A New Model for Solving the Simultaneous Object Collecting and
Shepherding Problem in Flocking Robots
Ellips Masehian and Mitra Royan
Industrial Engineering Department, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Robot Flocking Systems, Shepherding, Object Collecting, Fuzzy Expert System, Obstacle Avoidance.
Abstract: Shepherding behavior is a class of collective behaviors in flocking systems which requires that a swarm of
mobile robots enter an area populated with known or unknown obstacles, collect a flock of static or dynamic
particles (objects), and guide them safely to a predefined goal position. Applications of this behavior are in
sheep or duck shepherding and fishing. In this paper, a new algorithmic model is developed for online for-
mation control, decision making, behavior selection, and motion planning of a team of homogeneous and
anonymous (no leader and follower) flocking robots which simultaneously perform object collecting and
shepherding tasks. The model’s architecture is enriched with various complex flocking actions such as flock
deformation, flock split and merge, flock expansion, and flock obstacle avoidance. Contributions of this pa-
per include (i) defining a new class of problems for flocking robots called Simultaneous Object Collecting
and Shepherding (SOCS) problem, (ii) incorporating online obstacle sensing and avoidance methods in the
flocking behavior, and (iii) developing a fuzzy expert system for determining the strategy of environment
exploration. The fuzzy inference engine provides an effective way to minimize the time spent on collecting
objects while maximizing the gain obtained by object collection, in a way that the flock’s formation and in-
tegrity is maintained. The proposed model was implemented on a number of simulations and produced ra-
tional and satisfactory results.
Swarm robotics is an interesting branch of artificial
intelligence, which is inspired from natural behav-
iors of bees, ants, fish, birds, etc. Flocking, as a
basic collective behavior in swarm robotic systems,
has being studied for a decade. In general, flocking
is a natural phenomenon where a group of animals
move together as a single entity. The motion of
flocking robots is a result of integrated actions of all
members in the group, such that each member acts
based on a local perception of its surrounding.
Reynolds (1987) proposed the following three
fundamental rules for simulating flocking and herd-
ing behaviors:
Separation: when flock members get very close to
each other (closer than a ‘repulsion range’), they
must move away each other via a repulsive force. As
a result, sufficient free space around each member is
Alignment: each member should be moving along
the general direction of its neighboring members.
Cohesion: members should move toward the center
of its local neighbors. As a result, they stay close to
the group, until they sense repulsive forces.
The logic behind these rules is that while each indi-
vidual follows relative simple rules, when taken as a
whole, they move as an organized group. Brett
(2009) presented many applications for flocking
behaviors, like mobile sensor network, surveillance,
control and covering problems, or transporting large
objects. The whole group tries to adjust its velocity
and align with other agents in the flock, while main-
taining the predetermined pattern and avoiding ob-
stacle collisions, and move toward the goal while
trying to minimize collisions between the members
of the flock.
There are varieties of problems in the literature
that require and utilize flocking as a behavior of
swarm robots. Many problems are demonstrated in
different environments which may be totally un-
known or partially known to the group. Some of
them consider leader–follower models, where the
flock leader’s velocity may or may not change dur-
ing the task. The way the robots communicate with
each other is important for the flock’s successful
Masehian E. and Royan M..
A New Model for Solving the Simultaneous Object Collecting and Shepherding Problem in Flocking Robots.
DOI: 10.5220/0004161600960105
In Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (ECTA-2012), pages 96-105
ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
task execution. Generally, they have a local commu-
nication and should enter the environment, obtain
information about the surrounding, and update and
share their acquired information.
In the following we categorize the main ap-
proaches of solving flocking problems in free space
or in presence of multiple obstacles:
Leader–follower Methods: In Leader-Follower
approaches, one robot assumes the leader role and
the rest of the flock follows it. The leaders use a
tracking strategy to lead the flock toward the desti-
nation. In general, one agent acts as a group leader
and the others just follow the separation, alignment,
and cohesion rules, resulting in leader following
(e.g., Xiong et al. (2008)).
Roadmap–based Methods: Searching and moving
toward the goal in this type of flocking problems is
accomplished based on the global information and the
roadmap of the environment imposed on the system.
