mapping models. Application of the
presented technique is being foreseen in the area of
self-adaptive systems, in particular on how
computational applications can benefit from
autonomic computing concepts and where (g)MDE
can be used to impact on running architectures to
reconfigure by themselves. In (Collet et al., 2010),
self-adaptive capabilities were introduced in the
Grid middleware itself, regardless of executed
applications, in order to make it self-reconfigurable
to QoS failure scenarios.
An interesting area of future research is the
development of Cloud deployment strategies, based
on step (4) of the gMDE process, in particular
utilizing the GEDM deployment model. Indeed,
similar to what was done with GridProxy services to
abstract from Grid middleware specificities, Cloud
Proxies could be defined as architectural design
constructs and the QoS attributes turned into
concrete deployment strategies brokering towards
different Cloud (IaaS and PaaS) providers.
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