Bayazit et al. (2002) proposed three distinct group
behaviors: homing, exploring and shepherding, that
exploit global knowledge of the environment with the
use of medial axis probabilistic roadmap.
Control Theory–based Methods: In this approach,
each robot has to follow a certain control theory law
to converge to a stable state. These control laws can
be used to coordinate the motion of each flock
member that is capable of local sensing and commu-
nication, and can be related to both kinematics and
dynamics of robots (e.g., Sharma et al. (2009) and
Navarro et al. (2008)).
Fault Tolerant Methods: These types of methods
assume that the flock there is a possibility of a faulty
robot to fail during a task execution such that the
crash can be either permanent, or temporary and
recoverable in future. Also, there is a model in lead-
er-follower flocks when the leader crashes and the
group choose another leader to guide the flock.
1.1 Shepherding
Shepherding is an interesting flocking behavior: it is
a cooperative task of controlling a group of agents
by one or more groups of agents via employing
repulsive forces. In the literature there are single and
multiple shepherd variations for the shepherding
behavior, of which the multi robot type can be
viewed as a kind of task manipulation that has appli-
cations more than just herding a group of animals.
Brett (2009) proposed different cooperative ap-
plications for shepherding behaviors like collecting
oil spilt from oil tankers, keeping animals off of
airport runways, and keeping people from dangerous
areas such as unsafe waters, construction zones or
other restricted areas. In spite of this, shepherding
has received little attention up to now, and there are
many open problems to be worked in future.
In the literature, shepherding has been used
merely for controlling and directing a number of
known objects toward a goal, sometimes in presence
of obstacles. By considering the influence of the
shepherd’s (robots) motion on the flock (objects),
the flock can be prevented from scattering and can
be controlled easier. Christopher et al. (2010)
showed in the robot sheepdog project how a robotic
system that gathers a flock of ducks in a circular
arena based on the potential field algorithm is used
to generate movements for each duck and maneuver
them safely to a predetermined goal position. Garrell
et al. (2009) proposed a new approach for guiding
people in open areas of urban settings by using mul-
tiple robots acting in a cooperative way.
In all of the shepherding-related researches it is
assumed that the collectible objects (particles), as
well as workspace obstacles, are fully known. How-
ever, in some real-world applications like fishing
there is no information about the number and distri-
bution of collectible objects (e.g. fish). Information
about obstacles is also missing when operating in
unknown environments. Therefore, the flock must
identify and collect objects, while simultaneously
shepherding them toward a goal region.
In this paper we propose a new class of problems
called “Simultaneous Object Collecting and Shep-
herding (SOCS)” for flocking robots. The SOCS
problem has some real-world applications, such as
collecting distributed mines in an unsafe area, col-
lecting oil spills or trashes off the sea, casting a fish
net and directing the hunted fish toward the ship (an
instance of 3D space problem).
In offline mode, when there exists a full
knowledge about the workspace (including objects
and obstacles) before the robots start their task exe-
cution, the SOCS problem is analogous to the Trav-
eling Salesman Problem (TSP), in which a salesman
starts his trip from a city, visits each and every city
he plans to visit only once, and return to his starting
city. Mathematically, the TSP is about finding a
Hamiltonian tour on a given graph, which is an NP-
hard problem, meaning that the time to optimally
solve the problem grows exponentially as the num-
ber of cities increases. In fact, we can draw parallels
between cities in the TSP and objects (or clusters of
objects) in the SOCS, and between the salesman in
the TSP and the flock in the SOCS. The only differ-
ence is that the flock should not necessarily return to
its starting position, and that the flock is not limited
to visit a certain location only once (this relaxation
still does not reduce the NP-hardness of the prob-
In online mode, however, the robots must ac-
quire environmental knowledge through their sen-
sors, both about collectible objects and obstacles,
and so the SOCS problem interweaves the shepherd-
ing task with sensor-based motion planning and
obstacle avoidance. In the SOCS problem we as-
sume that collecting each object by the flock has a
gain or reward, and the flock has a limited time to
execute its task. The ideal situation would be to
collect all objects and direct them to the goal point
in minimum time. Put differently:
The SOCS problem is to maximize the gain of
collecting objects by a flock while minimizing the
total time.
This problem, however, is NP-hard in both offline
and online modes, and so finding the optimal solu-
tion is not practical for large number of objects.
Instead, we have proposed a heuristic method to
overcome the complexity and produce a collective
behavior for gathering scattered objects and shep-
herding them toward the goal region in online mode.
The main contributions of this paper include:
(i) Defining a new class of problems for flocking
robots called the Simultaneous Object Collecting
and Shepherding (SOCS) problem,
(ii) Incorporating online obstacle sensing and avoid-
ance methods in the flocking behavior, and
(iii) Developing a fuzzy expert system for determin-
ing the strategy of environment exploration. The
fuzzy inference engine provides an effective way to
minimize the time spent on collecting objects while
maximizing the gain obtained by object collection,
in a way that the flock’s formation and integrity is
The proposed model was implemented in a number
of simulations and produced rational and satisfactory
Our proposed model for solving the online SOCS
problem is composed of two main ‘Exploration’ and
‘Exploitation’ behaviors, and two auxiliary ‘Fuzzy
Expert System’ and ‘Motion Planning’ modules.
The Exploration behavior is adopted when the
flock intends to explore the environment for collect-
ing objects. Here the main emphasis is on covering
the environment as much as possible and moving
toward regions with dense population of objects, as
temporary goals. On the other hand, the Exploitation
behavior is triggered when the flock has collected
sufficient number of objects, or the available time is
nearly over. In this case, the flock heads toward the
final goal and collects all objects on its way.
The Fuzzy Expert System Module is utilized for
deciding about where the flock should move to col-
lect more objects (hence more gain), and when to
stop collecting and move toward the final goal, such
that the task is finished within a time limit.
The Motion Planning Module implements the
Potential Fields method for helping the flock to
avoid obstacles locally, and move toward either the
final goal region or a temporary goal near a cluster
of collectible objects. The module also decides about
executing some complex actions like stretching,
shrinking, splitting and merging. In this way, the
flock becomes a deformable and coherent group,
which during its navigation in the environment, can
shrink or elongate to pass through narrow passages,
or split and merge when encountered with obstacles
or corridors (while retaining its connectivity and not
losing any collected object), and shepherd the ob-
jects toward the goal region.
The model’s assumptions are as follows:
1. The workspace is planar, bordered, and initially
unknown to the robots. It contains static polygonal
obstacles which should be avoided.
2. The robots are homogeneous, circular, and can
move in the workspace without kinodynamic con-
straints. They are equipped with range sensors for
identifying both obstacles within the range R
(Figure 1) and particles within the range R
< R
We also assume that there are no localization and
sensing errors.
3. The robots form a flock by taking on the shape of
a circular arc, with its open segment facing forward.
The flock’s integrity is maintained by regulating and
equalizing the robots’ velocities with each other. The
flock must finish its task within a time limit T
collect at least Q
4. The particles are small circular objects scattered
over the workspace, which may be fixed or moving.
Collecting a particle has a gain for the flock.
5. The goal region is known to the robots and once
the flock’s center lies inside that region the search is
Table 1 introduces some of the more important
variables and parameters of the model.
Figure 1: Identifying the surrounding obstacles through
range-finder sensors.
Table 1: Variables and parameters of the model.
Symbol Description
(t) Position vector of robots at time t
(t) Position vector of particles at time t
(t) Velocity vector of robots at time t
(t) Vector of particles velocities at time t
Q(t) Number of collected particles inside the flock at
time t
D(t) Distance between the flock’s center and the final
goal at time t
C(n) Capacity of the flock with n robots; n = 1, …, N
Robots’ sensing range for detecting obstacles
Robots’ sensing range for detecting particles
Maximum distance between two neighboring robots
for maintaining connectivity
Minimum distance between two neighboring robots
for avoiding collision
Radius of the flock’s circular shape
Safety radius for particle p
Gain of collecting particle p
Upper bound of the allowable time interval
Lower bound of the allowable time interval
Minimum required number of collected particles
In the beginning, N robots reside in a Depot, and
an initial number of them (calculated based on the
parameters D
and D
) are selected to form the
flock by adjusting their positions on the circumfer-
ence of a circular arc with radius R
(Figure 2). The
arc’s angular span is between 180 and 270 degrees,
with its open segment facing toward the moving di-
rection. When the flock collects as much particles as
it can accommodate (i.e., C(n)), it checks the possibil-
ity (regarding time and cost) of an expansion by in-
corporating one or two robots settled in the depot. The
flock explores the workspace by being attracted to
areas with higher number of objects until either there
is no object left, or the available time is over. The
overall architecture of the model is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 2: Simultaneous object collecting and Shepherding:
The robots collect objects by trapping them inside their
arc-shaped flock and direct them toward the goal.
Our proposed flocking system has two basic behav-
iors: Exploration (covering the environment to find
as much particles as possible) and Exploitation
(moving toward the final goal). These techniques are
applied to the entire flock as an integrated shape.
Besides, other actions like traversing through narrow
passages, splitting, merging and deformation can
occur during the Exploration and Exploitation.
4.1 Exploration Behavior
In the Exploration behavior, each robot senses its
surrounding within the range R
and finds a num-
ber of particles around it. Then, all robots communi-
cate their obtained knowledge of environment, and
by integrating the whole knowledge, create a map of
the distribution of nearby particles. The sensed ob-
jects are then clustered into a few groups, and the
group with the most particles (and hence, the highest
gain) is marked for exploration. The center of this
cluster is fixed as a temporary goal and the flock
starts moving towards it. The flock’s motion is guid-
ed and obstacles are avoided using the Potential
Fields method (discussed in section 4.3). An area is
considered explored when the flock passes over it.
This collaborative effort of exploring the envi-
ronment is repeated from a temporary goal to anoth-
er until either there are no sensed but uncollected
particles left, or the flock cannot accommodate more
objects due to fullness of its capacity. The capacity
C(n) of a flock with n robots is determined based on
the safety radius of particles (S
), and the maximum
Figure 3: The proposed architecture for solving the SOCS problem.
Motion Planning Module
Exploration Behavior
Exploitation Behavior
Set a temporary goal in
the nearest dense area
Is there an area
densely populated
with particles?
Calculate the nearest
Fuzzy Expert System Module
Sensing the environment
and identifying obstacles
and particles
Robots move to a start
point and form a
circular flock
Does the flock face
a narrow passage?
Estimating the time to reach
the temporary goal
Estimating the current
distance to the final goal
Are there any
unused robots
in the depot?
Is there sufficient
space inside the
flock to collect
Executing the motion
planning module
Hunting particles in
the flock’s way
Moving toward the
final goal
Is the
Calculate effective
potential forces
Make a move according to
the Potential felids
Fuzzy inference engine
Set a temporary goal in
a random area
Moving toward the
temporary goal
Executing the motion
planning module
Hunting particles in
the flock’s way
Is the final
goal reached?
Calculating the number of
collected particles
and minimum allowable distance between the robots
and D
, respectively). If no objects are
marked for collection, a temporary goal is randomly
set in an unexplored area and the flock moves there,
while caging and shepherding all collected particles.
In case that the flock is too full to hunt another
particle, it invokes the Expansion action.
4.1.1 Expansion Action
As the flock gets larger, for preserving its connectiv-
ity and preventing the inner particles from escaping
from it, the robots should remain in a proper dis-
tance from their neighbors. If this is not possible due
to the outward pressure exerted by the inside parti-
cles, the flock needs to call for extra robots to join
the flock. Adding a robot to the flock, however,
takes time and cost which should be compared and
balanced with the gain which will possibly be ob-
tained by hunting more particles. Figure 4 shows a
schematic view of how new robots are joining the
flock after the flock’s robots move outwards and
form an expanded flock along a larger arc, making
room for the newcomers.
Figure 4: Expansion of the flock makes room for adding
more robots, and hence accommodating more particles.
4.2 Exploitation Behavior
Unlike the Exploration mode in which the flock does
not have any final destination and navigates through
the workspace to collect more and more objects, in
the Exploitation behavior the flock is attracted to-
ward the one and only final goal, which might be a
cage for ducks or a pier in fishing. Exploitation can
be viewed from two perspectives: (1) moving
straight to the goal after collecting a sufficient num-
ber of objects and approaching the time limit, and
(2) intensifying the search around ‘good’ areas, that
is, those with higher probability of having dense
particles. In such a case, the flock selects the closest
dense area and sets it as a temporary goal.
As it will be explained in section 5, the Fuzzy
Expert System module decides the proper time for
switching from the Exploration mode to the Exploi-
tation mode based on elapsed and available times
and the flock’s current distance to final goal region.
When the flock is in the Exploration mode but has
no space for hunting more particles (and there are no
robots left in the Depot for the Expansion action),
then Exploitation mode must start.
For both the Exploration and Exploitation behav-
iors of flock is guided toward its temporary or final
goal using the famous Potential Field method (Khat-
ib, 1986), as described below.
4.3 Motion Planning Module
The Motion Planning module is responsible for
guiding the flock from a point toward another point
such that no collision is occurred between any robot
and obstacle, and the traversed path is short, smooth,
and safe. This module is activated in both Explora-
tion and Exploitation behaviors, and is based on the
well-known Artificial Potential Fields method, pro-
posed by Khatib (1986). In this method, the robot is
directed toward the goal as if it is a particle moving
in a gradient vector field. Gradients can be intuitive-
ly viewed as forces acting on a positively charged
point-robot which is attracted to the negatively
charged goal. Obstacles also have a positive charge,
which forms repulsive forces to repel the robot away
from them.
Specifically, in our model, the sum of the follow-
ing three forces draws a robot in the flock toward the
goal while keeping it off from obstacles:
Repulsions from the other robots,
Repulsion from the closest detected obstacle,
Repulsion from the particles inside the flock,
Attraction toward the temporary or final goal.
The combination of repulsive and attractive forces
will hopefully direct the robot from the start location
to the goal location while avoiding obstacles. Vari-
ous applications of the Potential Fields approach in
coordinating a multi robot system are present in the
literature for many different tasks. For example, in
the collision avoidance problem, the group cohesion
property can be maintained using an artificial poten-
tial field that is dependent entirely on the relative
distances between the agents (Tanner et al., 2003).
As mentioned earlier, a circular arc pattern is ap-
Initial flock
Two new robots are added
plied for shepherding the collected particles: this
works well in workspaces with relatively large free
spaces. However, in cluttered environments with
narrow or maze-like passages, the flock might not
navigate easily, while keeping its full round shape.
As a matter of fact, a number of challenges have
been identified by researchers in recent works on
pattern formation: Varghese and McKee (2010)
showed that transformation of patterns is necessary
when a robotic swarm needs to react to obstacles in
the way of its motion, and presented a mathematical
model for swarm pattern formation based on the
foundations of the Complex Plane.
In order to properly react against the encountered
obstacles and passageways, the flock can launch two
effective actions: Deformation, and Split and Merge.
4.3.1 Deformation Action
Encountering narrow passages is a big challenge for
flocks. Although different group formations may be
used in relatively open areas, there are few shapes
suitable for passing through narrow regions, which
are generally shrunk along one axis and elongated
along the other axis (Figure 5). Also, in during Ex-
pansion action, the flock may encounter obstacles as
it expands, and so it has to deform. A reconfigura-
tion can be achieved by repositioning all or a few
agents in the pattern, which can lead to the defor-
mation of the pattern.
Care should be taken to maintain the maximum
and minimum distances between any two neighbor-
ing robots so that the flock is not disintegrated.
Figure 5: An example of a narrow passage: The flock’s
diameter is larger than the width of the passage and so
cannot enter it without deformation.
4.3.2 Split and Merge Action
According to the workspace and obstacles condi-
tions near and on the way of the flock, it may prefer
to split into two or more smaller flocks to be able to
detour an obstacles or pass through a narrow pas-
sage, and merge together afterwards, while trying
not to lose any collected particle (Figure 6).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6: The flock faces two separate groups of dense
particles and decides to split: (a) The flock is splitting, (b)
the flock moves toward the particles in two small flocks,
(c) The flock is merging, (d) The flock is reunited.
The overall objective of the proposed model is to
solve the SOCS problem in the online mode: that is,
maximizing the total gain (i.e., covering the whole
unknown workspace) while minimizing the total
completion time.
In order to successfully solve this problem, the
model must be able to make right decisions at the
global search level, that is, when to explore, and
when to exploit. This is done by implementing a
Fuzzy Expert System module. On the other hand,
local strategies are planned by the Motion Planning
module, by deciding how to avoid an obstacle and
when to undergo a deformation or a split and merge.
As it is obvious from the definition of the SOCS
problem, it has two independent conflicting objec-
tives: minimizing execution time and maximizing
object collecting gain (as shown in (1)), in which T
is the time of finishing the whole task and G
is the
gain of the particle p:
min max
In our proposed method, we assume a time interval
, T
] during which the flock is allowed to
execute and accomplish the collecting and shepherd-
Width of the
narrow passage
Average velocity
of the flock
of the
ing tasks, and also a required minimum number of
particles Q
to be collected by the flock. As a re-
sult, the flock must do its best to collect as much
particle as possible and reach the goal region before
spending a time more than the defined upper limit.
Naturally, the flock should choose areas with highest
number of objects (i.e. densest area).
For deciding when to abandon the Exploration
behavior the flock needs to estimate the time to
reach the goal region from its current position,
which can be done by calculating the distance D(t)
between the flock’s current average position
and the goal position X
via a simple straight line
heuristic, as in (2):
Goal R
() ()
Given the velocity of the flock V
(t) and the remain-
ing time (T
t), the flock can find out if it has
enough time to further explore the workspace by
visiting another temporary goal or it is time to move
directly toward the final goal. Actually, the critical
distance D
(t) is a distance that the robot can trav-
erse within the remaining time:
() ()
Similarly, the flock must terminate the Exploration
behavior whenever it cannot collect more objects,
even after utilizing all its N robots in the Depot. That
is, when (3) holds, in which C(N) is maximum pos-
sible capacity.
Q(t) C(N), (4)
Since a robot in a formation must handle additional
problems such as avoiding collision with other
members of the flock and relying on usually-
incomplete sensory data to detect the obstacles’
locations, time and distance calculations in (2) and
(3) are not always exact and real. On the other hand,
a flock formation should be able to successfully
operate in a real-time world with lots of noisy data
and must deal with the uncertainties found in such
an environment. Consequently, in order to cope with
these problems and possible localization and sensing
errors, a fuzzy-based approach is adopted to make
decisions about the flock’s next behavior. This will
make the model more robust and responsive toward
unexpected variations in sensing or motion.
We define fuzzy membership functions for three
variables: (1) time, t; (2) number of collected objects
at time t, Q(t); (3) direct distance to the final goal,
D(t); respectively as μ
, μ
, and μ
, illustrated in
Figure 7. As can be seen, right parts of all these
functions tend to zero; this means that for example
when the time exceeds its upper limit, it is high time
to exploit the search toward the goal region, or when
the number of collected objects exceeds the maxi-
mum possible capacity, Exploration must end.
Figure 7: (a) Fuzzy membership functions for (a) Elapsed
time, (b) Flock’s distance to goal, (c) Quantity of particles.
Introducing fuzziness in decision making reduces
the risk of making wrong decisions in the presence
of incomplete perception or improperly-set parame-
ters and thresholds. A number of fuzzy rules can be
defined for integrating the above membership func-
tions and decision variables. A typical fuzzy rule
contains commonly used linguistic modifiers (like
low, medium, high) and has the following structure:
IF Elapsed time is Low, AND
Collected quantity is Low, AND
Distance to the final goal is Large, AND
Distance to the nearest temporary goal is Low
THEN Behavior = Exploration
We can also blend the above fuzzy membership
functions into a single Fuzzy Decision criterion:
= min , ,
ti D i Q i
ti D i Q i
FD t D Q
after which the behavior is determined by comparing
the criterion’s value with a threshold α, as:
Exploitation if <
Exploration if
Behavior t
In order to assess the efficiency of the proposed
model in simultaneously collecting and shepherding
workspace objects we programmed it in Matlab
implemented on a number of simulations. The per-
formance measures were time, number of collected
particles, and the total gain of particles.
Figure 8 shows a typical input to the SOCS prob-
lem. There is a Depot with 11 robots at the lower
right corner, three polygonal obstacles and 64 parti-
cles scattered over the workspace. The obstacles and
particles are unknown to the robots, and the final
goal is located at the top center. Collecting a particle
has a gain of 3 points, and each second of runtime
exceeding the upper time limit has a 0.5 point penal-
ty. The T
was set to 400 seconds.
We used the PSO algorithm for simulating and
coordinating the movements of particles inside the
flock. The particles are dynamic and change their
position and speed over time. As the robots move,
they push the particles forward while preventing
them from leaving the flock. At each iteration the
particles try to adjust their velocities with the ‘best’
velocity among themselves so far, with movements
and positions of their neighbors, and with the aver-
age velocity of robots (Kennedy and Eberhart,
1995). The best direction is the one that has the
lowest deviation between the flock’s average direc-
tion of and direction of each particle.
Figure 9 shows the experimental result: the flock
moved from the Depot with 6 robots, sensed the
obstacles and detected and collected 37 particles,
with a gain of 111 points. The figure also reveals
that the flock selected 5 temporary goals before
exploiting toward the final goal region, and did not
use additional robots available in the Depot. The
total runtime was 412 seconds, about 3% longer than
the upper time limit, and for the same reason the
flock lost (412400) × 0.5 = 6 points, making the
total gain equal to 111 6 = 105 points.
We could not find any model in the literature to
compare with our proposed model in online mode.
So we considered the TSP problem as a benchmark
to compare with our model in offline mode, i.e.,
assuming that the flock has complete information
about the obstacles and objects. On the other hand,
for the TSP formulation, the particles were clustered
into different groups and the center of mass of each
group was taken as a city (site). Also, in order to
implicitly consider the presence of obstacles, dis-
tances between cities were calculated based on their
geodesic distance, and the start and goal points were
added to the set of cities.
Figure 8: A sample workspace used for testing the model.
Figure 9: The traversed path and collected objects. Note
the partial perception of the obstacles through range-finder
We solved a number of problems with different
workspaces and various numbers of clusters by both
the TSP and our model. As the results show in Table
2, the proposed model performs quite comparable to
the optimal solutions obtained by solving the mTSP
Table 2: Comparison of the TSP and proposed models.
No. of
Path length
No. of collected
No. of visited
11 30.69 28 out of 63 5
10 31.89 31 out of 60 7
7 21.54 26 out of 61 6
11 35.37 36 out of 63 7
10 28.32 20 out of 60 5
7 40.13 61 out of 61 7
In this paper, we have proposed a new class of prob-
lems called Simultaneous Object Collection and
Shepherding (SOCS), in which a flock of robots
must collect some objects and guide them to a goal
region. The problem is analogous to the Traveling
Salesman Problem which is NP-hard. We also in-
corporated online obstacle sensing and avoidance
methods in the flocking behavior, and proposed a
fuzzy expert system for determining the strategy of
environment exploration. The model is enriched
with a number of complex group actions like defor-
mation, expansion, split and merge. A potential
advantage of the proposed model is its ability in
adapting its behavior to a previously-unknown envi-
ronment and simultaneously performing collecting
and shepherding tasks.
Future works will focus on extension of the
model to dynamic environments where the obstacles
or even the goal are not static and their movements
are unpredictable over the time. Also we can consid-
er the situation in which the flock has the opportuni-
ty for discharging its contents in a depot and contin-
ue collecting more objects. Also, adding the physical
properties of the environment like steepness, rough-
ness, etc. which can affect the robots’ paths and
velocity adjustments can be interesting.
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